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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Kri I used cello pinpoint for 2018 and 2019 prelims. Served me well. Avoid pens like finegrip. Rest its not much of an issue. 


Was away from Forum for the last few days but glad to see so many people using Anki and other spaced repetition softwares. Being a lazy person who has always had problems with revisions, I have been trying to get into using Anki for a pretty long time. But the inertia of making all the questions and being consistent has always pulled me down. I am very grateful that others have shared their decks.

Post prelims, I would request those who have been successfully using it to further explain their experiences in detail and maybe we can collaborate and come up with a good set of decks for the far too factual stuff in the preparation. Having pre-made decks and even pre-made active recall type questions can be helpful for beginners. I also realize that since most of the people have a different study style, decks made by different people would be different but still having a good repository will be helpful.

GaryVee,AzadHindFauzand7 otherslike this
@iskool I use one Evernote better than one note?

@Monkey D. Luffy Wouldn't be much dude, may be in 20s or 30s. ANKI is predominantly used by Medicine students. Pre-made decks are available everywhere, I searched a lot for UPSC, but didn't find any. 

Yes, collaboration would be a great thing, like pre made decks for History, Geography and other static parts would be great thing!

GaryVee,BDand1 otherslike this
@Esha2020 Evernote and OneNote are both equally popular. It is just a matter of which one you feel more comfortable with. Evernote's snipping tool is probably better in my opinion, those who are good with tags like it better. One Note provides more functionality while being free (upto 5GB is free afaik), pages system is probably better to navigate, typing from anywhere etc. So no point really comparing them and better to stick with what you are already using.

@Monkey D. Luffy Thanks :)

Monkey D. Luffy,
@Kasturi22 Yes, Anki picked up among doctors mostly because of the pre-made decks they have. UPSC's factual data repertoire is somewhat similar but I strongly feel that most don't start simply because making the cards take a lot of time. So subjects like History with its chronology, Spectrum's appendix, Environment, Geography etc all can be converted into decks. People have already shared and while I have not gone through them as of now, a collaborative effort in this and even the active recall questions would definitely come handy. So let's see what others feel about this post-prelims.

GaryVee,Koro-Senseiand1 otherslike this
@Monkey D. Luffy Evernote search system is probably the best out there. Makes tags irrelevant actually. But yes it comes down to personal preferences 

Monkey D. Luffy,
@Kasturi22 Yes, Anki picked up among doctors mostly because of the pre-made decks they have. UPSC's factual data repertoire is somewhat similar but I strongly feel that most don't start simply because making the cards take a lot of time. So subjects like History with its chronology, Spectrum's appendix, Environment, Geography etc all can be converted into decks. People have already shared and while I have not gone through them as of now, a collaborative effort in this and even the active recall questions would definitely come handy. So let's see what others feel about this post-prelims.

Sure, we can do that! It's an ongoing process, but static part can be covered first, which really helps people who are just starting the preparation.

Monkey D. Luffy,
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@Kasturi22 Congratulations for clearing difficult exams like IRDAI and Nabard. Nowadays these regulatory exams are way harder because of the obscenely low success rate like 0.13% for RBI with so few seats and lakhs of applicants. I was a regulatory exam aspirant since 2018 failed all while reaching 2 interviews now turned UPSC aspirant only because there are atleast 200 300 seats for general but yeah syllabus is 10x here. Hope you clear UPSC with flying colors ma'am. Also this year everyone somehow seems to be preparing for UPSC around me. Insane competition incoming for us all!

Did you get those words etched on your Junagarh inscription, Skandagupta? :P

Rarely get to see any Ancient History fandom. High-five!

 I, Skandagupta scion of the mighty Guptas drove away  the savage shveta turushka hunas(white huns) from our homeland bharatvarsha and I have recorded my exploits in Bhitari as an inscription. That rudradaman who pillaged junagarh and overwrote Mauryan inscription on the famous rock was another yavana invader whose kingdom was destroyed by Gupta ancestors to bring self rule. Hail Bharata!

@Monkey D. Luffy So, when you say in ANKI, card making process is so tedious, even i felt the same. 

 I was able to use it for 3-4 months for IRDAI and NABARD, but couldn't do it for UPSC.

When i went further deep, i learned about Super Memo. The card making process which is so tedious in ANKI is super simplified in Super Memo. Imagine having all the benefits of ANKI with simple card making process, that's super memo for you. And that too with enhanced algorithm

Monkey D. Luffy,
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@Kasturi22 Congratulations for clearing difficult exams like IRDAI and Nabard. Nowadays these regulatory exams are way harder because of the obscenely low success rate like 0.13% for RBI with so few seats and lakhs of applicants. I was a regulatory exam aspirant since 2018 failed all while reaching 2 interviews now turned UPSC aspirant only because there are atleast 200 300 seats for general but yeah syllabus is 10x here. Hope you clear UPSC with flying colors ma'am. Also this year everyone somehow seems to be preparing for UPSC around me. Insane competition incoming for us all!

Did you get those words etched on your Junagarh inscription, Skandagupta? :P

Rarely get to see any Ancient History fandom. High-five!

