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[Open Conversation] What is the final solution?

People have lost lives.

ORN and KB are beyond the carrying capacity.

Municipal Infrastructure needs a rethink and requires large public funds.

Classes and Libraries happen in basement because they are noise insulated and cheaper than regular floors. After the fire incident in Shubham Palace,  upper floors were considered off limits for classes as fire moves upwards.

What is the final solution to all this ?

What is the 

DM,slightedge109and5 otherslike this


While it is possible to do classes in online mode, having bunch of people around studying and with common goal helps, so the need for offline at least in the beginning year of preparation.

And if things are good ,then things become crowded.

We thought that we will get people selected from a residential academy. We succeeded in parts. We thought we will make a less congested Rajinder Nagar. And with the fall of ORN, we need to rethink if we even want another Rajinder Nagar.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

mohanapriya_mudoms640,JakePeralta7and2 otherslike this
@Neyawn  maybe start with your institute first.  Lead by example , avoid using basements for classes ( forumias has a basement) . Advertise that you are not doing that.  Stop charging high fees for every course of the earth  . The prices of sfg are very high . The answer  check-ing quality of awfg is very poor . Similar to dristi ias you people also started posting mock interviews of students with a sole intention of garnering more views / market more courses  

Sorry for the 15m answer for a 10 marks question. I hope I won't be charged for getting this answer checked . 

Ganymede,Lisan Al-Gaib
@Neyawn  maybe start with your institute first.  Lead by example , avoid using basements for classes ( forumias has a basement) . Advertise that you are not doing that.  Stop charging high fees for every course of the earth  . The prices of sfg are very high . The answer  check-ing quality of awfg is very poor . Similar to dristi ias you people also started posting mock interviews of students with a sole intention of garnering more views / market more courses  

Sorry for the 15m answer for a 10 marks question. I hope I won't be charged for getting this answer checked . 

The basement issue is over. No classes of Forum will be held in basements.

If you and other people think that SFG is expensive that we'll close that as well. It won't be possible to run it. Because it will require us to have large seating capacity. And SFG in onlin mode wont work for many students.

Interview videos i think are harmless and don't even attract views.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


Except the land owners of ORN, no one is happy. Students have to pay high rent for shitty rooms. You look to the sky and its covered with multiple kind of tangled wires. 
Pusa road might have land rates shooting over 100crs, hence institutes and libraries adopt measures to cut cost.

I wonder what made this place a 'hub' for IAS coaching! 

Perhaps institutes should collude and shift to some place else. Making it a planned 'hub'. This sounds too utopian though.

Dead Man,TheMissingStar
Planned relocation to other places in Delhi by coachings institutions will decongest ORN and KB. Perhaps to the places in and around Delhi with less Rents, and Real estate rates. 

@Neyawn sir, kindly make online classes more accessible (slightly less price than offline) and interactive. This will solve the problem upto some extent.

Eg, as per the brochure of Dipin Sir's CA class, online class is around +2000rs costly than in offline mode.

What I think sir, if online classes of same level of interactive nature and slightly less in price as compared to offline classes will be made available... then it will surely convert many like me in online mode. 


@Neyawn Was waiting for your response on this tragedy.

It would better to shift to Noida(less expensive and better civic amenities than Gurgaon). Infact the IAPL house doesn't have proper fire fighting measures(can't see fire extinguisher or sprinklers around)..may be I am wrong on this front.

It houses 3 coaching institutes with large student capacity but has only one staircase. Lower ground toilets are almost choked. Safety standards should not be compromised.

As a teacher who is admired by so many students...I beleive you should take a lead to solve this mess



@Neyawn Was waiting for your response on this tragedy.

It would better to shift to Noida(less expensive and better civic amenities than Gurgaon). Infact the IAPL house doesn't have proper fire fighting measures(can't see fire extinguisher or sprinklers around)..may be I am wrong on this front.

It houses 3 coaching institutes with large student capacity but has only one staircase. Lower ground toilets are almost choked. Safety standards should not be compromised.

As a teacher who is admired by so many students...I beleive you should take a lead to solve this mess

If IAPL house which is built on 1400 yards with four sides space for movmenet of vehicle can't be firesafe, then we can't have any building with fire safety.

It's a 120 crore building and it's fire safety has been set up and audited three times in five years. Approximately 7-8 lakhs have been spent in May 2024 also for the same.

It has two quote broad exit gates meeting / exceeding the fire safety norms. The sprinkler system is in place very much and separate tank for fire readymess exists.

You can see the ports if you look closely at the ceiling. The pipes have been hideen by false ceiling , but the points of water exit are there dropping out from false ceiling.

Wood or ply is not the construction material keeping in mind fire safety.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS



Have taken mains test series from your institute.Extremely pricy + generic review of copies does not add value to the candidate. To meet the mentor, get one on one feedbackextremely bureaucratic system. Coaching institute ko college jitnabureaucratic bana diya h.

Very expensive courses. And can never reach senior faculty including you. It seems the focus is only on rank improvement candidates/afsaro ke bacche. 

Please climb down from your kaanch ke mahal and test the reality. 

SFG residential review bhi liya h first hand. No time given to students for self study. Most of them were depressed ki sfg ke liye padhai ki, but prelims ka kuch prep nahi kar paye. 



Have taken mains test series from your institute.Extremely pricy + generic review of copies does not add value to the candidate. To meet the mentor, get one on one feedbackextremely bureaucratic system. Coaching institute ko college jitnabureaucratic bana diya h.

Very expensive courses. And can never reach senior faculty including you. It seems the focus is only on rank improvement candidates/afsaro ke bacche. 

