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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this


12. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to make your emotions work for you instead of against you”. Do you agree with this view? Discuss. 
13. You are heading the rescue operations in an area affected by severe natural calamity. Thousands of people are rendered homeless and deprived of food, drinking water and other basic amenities. Rescue work has been disrupted by heavy rainfall and damage to supply routes. The local people are seething with anger against the delayed limited rescue operations. When your team reaches the affected area, the people there heckle and even assault some of the team members . One of your team members is even severely injured. Faced with this crisis, some team members plead with you to call off the operations fearing threats to their life.
In such trying circumstances, what will be your response? Examine the qualities of a public servant which will be required to manage the situation.

I am starting GS4 preparation today. can anyone suggest sources to read from?

Any suggestions on how to go about GS4 preparation would be really welcomed!


I am starting GS4 preparation today. can anyone suggest sources to read from?

Any suggestions on how to go about GS4 preparation would be really welcomed!

In my opinion,

- Previous year’s papers - to understand the scope of the syllabus and type of questions asked.

-  Study material of any institute (you do not have to memorize it, but internalize the gist and some basic definitions).

- Harvard Prof. Michael Sandel course on Justice. 

DoPT manual on ethics for civil servants with Indian perspective. 

- While reading newspaper, try to focus on actions of various people involved. Use them as examples.  

Ethics is about articulation. It can be improved with the help of regular writing practice.

- Read some topper's answers to get an idea of how answers are written. 

maggiie,Chaotic_homoand1 otherslike this
12. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to make your emotions work for you instead of against you”. Do you agree with this view? Discuss. 

Emotion is a state of mind such as anger, happiness, etc. Emotional intelligence is the ability to utilise one's state of mind to one's situations favorably. For instance - an emotionally intelligent person will utilise his frustration overv failure to improve performance instead of letting frustration exhaust him mentally and physically. Thus emotional intelligence is a positive concept.
It has three aspects -
1. Awareness about one's emotional state
2. Ability to harness emotions and apply them to emerging situations
3. Ability to manage emotions that includes regulating one's own emotions and that of others.
A Satyagrahi does not let his pain and suffering overpower him but uses the same to bring transform the opponent's heart and mind. The freedom fighters channelised their sufferings and those of fellow Indians against the British power. 

Thus, emotional intelligence is the ability to make emotions work for one instead of against it.

13. You are heading the rescue operations in an area affected by severe natural calamity. Thousands of people are rendered homeless and deprived of food, drinking water and other basic amenities. Rescue work has been disrupted by heavy rainfall and damage to supply routes. The local people are seething with anger against the delayed limited rescue operations. When your team reaches the affected area, the people there heckle and even assault some of the team members . One of your team members is even severely injured. Faced with this crisis, some team members plead with you to call off the operations fearing threats to their life.
In such trying circumstances, what will be your response? Examine the qualities of a public servant which will be required to manage the situation.

Confronted with people angry over bad service delivery my response will be
A. Solicit cooperation
1. Communicating with affected residents about reasons for delay such as damage to supply route and steps taken for their rescue time to time through community radio, loud speakers, etc..
2. Request cooperation from residents for quicker rescue operations
B. Boost morale of team members
1. Arrange necessary medical intervention for injured members.
2. Remind them of their call of duty and an opportunity to display their grit and skills
C. Speak to senior officers and relevant departments if air lifting of stranded people can be arranged in given situation.
All in all my entire focus will be successful completion of the mission.
Qualities of a public servant
1. Dedication to the task at hand. No amount of adversity should come on the way of evacuation of victims of the calamity.
2. Compassionately deal with angry people as well as rescue team members
3. Emotional intelligence in terms of channelising motivation, team spirit among members
4. Objective, clear, empathetic decision making keeping in mind the evolving situations
5. Lead by example : work with team members on field to motivate them instead of merely passing directions.


EI is an ability to understand emotions of self and others as well. eg- gandhiji’s balancing act in Ahmedabad mills strike b/w labours and businessman.

How it works for you?
  1. makes one empathetic toward others.
  2. makes you self-aware= decision with accurate assessment, confidence...
  3. enshrine with self regulation= thinking before acting.
  4. provides motivation for working even in case of failure.
  5. helps in providing inspirational leadership eg-pm modi

However, it can be slippery slope as it helps in building relations, so sometimes you take decision based on emotions, which can be proved wrong sometimes.

conckusion= following Buddha’s middle path.



