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CSE 2023: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

A Window for all things CSE 2023. You can type in your ways and means of achieving your goals, your daily updates, strengths and things that might be holding you down. No-judgement, no-tugging, just a healthy discussion to help discuss our way through this long and interesting journey. Lets get prepping!.#CSE 2023
Dionysus,DMand112 otherslike this



तुम्हारी आँखों की तौहीन है ज़रा सोचो 

तुम्हारा चाहने वाला शराब पीता है 

आप के वास्ते गुनाह सही

हम पिऐं तो सवाब बनती है

सौ गमो को निचोड़ने के बाद

एक कतरा शराब बनती है 

Bhaayyy !-! 

Btw ShayariSimp is v happy today. Will tell an interesting incident post my last dancin session.

Surat station के बाहर ठंडी bench थी, चाय गरम थी

बगल में एक ताऊ के हाथ में बीड़ी थी जो लगभग ख़तम थी

मैंने बस दो-चार चुस्कियाँ ली थी कि उतने में ताऊ ने दूसरी सुलगा ली थी

पहली को फ़ेंका ज़मीन पर और जूती से कुचल दिया 

मुझे जाने क्यूँ तेरी याद आई, मैं उठा और चल दिया

Han Mai chal diya....aur gaya Gym. People idolise Kabir Singh but we don't. We Went to gym for a  brief refreshment from our usual dancing sessions. I mean 30 mins of workout really boosts up our productivity right? With the mindset of doing cardio today I entered gym only to find out that the usual aunties were wearing Sarees today. Aunties were looking Apsaras in their Green Sarees. Well, Navratre has it's pros and cons and who would have thought, one of the blessing of navratre was Dancinmaster dancing with em Apsaras in the GYM. I Did do Cardio today just the different kind, wink wink.

One of the Apsara had cool tattoos, while the other had highlighted  her hair. It was fun to ball dance with them and record our videos on their SNAPCHAT.  They are very cool and happy and warm. So ya@Tata not calling them auntie helps (': 

I did dance for 600 mins today (': still a lot to do and cover and learn. First half of the day was okaish cause  :अक्सर, मरे हुए लोग बीच - बीच में जिंदा होने का नाटक करते रहते हैं!: gave me BT. But then, the day grew on me. Slowly and steadily I did dance for 600 mins which honestly  seemed difficult today. Yahan ki mehfil helped boost my juices today, Ig im really a ShayariSimp. 

Mai voh Payal Jise usne.....Pehna toh tha,

Fir Uttar kar kahan ki...aur Dikhao

DukanDar ne do-char baar...kahan toh tha,

Ki Madam Yeh Cheez Nahin Milegii 

Bazaar Ghum Aoo.

Yaar tumhare gym me garba ho raha ajkal? 🤔

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
@Morticia tbh we all have our base instincts like dark humour and so on. Expecting the masses literate & illiterate too live virtuously is expecting too much. Virtue is a kingly trait rare to find it among the masses. 

mightyraju,Morticiaand1 otherslike this
@Morticia tbh we all have our base instincts like dark humour and so on. Expecting the masses literate & illiterate too live virtuously is expecting too much. Virtue is a kingly trait rare to find it among the masses. 

What do you think will happen if we force feed virtue to masses? Is it even a worthwhile effort?

@DancingMaster it's called parenting. Works sometimes, does not work other times. For the state to do it, I would rather prefer using stick effectively. Spare the rod spoil the child. 

@Morticia tbh we all have our base instincts like dark humour and so on. Expecting the masses literate & illiterate too live virtuously is expecting too much. Virtue is a kingly trait rare to find it among the masses. 

Fair enough.

I am not advocating being too virtous per se. Rationality can sure be incorporated at an individual level by conscious efforts though.

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
@Morticia It can but the average Joe is probably too stressed about life has to pay bills, raise kids, etc. Perhaps he seeks to find humor/comedy in tragedy to ease his struggle. (Confession: I was laughing at the whole incident in the afternoon)

@DancingMaster it's called parenting. Works sometimes, does not work other times. For the state to do it, I would rather prefer using stick effectively. Spare the rod spoil the child. 

