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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

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SC suggestions implied

1)age limit (32) and number of attempts (6) should not be breached

2) concession to those who have last attempt this year (either due to age limit or number of attempts) considering rule point one.

It means only those who will not appear this year will be able to get concession next year. This is to ensure that they they won't get additional one more attempt which isn't allowed to others. It's fair call but upsc has to need to notify asap


Attaching the relevant part from SC judgement. Hope UPSC/ DoPT clarifies before 4th Oct. Those crossing age limit would be able to make an informed choice about appearing in the exam. 

Suddenly all coaching ads even online 1s hav disappeared frm newspapers,has ny1 noticed!!
@Patootie Your posts are like Gold at this time particularly. You seem to be as cool and calm as Gustavo Fring :). But I am sure that beneath that calmness, you'll do something big like Gustavo did. All the best

@kochikaame Lol I can see a Pablo Escobar emerging due to this comment.


@Patootie, you are a beautiful person! 

@Reborn2 This is exactly the reason why giving such differentiated attempts is messy. For instance, how will the UPSC know which aspirant was genuinely unable to attend due to Covid, will a positive report be asked of them, or will those who couldn't find transport also be considered, etc. Also there is still discrimination in this scheme, why should a person who doesn't have his last attempt this year not get an extra attempt, as the pandemic affects him too, and it isn't his fault that he hasn't exhausted five attempts already etc. He'd like to keep his attempts intact whatever their number may be. That is why 33/7 is required. But the ball is with the govt, not upsc. And we all know how that will go down. 


But SC didn't suggest additional attempt but concession.

There are two types of aspirants. 

1) who have attempt left - if in worst case scenario something happened to them or they fear somethin will happen to then then they have additional attempt as back up Left next year.

They can exercise right to choice to either appear this year and if something happen to them or if they think it's not safe to appear this year then they have backup

2)no attempts left - for such people there isn't any back up. It's compulsory for them to appear at any cost. And, if something happens to them then they will risk not only health but also would end up affecting their last attempt.

Now SC didn't ask for additional attempts because additional attempt can't be given only to last attempt people. This will be discriminatory.

What they suggested is to give concession to those who have last attempt and may not want to appear this year due to pandemic. It's giving them right to choice to appear this year or next year but not both the years.

In this case, last attempt people aren't getting any additional chance but just a choice ti pick this year or next.

However, if DopT do allow last attempt people to appear this year and Next year then it would amount to additional attempt and would be extended to everyone but as I said SC didn't ask for this.

Did you see the difference? There is no additional attempt here for us as per SC.

Let's see what DoPT and UpSC will decide

@Reborn2 correct. 

Let's hope that the option is made known before 4th Oct. 

@Reborn2 no this is still discriminatory. This is my 2nd attempt but I started late and my last attempt would overlap with the cutoff age. Now don't you think because of pandemic I am basically being robbed of 1 attempt and someone with last attempt is being given one extra attempt.



I don't know whether writing here holds any merit or not atleast in my situation but just want to put it out there.

I was part of SFG, completed it diligently, was among the better performers. I also wrote almost all sectional MGPs this year. When prelims got postponed focused on my optional, which I felt led to my last mains failures, and utilized that time. In Abhyaas I was getting 105, 123 like marks. In Simulator X I got like 132.

I am saying all this just to put things in perspective about how much prepared I was!

Then last week My mom tested positive for Covid. She was admitted to ICU. However, things have greatly improvement since then. She is doing well now. And her health has been and will be first priority for us.

This past couple of weeks derailed my preparation and attempt for this year. Now I am scared of going out. Now I am scared that I can be a potential carrier and will bring covid from Paper. I am scared for my family. I am scared for people ateexam centers.


ssver2,Oasisand14 otherslike this

The ones with age limit or last attempt possibly  prepared for a year to face a situation of not being able to appear for the exam. There are many Covid positive students you wouldn't want in your exam center because they will be the only ones forced to write the exam because of this being their last attempt, despite the Covid disruptions. 

