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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Koro-Sensei good luck to you too buddy :)


I dnt agree the term upper cast has any significant role in gender bias ..  There are drunkard males in every cast who beat their women and missbehave with other women .  And even women are also deeply involved in gender bias . Women themselves preach bias against women . So lets not give color of gender and cast to this problem . And generalize people..

People of particular ideologies 1st make laws and then collect suitable facts to prove it . And that is why you ll find less number of them in science ... only social studies suits their agenda because science is all about fact . U cnt insert ur prejudice in science

Caesar,kochikaameand3 otherslike this
Anybody gave abhyas 2???
Oppression Olympics in full swing. 
@stoic97  What’s that? Did you look into a mirror and see what I described?

@Shubz  Granted you’re partly right. It is a trend. But what is perpetual is the dissing of identity politics by said upper caste boys because they are inconvenienced by it. 

I am telling you that I, and in fact many women, routinely face sexual harassment in Rajinder nagar. The reason for this is not because some boys failed at their middle class decency lessons, but because of a systemic lack of democratic praxis. Where our common spaces are privatised, and/or monopolised by a certain category of people, such democratic praxis is stunted. 

If you have no meaningful response to this, or if you prefer things to continue as they are, then move over and keep quiet.

Full disclosure: I myself have the privileges of being upper caste and Hindi belt.

BD,Homo Neanderthalensis

How about FLT of vision and ABHYAS? Which one z better? Kindly help.

Which insti ka FLT's are good ? PLease kuch suggest kardo, maatha pachhi ho gaya hai poora.
Forumias open mock on 19

Hello aspirant ‘boys’ of Rajinder nagar!

Just wondering why there are such pieces of shit around here that don’t allow a woman to walk in peace in broad daylight!! Some of you even leer at us as neighbours !! The lockdown period and right down to mid august was such a serene time, because there were fewer shitty ‘boys’ around. Why are so many of you sexual harassers? Genuine question!

Here is my analysis. Most of you are upper caste Hindi belt engineers from private colleges. That kind of means that you have no notion of real equality and democracy. 

If you are one of those then please, just masturbate to some of the vile free porn you watch and drown yourselves in your own cum.

Sorry that I am so forthright. I admit I am furious. But really, just go away.

I sorry for the bad experience you go through daily. I don't know about the caste angle to this. But i do know patriarchy , Its present everywhere . And expresses itself in different ways what you accused of some section might be true . 

But there are good people and bad people in every sections , accusing a whole section is wrong i think.

That being said our whole society can be accused of upholding patriarchy and crush women in multidimensional ways. As a society (male and some females [who have become agents of patriarchy)] we are all guilty of it "we are totally ok with a man whipping out his private parts and peeing in public , by a mother who nurses a child in public is subjected to utmost apprehension."

 Hope women are liberated as liberation of humanity depends on liberation of women.

@Bodhi25 disclosure seriously???Every 1 claims the same,thus bodhi,anyway not sm badge of honour!Was ths all frustated nonsense required during xam days??@root can sm thing b done abt ths??People here r painting openly every1 with same personal bias brush in demeaning manner tht 2 during xams(as if public cllg,othr streams,othr castes and other regions r blemish free doesnt even sound lik well read feminist)!!Women empowerment and harassment concern s reality even in developed countries,so cmmnt was 2 unmature,half baked and out of reality wtht substance lik sm alphas(its a fact chck utube interviews orn s 1 of the safest places,few xceptions cant b generalised in same way people hav horrifying xperience even of othr gender tht doesnt mean portraying whole species in single colour)!!plz try not ruining the decency of Forum.Better 2 b quiet thn utter garbage unless u r "Chatur"of 3 idiots!.Phew opened the thread after break nly 2 find it 2 low and demotivating!

Caesar,BDand1 otherslike this
@Koro-Sensei I didn't do tone policing. Just asked her to chill with a smiling emoji. 
Did so because exam is just around the corner and she should try to be unaffected no matter how hard the circumstances so she can crack the paper. It is in no way discounting the horrors females of this country go through on a daily basis.  I thought it was clear knowledge that a paper like UPSC requires a mind unaffected by circumstances. In no way my message could be understood as policing of any order. Do not try to carve a niche for activism where it is not needed.
Your perception of"chill. :)" tone policing, for me it was just being nice. Let us not get too righteous out here that we discard empathy for the sake of our perception of justice. 
I will give you the same advice to you too.
The exam is around the corner, Just chill.
Now before you hound me with another one of yours how dare you tell me what to do, as a fellow aspirant, just gave a suggestion for what I thought was the right course of actionAT THIS MOMENT.
Standing up for others is a wonderful thing, but please try to see what the other person is trying to convey. As I said earlier, empathy. :)
These discussions and debates would amount to zilch and comprise of regretful memories if we are not able to clear this paper.
All the best. :)

Caesar,Vickoo_Matreand8 otherslike this
@Koro-Sensei I didn't do tone policing. Just asked her to chill with a smiling emoji. 
Did so because exam is just around the corner and she should try to be unaffected no matter how hard the circumstances so she can crack the paper. It is in no way discounting the horrors females of this country go through on a daily basis.  I thought it was clear knowledge that a paper like UPSC requires a mind unaffected by circumstances. In no way my message could be understood as policing of any order. Do not try to carve a niche for activism where it is not needed.
Your perception of"chill. :)" tone policing, for me it was just being nice. Let us not get too righteous out here that we discard empathy for the sake of our perception of justice. 
I will give you the same advice to you too.
The exam is around the corner, Just chill.
Now before you hound me with another one of yours how dare you tell me what to do, as a fellow aspirant, just gave a suggestion for what I thought was the right course of actionAT THIS MOMENT.
Standing up for others is a wonderful thing, but please try to see what the other person is trying to convey. As I said earlier, empathy. :)
These discussions and debates would amount to zilch and comprise of regretful memories if we are not able to clear this paper.
All the best. :)

Another thing, this thread was made to discuss prelims related issues - be it subject or health etc..There is no point in getting into a frugal discussion about all the unrelated stuff.(Though I am Pique supporter but you are right here@SergioRamos ;)

@SergioRamos I apologise for misinterpreting your comment. One of the many limitations of 2D communication in a 3d world. A big para on forsaking empathy for a misunderstanding seemed off topic.
And "I will give you the same advice to you too.
The exam is around the corner, Just chill.
Now before you hound me with another one of yours how dare you tell me what to do" seemed a little on the offensive side. But it's alright, you share the name of our El Capitan.

Good luck to you too buddy! :)
@stoic97  What’s that? Did you look into a mirror and see what I described?

Oh yea I see it now. My mirror had a blind spot, so went to a fellow upper caste, hindu belt friend's house to use his mirror. 'Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the hindu belt-est of them all', I asked...  

Padahai kar lo paagal log...Ye sab debate post prelims karna...Answer writing practice bhi ho jaega


Anybody gave abhyas 2???

yes i did. 



Anybody gave abhyas 2???

yes i did. 

how did u find it??

@Tokyo I did. Waiting for results which are supposed to come by 10 PM today


Here upsc withheld marks of only one candidate due to court case....but in case of CSE, 2019....marks of all candidates are withheld....Strange..

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