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Prelims 2021 Results Declared - In or Out ?

Prelims 2021 - In or Out?

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Prelims 2021 results are out . Click here to read more

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With this we close the the previous thread on Prelims 2021, which is nearing a million views.

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DM,Falconand4 otherslike this


@Kasturi22 Very hard for working professionals, in my opinion. SFG takes a lot of time to do properly. 7 am test then whole day revision, then preparing for next day. You actually get physically tired. So, 99% of times working professionals wont be able to do it properly.

1. Make SFG the foundation. It is a very, very grilling schedule. You won't have time to do anything else. Stick to the schedule like a stubborn child. Do not, I repeat, do not skip the test. Thats a sin in case of SFG. Give atleast 90% of tests on time. ON TIME. (i.e. 7 am everyday). On the other hand, Freedom and flexibility in tests start operating against you, especially if you have given 4+ attempts. You need discipline and tight targets. I stuck to it like a child. Honestly. 
2. Make online errorbook alongside as you attempt everyday (of new knowledge, as well as incorrect answers). Keep on adding to it. Keep doing side by side revision of this online errorbook. Take its print out 15-10 days before prelims and REVISE REVISE REVISE the errorbook.
2. If you have given 4+ attempts (sincerely), you only need to do SFG which is just before the prelims (the last stage, not the ones which start from november this year itself). 
3. I did 15 tests of IASBABA test series also. Thats the test series part. Couldnt do any more. I personally think SFG covers almost everything. Did not even touch test series of any other coaching. SFG tires you physically and that is good. You dont have time to waste.  
4. Lastly, PYQ are a MUST. 10 years PYQ are equivalent to 20 mocks. Even SFG doesnt match that.  

Thank you for your inputs. It was really helpful.

@Kasturi22 Very hard for working professionals, in my opinion. SFG takes a lot of time to do properly. 7 am test then whole day revision, then preparing for next day. You actually get physically tired. So, 99% of times working professionals wont be able to do it properly.

Thanks for inputs!

Vertical farming may not necessarily be eco friendly!
Vertical farming may not necessarily be eco friendly!

Yes. Vertical farming may not be. Because it requires alot of energy to operate and if it comes from Coal fired plants then it sure isn't. But the Benzene answer is completely wrong. Or the options should have been framed correctly.

Vertical farming may not necessarily be eco friendly!

Yes. Vertical farming may not be. Because it requires alot of energy to operate and if it comes from Coal fired plants then it sure isn't. But the Benzene answer is completely wrong. Or the options should have been framed correctly.

yeah, Benzene question itself seems contro:-

» show previous quotes

I hope someone takes them to Supreme Court for this. Benzene fumes are a known pollutant in paints and varnishes. Benzene is used a solvent in paints. And it is a volatile compound. I am sure there must be people who lost out on qualifying pre because of this question.

Yes, I did. 

Due to this question along with scale down on my marks as both dropped questions were correct. Dropped questions weren't controversial unless the translator didn't make that mistake and if they were aware of the dynamic nature of trade-related data. :3 

But in the end, doesn't matter now. I was out on a relative scale, no one can't be blamed. 

Shambhavi_singh,BattingBabaand1 otherslike this
@Kasturi22 Very hard for working professionals, in my opinion. SFG takes a lot of time to do properly. 7 am test then whole day revision, then preparing for next day. You actually get physically tired. So, 99% of times working professionals wont be able to do it properly.

Thanks for inputs!

A lot of in-service and working professionals actually do it because of the 7AM schedule. It is difficult or easy depending on your current preparation. If you have studied from before, you should be able to do it, and if not, you have all the reasons to do it.

Last year I had this SDM some 30 rank or so from Bihar who had joined job. He had less time. He very frankly said that the syllabus everyday was very less, and it gets done in 4 hours . Whereas a lot of people took whole day to do it and still were left with syllabus. So it completely depends on your current preparation.

