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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this


Thank you! But guess content wise below average!

Let’s solve the ethics previous year topic wise? I will post daily 3-4 question and in a week will complete all the question what say?
@rashiv thanks for the advice. i am thinking of taking mgp due to good reviews.

Let’s solve the ethics previous year topic wise? I will post daily 3-4 question and in a week will complete all the question what say?

3-4 questions a day will be a little too much. Maximum of 1 question and 1 case study a day is what can be managed via this platform. Better to do little everyday and be consistent with it 

ssver2,upsc2020and1 otherslike this


Let’s solve the ethics previous year topic wise? I will post daily 3-4 question and in a week will complete all the question what say?

3-4 questions a day will be a little too much. Maximum of 1 question and 1 case study a day is what can be managed via this platform. Better to do little everyday and be consistent with it 

Agreed. I would like to stress more on peer review and brainstorming as exchange of ideas always helps, esp with this paper. 



Social values are more important than economic values. Discuss in the context of inclusive governance. 
Inclusive governance is guided by the principle of "leaving no one behind" in the pursuit of welfare for all. Values as preferred ideals are integral to social conduct. In the context of inclusive governance participatory approach, equitable outcome for all, integrity and accountability, empathy and compassion towards weaker sections are some key values.
Social values like tolerance, empathy, justice, responsibility, equality etc. enable dignity and peaceful coexistence of all. The fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution like abolition of untouchability and Right to life are based on such social values.
Economic values corresponds to the economic model adopted by a state, like profit and consumerism in capitalist economy or redistribution of resources in a socialist economy. 
Nonetheless any thriving economy requires certain social conditions for smooth functioning such as
1. Values of tolerance and respect for diversity are seen as important to build investor's confidence in an economy 
2. Corruption and red tapism can prevent inflow of capital in an economy 
3. Sustainable development is based on environmental ethics calling for just and responsible usage of nature.
Inclusive governance cannot take place if profit making takes place as the the cost of environmental degradation and loss of livelihood for people dependent on these resources. If redistribution fails tof reduce inequality then it is not inclusive governance. 
The Yellow Vest movement in France or protests in Chile show that economic development without social values like justice, dignity, equality hampers inclusive governance. 
Hence mere economic values cannot result in inclusive governance. Therein lies the importance of social values.

The France and Chile example is very apt and unique. 

Let’s solve the ethics previous year topic wise? I will post daily 3-4 question and in a week will complete all the question what say?

1/2 questions I think should do to sustain momentum. What say?

i want to practice for mains .but i want to write regularly and seriously on weekends so can somebody suggest how should proceed

MGP is a good option. Vision - can be used for practice. I am not blown away by their feedbacks. 

You may Utilize these threads additionally for practice and peer review.

@upsc2020 Then is there a need to spend money on it or free pdfs would suffice, given that i Write them religiously.



Let’s solve the ethics previous year topic wise? I will post daily 3-4 question and in a week will complete all the question what say?

3-4 questions a day will be a little too much. Maximum of 1 question and 1 case study a day is what can be managed via this platform. Better to do little everyday and be consistent with it 

totally agree with this. 

@upsc2020 Then is there a need to spend money on it or free pdfs would suffice, given that i Write them religiously.

Spend money on ?

@upsc2020  mains test series of vision or forumias (25k-40k rupees)

@upsc2020  mains test series of vision or forumias (25k-40k rupees)

Forumias I would recommend for the feedback. Doesn't make sense if u join 2. 

5. All people do not aspire for excellence. Do you agree? What does “excellence‟ mean to you? What are you doing to develop the virtue of excellence in yourself?
6. Explain with examples how whistle-blowing is both an ethical and unethical act if seen in different perspectives?
5. All people do not aspire for excellence. Do you agree? What does “excellence‟ mean to you? What are you doing to develop the virtue of excellence in yourself?

Excellence to me refers to achieving the most optimal level of performance in a given activity. Eg Sachin Tendulkar achieved excellence in his cover drives. 

Achieving excellence requires years of focused hardwork and fortitude among other things. But the aspiration to achieve excellence precedes all other requirements. Not all humans aspire for excellence for following reasons :-

A. Self doubt - it deters an individual from believing in oneself and aiming for excellence. It is for this reason APJ Abdul Kalam focussed on role of parents to instil confidence in their children 

B. Soc-eco constraints- Abhijit Banerjee in his book Poor Economics evidences how poverty trap deters individuals from having higher aspiration and realising potential due to immediate severe hardships 

C. Consumption culture- Era of globalisation has thrown open immense distraction around our lives to consume Eg Social media and Over the top media service.  It Deters individuals from having ability to concentrate for longer and work towards excellence.

I develop the virtue of excellence via 

1. Increasing my self awareness via meditation. This is followed by self regulation to improve on flaws and attain desirable traits like adaptability . 

2. Have correct role models to take inspiration from and motivate myself. Eg ISRO chief K.Sivan 

3. Following my passion, which helps me sustain my efforts and have honest intentions towards it. 

In light of Article 51A which enumerates fundamental duty to strive for excellence, all must get on the path of realising their fullest potential and do service to the nation. 

ssver2,upsc2020and4 otherslike this
6. Explain with examples how whistle-blowing is both an ethical and unethical act if seen in different perspectives?

