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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@rsinghrockz240 that person in the replies applauding the situation rather than expressing outrage at the lack of facilities says a lot about where we are right now.

BD,AureliusMand1 otherslike this

Bro, some people on this forum is blind about all these.

Bhai what is role of tehsildar in administration ...isn't this post related with revenue?? Y they issue certificates...not sdm????
@Tyler Durden it was not  Suicide,if it was a hanging then it defies laws of mathematics and physics.And if that so called psychology expert walker says so then she must be given nobel in medicine for diagnosis of bipolar disorder in couple of months which actually requires years and years of counselling and behavior examination.Please donot listen has been journalist who has crashlanded on youtube from a top studio and is trying to find her MOJO which can't be done as people want facts not self glossing statement and hate Hippocratic speeches.

@captainamerica please dude... No SSR here as well. Media has given you topic so that you don't discuss on Economy, unemployment, bad governance, flawed policies, no RTI or audit of PM CARES etc...  

Everyone talking about SSR on all forums. Stop it. Please. 

Oasis,Blueberryand15 otherslike this
@Tokyo Tehsildar is responsible for overall administration of the tehsil, not just revenue. 

@Jayson_Bourne why rti or audit of PMCARES an issue?its not taxpayers money so why fuss?And media didn't gave SSR issue people pushed media to do it.Irony of us is that we want to hush up murder of innocent but create fuss on PMCares?

Issue in SSR is compromised Police Force and political interference in investigation.We saw how Arushi case was botched up due to lack of forensic training.

@Adi2077 thats a fact bro,not bait.

@Tokyo Tehsildar is responsible for overall administration of the tehsil, not just revenue. 

Then what does sdm do???

Tehsildars are primarily revenue officers, however they have been assigned several duties in developmental activites.

Say in Odisha, the revenue department is called Revenue and Disaster management dept. Be it Amphan or Fani, a Tehsildar becomes a Disaster management officer and keeps an eye on cyclone shelters/fooding arrangement/ DM plan.

Similarly, during covid management they act as incident commanders and do mask enforcement.
While doing liquor raids with excise department they operate as Executive magistrates. 
The work of a Tahasildar is primarily land related activity -  mutation, conversion of agricultural land to non - agricultural land, partition of land between co-sharers.

Tehsildar is the custodian of the land of the State government. Tehsildars issue miscellaneous certificates e.g Income, caste, EWS. Court of a tahasildar is a lower court, SDM's Court is a higher one. If a certificate is rejected by the tahasildar, then the aggrieved may appeal it in a higher forum (here SDM) and get it approved there.
So, primarily the administration in states is shifting from revenue to developmental, thus Tehsildars are taking up a variety of profiles. 

GaryVee,Nalandaand1 otherslike this
@Tyler Durden it was not  Suicide,if it was a hanging then it defies laws of mathematics and physics.And if that so called psychology expert walker says so then she must be given nobel in medicine for diagnosis of bipolar disorder in couple of months which actually requires years and years of counselling and behavior examination.Please donot listen has been journalist who has crashlanded on youtube from a top studio and is trying to find her MOJO which can't be done as people want facts not self glossing statement and hate Hippocratic speeches.

Don’t know about the particulars of this case, so not implying if the diagnosis in the this case is correct or not.

Now, I’m far from being a professional psychologist. But having studied it academically for 3 years of my life and covering psychopathology specifically - I’m compelled to correct you.

NO, bipolar disorder diagnosis does not require “years of counselling and behavioural examination”. Just because it usually goes undiagnosed because of its erratic nature, remissions, different manifestation, types and often times takes years to get correct diagnosis - doesn’t mean it can’t be diagnosed in months, weeks, days.

The truth is because all diagnosis in psychology is subjective, if you go deep enough you’ll always find contradictory stands, counter diagnosis by two different people etc. etc. So what you do? You take the psychologist’s word for it or find another one who says what you want to hear. 

@Villanelle I have a MBBS degree so i have better idea about diagnosis of Bipolarity and Forensics.Also if Bipolarity diagnosed by psychology with couple of months and few sittings,that needs Nobel in Medicine this year.Ask any real doctors on Bipolarity and its diagnosis will give you a real picture.
Ps-no offence intended But facts don't care about our feelings-Ben shapiro.

@Villanelle I have a MBBS degree so i have better idea about diagnosis of Bipolarity and Forensics.Also if Bipolarity diagnosed by psychology with couple of months and few sittings,that needs Nobel in Medicine this year.Ask any real doctors on Bipolarity and its diagnosis will give you a real picture.
Ps-no offence intended But facts don't care about our feelings-Ben shapiro.

Non taken.

I do think it’s pretty self-aggrandising really to think an MBBS degree gives you an edge over others in when it comes to bipolarity and forensics - none which even form a core of the medical course. I thought MBBS was meant for someone to become a “general practitioner”. Good for you to have every other thing under your belt. 

And quoting Ben Shapiro, really... :D What’s next Jordan Peterson?

Dreamtobe,Oasisand10 otherslike this
@Villanelle I have a MBBS degree so i have better idea about diagnosis of Bipolarity and Forensics.Also if Bipolarity diagnosed by psychology with couple of months and few sittings,that needs Nobel in Medicine this year.Ask any real doctors on Bipolarity and its diagnosis will give you a real picture.
Ps-no offence intended But facts don't care about our feelings-Ben shapiro.

Non taken.

I do think it’s pretty self-aggrandising really to think an MBBS degree gives you an edge over others in when it comes to bipolarity and forensics - none which even form a core of the medical course. I thought MBBS was meant for someone to become a “general practitioner”. Good for you to have every other thing under your belt. 

And quoting Ben Shapiro, really... :D What’s next Jordan Peterson?

Wasted opportunity to quote Zizek man🤷🏾‍♂️

@Patootie something tells me Zizek and the angry fast-speaking gerbil don't have much in common :c

@Patootie something tells me Zizek and the angry fast-speaking gerbil don't have much in common :c

They don't. Zizek makes sense. :D

GaryVee,Villanelleand1 otherslike this
@captainamerica hey, so as a medical practitioner, how would you diagnose bipolar disorder? 

P.S. - I understand this is not the right thread, but can't help ask it here.

@Villanelle you first quoted your 3 years of studies but when i did mine it was self aggrandizement, when you talk that forensic and psychiatric studies are not core of medicine study in india then please tell what lakhs of students in India studying and clearing exams during their graduation.Even in UPSC they have lot of weightage in optional papers as they are mentioned separately,that means even UPSC recognize them not peripheral but you the medical education expert classify them peripheral.And Jordan Peterson and Ben shapiro names causing you problems cos you must have been hurt by them ryt?Maybe they call out the lies?

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