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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Today's Abhyaas test was definitely difficult. Anyone can expect a drop of at least 20 marks from their previous Abhyaas test. Anything above 90 would be a very good score in today's Abhyaas. 
kohliwag,Villanelleand1 otherslike this

I found today’s Abhyaas quite tough. Lesser questions from traditional sources I think.

Cant comment on repeated questions since I haven’t revised FLTs yet.

OnlyIAS was moderate/kinda easy and along UPSC lines.

@Tokyo I was moderate and a very balanced paper. Though only D-Day score matters, but extrapolating, 110 plus seems at par.

Unacademy test was written by around 12000 people. More than Abhyas. 😐
Hey folks! Seeing all the people giving  20+ tests has got me nervous. I figured that as of now I have just given 4 tests (with 80+ scores) . I am thinking of simply concentrating on the standard books + pt365 without any tests. Looking for advice/critique on this strategy ? 
Joeyisthebest,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this

Though I didn't attempt edukemy mock but saw their pdf of a test.. I think question a bit absurd just to give us an experience of uncertainty!! 

What you do think?? 

Can we expect cse19 mains marks tomorrow?
@Rj_Khan No 2 people have the same strategy, but I'd advice you to focus on good quality FLT series as a revision strategy. It's been proven that the best way to learn a topic is through questions and the neural connections it creates while trying to answer it. It results in clarity and enhanced retention of information. And more importantly in the context of upsc prelims, the knack of eliminating wrong options is probably the single distinguishing factor in clearing the stage. And this you'd practice through mock tests. 
This view is through the little experience I've gathered from clearing prelims in both my attempts so far. Do give it a thought.

Cheers brother/sis!

Aurora,GaryVeeand9 otherslike this
Can we expect cse19 mains marks tomorrow?


Any advice on covering tribal, peasant movements in modern India, like what major info to remember?

Hi all, will the attempt be counted if i skip/ not give the paper , despite filling in the notification, last attempt.. please advice .. admins@root @Neyawn .. and others .... also if someone has any official documents.. please .. 

Thanks in advance ... 

@LadkaLihaadi Nope won't be counted. 

Hi @mo_cuishle thank you for the response .. do you have any documentation for the same .. or is it mentioned anywhere in the notification... i mean no offense.. but just .. to avoid any doubts ...

Hey folks! Seeing all the people giving  20+ tests has got me nervous. I figured that as of now I have just given 4 tests (with 80+ scores) . I am thinking of simply concentrating on the standard books + pt365 without any tests. Looking for advice/critique on this strategy ? 

tests are important , in the sense u will get to know the mistakes you make , the approaches u take , how many readings u can do in a question paper.etc , Just 10 to 15 years previous year question papers will do i think wrt to the time constraints.....

@Koro-Sensei ideally how many full length tests you suggest? 


Hello everyone. I have been a silent member of this thread for a long time. I hope all of you are preparing well.

I just wanted to share something personal today. I have been preparing for UPSC for over a year now. I got slightly off track coz of the pandemic. Nevertheless I tried to make up for the lost time. My sister tested positive for covid a few days back. Since then my house is sort of turned upside down. My mother and father are both in high risk group. We are in isolation. I fear every moment for their safety. Even if I were to appear for the exam I don't have a place to isolate myself after the exam so as to keep my parents safe. My preparation has been hampered significantly. I am myself a patient of respiratory illness. 

 So guys I am really depressed and confused, both academically and emotionally. I don't know if I will be able to appear for this attempt. 

I pray to almighty to keep everyone of you safe and healthy 💞. All the best 👍

Aurora,GaryVeeand7 otherslike this
@Mribha26 All the best, Man! Remember you can't control everything, you can just do your best :) More love and power to you :)


This is from official notification.


Hello everyone. I have been a silent member of this thread for a long time. I hope all of you are preparing well.

I just wanted to share something personal today. I have been preparing for UPSC for over a year now. I got slightly off track coz of the pandemic. Nevertheless I tried to make up for the lost time. My sister tested positive for covid a few days back. Since then my house is sort of turned upside down. My mother and father are both in high risk group. We are in isolation. I fear every moment for their safety. Even if I were to appear for the exam I don't have a place to isolate myself after the exam so as to keep my parents safe. My preparation has been hampered significantly. I am myself a patient of respiratory illness. 

 So guys I am really depressed and confused, both academically and emotionally. I don't know if I will be able to appear for this attempt. 

I pray to almighty to keep everyone of you safe and healthy 💞. All the best 👍

So sorry to hear that my friend. I can personally relate to the trauma one faces when a year's prep is disrupted due to some unforeseen issue in the final month( went through something personal in 2018 attempt, could not sit). 
All my prayers are with you. Always remember, nothing is stronger than your will! Take care.

GaryVee,Steveand1 otherslike this
@Joeyisthebest Ideally 20 I'd say, but since this isn't a normal year and current affairs includes 4-5 extra months, 30 should be the target. And it is quite doable. You can do upto 3 FLTs in a day and revise them if you push yourself now.

Good luck!
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