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CSE 2023: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

A Window for all things CSE 2023. You can type in your ways and means of achieving your goals, your daily updates, strengths and things that might be holding you down. No-judgement, no-tugging, just a healthy discussion to help discuss our way through this long and interesting journey. Lets get prepping!.#CSE 2023
D503,DMand112 otherslike this


What is with coachings and their mains tests series schedule extending to March 2023! :unamused:

How do you integrate writing tests and solving questions , PYQs ,  revision with reading the static portion?

I tried keeping weekends for tests and revision but I end up trying to cover the backlogs and some revision.

MichaelScarn,Thisishereand4 otherslike this

Targets 24/08/22

  1. Governance (1/4)
  2. Optional block
  3. Newspaper
  4. CA googling
  5. CSAT
  6. 30 min reading

Went completely off track and started on pending class. Will repeat the targets tomorrow after I'm done with the targets. Or day after tomorrow since it might take me some time to complete them and make notes.

  1. 30% done
  2. Not done
  3. Done
  4. Done
  5. Done
  6. Not done

Any suggestions for โ€œhow do I transition from being a night owl to an early riser?


Don't try to suddenly change your sleep cycle if you do so it will really impact your productivity 

Try reverse rule.  ie 

If you sleep at 2,3/4 then try to sleep at 1:45,2:45/3:45 During 1st week 

2nd week 1:20,2:20/ 3:20

3rd week 12:40, 11:40 /2:40

4th week 12:10,1:10/2:10

.......this goes on until you set your desired sleep cycle.. 

Hope it helps. ๐ŸŒผ

Thank you, will try this. 

MichaelScarn,Magnetozand1 otherslike this

25 aug targets: 

Todayโ€™s newspaper 

science and tech (remaining issues) 

sociology 30 pages 

MichaelScarn,Magnetozand1 otherslike this

26th August Targets

1. Morning Trek (':

2. GS - Ethics.//paper

3. Socio -  revision+lecture+ PyQ/ .

4. Gym (':

5. Current affairs ( IE + drishti ias + quiz: insgits+drishti+ forum)

Thisishere,Magnetozand1 otherslike this
@SiddhantW trek? Like trek? ๐Ÿฅบ

โ€œNormal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.โ€

(127) 25/8/22

  1. Indian express Done 
  2. Class Done 
  3. Assignment :Not Done 
  4. Test Review 2 /6

10:47 PM 


MichaelScarn,Thisishereand2 otherslike this

Sometimes you study for 2 hour and it feels like 4 hours worth of studies, other times you study for4 hours but it feels like you have done nothing.  Time is relative, or atleast its subjective perception is.

MichaelScarn,Thisishereand4 otherslike this
@Always27 Newspaper done
Few issues remaining in science and technology 
sociology done 


Good morning folks!

Target 24/08/22 

1. Socio 1(a) & 1(c) close + attend session 

2. Review Test-3(talk to mentor)

3. Governance start(PYQ + introductory video)

4. CA June- as much as possible


Did socio for 8 hrs + some PYQ analysis of Governance. Need to pick up the pace tomorrow

Target 25/08/22

1. Socio chapter 2 read from own notes(no need to meander)- 4 hrs

2. Test-3 self-review & talk to mentor- 45 mins max

3. Governance video+ notes start reading for test- 4 hrs

4. CA ka kuch karna padega. Can't go on ignoring-

Achievement 25/08/22 

1. Socio did for 2.5 hrs. Still stuck in some PYQs(it's ok. this chapter is tricky. kal dekh lenge)

2. The analysis and note updation took me 3 hrs(way too much) 

3. 1.5 hrs(lost a lot of time deciding which resources to read. Ugh)

4. didn't even think about it(CA doesn't deserve this)

D503,DMand2 otherslike this

Good morning folks!

Target 24/08/22 

1. Socio 1(a) & 1(c) close + attend session 

2. Review Test-3(talk to mentor)

3. Governance start(PYQ + introductory video)

4. CA June- as much as possible


Did socio for 8 hrs + some PYQ analysis of Governance. Need to pick up the pace tomorrow

Target 25/08/22

1. Socio chapter 2 read from own notes(no need to meander)- 4 hrs

2. Test-3 self-review & talk to mentor- 45 mins max

3. Governance video+ notes start reading for test- 4 hrs

4. CA ka kuch karna padega. Can't go on ignoring-

Achievement 25/08/22 

1. Socio did for 2.5 hrs. Still stuck in some PYQs(it's ok. this chapter is tricky. kal dekh lenge)

2. The analysis and note updation took me 3 hrs(way too much) 

3. 1.5 hrs(lost a lot of time deciding which resources to read. Ugh)

4. didn't even think about it(CA doesn't deserve this)

Target 26/08/22

have to clock in 8 hrs minimum excluding CA

1. Sociology- 4 hrs(complete 2a, 2b, 2c)

2. Governance- 4 hrs(read & highlight)

3. CA- 40 minutes(for God's sake)

also hv to be aware of evening activities(pata nahi chalta hai time kahan chala jaata hai)


DM,MichaelScarnand1 otherslike this
ยป show previous quotes

Targets 23/08 

1. Economy 3A (Lec 4)

2. Zoology - Biostats. Central tendency - read old notes and chap 

3. TIE + Notes 

Revision :

1. 20 pages EVS 

2. 2A1 - 1/2 

1. Done 

2. Not done 

3. Done 

Did not touch anything else. 

