This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be
1. Answer Writing Practice
2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing
3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!
Feel free to pool in your suggestions!
@AlexanderSupertramp I read your essay. Really liked it. The way you have woven it with adequate examples makes it an interesting read. However, just a suggestion in terms of structure - since this essay relies heavily on examples, segregate it wrt. Customary practices related to religion, caste, women, children, international etc. Then continuity and flow would be better.
Also I am in two minds about this thought - whether a paragraph should be devoted to the idea that certain customs and traditions are important to maintain continuity of civilization. I may have included this.
thanks for the review!
this is the first essay that i wrote, would surely try maintain the flow by segregating the examples next time.
I tried to include the customary values of satya, ahimsa, compassion and tolerance as the ones to be continued. Now that I think about it, I should've included traditions such as -respecting the elders, yoga. Couldn't think of anything strong hence skipped it. Any suitable examples in this regard?
thanks for the review!
this is the first essay that i wrote, would surely try maintain the flow by segregating the examples next time.
I tried to include the customary values of satya, ahimsa, compassion and tolerance as the ones to be continued. Now that I think about it, I should've included traditions such as -respecting the elders, yoga. Couldn't think of anything strong hence skipped it. Any suitable examples in this regard?
So I had read an article wrt. this, quoting from the same:
+ Mahatma Gandhi: “It is good to swim in the waters of tradition but to sink in them is suicide."
+ Take our tradition of taking care of our parents in their old age or the food habits of our grandparents that were so much healthier. Today, if parents are abandoned by children in old age homes, consider it a great civilisational tragedy because our tradition is to revere our parents.
+ In America, Thanksgiving is a cultural holiday that symbolises peace, thankfulness. Most Americans consider the holiday a day to gather and express their thanks through food, family. Such customary traditions reinforce family values etc.
+ Institution of marriage
+ Modern man provides new form to ancient traditions, social systems and cultural relations. He struggles with his time and creates suitable and refined norms. In this way, progressive spirit is essential to be modern. Traditional people find themselves unable to walk with time. They are rooted in traditional faith. They are not capable to break the pre-established social norms and are unable to seek the alternative. To claim that only the man of today is modern and the man of yesterday was utterly traditional can never be justified. Every age produces modern men. Every age has been modern during its span. The modern man has to clash with previous values of his age and time.
thanks for the review!
this is the first essay that i wrote, would surely try maintain the flow by segregating the examples next time.
I tried to include the customary values of satya, ahimsa, compassion and tolerance as the ones to be continued. Now that I think about it, I should've included traditions such as -respecting the elders, yoga. Couldn't think of anything strong hence skipped it. Any suitable examples in this regard?
So I had read an article wrt. this, quoting from the same:
+ Mahatma Gandhi: “It is good to swim in the waters of tradition but to sink in them is suicide."
+ Take our tradition of taking care of our parents in their old age or the food habits of our grandparents that were so much healthier. Today, if parents are abandoned by children in old age homes, consider it a great civilisational tragedy because our tradition is to revere our parents.
+ In America, Thanksgiving is a cultural holiday that symbolises peace, thankfulness. Most Americans consider the holiday a day to gather and express their thanks through food, family. Such customary traditions reinforce family values etc.
+ Institution of marriage
+ Modern man provides new form to ancient traditions, social systems and cultural relations. He struggles with his time and creates suitable and refined norms. In this way, progressive spirit is essential to be modern. Traditional people find themselves unable to walk with time. They are rooted in traditional faith. They are not capable to break the pre-established social norms and are unable to seek the alternative. To claim that only the man of today is modern and the man of yesterday was utterly traditional can never be justified. Every age produces modern men. Every age has been modern during its span. The modern man has to clash with previous values of his age and time.
very valuable inputs.
- Very poor maintenance and un-hygienic conditions in hospital premises.
- The hospital staff frequently demanding bribes from the patients for the services rendered.
- The negligent attitude of the Doctors resulting in times of casualties.
- Siphoning of a substantial stock of medicine by the staff and selling it out.
- Strong nexus between the senior Doctors of the hospital and the owners of local private nursing homes and testing labs as a result of which the patients are strongly misled and dissuaded from availing the hospital facilities and rather compelled to purchase costly medicines from market and get medical tests and even operations done from private medical houses.
- There also exist a notorious employee union which puts undue pressure and resents any reformative step by the administration.
Q. You are posted as the Medical Superintendent of a District level Govt. Hospital which caters to the need of poor patients from surrounding rural areas along with the local people from the district town.As such the hospital has very good infrastructure and adequate equipment to cater to this need. It also receives sufficient funds to meet the recurring expenditure. Inspite of this there have been repeated complaints particularly from the patients which include the following
- Very poor maintenance and un-hygienic conditions in hospital premises.
