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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@RaraAvis It needs lots of sittings and getting to know a person even his subconscious thoughts and lot of observations like even how a person even holds up their pen in different emotional situations ,its like knowing a person inside out and that needs lot of time.

@captainamerica the answer from you that I was looking here was - "I don't know, as I am not a psychiatrist/psychologist." Thats it. Just because you have an MBBS degree doesn't mean that you would know how it can be diagnosed. Yes, obviously many sessions are needed, but also many tests are needed - which I am sure you aren't aware of. Mental illnesses aren't just diagnosed through lots of talking and opening up of subconscious thoughts! I hope in your practice in case you come across someone you feel needs mental health support, you would refer the person to the right expert instead of trying to know the person and exploring his/her personality. 

Just concerned because as a practicing psychologist I have come across many MBBS degree holders diagnosing and treating people who need mental health support and in the process do more harm than good. Nothing against you, just trying to spread some awareness as this is very close to my heart.

GaryVee,Kapiushonand3 otherslike this
Going by the quality of this thread, I really wonder what a fruitful thread in the much-admiredOld Days of Forummust have looked like! I am sure it wouldn't have been so much haywire. 
Itachi,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this
@captainamerica my friend has been diagnosed with bipolar two years back and it certainly did not take years to find that. I think doctor identified it within 5-7months. Also it did not take much time to diagnose it rather which medicines worked for him took longer time. 
Now how do I know doctor was right? Because now he is normal and healthy but I think he has to continue his medication for a long time. 

@RaraAvis wow,how could you say that?There is a subject in our final year,and even you can read the UPSC syllabus that requires us to know about it.Even questions have from it of 20 markers,so as per you specialist any MedicalScience optional student should write in that 20 marks question that-dont know?or refer the patient?That will fetch me marks?If you are so good than a Doctor god bless And Treat the patients correctly,but do not try to issue wrong statements.That doesn't suit a student of science.

@mehuifs Bipolarity is a complicated issue it varies patient to patient.You can consult another doctor and get different opinion too if you are not satisfied.

@captainamerica good for you! you become a mental health professional by studying one module in your final ayear and through your capacity to answer a 20 marker question. 

Would not like to comment any further on this. Thanks!

@Villanelle you first quoted your 3 years of studies but when i did mine it was self aggrandizement, when you talk that forensic and psychiatric studies are not core of medicine study in india then please tell what lakhs of students in India studying and clearing exams during their graduation.Even in UPSC they have lot of weightage in optional papers as they are mentioned separately,that means even UPSC recognize them not peripheral but you the medical education expert classify them peripheral.And Jordan Peterson and Ben shapiro names causing you problems cos you must have been hurt by them ryt?Maybe they call out the lies?

1. I didn't quote my background to claim expertise on topic, unlike you. It was simply to convey that I have an informed opinion backed by what I've studied.

2. False equivalence - I'm not disregarding what lakhs of students are studying. I'm simply saying you are claiming to be an expert on an issue which isn't your core competence. "Medicine" is not psychology. Its funny how you disregard psychologists, and assert how "real doctors" know how to diagnose bipolarity. It is actually the other way round. GPs are meant to refer mental illness patients to psychiatrists and psychologists. Only someone who has studied psychology could be a specialist on these issues. So called "real doctors" are a reason why today we have a mental health system which has over-reliance on drugs.

3. On JP and Shapiro - First, why would I be hurt them? Second, exactly what lies have they called out? One is someone who uses pseudoscience (lobster evolutionary history lol), and Jungian psychology (which nobody in the field of psychology even takes seriously anymore) to peddle his ideologically biased and long drawn ideas and conclusions, apart from the regular - cherry-picking facts, misinterpreting works to suit his case, using his forum to peddle sexist attitudes and supporting far-right views. Ben Shapiro on the other hand, is a bewildering idiot.

GaryVee,RaraAvisand1 otherslike this

isko kisi ne tag kiya?? bhi kuch bol raha hai neet/ jee ke bare mai...



isko kisi ne tag kiya?? bhi kuch bol raha hai neet/ jee ke bare mai...