That was my question. What would happen if state uses stick for welfare of masses ? Are there chances of revolt? Will the seemingly divided masses unite to oppose state for teaching them democratic values ? or will they go into competition against each other to see who democratises first? What will happen if they engage in competition ? What will community who democratise first do to the other community? 

@DancingMaster Revolt may happen. If you takeaway bread & circus the masses will start looking around over to the real issues. I am not sure what democratic values for masses mean, maybe civic values? I maybe civic but I may not be democratic. I may like rule of law, cleanliness, but I may not like to vote.  Competition if they do, its barbarians vs. romans. Imperative upon Romans to subdue Barbarians.


@ryzenauster Here in this context(bulldozer)would democratic valuespertain to feelings of fraternity and substantive justice?  How would you teach opposing primordial masses who want to get back at each other, fraternity with stick ? If revolt does occur, what are the chances that the masses who oppose each other  will unite against the state?  Lol Ik I'm narrowing down  the possibilities and overall theme, there are various other dimensions of state instrument and hegemony that we can wrangle upon but ig we have other people for it. Imma grab my sleep today and my popcorn tomorrow. 

Btw ShayariSimp is v happy today. Will tell an interesting incident post my last dancin session.

Surat station के बाहर ठंडी bench थी, चाय गरम थी

बगल में एक ताऊ के हाथ में बीड़ी थी जो लगभग ख़तम थी

मैंने बस दो-चार चुस्कियाँ ली थी कि उतने में ताऊ ने दूसरी सुलगा ली थी

पहली को फ़ेंका ज़मीन पर और जूती से कुचल दिया 

मुझे जाने क्यूँ तेरी याद आई, मैं उठा और चल दिया

Han Mai chal diya....aur gaya Gym. People idolise Kabir Singh but we don't. We Went to gym for a  brief refreshment from our usual dancing sessions. I mean 30 mins of workout really boosts up our productivity right? With the mindset of doing cardio today I entered gym only to find out that the usual aunties were wearing Sarees today. Aunties were looking Apsaras in their Green Sarees. Well, Navratre has it's pros and cons and who would have thought, one of the blessing of navratre was Dancinmaster dancing with em Apsaras in the GYM. I Did do Cardio today just the different kind, wink wink.

One of the Apsara had cool tattoos, while the other had highlighted  her hair. It was fun to ball dance with them and record our videos on their SNAPCHAT.  They are very cool and happy and warm. So ya@Tata not calling them auntie helps (': 

I did dance for 600 mins today (': still a lot to do and cover and learn. First half of the day was okaish cause  :अक्सर, मरे हुए लोग बीच - बीच में जिंदा होने का नाटक करते रहते हैं!: gave me BT. But then, the day grew on me. Slowly and steadily I did dance for 600 mins which honestly  seemed difficult today. Yahan ki mehfil helped boost my juices today, Ig im really a ShayariSimp. 

Mai voh Payal Jise usne.....Pehna toh tha,

Fir Uttar kar kahan ki...aur Dikhao

DukanDar ne do-char baar...kahan toh tha,

Ki Madam Yeh Cheez Nahin Milegii 

Bazaar Ghum Aoo.

What the actual hell! I had no idea that my words can spoil someone's day. I'm so sorry Bro! I had no intent or malice, I just wrote what I felt seeing things around. Am genuinely Sorry!

@Morticia tbh we all have our base instincts like dark humour and so on. Expecting the masses literate & illiterate too live virtuously is expecting too much. Virtue is a kingly trait rare to find it among the masses. 

Its not about turning the society into a utopian ramrajya. That's not real world Vices and virtues coexist with each other. The point is that the conduct of state does have a huge influence on the masses. Why has there been a sudden spurt in demand for bulldozer action all around the country? Because the state gave this idea that bulldozing can also be a way to seek justice. In the battlefield when Arjun is hesitant in attacking his kins Krishna reminds him that he is not fighting the war in individual capacity but as a king. His conduct will be watched over by the masses and if he fails to uphold dharma ( moral order) then it will set a bad precedent. Likewise Plato says that state is individual writ large. As state becomes perverted so does the society. Hence the need for the state and those holding important positions in the state to uphold highest values. Offcourse we need rods at times , but the use of the rod is not to be done for its own sake , it has to be done for some higher purpose. even Manu who considers Danda/rod as a discipliner, warns king against its reckless use as it brings ruin to the king.

