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Prelims 2021 Results Declared - In or Out ?

Prelims 2021 - In or Out?

Dear All,

Prelims 2021 results are out . Click here to read more

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With this we close the the previous thread on Prelims 2021, which is nearing a million views.

- root

DM,Falconand4 otherslike this


@jassikamboj16303 thanks for response. What would be your suggestion for 2022 prelims ? SFG is offline i suppose? Have to prepare mains also. 

@tarun17  How did you get this gs score ? How many tests ?

@Truthseeker9 SFG is online also. 
2022-Dedicated 3 months prep should be sufficient for you. SFG starts somewhere 2 months ago and ends in 40 days. 

@Truthseeker9  3 offline mocks , 15~20 online mocks

Would suggest you to also try csat mocks as paper is getting complex each passing year


@TsarBombaSame here, I made notes from all the static books only to discover later (during mocks) that some important details were missing. This made me paranoid before the exam but at that point it was already too late to revisit the book and identify/fix the holes.

I think the optimal strategy here is to highlight in the book but make notes of the things which you often forget (or are hard to memorize).


Kya strategy ?? This paper doesn't require a strategy to be honest.. Just pray and be alert in exam Hall....thats it... 

Welcome to the Russian Roulette

Dhertez,D7and10 otherslike this
Anyone here for IFoS attempt after exhausting Civil services attempts?
@Truthseeker9 I have given 5 civil and 5 Ifos prelims attempts (cleared IFoS this year-first time).
SFG of forumias-helps to break the inertia built up over 5 attempts by getting up in morning and giving tests everyday. Rather than knowledge, you need mindset re-orientation. SFG helps in that.

Also, I do not agree that without mocks you can clear. Please hear me out before bashing me for being mock-sympathetic. It is my personal opinion that since every serious aspirants (10,000 or so ) give mocks, you are inherently and automatically losing out the mind-game of confidence if you don't give mocks. Let me tell you what happens. Suppose you encounter a totally random question in the paper. Now, if you have done mocks and you still cannot attempt, you can be rest assured that no one else (or very very few) will be able to attempt. This momentary confidence gives you continuous boost in the exam, howsoever incremental. Your confidence remains intact, knowing full well that since you did mocks (AND REVISED THEM) this random question never came, so others also wont be able to do it. Positive mindset helps you attain atleast 10-15 marks more.
But, complete opposite happens if you skip mocks. Random question starts giving you nightmares-what if this had come in papers of other coachings? OMG, other aspirants will be able to attempt it, I cannot. OMG, why did not I do mocks...........etc etc etc. You see the cynical negative spiral? This starts happening at that very moment. Now tell me, with this negative mindset, if even a world class top ranked experienced bowler like Bumrah also cannot stick to his line and length and keeps missing his toe-crushing accurate yorkers, how do you reckon you will perform? Your mind then automatically goes into damage control, you become over-cautious, over-think every question, start missing out the hints, and most sinful, you start marking basic, static questions wrong. All happened due to that simple logic-you did not do what your competition that year was doing. 
So, rather than for knowledge, it is more to remain alive in the competition that you should do mocks. Do of one coaching (that covers 80% of competition, because almost all coachings have a peer review among each other). If time permits, gather courage and do one more coaching. Thats enough to cover the mindset part.  

I did SFG this year, and cleared IFoS prelims (GE). So, the strategy worked for me. 

Can you please elaborate on sfg part how it can be integrated with prelims test series?


Kya strategy ?? This paper doesn't require a strategy to be honest.. Just pray and be alert in exam Hall....thats it... 

Welcome to the Russian Roulette

Ummm, this is not the attitude by which you should be giving the exam. 

No exam is fair and it is equally unfair to everyone. There are many shortcomings with the process. But it's only when you're out of the exam cycle you should rant about it, that's the most important key to any examination process that you're into it. 

Also, my first and the only comment on this topic as it's an endless thing.

ThePhenom,Indian_Humanand4 otherslike this
2020 Key released finally 
Answer Key of CSP 2020 has been realised and they have deleted two questions whose answers were pretty much doubtless and without controversy i.e.. GANDHI-IRWIN PACT Question and INDIA's INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND 4 ASSOCIATED STATEMENTS WITH IT Question. 

prelim 2020 key variation.pdf

Key Variation with UPSC in Tabular format. Some surprises await ;)

1. Make SFG the foundation. It is a very, very grilling schedule. You won't have time to do anything else. Stick to the schedule like a stubborn child. Do not, I repeat, do not skip the test. Thats a sin in case of SFG. Give atleast 90% of tests on time. ON TIME. (i.e. 7 am everyday). On the other hand, Freedom and flexibility in tests start operating against you, especially if you have given 4+ attempts. You need discipline and tight targets. I stuck to it like a child. Honestly. 
2. Make online errorbook alongside as you attempt everyday (of new knowledge, as well as incorrect answers). Keep on adding to it. Keep doing side by side revision of this online errorbook. Take its print out 15-10 days before prelims and REVISE REVISE REVISE the errorbook.
2. If you have given 4+ attempts (sincerely), you only need to do SFG which is just before the prelims (the last stage, not the ones which start from november this year itself). 
3. I did 15 tests of IASBABA test series also. Thats the test series part. Couldnt do any more. I personally think SFG covers almost everything. Did not even touch test series of any other coaching. SFG tires you physically and that is good. You dont have time to waste.  
4. Lastly, PYQ are a MUST. 10 years PYQ are equivalent to 20 mocks. Even SFG doesnt match that.  

DM,AtLightspeedand5 otherslike this
@jassikamboj16303 Can SFG be taken up by Working Professional?

@jassikamboj16303 Key to Questions like Ecofriendly Agriculture, Benzene Pollution is blatantly wrong. Pathetic that UPSC is not even taking care of such errors

GaryVee,D7and7 otherslike this
What a huge variations in answer keys of csp 2020... Almost 8-10 questions 
@Kasturi22 exactly! How can vertical farming be not a part of eco-friendly agriculture !!?
Its the very first line when you google the term ..

MaeveWiley,Philosopher94and1 otherslike this
@jassikamboj16303 Key to Questions like Ecofriendly Agriculture, Benzene Pollution is blatantly wrong. Pathetic that UPSC is not even taking care of such errors

I hope someone takes them to Supreme Court for this. Benzene fumes are a known pollutant in paints and varnishes. Benzene is used a solvent in paints. And it is a volatile compound. I am sure there must be people who lost out on qualifying pre because of this question.

D503,MaeveWileyand2 otherslike this

Its clearly stated here that furniture and adhesive paints do have traces of benzene. 

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