Whistleblowing refers to the act of disclosing secretive information of the institution one works at for it being unethical or illegal. Eg Exposing of Vyapam scam was due to whistleblowers. It’s ethicality differs from a matter of perception :-

1. Edward Snowden blew the whistle on surveillance of CIA on USA citizen. 

A. It was deemed ethical due to upholding public morality and preventing a surveillance State impacting right to privacy 

B. It was also deemed unethical for being an act of treason, for it made public highly classified information which Snowden was duty bound to protect 

2. In 2018, 4 Supreme Court judges gave a press conference on highlighting their concerns over the role of CJI and it’s dispensation of functions specifically being the master of roster 

A. The said act can be said to be ethical for ushering some transparency on actual functioning of Supreme Court and strengthening justice delivery mechanism for exposing some ills in the system 

B. It was also said to be unethical for it went against the principle of “institutions are bigger than the individual”. By making it public, it reduces the credibility of the Judiciary as a clean institution dispensing justice 

From above two examples we see how whistleblowing has differing value judgement based on perception. The need is to ensure following Gandhiji’s teaching. That of following one’s dharma, if an individual believes in his cause and that to be just, he should take up the action of whistleblowing. 



5. All people do not aspire for excellence. Do you agree? What does “excellence‟ mean to you? What are you doing to develop the virtue of excellence in yourself?

Excellence to me refers to achieving the most optimal level of performance in a given activity. Eg Sachin Tendulkar achieved excellence in his cover drives. 

Achieving excellence requires years of focused hardwork and fortitude among other things. But the aspiration to achieve excellence precedes all other requirements. Not all humans aspire for excellence for following reasons :-

A. Self doubt - it deters an individual from believing in oneself and aiming for excellence. It is for this reason APJ Abdul Kalam focussed on role of parents to instil confidence in their children 

B. Soc-eco constraints- Abhijit Banerjee in his book Poor Economics evidences how poverty trap deters individuals from having higher aspiration and realising potential due to immediate severe hardships 

C. Consumption culture- Era of globalisation has thrown open immense distraction around our lives to consume Eg Social media and Over the top media service.  It Deters individuals from having ability to concentrate for longer and work towards excellence.

I develop the virtue of excellence via 

1. Increasing my self awareness via meditation. This is followed by self regulation to improve on flaws and attain desirable traits like adaptability . 

2. Have correct role models to take inspiration from and motivate myself. Eg ISRO chief K.Sivan 

3. Following my passion, which helps me sustain my efforts and have honest intentions towards it. 

In light of Article 51A which enumerates fundamental duty to strive for excellence, all must get on the path of realising their fullest potential and do service to the nation. 


+ Aim to achieve excellence in the work that is carried out with good intention for larger good of others EthicalExcellenceprovides success that is sustainable and fulfilling.



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Whistleblowing refers to the act of disclosing secretive information of the institution one works at for it being unethical or illegal. Eg Exposing of Vyapam scam was due to whistleblowers. It’s ethicality differs from a matter of perception :-

1. Edward Snowden blew the whistle on surveillance of CIA on USA citizen. 

A. It was deemed ethical due to upholding public morality and preventing a surveillance State impacting right to privacy 

B. It was also deemed unethical for being an act of treason, for it made public highly classified information which Snowden was duty bound to protect 

2. In 2018, 4 Supreme Court judges gave a press conference on highlighting their concerns over the role of CJI and it’s dispensation of functions specifically being the master of roster 

A. The said act can be said to be ethical for ushering some transparency on actual functioning of Supreme Court and strengthening justice delivery mechanism for exposing some ills in the system 

B. It was also said to be unethical for it went against the principle of “institutions are bigger than the individual”. By making it public, it reduces the credibility of the Judiciary as a clean institution dispensing justice 

From above two examples we see how whistleblowing has differing value judgement based on perception. The need is to ensure following Gandhiji’s teaching. That of following one’s dharma, if an individual believes in his cause and that to be just, he should take up the action of whistleblowing. 

While the answer you've written is good, I suggest that try to include something related to civil services. For example, 

+Truth versus Loyalty: whether a civil servant should remain loyal to the government or he should speak truth for the interest of the society. It is also a classic dilemma in case of whistle-blowing. So from the perspective of govt it would appear unethical, however from the WB's perspective it is ethical. 

Conclusion: ought to be balanced - Whistle-blowing is a brave act of conscience, boundaries are blurred and the resort needs to be taken when alternative avenues are not correcting the situation. 

6. Explain with examples how whistle-blowing is both an ethical and unethical act if seen in different perspectives?

Whistle-blowing refers to the act of bringing unethical or illegal practices being performed in an organisation into public notice.

Like every coin has two sides, so is the case with whistle-blowing. 

Whistle-blowing as an ethical practice - 

  • It works for the larger good of the society. For example Vyapam case led to bringing in forefront corruption in medical admissions in Madhya Pradesh 
  • It helps in keeping a check on unbridled power of the officials of an organization. For instance, insider trading practices have been declared as illegal by SEBI. 
  • On an individual level, it ensures that a person does not suffer from crisis of conscience. 

Whistle-blowing as an unethical practice 

  • Leads of trust deficit in the society as well as organization as was seen after the press conference of SC judges in 2018. 
  • Breach of confidentiality 
  • Can lead to lowering of market sentiment and make shareholders/other stakeholders suffer like in case of Satyam. 
  • If false, it can tarnish the reputation for a long time to come. 

While it is true that whistle-blowing acts have on several occasions brought into picture unethical practices like poor governance, corruption etc into public foray, they have also raised question about the exercise of such acts by individuals. Thus, there is a need to have guidelines which can clearly demarcate the occasions on which such acts would be permissible along with other mechanisms to deal with complaints. 

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