Please climb down from your kaanch ke mahal and test the reality. 

SFG residential review bhi liya h first hand. No time given to students for self study. Most of them were depressed ki sfg ke liye padhai ki, but prelims ka kuch prep nahi kar paye. 

Some of the students who were complaining no time for self study, did you ask them why they did not do self study in 2-3 years?

Large number of students are preparing for UPSC for several years, but if you take a look at their books, they have not even read end to end multiple times.

Regarding reviews, if you have level 1 problems, then you will get level 1 feedback. As you improve, a discussion with mentors should help you track problems that youbhave solved.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


The problem with coaching institutes is no understanding of reality. No empathy for stuents.No accountability. Was there any attempt by any coaching/teacher to understand the probelms faced by students before this incident? 

Does anyinstitute have a mental health expert? Even after being plush with money, no one bothered to have one. 

Sirf technicalities pe baat karte raho. Prelims mein yeh kami reh gayo hogi, mains mein tumne mehnat nahi kari, interview mein personality flaw h. 

Has anyone bothered to reflect in what conditions a student is surviving? 

UPSC being a tough exam, if a candidate fails they end up blaming themselves, but not the institute. 

If you really want to reflect, do some soul searching, you will get the answers. Yaha pe opinions leke bhi kya hi hona h. 

Something has to change fundamentally. 

This is not about courses, this is about where do we go from here ?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

@Neyawn have gotten 400+ in GS mains twice, so no question of level 1 feedback. I have been an evaluator myself for 4 years. 
I dont want to get into debate with you. How you want to run your institute is your call. 
Regarding test series, i have decided not to opt for MGP. 

@Neyawn have gotten 400+ in GS mains twice, so no question of level 1 feedback. I have been an evaluator myself for 4 years. 
I dont want to get into debate with you. How you want to run your institute is your call. 
Regarding test series, i have decided not to opt for MGP. 

I would given your words due weight if you had commented from your actual account. Why did you need to create an account 15 minutes ago to do this?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


Solution -

1. Support the students to get a ceiling on course fees, rents. 

2. It takes minimum 2-3 years to clear upsc realistically. 30-40k per month for survival+ coaching fees + illness/unexpected expenses a financially avg family kid cannot afford. 

3. Start a student feedback session also. 

4. Promote offline centres in other cities and provide equal quality. 

5. All coaching institute owners must sit together and reflect why the current mess has occured and find solutions

6. Stop glamorising UPSC toppers. They have paid equal fees as somebody who did not get selected. 

7. Launch less courses and provide quality. 

This is a high time when all institutes should sit together and at least discuss about the issues and mess which are there. 
@Neyawn because i am still attempting the exam and dont want to be part of any witch hunting.
Name calling institutes and teachers is getting people in trouble since the protest has begun.  
Rather than accepting suggestions and taking it in your stride, you want to point out me. Sure do. 
Isi attitude se kuch improve nahi ho raha. 


All the best to you. 



This is not about courses, this is about where do we go from here ?

Sir, regarding MGP mentorship, please provide guidance on how to improve the answers too, evaluator agar bas ye likhega ki accha ho sakta hai to wo vague evaluation hai...maine already apne copy check pe feedback diya hai, gs3 ka kya aata hai let's see par Gs 2 ki jo copy check hui wo kafi generic lagi mujhe, solutions se bhi value addition nhi ho rha.. please help us to improve the marks as well. Aur one to one mentorship arrange kijiye please. It's my humble request as we are running out of time. 🙏🙏

@Neyawn because i am still attempting the exam and dont want to be part of any witch hunting.
Name calling institutes and teachers is getting people in trouble since the protest has begun.  
Rather than accepting suggestions and taking it in your stride, you want to point out me. Sure do. 
Isi attitude se kuch improve nahi ho raha. 


All the best to you. 

Your suggestions have been taken. It inspires more trust if you could comment from actual ID.

That's all.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS


In DU north campus areas of kamla nagar, shakti nagar, etc. the pg rent issue is not as rampant as in case ORN, students there love their freedom and are also very goal oriented (tho there are exceptions), the place seems super student friendly, even the food is good quality and pocket friendly. But, the situation changes for worse in case of ORN, depressed people, evil landlords, congested and polluted roads, i wonder if it is the upsc-coaching-landlord nexus that has made the plight of students at ORN deplorable. Not pointing fingers at coachings (you have enough people to do that), because an overwhelming majority of students themselves see this exam only as an opportunity to gain social prestige rather than, becoming an IAS who works selflessly to improve the system, you take away the perks and emoluments and see how many stay. Offline environment encouraging the lazy lot to slog is no excuse to choose offline over online, if that is the case these feeble brains will break the minute they face resistance as an officer, eventually bandwagoning with corrupt forces. What you need is a system, there are 100s of aspirants  who crack the exam from their homes. self-imposed discipline is all you need. If you still choose to go for offline for whatever consideration, feel free to do so, but remember. then you'll be the price taker with little to no bargaining power. Expanding to different pockets of Delhi will not serve the purpose, because eventually those areas too will go beyond their carrying capacity. 

Long story short ->the nature of the exam, the competition, lack of equally good opportunities and the glory associated to it has made ORN what it is today. Bubble that was ORN was waiting to burst.

PS - sorry i digressed a little towards the end, i don't intend on demeaning anyone, i just want people to reconsider their priorities, because the goal is to working towards a better India, be it via UPSC, MBA, entrepreneurship, etc.

Neyawn,Dhertezand1 otherslike this
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