Ye sab jaanta hai....just like professor Dilip mandal 😂

@RaraAvis then by your logic a Defense Secy should be lower rank than Cheif of Army,Finance Secy should be lower than Cheif Economic Advisor coz they have just cleared a exam and they are generalist.Ryt? Since you have been digressing from the point i made and came to personal attack means you ceded your stand and point and debating useless issue.That means my fact hurt you.
Don't sorry feelings are meant to be hurt.And yes please do not go to doctors they are useless.happy.Hope you r happy.Coz happiness over useless issues and hyperbolic statements make you sleep good.

What's going on in this thread? ðŸ¤”
@captainamerica I mean that if I am facing heart issues I would go to a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon, not a gynaecologist. Now, a gynaecologist would have also studied about the heart and its working in the MBBS course, but I am sure he would take the right call and refer me to a cardiac specialist in case of a heart stroke, instead of taking offence - that I have also studied about heart and I can also treat and write 20 marker answers on heart. I hope I am right? 

By the same logic, if a doctor comes across someone who needs mental health support don't you think he/she should refer the person to a psychiatrist or a psychologist for proper treatment and care? All I said was just because you have a MBBS degree you cannot (rather should not) diagnose a mental illness the same way I cannot prescribe medicines to someone with mental illness even though I have studied about it and know about it. 

I did not even attack you personally, why are you being offended? Also, is it necessary to view everything from UPSC exam lens? I mean I was talking from real practice perspective, not from writing CSE mains answer ! There, I don't wish to spread any awareness (I mean from exam perspective), but if you are a real doctor then don't you think some good awareness on referral is needed so that people don't suffer unnecessarily? I am sure you would agree that when it comes to humans and treatment of diseases it is crucial that we go to experts and not generalists? I mean a GP would always always refer a patient to a specialist when it is beyond his/her capacity, no? Don't you do that as a GP yourself? I mean if you have a patient rushed in with a heart stroke - what would you do? Primary care and then refer right? You wouldn't perform a surgery, I mean I hope you wouldn't!

You had no facts in your argument to hurt me, in fact your sentences are poorly structured - so it is difficult to even understand what you are trying to say. 

Please don't waste time by stretching this further.

P.S.- Apologies to other peeps for spamming, but mental healthcare is so poorly handled in our country that I couldn't stop myself from commenting. 

EiChan,Steveand3 otherslike this
@Villanelle I second you on JP and Shapiro. 
I guess I need to vent out my rant. 
We have another in India, J sai Deepak - the saviour of right, in the name of Indic. Culture. 
Most of his arguments have one thing in common - they start with a fallacy. Most of the times, it is ignored because it usually forms the basic foundation of those who support him. And then he goes on defending it 'with facts'
Whole of the Sabarimala issue was based on his argument that a place of worship, by default, is not a secular place. Therefore, applying principles of secularism or equality is wrong. Since it's origin is from the fact that the deity follows brahmcharya.
That's the same argument which would render castism a rightful practice under A-25. Almost all purans support atrocities on lower castes. So he'll be like if you want to go to a temple and follow religion, you are signing up for the discrimination. Or else don't follow the religion.  

People who follow them usually already have a bias and hence are mesmerized. No offence to anyone who likes him. Had to say it!

Blueberry,Ayushi7and6 otherslike this
Loving the variety of people we have here. :)
@PhoenixD RW is so easy. No academic knowledge required nothing, all you got to say is, whatever winds of change are blowing, don't worry, I will stop it and preserve your privilege. 
Voila, you are an RW Icon! :P

EiChan,NKS_PSIRand2 otherslike this
@PhoenixD RW is so easy. No academic knowledge required nothing, all you got to say is, whatever winds of change are blowing, don't worry, I will stop it and preserve your privilege. 
Voila, you are an RW Icon! :P

And for being LW you need to be a nobel laureate

@Patootie Fuhrer u try mastering telescopic wrds and philosopher names or wht eh since Patootie nawab??

@Sadhika 'woked up'. There's a ready stock response from the depths of the left: appropriation of value created by labour. To everyone on this thread, perhaps it's time to shut it down? The game is on right and proper now and 4th is the day. 

This thread is becoming an eyesore lol. 
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