 I, Skandagupta scion of the mighty Guptas drove away  the savage shveta turushka hunas(white huns) from our homeland bharatvarsha and I have recorded my exploits in Bhitari as an inscription. That rudradaman who pillaged junagarh and overwrote Mauryan inscription on the famous rock was another yavana invader whose kingdom was destroyed by Gupta ancestors to bring self rule. Hail Bharata!

Okay, Vikramaditya :)


Was away from Forum for the last few days but glad to see so many people using Anki and other spaced repetition softwares. Being a lazy person who has always had problems with revisions, I have been trying to get into using Anki for a pretty long time. But the inertia of making all the questions and being consistent has always pulled me down. I am very grateful that others have shared their decks.

Post prelims, I would request those who have been successfully using it to further explain their experiences in detail and maybe we can collaborate and come up with a good set of decks for the far too factual stuff in the preparation. Having pre-made decks and even pre-made active recall type questions can be helpful for beginners. I also realize that since most of the people have a different study style, decks made by different people would be different but still having a good repository will be helpful.

This is a great idea. We could easily make pre-made decks for stuff like National Parks, Ramsar Sites, Tiger Reserves, Historical Organizations and their leaders, various journals/newspapers and their authors in history, reports and who publishes them to just name a few. 


I think app is not necessary. It can also be done with pen and paper.

For instance:

I do the same, but on Evernote. The edit feature allows me to refine the new knowledge I acquire and delete whatever becomes redundant with time.

I have kept my first note as a souvenir from the time I began the preparation in which I have mentioned that President is elected via an indirect election! :)

Paper notes become bulky with time and consolidating them is a herculean task! Evernote has made my life very easy :)

But, these fancy apps are still Hebrew to me!

I'm not proficient at typing. I need a pen and a paper or ipad and pencil.

Evernote is anyway great to organise and edit.

Get it. Have many friends who do much better note-keeping with Pen and Paper.

The only time I feel lucky for my brief stint as a corporate labourer earlier is when I'm using the Evernote. Typing out torrential and incessant mails helped me develop an above-average typing speed.

same case with me........ now its like fingers go on the correct key........... :D 



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Yeh saab kya hai? Am I really old and outdated? I was under the impression that it was possible to pass the exam with a Add-Gel pen and White Notebook. ;-)

the same words I was about to comment......... but restrained and tried to use it.

I used and found that it is good. even some part of the syllabus is doable using it in very less effort. YESSS.

So far revision is concerned and memorizing the facts, it has all the answers. But I think UPSC is beyond that. The analytical part + the mains preparation and the analysis of CA with mains perspective......... NOT MUCH.



Kuch bhi karlo, padhna to padega hi!!!

Yes. studying is something you can't avoid. But with time constraints and resource constraints, you have to look for an efficient way to study. 

For example, what advantages does Evernote or Onenote offer, compared to pen and paper. You can do with any of them, right? Same case!!

As i said earlier, you just need a success story to make others follow :)

"As i said earlier, you just need a success story to make others follow :)"

#apna tym aayega




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Yeh saab kya hai? Am I really old and outdated? I was under the impression that it was possible to pass the exam with a Add-Gel pen and White Notebook. ;-)

the same words I was about to comment......... but restrained and tried to use it.

I used and found that it is good. even some part of the syllabus is doable using it in very less effort. YESSS.

So far revision is concerned and memorizing the facts, it has all the answers. But I think UPSC is beyond that. The analytical part + the mains preparation and the analysis of CA with mains perspective......... NOT MUCH.



Kuch bhi karlo, padhna to padega hi!!!

Yes. studying is something you can't avoid. But with time constraints and resource constraints, you have to look for an efficient way to study. 

For example, what advantages does Evernote or Onenote offer, compared to pen and paper. You can do with any of them, right? Same case!!

As i said earlier, you just need a success story to make others follow :)

"As i said earlier, you just need a success story to make others follow :)"

#apna tym aayega

Definitely :)

@iskool I use one Evernote better than one note?

Probably............ but plz continue ur own thing in this attempt. For that matter, I use MS-WORD extensively. Evernote for me is for online thing only. Very less ppl know that WORD has an indexing feature as well. the only drawback is it becomes GF/BF after 40 pages and you have to switch to the other. :)


I created a thread for people interested in ANKI and similar things.

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@Kasturi22 Congratulations for clearing difficult exams like IRDAI and Nabard. Nowadays these regulatory exams are way harder because of the obscenely low success rate like 0.13% for RBI with so few seats and lakhs of applicants. I was a regulatory exam aspirant since 2018 failed all while reaching 2 interviews now turned UPSC aspirant only because there are atleast 200 300 seats for general but yeah syllabus is 10x here. Hope you clear UPSC with flying colors ma'am. Also this year everyone somehow seems to be preparing for UPSC around me. Insane competition incoming for us all!

Did you get those words etched on your Junagarh inscription, Skandagupta? :P

Rarely get to see any Ancient History fandom. High-five!

 I, Skandagupta scion of the mighty Guptas drove away  the savage shveta turushka hunas(white huns) from our homeland bharatvarsha and I have recorded my exploits in Bhitari as an inscription. That rudradaman who pillaged junagarh and overwrote Mauryan inscription on the famous rock was another yavana invader whose kingdom was destroyed by Gupta ancestors to bring self rule. Hail Bharata!

Okay, Vikramaditya :)

That's my grandfather nibba.

D7,AzadHindFauzand2 otherslike this
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