While today wasn't good for many reasons one of them being delayed start time. That's where things went downhill. Couldn't bring myself to study for hours , it is just one of those days...

But, on the bright side, what I could get done was because someone was kind enough to ask me, if I was okay and advised me to take a nap to feel better, it worked ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good Morning people!๐ŸŒž

Targets 24/08 

1. Economy - Pillar 3 - Fin 

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats -3 hours 


- 2A1 - Budget basics

Hoping for a good day!โœŒ

So far , not bad 

1. Eco 1.5 Lec done + reading and 0.5 Lec๐Ÿ˜‚ remains 

2. Done 

3. I may have filled days of schedule with this topic but when I did write this paper in college I finished the syllabus with notes in three days! What has happened to me ? (Not done)

4. Revision is not pain , revision is will power, revision is hard work ( Not done) 

Morning, Morning!๐ŸŒž( I love this emoji, it's cute)

Targets: 25/08/22

1. Pillar 3B + Quiz

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats. - 3hours 

RevisionPillar 3 Eco

1. 3B done quiz remains

2. Done

3. Not done

4. Hardly 15-20 mins spent on this but something is better than nothing. 

D503,MichaelScarnand1 otherslike this
ยป show previous quotes

Targets 23/08 

1. Economy 3A (Lec 4)

2. Zoology - Biostats. Central tendency - read old notes and chap 

3. TIE + Notes 

Revision :

1. 20 pages EVS 

2. 2A1 - 1/2 

1. Done 

2. Not done 

3. Done 

Did not touch anything else. 

While today wasn't good for many reasons one of them being delayed start time. That's where things went downhill. Couldn't bring myself to study for hours , it is just one of those days...

But, on the bright side, what I could get done was because someone was kind enough to ask me, if I was okay and advised me to take a nap to feel better, it worked ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good Morning people!๐ŸŒž

Targets 24/08 

1. Economy - Pillar 3 - Fin 

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats -3 hours 


- 2A1 - Budget basics

Hoping for a good day!โœŒ

So far , not bad 

1. Eco 1.5 Lec done + reading and 0.5 Lec๐Ÿ˜‚ remains 

2. Done 

3. I may have filled days of schedule with this topic but when I did write this paper in college I finished the syllabus with notes in three days! What has happened to me ? (Not done)

4. Revision is not pain , revision is will power, revision is hard work ( Not done) 

Morning, Morning!๐ŸŒž( I love this emoji, it's cute)

Targets: 25/08/22

1. Pillar 3B + Quiz

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats. - 3hours 

RevisionPillar 3 Eco

1. 3B done quiz remains

2. Done

3. Not done

4. Hardly 15-20 mins spent on this but something is better than nothing. 

Targets 26/08/22

1. Complete all backlogs 

2. Revise Pillar 3 

3. Newspaper


Targets for 26.8.22

  1. Backlog of CA classes
  2. Newspaper
  3. Governance

No optional today. Let's have a light friday for a change.

D503,MichaelScarnand2 otherslike this


Rashmirathi,Aazaadand3 otherslike this

Hello Forum people, 

I need some input from you guys. 2023 will be my third attempt. In first two attempt i could not qualify prelims itself. I've joined MGP 2023. And completed 90% syllabus of GS-2 along with answer writing. Now studying GS-3. My question is what is the preparation status of other people who are in third or fourth attempt. SO, i can get a comparative idea. And also are you guys able to striclty follow MGP schedule? And how people who are in second/third /fourth attempt dealing with mood swings in this prepration. In my case i am able to study for two days effectively and on third day i get into mental mess. Although after identifying this pattern, i am able to solve this to some extent, but still eats my afternoon time on third day. If any of you can give me some effective suggestion in this regard. 


MichaelScarn,THE_MECHANICand6 otherslike this
ยป show previous quotes

Targets 23/08 

1. Economy 3A (Lec 4)

2. Zoology - Biostats. Central tendency - read old notes and chap 

3. TIE + Notes 

Revision :

1. 20 pages EVS 

2. 2A1 - 1/2 

1. Done 

2. Not done 

3. Done 

Did not touch anything else. 

While today wasn't good for many reasons one of them being delayed start time. That's where things went downhill. Couldn't bring myself to study for hours , it is just one of those days...