EI is an ability to understand emotions of self and others as well. eg- gandhiji’s balancing act in Ahmedabad mills strike b/w labours and businessman.

How it works for you?
  1. makes one empathetic toward others.
  2. makes you self-aware= decision with accurate assessment, confidence...
  3. enshrine with self regulation= thinking before acting.
  4. provides motivation for working even in case of failure.
  5. helps in providing inspirational leadership eg-pm modi

However, it can be slippery slope as it helps in building relations, so sometimes you take decision based on emotions, which can be proved wrong sometimes.

conckusion= following Buddha’s middle path.

Take my feedback as value addition points 

1. EI- the ability to identify and manage emotions of oneself and that of others. Good example of Gandhiji

2. How it works for you 

A. Self awareness- Helps in identifying emotions which may exist in excess. Eg Aid in recognising fundamentalism and working towards tolerance 

B. Self regulation- Buddhist 4 fold path of identifying desire and regulating your behaviour to remove the desires 

C. Empathy- being able to understand emotions helps in adhering to spirit of service in public service. Eg Work of DM Raj Yadav in adopting villages for development purpose 

3. How lack of EI can work against you 

A. Lack of ability to regulate emotions can lead to excessive negative emotion. Eg Anger, greed 

B. Low self awareness will perpetuate negative impact on emotions. Eg Prejudice against LGBTQI community 

4. Hence we see that EI does help in making emotion work for our benefit. But additionally it also is the ability to motivate team and have an effective social skills to communicate. 

5. It’s necessary to cultivate EI in public servant for better dispensing of their duty in an objective fair manner.  

Deepak802,chamomileand3 otherslike this
@rashiv I was missing on part of examples and conclusion. Thanks for value addition!



13. You are heading the rescue operations in an area affected by severe natural calamity. Thousands of people are rendered homeless and deprived of food, drinking water and other basic amenities. Rescue work has been disrupted by heavy rainfall and damage to supply routes. The local people are seething with anger against the delayed limited rescue operations. When your team reaches the affected area, the people there heckle and even assault some of the team members . One of your team members is even severely injured. Faced with this crisis, some team members plead with you to call off the operations fearing threats to their life.
In such trying circumstances, what will be your response? Examine the qualities of a public servant which will be required to manage the situation.

Confronted with people angry over bad service delivery my response will be
A. Solicit cooperation
1. Communicating with affected residents about reasons for delay such as damage to supply route and steps taken for their rescue time to time through community radio, loud speakers, etc..
2. Request cooperation from residents for quicker rescue operations
B. Boost morale of team members
1. Arrange necessary medical intervention for injured members.
2. Remind them of their call of duty and an opportunity to display their grit and skills
C. Speak to senior officers and relevant departments if air lifting of stranded people can be arranged in given situation.
All in all my entire focus will be successful completion of the mission.
Qualities of a public servant
1. Dedication to the task at hand. No amount of adversity should come on the way of evacuation of victims of the calamity.
2. Compassionately deal with angry people as well as rescue team members
3. Emotional intelligence in terms of channelising motivation, team spirit among members
4. Objective, clear, empathetic decision making keeping in mind the evolving situations
5. Lead by example : work with team members on field to motivate them instead of merely passing directions.

Some inputs for qualities:

1. Spirit of Service which promotes the idea that individuals can make a difference and that at any moment you can influence an outcome. 

2. Empathy to understand the plight of affected people

3. Persuasive decision making 

4. Emotional intelligence to also develop a quick rapport with affected population -establish peace and set things in order.

I am divided about the thought of quoting real life examples of such situation in case studies. What's your opinion?

@rashiv @TheNotorious 

14. At the international level, bilateral relations between most nations are governed on the policy of promoting one’s own national interest without any regard for the interest of other nations. This lead to conflicts and tension between the nations. How can ethical consideration help resolve such tensions? Discuss with specific examples.
14. At the international level, bilateral relations between most nations are governed on the policy of promoting one’s own national interest without any regard for the interest of other nations. This lead to conflicts and tension between the nations. How can ethical consideration help resolve such tensions? Discuss with specific examples.

