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[ Official ] How was the Prelims 2021 paper?

How was the paper guys ? 

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Also why Black Cotton Soil is not featuring in disputed list:- I was for fissure volcanic rock but Black soil can also have granite and schist as parent material! any takes?  

i marked granite. But deccan plateau does not have much granite. It is mainly basalt. So the answer cannot be granite




Also why Black Cotton Soil is not featuring in disputed list:- I was for fissure volcanic rock but Black soil can also have granite and schist as parent material! any takes?  

i marked granite. But deccan plateau does not have much granite. It is mainly basalt. So the answer cannot be granite

@Captainnerd i wish you were right, because that means an extra 2.66 for me. but much of deccan traps is a result of fissure volcanic eruptions

@Captainnerd don't tell me that this is also a question which is up in the air. Is this year's paper the most w.r.t controversial questions in the recent past.

@toooldtodieyoung UPSC taking unpredictability to the next level 

@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

ssly, a Basalt instead of 'fissure volcano' would have made it unambiguous! 
You knew this fact in exam hall 😅?

Dayabhaga is a system in which the sons have the right to the property of their fathers only after the father’s death. It is only under special circumstances that the son has the right to property before the father’s death.
@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

Also since the question was asked about the weathering of which rock would lead to formation of black soil of India so I mean why cant be the granite and schist erosion attributed for the formation of black soil.

in mitakshara qstn,both statements 2 and 3 are right but in special cases son could claim property in dhayabhaga before fathers death.i dont know what would be the crct answer but it could be 3 too.
@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

Also since the question was asked about the weathering of which rock would lead to formation of black soil of India so I mean why cant be the granite and schist erosion can be attributed for the formation of black soil.

fissured volcanic rock is the best option out of all.for curiosity u could search about it but there is no chance it would change in upsc key.

@toooldtodieyoung yes, this is becoming a bit much. but, finally UPSC will have some credible source in its defense should someone file a case or something. we're helpless because right now only UPSC knows what its source is

@leftfaithinmyself rbi grade b is also better than services like afhq,iofs, etc

i feel rbi grade b is much harder especially maths and comprehension.i felt even csat comprehension easier compared to rbi ,some say they were on cat level but pyqs of rbi looks damn hard.i have not attempted but planning too .

@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

Also since the question was asked about the weathering of which rock would lead to formation of black soil of India so I mean why cant be the granite and schist erosion can be attributed for the formation of black soil.

fissured volcanic rock is the best option out of all.for curiosity u could search about it but there is no chance it would change in upsc key.

this is like barasingha from last year. though it is found in Assam too, the most appropriate answer is Kanha

Hernan cortez,


@toooldtodieyoung UPSC taking unpredictability to the next level 

N I love it 



@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

Also since the question was asked about the weathering of which rock would lead to formation of black soil of India so I mean why cant be the granite and schist erosion can be attributed for the formation of black soil.

fissured volcanic rock is the best option out of all.for curiosity u could search about it but there is no chance it would change in upsc key.

this is like barasingha from last year. though it is found in Assam too, the most appropriate answer is Kanha

true but they did asked which is the most most of the qstns options were close every year.this year its on another level.



@toooldtodieyoung UPSC taking unpredictability to the next level 

N I love it 


@oopsie as much as i do not wish to comment on the merit of the examination process, i definitely feel the exam setters have botched up a bit given so many interpretations/opinions to so many questions prevailing even a week after the examination.

I understand UPSC is supreme, but how could they legitimately claim that granite & schist do not form black soil when evidence to the contrary seems to clearly exist.

Also since the question was asked about the weathering of which rock would lead to formation of black soil of India so I mean why cant be the granite and schist erosion can be attributed for the formation of black soil.

fissured volcanic rock is the best option out of all.for curiosity u could search about it but there is no chance it would change in upsc key.

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