There was one allied service candidate also in 2019 or 2020 , I cannot remember. She used to appear at 7AM, after clearing service in first attempt and flunking prelims over and over again. She did quite well.

My point is - it will take time? Yes and No. Depends on your current preparation.

If it is taking time,it means your prepration is not up to the level of other candidates, some of whom do not find SFG difficult - yes there are people like that who become very good at prelims with time. And you will have to raise the bar with your preparation. Give it your everything man! It brings out the best in you. It makes you something. Some of the top students from Forum are only there because of SFG. They cleared in final list after clearing prelims after like 4 attempts.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

BD,plmokn25688524and13 otherslike this


@Kasturi22 Very hard for working professionals, in my opinion. SFG takes a lot of time to do properly. 7 am test then whole day revision, then preparing for next day. You actually get physically tired. So, 99% of times working professionals wont be able to do it properly.

Thanks for inputs!

A lot of in-service and working professionals actually do it because of the 7AM schedule. It is difficult or easy depending on your current preparation. If you have studied from before, you should be able to do it, and if not, you have all the reasons to do it.

Last year I had this SDM some 30 rank or so from Bihar who had joined job. He had less time. He very frankly said that the syllabus everyday was very less, and it gets done in 4 hours . Whereas a lot of people took whole day to do it and still were left with syllabus. So it completely depends on your current preparation.

There was one allied service candidate also in 2019 or 2020 , I cannot remember. She used to appear at 7AM, after clearing service in first attempt and flunking prelims over and over again. She did quite well.

My point is - it will take time? Yes and No. Depends on your current preparation.

If it is taking time,it means your prepration is not up to the level of other candidates, some of whom do not find SFG difficult - yes there are people like that who become very good at prelims with time. And you will have to raise the bar with your preparation. Give it your everything man! It brings out the best in you. It makes you something. Some of the top students from Forum are only there because of SFG. They cleared in final list after clearing prelims after like 4 attempts.

Personal Opinion.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

BD,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

prelim 2020 key variation.pdf

Key Variation with UPSC in Tabular format. Some surprises await ;)

Not included Forum in comparison :(

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,BDand4 otherslike this
@Purplesunbird really ? Have you?
because 6-8 marks matter alot ..
Errors in Hindi translation and in other ques like Benzene and all I mean is a grave error.. 

@Purplesunbird really ? Have you?
because 6-8 marks matter alot ..
Errors in Hindi translation and in other ques like Benzene and all I mean is a grave error.. 

The difference is 3.4marks in my case wrt cutoff.


I hope the Supreme Court takes this up seriously!

BattingBaba,Pam123and2 otherslike this
@Neyawn sir, please clarify whether SFG can be attempted online ?

@Neyawn Yes, I apologize. I actually tried, but the Forum key isn't as readily and easily available on google search like others. I know it must be somewhere out there, but could not find it easily. So, went ahead with rest.

@jassikamboj16303 The judicial review statement...why is it incorrect?
The Constitution of India provides for ‘judicial review’ to safeguard the ‘citizens’ liberties and to preserve the ideals on which the constitution is based.

@jassikamboj16303 The judicial review statement...why is it incorrect?
The Constitution of India provides for ‘judicial review’ to safeguard the ‘citizens’ liberties and to preserve the ideals on which the constitution is based.

Maybe because judicial review is not explicitly mentioned in the constitution anywhere and the inverted commas emphasise that they intended to ask about the judicial review explicitly not implicitly. I marked D thinking this only. Just my opinion.

Two medium to long size questions were removed. Time waste for those who have attempted and bubbled them in the exam. Doing both questions would have taken 2-3 minutes; which they could have invested in other questions. For those who didn't read and attempt the questions could have saved some time. This is especially important because many qualified or lost prelims only by slight margin.
@Kasturi22 and people still strategize for this shitty prelims.. 

Lost all faith in UPSC after keys

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