National interest refers to those objectives and goals pursued by a nation for the security and overall welfare of its people. Eg Maintaining territorial integrity 

Since advent of international politics, nations have pursued relations with other nations for achieving their national interest. This leads to unintended consequences unimagined or uncared for by said nation. Eg USA-Soviet policy on Afghanistan led to Taliban issue of today 

The same can also be seen in an era of neo-colonialism in China’s action of pursuing it’s national interests by using debt trap diplomacy in its bilateral relation. Eg 75% of total debt owed by Maldives is to China. This is used to undermine sovereignty of Maldives and creates rift between the two nations. 

To remedy this dangerous trend, ethical considerations can help in the following :-

1. Humanity- following the principle of humans as centre of interest, nations like Bangladesh and Myanmar must cooperate and resolve Rohingya issue 

2. Principle of non violence- pursuing national interest by leveraging soft power rather than hard power. Eg India’s use of diaspora for pursuing national interest with USA 

3. Responsibilities and Accountability- By recognising and undertaking responsibility, developed nation can contribute towards Paris Agreement goal of $100bn fund and technology development. This will alleviate tensions between developed and developing nations

While ethical consideration can alleviate global tension and make world more peaceful and cooperative, thinkers like Kenneth Waltz warn of intrinsic nature of international relation being amoral and power centric. 



13. You are heading the rescue operations in an area affected by severe natural calamity. Thousands of people are rendered homeless and deprived of food, drinking water and other basic amenities. Rescue work has been disrupted by heavy rainfall and damage to supply routes. The local people are seething with anger against the delayed limited rescue operations. When your team reaches the affected area, the people there heckle and even assault some of the team members . One of your team members is even severely injured. Faced with this crisis, some team members plead with you to call off the operations fearing threats to their life.
In such trying circumstances, what will be your response? Examine the qualities of a public servant which will be required to manage the situation.

Confronted with people angry over bad service delivery my response will be
A. Solicit cooperation
1. Communicating with affected residents about reasons for delay such as damage to supply route and steps taken for their rescue time to time through community radio, loud speakers, etc..
2. Request cooperation from residents for quicker rescue operations
B. Boost morale of team members
1. Arrange necessary medical intervention for injured members.
2. Remind them of their call of duty and an opportunity to display their grit and skills
C. Speak to senior officers and relevant departments if air lifting of stranded people can be arranged in given situation.
All in all my entire focus will be successful completion of the mission.
Qualities of a public servant
1. Dedication to the task at hand. No amount of adversity should come on the way of evacuation of victims of the calamity.
2. Compassionately deal with angry people as well as rescue team members
3. Emotional intelligence in terms of channelising motivation, team spirit among members
4. Objective, clear, empathetic decision making keeping in mind the evolving situations
5. Lead by example : work with team members on field to motivate them instead of merely passing directions.

Some inputs for qualities:

1. Spirit of Service which promotes the idea that individuals can make a difference and that at any moment you can influence an outcome. 

2. Empathy to understand the plight of affected people

3. Persuasive decision making 

4. Emotional intelligence to also develop a quick rapport with affected population -establish peace and set things in order.

I am divided about the thought of quoting real life examples of such situation in case studies. What's your opinion?

@rashiv @TheNotorious 

I think quoting real life examples will lead credibility to your point. It will act as a reinforcer for your points 


Realpolitik view international relations solely from the lens of national interest, marked by convergence or divergence of national interest with other nations. 

The pursuit of realism lead to competition over natural resources, violation of global norms, conflict over sea lines of communication, and often use of aggressive diplomacy. Eg- China's wolf warrior diplomacy to bend the global order in wake of covid crisis. 

Ethical considerations can reslove such tensions in following ways: 

1. Enlightened national interest: the objectives and means to achieve the goals are aligned with the larger interest of other nations. I k gujral doctrine to help neighboring nations of india shows the same. 

2. Common good: goals are set to achieve global common good. Eg international solar alliance for promoting renewable energy. 

3. Rule based global order: UN human right's charter promoted natural justice, hence , reducing atrocities and war crimes.

4. Enhancement of soft power: Japan taking moral responsibility for atrocities committed during world war 2 boost it's prestige and standing in world order. 

5. Rights based approach: recently concluded free trade agreement between vietnam and EU compelled vietnam to abolish child labour, upholding rights of children.

Propagation of democratic principles, strengthening multilateral institutions, incorporation of rights in trade deals, etc are required for establishing ethics based international relationships.