I know realists and cynics tend to scoff at at any talk of values and morality, but the fact remains we all need someone in our lives who inspires us to be righteous , to be a better human being. We all need a bUddha , a Gandhi, a rama in our lives to teach us about the superiority of non violence over violence, of good over evil.

Sounds like a lot of rhetoric 😆 but abhi ye hee aaya dimag me

mightyraju,Chaotic_homoand5 otherslike this


@Morticia tbh we all have our base instincts like dark humour and so on. Expecting the masses literate & illiterate too live virtuously is expecting too much. Virtue is a kingly trait rare to find it among the masses. 

Its not about turning the society into a utopian ramrajya. That's not real world Vices and virtues coexist with each other. The point is that the conduct of state does have a huge influence on the masses. Why has there been a sudden spurt in demand for bulldozer action all around the country? Because the state gave this idea that bulldozing can also be a way to seek justice. In the battlefield when Arjun is hesitant in attacking his kins Krishna reminds him that he is not fighting the war in individual capacity but as a king. His conduct will be watched over by the masses and if he fails to uphold dharma ( moral order) then it will set a bad precedent. Likewise Plato says that state is individual writ large. As state becomes perverted so does the society. Hence the need for the state and those holding important positions in the state to uphold highest values. Offcourse we need rods at times , but the use of the rod is not to be done for its own sake , it has to be done for some higher purpose. even Manu who considers Danda/rod as a discipliner, warns king against its reckless use as it brings ruin to the king.

I know realists and cynics tend to scoff at at any talk of values and morality, but the fact remains we all need someone in our lives who inspires us to be righteous , to be a better human being. We all need a bUddha , a Gandhi, a rama in our lives to teach us about the superiority of non violence over violence, of good over evil.

Sounds like a lot of rhetoric 😆 but abhi ye hee aaya dimag me

It's a vicious loop of state's action fuelling the adrenaline of the masses and the masses rejoicing giving sanction to the government to carry forward the action.

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
mightyraju,Dionysusand1 otherslike this
Btw ShayariSimp is v happy today. Will tell an interesting incident post my last dancin session.

Surat station के बाहर ठंडी bench थी, चाय गरम थी

बगल में एक ताऊ के हाथ में बीड़ी थी जो लगभग ख़तम थी

मैंने बस दो-चार चुस्कियाँ ली थी कि उतने में ताऊ ने दूसरी सुलगा ली थी

पहली को फ़ेंका ज़मीन पर और जूती से कुचल दिया 

मुझे जाने क्यूँ तेरी याद आई, मैं उठा और चल दिया

Han Mai chal diya....aur gaya Gym. People idolise Kabir Singh but we don't. We Went to gym for a  brief refreshment from our usual dancing sessions. I mean 30 mins of workout really boosts up our productivity right? With the mindset of doing cardio today I entered gym only to find out that the usual aunties were wearing Sarees today. Aunties were looking Apsaras in their Green Sarees. Well, Navratre has it's pros and cons and who would have thought, one of the blessing of navratre was Dancinmaster dancing with em Apsaras in the GYM. I Did do Cardio today just the different kind, wink wink.

One of the Apsara had cool tattoos, while the other had highlighted  her hair. It was fun to ball dance with them and record our videos on their SNAPCHAT.  They are very cool and happy and warm. So ya@Tata not calling them auntie helps (': 

I did dance for 600 mins today (': still a lot to do and cover and learn. First half of the day was okaish cause  :अक्सर, मरे हुए लोग बीच - बीच में जिंदा होने का नाटक करते रहते हैं!: gave me BT. But then, the day grew on me. Slowly and steadily I did dance for 600 mins which honestly  seemed difficult today. Yahan ki mehfil helped boost my juices today, Ig im really a ShayariSimp. 

Mai voh Payal Jise usne.....Pehna toh tha,

Fir Uttar kar kahan ki...aur Dikhao

DukanDar ne do-char baar...kahan toh tha,

Ki Madam Yeh Cheez Nahin Milegii 

Bazaar Ghum Aoo.

What the actual hell! I had no idea that my words can spoil someone's day. I'm so sorry Bro! I had no intent or malice, I just wrote what I felt seeing things around. Am genuinely Sorry!