- The hospital staff frequently demanding bribes from the patients for the services rendered.
- The negligent attitude of the Doctors resulting in times of casualties.
- Siphoning of a substantial stock of medicine by the staff and selling it out.
- Strong nexus between the senior Doctors of the hospital and the owners of local private nursing homes and testing labs as a result of which the patients are strongly misled and dissuaded from availing the hospital facilities and rather compelled to purchase costly medicines from market and get medical tests and even operations done from private medical houses.
- There also exist a notorious employee union which puts undue pressure and resents any reformative step by the administration.
Ponder over the situation and suggest effective ways to tackle each of the above mentioned problem.
the problem here is caused by-
- low morale of staff- poor maintenance of hospital
- low ethical values- bribery, misleading
- lack of compassion towards the ill patients.
Ways to tackle the problem.
1. For poor maintenance and unhygienic conditions-
a) Motivating and boosting the morale of the staff to disseminate their duties properly.
b) arranging for the proper equipment for cleaning.
c) organising workshop on cleaning and importance of hygiene for both the staff as well as citizens.
2. Demanding of bribe-
a) Giving stern warning for not repeating the behaviour and future non- tolerance of such act.
b) Setting up a complaint desk where citizens can complaint in case some demands a bribe for doing any job.
c) Initiating disciplinary action for anyone found guilty of such acts.
3. The negligent attitude of doctors-
a) reminding them of the Hippocratic oath they have taken.
b) Motivating them to do their best and the change they are making towards the society.
c) Acknowledging and appreciating the good work done by them to boost their morale.
4. Siphoning off of medical stock by staff-
a) Short term-
(i) initiate action on those found guilty of such malpractices.
(ii) stamping the medicinal stock of hospital with the name of the hospital and not to be sold commercially.
(iii) Awaring people by asking them to inform the hospital authorities if they see medicines with such stock market.
b) long term- establishing an ICT system for medicine management. Every medicine which is bought by the hospital to be entered into the system and all the medicines should be given after entering the prescription in the system. This way record every single medicine would be maintained and anyone trying to syphon them off would be caught immediately.
5. Nexus between doctors and private parties-
a) Asking the doctors to write only the generic name/ salts of the medicine. So that people can buy whichever brand they like if the medicine is not available in the hospital.
b) No procedure that can take place in the hospital should be referred to private hospitals.
6. Employee union issue-
a) taking them into confidence before bringing reforms.
b) warning them of action if legitimate order are not obeyed.
c) making these unions more democratic by making them hold regular elections so that competent members can become leaders.
Q. You are posted as the Medical Superintendent of a District level Govt. Hospital which caters to the need of poor patients from surrounding rural areas along with the local people from the district town.As such the hospital has very good infrastructure and adequate equipment to cater to this need. It also receives sufficient funds to meet the recurring expenditure. Inspite of this there have been repeated complaints particularly from the patients which include the following
- Very poor maintenance and un-hygienic conditions in hospital premises.
- The hospital staff frequently demanding bribes from the patients for the services rendered.
- The negligent attitude of the Doctors resulting in times of casualties.
- Siphoning of a substantial stock of medicine by the staff and selling it out.
- Strong nexus between the senior Doctors of the hospital and the owners of local private nursing homes and testing labs as a result of which the patients are strongly misled and dissuaded from availing the hospital facilities and rather compelled to purchase costly medicines from market and get medical tests and even operations done from private medical houses.
- There also exist a notorious employee union which puts undue pressure and resents any reformative step by the administration.
Ponder over the situation and suggest effective ways to tackle each of the above mentioned problem.Pointers-
the problem here is caused by-
- low morale of staff- poor maintenance of hospital
- low ethical values- bribery, misleading
- lack of compassion towards the ill patients.
Ways to tackle the problem.
1. For poor maintenance and unhygienic conditions-
a) Motivating and boosting the morale of the staff to disseminate their duties properly.
b) arranging for the proper equipment for cleaning.
c) organising workshop on cleaning and importance of hygiene for both the staff as well as citizens.
2. Demanding of bribe-
a) Giving stern warning for not repeating the behaviour and future non- tolerance of such act.
b) Setting up a complaint desk where citizens can complaint in case some demands a bribe for doing any job.
c) Initiating disciplinary action for anyone found guilty of such acts.
3. The negligent attitude of doctors-
a) reminding them of the Hippocratic oath they have taken.
b) Motivating them to do their best and the change they are making towards the society.
c) Acknowledging and appreciating the good work done by them to boost their morale.
4. Siphoning off of medical stock by staff-
a) Short term-
(i) initiate action on those found guilty of such malpractices.
