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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Can someone teach me how to access these files through ANKI?  I'm intrigued now that so many people are speaking highly of it.

I downloaded the app, but I'm unable to add these shared decks. How to do that?


Can someone help me how to access these file through ANKI?  I'm intrigued now that so many people are speaking highly of it.

I downloaded the app, but I'm unable to add these shared decks. How to do that?

Have you tried importing the deck into the app? I am using the desktop version of ANKI and the side bar has an import option



Can someone help me how to access these file through ANKI?  I'm intrigued now that so many people are speaking highly of it.

I downloaded the app, but I'm unable to add these shared decks. How to do that?

Have you tried importing the deck into the app? I am using the desktop version of ANKI and the side bar has an import option

Can't find the import option in the app. I'll download the desktop version. Thank you.

@Kasturi22 I am intrigued and want to start. But, less than a month to prelims, should I dive in now or wait till the exam gets over? Thoughts?

The good people of this FORUM, can you explain to me why supermemo 18 is better than anki?
I haven't used either but from the outside, both look pretty similar to me. Please feed the noob in me. :)
The good people of this FORUM, can you explain to me why supermemo 18 is better than anki?
I haven't used either but from the outside, both look pretty similar to me. Please feed the noob in me. :)

I haven't used supermemo but I've been using anki for quite sometime.

Pros : Free (not for mac) opensource ; multiple addons for almost everything; 

Cons : mobile version isnt that good. 

imo, one of the major thing here is you have to dedicate sometime everyday for anki. If you miss a few days, backlog can be horrible. You can however adjust settings acc to your own speed. Its very good for rattafying static topics or obscure things but for other CA, I found anki to be stressing me a lot. I stopped using it for CA. I have shifted to Onenote. Also its best if you want to learn a new language or something. You can find pre made decks by others or make your own.

Also anki is beautiful.

Monkey D. Luffy,AJ_and3 otherslike this
@SergioRamos OK. First things first, do not try it for Prelims 2020. It's just 19 days. You really won't understand anything in such a less time. It took me more than 2-3 months to internalize the philosophy used by ANKI or Super Memo or Quizlet or any other spaced repetition softwares.

I'll give a very brief background.

So, when it comes to learning, most of the students adopt these 3 methods - Rereading, Highlighting and Summarizing. According to science, these 3 are the least efficient ways to study

What are the most efficient ways to study - Active recall, Spaced Repetition and Interleaved Study.

Just google - What works and What doesn't by Professor Dunlosky. You'll get a 6 page pdf in the first link. Read it, you'll understand the basic behind what i am saying

Now coming to these softwares, ANKI or SuperMemo - Super Memo was started by a Polish guy named Woz, He revolutionized learning with his Software called Super Memo. Just like Windows 95, 97 etc, Super Memo also got upgraded every 3-4 years and the current version is Super Memo 18

ANKI is a free software developed by some students and learning enthusiasts, and it uses the algorithm used by Super Memo 2 (Which is way back to 1992)

So Super Memo 18 is like AI, which adjusts according to your forgetting index and shows you the content.

I understand it's little complicated at the outset, but once you learn it, it's like a magic wand to remember things.
MatildasMissHoney,EiChanand11 otherslike this
@rocknrolla beautiful indeed. Even on days where nothing gets done, maintaining a streak gives some sort of accomplishment :)

D7,Monkey D. Luffyand2 otherslike this
@rocknrolla beautiful indeed. Even on days where nothing gets done, maintaining a streak gives some sort of accomplishment :)

Yes :) Your consistency is commendable.

is supermemo 18 a paid application?
@Esha2020 Yes. It’s a paid software. But you can try earlier versions which are free

@rocknrolla Thankyou, kind words motivate to continue :)
@Esha2020 I've only used the app for a short time, it has a paid version with extra features(added file size storage and such) which you do not really need. Free version should serve the purpose

@Kasturi22 oh but when I had used it, okay it must have been some related software nvm ._.


@Kasturi22 @Koro-Sensei Thanks guys!!!

@Kasturi22  Thanks for the brief introduction mate. I have read about spaced repetition and the forgetting curve. I tried it too but somehow I was not able to get over the initial friction. I guess I overcomplicated it or could not understand the intricacies or gave up too early. I would like to start again.
Can you tell me a bit in detail, how to start, what to write how to setup, to go for free or paid and these things.
So once pre gets over, I can give it a shot! I really want to try it.
Will be much appreciated.

@Kasturi22  Thanks for the brief introduction mate. I have read about spaced repetition and the forgetting curve. I tried it too but somehow I was not able to get over the initial friction. I guess I overcomplicated it or could not understand the intricacies or gave up too early. I would like to start again.
Can you tell me a bit in detail, how to start, what to write how to setup, to go for free or paid and these things.
So once pre gets over, I can give it a shot! I really want to try it.
Will be much appreciated.