But, on the bright side, what I could get done was because someone was kind enough to ask me, if I was okay and advised me to take a nap to feel better, it worked ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good Morning people!๐ŸŒž

Targets 24/08 

1. Economy - Pillar 3 - Fin 

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats -3 hours 


- 2A1 - Budget basics

Hoping for a good day!โœŒ

So far , not bad 

1. Eco 1.5 Lec done + reading and 0.5 Lec๐Ÿ˜‚ remains 

2. Done 

3. I may have filled days of schedule with this topic but when I did write this paper in college I finished the syllabus with notes in three days! What has happened to me ? (Not done)

4. Revision is not pain , revision is will power, revision is hard work ( Not done) 

Morning, Morning!๐ŸŒž( I love this emoji, it's cute)

Targets: 25/08/22

1. Pillar 3B + Quiz

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats. - 3hours 

RevisionPillar 3 Eco

1. 3B done quiz remains

2. Done

3. Not done

4. Hardly 15-20 mins spent on this but something is better than nothing. 

Targets 26/08/22

1. Complete all backlogs 

2. Revise Pillar 3 

3. Newspaper

1. Done 

2. Done 

3. No newspaper  - rainy day - will have to read two tomorrow..

MichaelScarn,Magnetozand1 otherslike this

(126) 26/8/22

  1. Indian express Done 
  2. Class Done 
  3. Assignment not Done 
  4. Test Review 3/6

10:46 pm 


ยป show previous quotes

Targets 23/08 

1. Economy 3A (Lec 4)

2. Zoology - Biostats. Central tendency - read old notes and chap 

3. TIE + Notes 

Revision :

1. 20 pages EVS 

2. 2A1 - 1/2 

1. Done 

2. Not done 

3. Done 

Did not touch anything else. 

While today wasn't good for many reasons one of them being delayed start time. That's where things went downhill. Couldn't bring myself to study for hours , it is just one of those days...

But, on the bright side, what I could get done was because someone was kind enough to ask me, if I was okay and advised me to take a nap to feel better, it worked ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good Morning people!๐ŸŒž

Targets 24/08 

1. Economy - Pillar 3 - Fin 

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats -3 hours 


- 2A1 - Budget basics

Hoping for a good day!โœŒ

So far , not bad 

1. Eco 1.5 Lec done + reading and 0.5 Lec๐Ÿ˜‚ remains 

2. Done 

3. I may have filled days of schedule with this topic but when I did write this paper in college I finished the syllabus with notes in three days! What has happened to me ? (Not done)

4. Revision is not pain , revision is will power, revision is hard work ( Not done) 

Morning, Morning!๐ŸŒž( I love this emoji, it's cute)

Targets: 25/08/22

1. Pillar 3B + Quiz

2. TIE + Notes 

3. Biostats. - 3hours 

RevisionPillar 3 Eco

1. 3B done quiz remains

2. Done

3. Not done

4. Hardly 15-20 mins spent on this but something is better than nothing. 

Targets 26/08/22

1. Complete all backlogs 

2. Revise Pillar 3 

3. Newspaper

1. Done 

2. Done 

3. No newspaper  - rainy day - will have to read two tomorrow..

Targets : 27/08/22

1. TIE + Notes 

2. Biostats. - 3 hours 

3. Economy -1 class


Pillar 2 


Good morning folks!

Target 24/08/22 

1. Socio 1(a) & 1(c) close + attend session 

2. Review Test-3(talk to mentor)

3. Governance start(PYQ + introductory video)

4. CA June- as much as possible


Did socio for 8 hrs + some PYQ analysis of Governance. Need to pick up the pace tomorrow

Target 25/08/22

1. Socio chapter 2 read from own notes(no need to meander)- 4 hrs

2. Test-3 self-review & talk to mentor- 45 mins max

3. Governance video+ notes start reading for test- 4 hrs

4. CA ka kuch karna padega. Can't go on ignoring-

Achievement 25/08/22 

1. Socio did for 2.5 hrs. Still stuck in some PYQs(it's ok. this chapter is tricky. kal dekh lenge)

2. The analysis and note updation took me 3 hrs(way too much) 

3. 1.5 hrs(lost a lot of time deciding which resources to read. Ugh)

4. didn't even think about it(CA doesn't deserve this)

Target 26/08/22

have to clock in 8 hrs minimum excluding CA

1. Sociology- 4 hrs(complete 2a, 2b, 2c)

2. Governance- 4 hrs(read & highlight)

3. CA- 40 minutes(for God's sake)

also hv to be aware of evening activities(pata nahi chalta hai time kahan chala jaata hai)


Achievement 26/08/22 

5.5 hrs effective study(all day socio)- it's ok. These initial chapters are tricky. Will pick up the pace in thinkers part. 

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