(ii) stamping the medicinal stock of hospital with the name of the hospital and not to be sold commercially.
(iii) Awaring people by asking them to inform the hospital authorities if they see medicines with such stock market.
b) long term- establishing an ICT system for medicine management. Every medicine which is bought by the hospital to be entered into the system and all the medicines should be given after entering the prescription in the system. This way record every single medicine would be maintained and anyone trying to syphon them off would be caught immediately.
5. Nexus between doctors and private parties-
a) Asking the doctors to write only the generic name/ salts of the medicine. So that people can buy whichever brand they like if the medicine is not available in the hospital.
b) No procedure that can take place in the hospital should be referred to private hospitals.
6. Employee union issue-
a) taking them into confidence before bringing reforms.
b) warning them of action if legitimate order are not obeyed.
c) making these unions more democratic by making them hold regular elections so that competent members can become leaders.
Very well summarised. Just adding on..
+The Principal objective of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with full respect for the dignity of profession and man.
+Government can cancel licenses of nursing homes and hospitals if they fail to stop unethical practices.
1. “Arriving at a conclusion” is a process, whereby you analyse both sides of the issues and then come to a conclusion based on the analyses. It gives an impression of being rational in making judgments/decisions.
2. Marks is provided based on content and that is what’s important. The only way to showcase that is analysing the issue/question from all aspect. In the end, your actual opinion to the direct question matters very less in the marks given
3. The only exception is an essay. Where you can give a hint about your opinions and let the examiner know where your essay will be headed in the initial part only.
You mentioned “both sides of the issue”.
I am considering that you meant “pros and cons/positives and negatives” there.
Now read this question:-
Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
Now in this question , will you critically evaluate too like will you give benefits and harms of hitting a woman?
I’m assuming a “No”.
Here one would definitely mention why we shouldn’t hit a woman(negatives of hitting woman) and can also suggest some way forwards that can be adopted to boost woman pride.
so here, the answer to this question can be directly started by saying yes one agree to this statement followed by why one think this way in the body part, is what i believe.
Sorry, I have been away because of some Covid issues.
The point that you are making, is it based on your logic or previous Mains experience, and experience of Mains marking?
Obviously, in an answer Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
You dont have to write positives of hitting a woman.
But what you have to write is why some people think hitting a woman is okay. Here "some" and "think" is important.
You have write this in 2-3 lines. Anyone who does this does get more marks than one who says "Hitting woman is bad because".
Plus going by your argument, do you think they really want YOUR Personal OPINION?
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
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I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
1. “Arriving at a conclusion” is a process, whereby you analyse both sides of the issues and then come to a conclusion based on the analyses. It gives an impression of being rational in making judgments/decisions.
2. Marks is provided based on content and that is what’s important. The only way to showcase that is analysing the issue/question from all aspect. In the end, your actual opinion to the direct question matters very less in the marks given
3. The only exception is an essay. Where you can give a hint about your opinions and let the examiner know where your essay will be headed in the initial part only.
You mentioned “both sides of the issue”.
I am considering that you meant “pros and cons/positives and negatives” there.
Now read this question:-
Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
Now in this question , will you critically evaluate too like will you give benefits and harms of hitting a woman?
I’m assuming a “No”.
Here one would definitely mention why we shouldn’t hit a woman(negatives of hitting woman) and can also suggest some way forwards that can be adopted to boost woman pride.
so here, the answer to this question can be directly started by saying yes one agree to this statement followed by why one think this way in the body part, is what i believe.
Sorry, I have been away because of some Covid issues.
The point that you are making, is it based on your logic or previous Mains experience, and experience of Mains marking?
Obviously, in an answer Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
You dont have to write positives of hitting a woman.
But what you have to write is why some people think hitting a woman is okay. Here "some" and "think" is important.
You have write this in 2-3 lines. Anyone who does this does get more marks than one who says "Hitting woman is bad because".
Plus going by your argument, do you think they really want YOUR Personal OPINION?
Please keep note that this is humanities. Writing No, In my opinion hitting women is wrong fetches zero marks. It is not a Yes or No Answer at all, even if it looks likes.
Your answer is the analysis. Not the reply.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
1. “Arriving at a conclusion” is a process, whereby you analyse both sides of the issues and then come to a conclusion based on the analyses. It gives an impression of being rational in making judgments/decisions.
2. Marks is provided based on content and that is what’s important. The only way to showcase that is analysing the issue/question from all aspect. In the end, your actual opinion to the direct question matters very less in the marks given
3. The only exception is an essay. Where you can give a hint about your opinions and let the examiner know where your essay will be headed in the initial part only.
You mentioned “both sides of the issue”.