Spaced repetition is simple. Just keep revising the things you study in increasing intervals. For example, let's say you studied a topic today. Then one example of spaced repetition would be like the following. You revise it tmrw. Then three days later. Then 7 days later. Then a month later. And so on. You should tweak this spacing based on how well you remember the topic and how long you have till the exam. To get maximum benefit out of revision, couple it with active recall. Active recall is basically when you try to remember the points or concept you're trying to study. This is far better for long term retention than rereading or highlighting. There are lots of studies that have proven this. If you want to know more in detail, check out the YouTuber Ali Abdaal. He explains all of this and how he does it in very simple and practical terms. And it worked for him. He was first in his year at Cambridge or Oxford or something and he's a successful doctor now. 

Monkey D. Luffy,BDand3 otherslike this
@SergioRamos Yes, So as@dragon_rider has explained, it is very simple at the core. Efficient study methods include 3 things
1. Active Recall
2. Spaced Repetition 
3. Interleaved Study

For example, Take Battle of Buxar. When we read it using normal methods like Re-reading, Highlighting and Summarizing, our retention tends to be very less. But if we use methods i mentioned above, you would frame small questions like 
1. When did it take place
2. Who were the opponents
3. What was the result

The goal is to frame questions which are as atomic as possible, and then trying to recall the questions. So far so good, but when you want to apply it to UPSC, how would you do that?

For UPSC, we have plenty of information to remember, and mind you, if you start doing such atomic questions for all the CA and Static syllabus, you will take more than 2-3 years, and it would lead to over burn, eventually, you would resume to the least efficient study methods (As most of the toppers have succeeded using the same, why try something else, which is leading no where else). I have been in this situation, ANKI is a software which helps, but it's applicability to UPSC is very limited. As mentioned by few people already, after a while they switch to Onenote etc

Now, at this point of time, I would like to introduce something called Incremental Reading. Combine Incremental Reading with above mentioned 3 methods, you will have a very good learning technique

To know more about what i am talking - Checkout this site -

There are around 15-20 posts, read all of them, and then you will understand what is incremental reading

So, as of now Super Memo is the only software which uses incremental reading, which isn't a feature in ANKI

To give you an analogy, 

ANKI - Remember
Super Memo 18 - Read + Remember

I recorded a video sometime back, about how i use SM. -

In incremental reading, I import my study material into the software and i read it incrementally and frame atomic questions as i read, where as in ANKI, you have to sit down and frame questions and make cards.

It's little difficult to explain from scratch in one post, and i wouldn't suggest you to try it now with prelims just 3 weeks away. Getting a good hold of all this incremental reading philosophy will take some time (2-3 months). So, after reading those posts which i mentioned, if you're still interested, DM me, i will explain in detail.

Here's what incremental reading is all about -

One more link explaining Incremental Reading in a simpler way -

EiChan,Rise from Ashesand13 otherslike this
@dragon_rider And he has now quit being doctor for time being :P


@AllMight Oh wow I had no idea :sweat_smile:I'd stopped myself from watching YouTube for a while now so I haven't seen any of his latest videos.

@SergioRamos OK. First things first, do not try it for Prelims 2020. It's just 19 days. You really won't understand anything in such a less time. It took me more than 2-3 months to internalize the philosophy used by ANKI or Super Memo or Quizlet or any other spaced repetition softwares.

I'll give a very brief background.

So, when it comes to learning, most of the students adopt these 3 methods - Rereading, Highlighting and Summarizing. According to science, these 3 are the least efficient ways to study

What are the most efficient ways to study - Active recall, Spaced Repetition and Interleaved Study.

Just google - What works and What doesn't by Professor Dunlosky. You'll get a 6 page pdf in the first link. Read it, you'll understand the basic behind what i am saying

Now coming to these softwares, ANKI or SuperMemo - Super Memo was started by a Polish guy named Woz, He revolutionized learning with his Software called Super Memo. Just like Windows 95, 97 etc, Super Memo also got upgraded every 3-4 years and the current version is Super Memo 18

ANKI is a free software developed by some students and learning enthusiasts, and it uses the algorithm used by Super Memo 2 (Which is way back to 1992)

So Super Memo 18 is like AI, which adjusts according to your forgetting index and shows you the content.

I understand it's little complicated at the outset, but once you learn it, it's like a magic wand to remember things.

Yeh saab kya hai? Am I really old and outdated? I was under the impression that it was possible to pass the exam with a Add-Gel pen and White Notebook. ;-)

Neyawn,Sapienand41 otherslike this
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