Ayeee now I feel sorry for pulling your leg a lil too much. Your words were amazing (':: keep up with your nuskass. We love it. Love and light bro love and light<3 * * 

Btw ShayariSimp is v happy today. Will tell an interesting incident post my last dancin session.

Surat station के बाहर ठंडी bench थी, चाय गरम थी

बगल में एक ताऊ के हाथ में बीड़ी थी जो लगभग ख़तम थी

मैंने बस दो-चार चुस्कियाँ ली थी कि उतने में ताऊ ने दूसरी सुलगा ली थी

पहली को फ़ेंका ज़मीन पर और जूती से कुचल दिया 

मुझे जाने क्यूँ तेरी याद आई, मैं उठा और चल दिया

Han Mai chal diya....aur gaya Gym. People idolise Kabir Singh but we don't. We Went to gym for a  brief refreshment from our usual dancing sessions. I mean 30 mins of workout really boosts up our productivity right? With the mindset of doing cardio today I entered gym only to find out that the usual aunties were wearing Sarees today. Aunties were looking Apsaras in their Green Sarees. Well, Navratre has it's pros and cons and who would have thought, one of the blessing of navratre was Dancinmaster dancing with em Apsaras in the GYM. I Did do Cardio today just the different kind, wink wink.

One of the Apsara had cool tattoos, while the other had highlighted  her hair. It was fun to ball dance with them and record our videos on their SNAPCHAT.  They are very cool and happy and warm. So ya@Tata not calling them auntie helps (': 

I did dance for 600 mins today (': still a lot to do and cover and learn. First half of the day was okaish cause  :अक्सर, मरे हुए लोग बीच - बीच में जिंदा होने का नाटक करते रहते हैं!: gave me BT. But then, the day grew on me. Slowly and steadily I did dance for 600 mins which honestly  seemed difficult today. Yahan ki mehfil helped boost my juices today, Ig im really a ShayariSimp. 

Mai voh Payal Jise usne.....Pehna toh tha,

Fir Uttar kar kahan ki...aur Dikhao

DukanDar ne do-char baar...kahan toh tha,

Ki Madam Yeh Cheez Nahin Milegii 

Bazaar Ghum Aoo.

Wow mujhe bhi garba karna hai!! Do you live in Gujarat?


Am confused whether to join gym or yoga classes or zumba where I used to go…….

gym will give me 6 pack abs which I really want….yoga a peaceful mind and body and people say a glowing skin….zumba is something I love the people there the vibe and free dance which takes me to a different world altogather. Wish I could join all 3

Anyone from english medium who has lived/ has been living in Mukherjee Nagar ? Kindly DM 

Hello friends, lagta h aaj aur kal m class m bohot shor macha h. It’s good to see my students appreciate critical thinking and debates without it descending into cacophony. Teacherji is back with targets, kyunki aaj I called in a sick day. Targets for 1.10.22 are:

CA- 19-30 June

Revise environment 

Environment- AWP

Environment- pre notes updation

Modern history notes updation

Daily C/A

@mightyraju my favourite students are the ones who put in effort, so as of now the entire class is my favourite.

P.S: starting anew layout for my digital planner gives so much satisfaction. It’s raspberry pink flowers in case anyone was wondering. 🙃

mightyraju,Morticiaand1 otherslike this
@D503 I can bet my life that the masses were not virtuous when Gandhi or Buddha were teaching their lessons or when Prabhu Ram walked on the earth. I can bet my life that the masses are not virtuous today. It's the societal taboos & fear of stick that keeps them in check. The king or state have to be virtuous for their own sake. Sri Krishna does not care about the masses watching Arjun, he cares about keeping the virtue intact and going within their lineage, he does not want to see decline in the Kshatriya/Master morality. Arjun is exhorted to fight so that the slave morality does not creep into his lineage/progeny. Arjun is exhorted to fight because it's a kingly trait. Arjun is not a gladiator fighting for mass spectacle. 

Anyone over here has any idea about gsscore mains course (100days). I saw their brochure the sub topic coverage looks good but am doubtful about the quality of content? Anyone having any idea? Even in general how is the content quality of gsscore courses? If anyone has taken this course can you please share some handouts to check the quality.
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