I am considering that you meant “pros and cons/positives and negatives” there.
Now read this question:-
Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
Now in this question , will you critically evaluate too like will you give benefits and harms of hitting a woman?
I’m assuming a “No”.
Here one would definitely mention why we shouldn’t hit a woman(negatives of hitting woman) and can also suggest some way forwards that can be adopted to boost woman pride.
so here, the answer to this question can be directly started by saying yes one agree to this statement followed by why one think this way in the body part, is what i believe.
Sorry, I have been away because of some Covid issues.
The point that you are making, is it based on your logic or previous Mains experience, and experience of Mains marking?
Obviously, in an answer Hitting a woman is wrong. Do you agree?
You dont have to write positives of hitting a woman.
But what you have to write is why some people think hitting a woman is okay. Here "some" and "think" is important.
You have write this in 2-3 lines. Anyone who does this does get more marks than one who says "Hitting woman is bad because".
Plus going by your argument, do you think they really want YOUR Personal OPINION?
Please keep note that this is humanities. Writing No, In my opinion hitting women is wrong fetches zero marks. It is not a Yes or No Answer at all, even if it looks likes.
Your answer is the analysis. Not the reply.
I beg to differ. Even though it is a humanities paper and it is the analysis that matters, one has to be categorical about certain things that are wrong by all means.
Child labour is child abuse- yes it is. Putting it across as: poverty compels children into labour and the causes are as follows is not the right approach.
If it's an essay for example, one has the luxury to present other points of view. For example, not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children's or adolescents' participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive.
Your views?
@upsc2020 sensitise kar lo kya oath dilwaoge aftr all oath toh pol representatives bhi le baithe hain and how good they r every1 knows!!
That's reality. This is an alternate point of view and a suggestion given the current crisis in policing and recent turn of events.
If illegal religious structure by minority community funded by mla wht shud 1 do as sdm(1 has lrdy verified and sent show cause notice 2 whch reply came 4 fine readiness but request of no demolition as almost complete and no othr prayer place)??
Ok so two points here.
- If the construction is almost complete, demolition doesn't make sense and would unnecessarily upset communal harmony. However, the administration cannot be seen as lax, which is why, there should be a heavy penalty imposed. There are SC precedents for the same. Also, to prevent such incidents in future, the municipality should demarcate zones wherein religious structures can be built. Non compliance of the same should be dealt with demolition at the early stages itself.
- the collusion of faith and power only results in the benefits for the powerful. There is a need to sensitize all communities not to support construction of illegal structures.
As SDM, that's as much can be done. The court can take suo moto cognizance and give restraining orders.
@Naadan_Parinda Image not available on all devices. Reposting your question.
Do we still need religion?
What is the role of faith if still today more human right violations have their roots in it - or its institutions - than in any other cause?
@Naadan_Parinda Image not available on all devices. Reposting your question.
Do we still need religion?
What is the role of faith if still today more human right violations have their roots in it - or its institutions - than in any other cause?
Is man one of God’s blunders? Or is God one of man’s blunders?
What has been the role of religion in society ?
Throughout history, religion has been the most important force shaping beliefs about the purpose of life, our place in the world, and how society should be structured. No matter how many religions have spawned upon throughout the centuries or how they differ in their dogmas, they all share a common role in infusing social virtues, creating social cohesion and providing individual peace.
Humans strive for belonging, and religion provides that - as a way of feeling, as a way of feeling together. And since all societies have religion, it has a social function, which I have mentioned above.
All major theorists have argued on similar lines that religion brings the society together, it's the opium of the masses etc etc.
I can go on ranting about this, but fast forwarding to the situation today. Religion is not what it used to be. Religion is on a decline. Israel 39 pc, Norway 30 pc, China 89pc people are committed atheists. Many who still want to affliate to religion are adopting Syncretism which is the “pick and mix” approach of combining religious traditions and practices. Eventually, humans want something to cling to. Religious people claim that it has a liberating and calming effect which helps them to overcome their fears—they see their God as a protector and maintain a hope for better things to come. Hope is what it gives. We all know how doctrines of faith are twisted for vested interests and to wage wars, so I will not delve into that at all.
However, the Question which I will raise here is - when morality is at the heart of every religion, do we need religion to create a moral society? Morality pre-dates religion, right ? Humans are created with a moral compass of right and wrong. What we need are good citizens and generations who are raised to think and question - do right thing for right reason. Doesn't matter whether you do it in a religious setup or not.
The problem that arises is the moral compass that we have internally is fallible and gets swayed, which religions claim to keep in check. Perhaps which is why, 84% of the world’s population identifies with a religious group today.
I know I do not answer your question exactly. :p