Please review my case study
14. At the international level, bilateral relations between most nations are governed on the policy of promoting one’s own national interest without any regard for the interest of other nations. This lead to conflicts and tension between the nations. How can ethical consideration help resolve such tensions? Discuss with specific examples.

NI= goals and ambitions perused for ensuring national security and growth of its people.

During industrialisation of 18th century, national engaged among themselves to attain their national interest which lead to unintended consequences for countries. eg- scarmble for Africa—>poverty, civil wars... same can be seen in contemporary world as well eg- china’s BRI which led to debt of participant countries 

Following ethical considerations can help to resolve such tensions

  1. humanity 
  2. ensuring responsibility and accountability eg- in Paris agreement developed countries are held accountable for pollution and agreed that they’ll assist developing countries technically and financially in reducing pollution level.

in times when signs can be seen of Cold War 2.0, such ethical considerations may help reducing tensions between countries.


Realpolitik view international relations solely from the lens of national interest, marked by convergence or divergence of national interest with other nations. 

The pursuit of realism lead to competition over natural resources, violation of global norms, conflict over sea lines of communication, and often use of aggressive diplomacy. Eg- China's wolf warrior diplomacy to bend the global order in wake of covid crisis. 

Ethical considerations can reslove such tensions in following ways: 

1. Enlightened national interest: the objectives and means to achieve the goals are aligned with the larger interest of other nations. I k gujral doctrine to help neighboring nations of india shows the same. 

2. Common good: goals are set to achieve global common good. Eg international solar alliance for promoting renewable energy. 

3. Rule based global order: UN human right's charter promoted natural justice, hence , reducing atrocities and war crimes.

4. Enhancement of soft power: Japan taking moral responsibility for atrocities committed during world war 2 boost it's prestige and standing in world order. 

5. Rights based approach: recently concluded free trade agreement between vietnam and EU compelled vietnam to abolish child labour, upholding rights of children.

Propagation of democratic principles, strengthening multilateral institutions, incorporation of rights in trade deals, etc are required for establishing ethics based international relationships.


Well written answer, 2 things to keep in mind

1. Focus more on bilateral relation example , since that’s the demand

2. On viewing, the answer tilted slightly towards a G.S 2 IR answer than GS 4 answer.



14. At the international level, bilateral relations between most nations are governed on the policy of promoting one’s own national interest without any regard for the interest of other nations. This lead to conflicts and tension between the nations. How can ethical consideration help resolve such tensions? Discuss with specific examples.

NI= goals and ambitions perused for ensuring national security and growth of its people.

During industrialisation of 18th century, national engaged among themselves to attain their national interest which lead to unintended consequences for countries. eg- scarmble for Africa—>poverty, civil wars... same can be seen in contemporary world as well eg- china’s BRI which led to debt of participant countries 

Following ethical considerations can help to resolve such tensions

  1. humanity 
  2. ensuring responsibility and accountability eg- in Paris agreement developed countries are held accountable for pollution and agreed that they’ll assist developing countries technically and financially in reducing pollution level.

in times when signs can be seen of Cold War 2.0, such ethical considerations may help reducing tensions between countries.

1. Good way of showing how national interest dominates from historical to contemporary times

2. Need more examples and points 

3. Bring more GS 4 knowledge in the answer 




14. At the international level, bilateral relations between most nations are governed on the policy of promoting one’s own national interest without any regard for the interest of other nations. This lead to conflicts and tension between the nations. How can ethical consideration help resolve such tensions? Discuss with specific examples.

NI= goals and ambitions perused for ensuring national security and growth of its people.

During industrialisation of 18th century, national engaged among themselves to attain their national interest which lead to unintended consequences for countries. eg- scarmble for Africa—>poverty, civil wars... same can be seen in contemporary world as well eg- china’s BRI which led to debt of participant countries 

Following ethical considerations can help to resolve such tensions

  1. humanity 
  2. ensuring responsibility and accountability eg- in Paris agreement developed countries are held accountable for pollution and agreed that they’ll assist developing countries technically and financially in reducing pollution level.

in times when signs can be seen of Cold War 2.0, such ethical considerations may help reducing tensions between countries.

1. Good way of showing how national interest dominates from historical to contemporary times

2. Need more examples and points 

3. Bring more GS 4 knowledge in the answer 

Working on point 2 and 3 👍🏻

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