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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Have no clue whether the exam will happen or not, but this is such a damning indictment. 


Have no clue whether the exam will happen or not, but this is such a damning indictment. 

who is shreya shrey????



Have no clue whether the exam will happen or not, but this is such a damning indictment. 

who is shreya shrey????

Idk, no clue. Came on a group. 



Have no clue whether the exam will happen or not, but this is such a damning indictment. 

who is shreya shrey????

Idk, no clue. Came on a group. 

bhai aisa bahut hai.....lets not pay heed to them

@sidnaruto Personally just went through it. To note down things for revision is too much work with too little reward.
Plus, personally, the initial friction to start a work should always be as little as possible. Like for eg, if you have to note down, you need your laptop/IPAD/Hard copy of the paper, and a suitable place to write down. Plus, the thought of writing imp. points of so many questions is itself consuming.
I was doing this and ultimately in my last 4 tests, did not revise the results.
I switched, got the answer sheets printed out(as I have subscribed an online test series) and now in a day I am easily able to revise up to 2. See it is very simple Tests have to be given in 1 slot but revisions can be done in multiple. So whenever I get time, I get done with 5-10 ques and highlight them. The most important ones I tick them with a black pen(sorting out priorities). It has worked like a charm for me. In my second revision the things I find too typical. I will note them down(like 4-5 points from each paper).
You can try this way!

Interloperr,Sherkhan1428and2 otherslike this



Have no clue whether the exam will happen or not, but this is such a damning indictment. 

who is shreya shrey????

Idk, no clue. Came on a group. 

bhai aisa bahut hai.....lets not pay heed to them

Shreya Shrey is not wrong at all in saying that, you know. Most of India does not live close to the centers. They don't have the luxury of writing the exam without undergoing severe risk as opposed to other candidates like me who have the privilege of living in an urban center. Conducting exams in this climate is a far cry from the definition of equal opportunity. 

GaryVee,Gargi__and3 otherslike this
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Shreya Shrey is not wrong at all in saying that, you know. Most of India does not live close to the centers. They don't have the luxury of writing the exam without undergoing severe risk as opposed to other candidates like me who have the privilege of living in an urban center. Conducting exams in this climate is a far cry from the definition of equal opportunity. 

That said, I'm not engaging in further speculation or gyan about why I think we must pay heed to everyone in a democracy, because it doesn't matter what I think. Even if it matters, there's no point in typing it out here. Pretty sure my views or your views on this won't change @Tokyo.

Imma go back to my notes now. Peace!

@sidnaruto Personally just went through it. To note down things for revision is too much work with too little reward.
Plus, personally, the initial friction to start a work should always be as little as possible. Like for eg, if you have to note down, you need your laptop/IPAD/Hard copy of the paper, and a suitable place to write down. Plus, the thought of writing imp. points of so many questions is itself consuming.
I was doing this and ultimately in my last 4 tests, did not revise the results.
I switched, got the answer sheets printed out(as I have subscribed an online test series) and now in a day I am easily able to revise up to 2. See it is very simple Tests have to be given in 1 slot but revisions can be done in multiple. So whenever I get time, I get done with 5-10 ques and highlight them. The most important ones I tick them with a black pen(sorting out priorities). It has worked like a charm for me. In my second revision the things I find too typical. I will note them down(like 4-5 points from each paper).
You can try this way!

I observed the same. 

@Patootie People do not see equal oppurtunity as a thing here. Privilege works as great blinders!
But as you said, no use talking about it here. 
Heading towards our books is the more sensible option!

Guys today I talked to chairman of upsc , but he did not receive the call. 
Oasis,GaryVeeand5 otherslike this
@Thanos_  postponing by a month or 2 which is what the protestors are demanding means writing the exams in even much severe conditions when the cases might surge to 1 lakh, and  given the fact that UPSC can't afford to cancel this year exam ,the most logical and safest thing would be to write on 4th itself... also the sc question remains ever relevant- are we ready to afford another year ?

@MarcusA this discussion/debate will go in circles. Since past 2 months already we have had good enough points from For & Against it. I just shared the tweet to show how the voice of aspirants are being represented.
Why will anyone cancel, even the not so efficient state PSC's conduct respective exam cycles after a massive delay sans corona.
@MarcusA this discussion/debate will go in circles. Since past 2 months already we have had good enough points from For & Against it. I just shared the tweet to show how the voice of aspirants are being represented.

yeah I know, my comment was not to debate !! was putting across my views. this thread and debate anyway is a  quagmire. 

There was never equality of opportunity before corona. A percentage of aspirants who had a good shot at it now don't have it because of the crisis.
Chanakya,Interloperrand2 otherslike this

Mafia and dalals run this country ..  They r the deep state which ever govt is in power does nt matter . Public mood also does nt matter ..  In todays social media age good campaign with intelligent memes , news propaganda ( whole country worried abt one death now while thousands dieing everyday) can change public mind with in days ..  And ultimately if nothing works there is brahmastra of religion , cast etc ..  Thats how democracy works . And thats how middle class is managed .. poor need freebies and middle class need ideology..  rich dnt care...

So think for urself work hard and get out of this middle class curse ..  

Caesar,GaryVeeand8 otherslike this


Mafia and dalals run this country ..  They r the deep state which ever govt is in power does nt matter . Public mood also does nt matter ..  In todays social media age good campaign with intelligent memes , news propaganda ( whole country worried abt one death now while thousands dieing everyday) can change public mind with in days ..  And ultimately if nothing works there is brahmastra of religion , cast etc ..  Thats how democracy works . And thats how middle class is managed .. poor need freebies and middle class need ideology..  rich dnt care...

So think for urself work hard and get out of this middle class curse ..  

its the sad reality of this society.


just for fun.

GaryVee,Raillifeand1 otherslike this

just for fun.


Gaadi driver chala raha tha. 🤥🤥🤥

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