If one is Covid positive or affected, and have more attempts left, then they still have a choice to appear for the exam next year, should they choose to skip this one.

By this logic, it seems that one to one comparison of number of attempts is not how supreme court may see it, given the circumstances of different candidates are different. 

So if someone qualified prelims and later get infected by Corona, would he be allowed to take Mains, if yes then would it be fair to not allow corona infected students to take prelims now?
TW: Anxiety, Depression

Foreword: Oops, its long again. Can't seem to shut up.

Hello friend! October is here!

I've been waking up with a curious sense of anticipation and optimism the past few days. It wasn't so long ago when I was on a downward spiral that seemed to engulf me more and more every time I thought I had hit rock bottom. The funny thing about rock bottom, I've realised, is that you can never know when you've hit it.

I was two years out of my job, watching all of my peers and juniors get new jobs, get promoted, go abroad for PG, you get the gist. Contrast that with where I was, trying to do the same thing day in day out, searching for motivation, when I had absolutely nothing to show for my efforts. Whenever people asked me what I was doing in life, I noticed how my family would always tell them how I resigned from a fancy job to do what I was doing. The extended family treated me with such sympathy, always pretending to understand when I told them that I was close before, and that I'm still making progress. My mask was on so firmly, so much so that I never thought it could slip. Until one day, it did. I broke down; clung on to my mother so tight and cried as if for a breath of life again.

 My preparation isn't perfect, but things have been looking up for me the past few months. There was no magical moment when my life turned around. That shit doesn't happen. It has taken me a considerable amount of time, and is still a work in progress. It's been about mending relationships with the people I so deeply love, including myself, picking up habits which I've always wanted to, and about getting closer to myself. For me, getting closer to myself meant being good to the things I wanted to do in life. It meant letting go of my own exalted ideas about my own ability, it meant detaching myself from whatever I've been in the past. It meant doing the things I had to do even when I was not motivated to do them. It meant not looking for a new place to begin, but finding a way to acknowledge the hole I dug myself into and climbing out of it. It's been about writing to you all about this. Irrespective of my success in this examination, that has been the toughest thing I've had to do. This exam doesn't scare me anymore. 

Facing your demons does not mean conquering the mountain you want to conquer. It means facing your inner fears that handicap you from giving yourself a chance. With this exam, your best chance is to do things that give yourself a chance. 

Ending this with my favourite quote from my favourite show:
"“What if changing the world was just about being here, by showing up no matter how many times we get told we don’t belong, by staying true even when we’re shamed into being false, by believing in ourselves even when we’re told we’re too different? And if we all held on to that, if we refuse to budge and fall in line, if we stood our ground for long enough, just maybe… The world can’t help but change around us.”

As always, the music:

Me too...same..

Be strong.

So if someone qualified prelims and later get infected by Corona, would he be allowed to take Mains, if yes then would it be fair to not allow corona infected students to take prelims now?

State protocols demand a quarantine, applicable today. If it demands a quarantine then too, and if the case arises and if the number is substantial, supreme court may consider that ... But doesn't seem likely or easy to come to that decision without there being a trial cases like that, brought to their or UPSCs notice. 

Basically, the decisions of today are generally made on facts not on hypothetical scenarios that may arise in the future, probability of happening of which is uncertain. Though your point is absolutely valid about getting infected later on during the examination process. 
Is NCB a statutory body??
@Alphacollector no, it is created under narcotics and psychotropic substances act, which means it derives its power from the act. But it's not created by it

@Reborn2 I get it. The 'concession' should be available to all. A fellow who has 2 left should also get the concession to write both in a pandemic free world, similar for a guy who has 3 left. And not all of them will have the luxury of deferring year without affecting attempts as they may have only as many years available as they have attempts. The only case in which this concession will be logical is when the rationale behind having six attempts in the first place is to deal with exigencies such as this pandemic. This has never been stated, except in this case by the ASG. 

Yes, let the govt decide. I'd suggest those in a quandary to take the attempt this year itself. Govt. generally doesn't care. 

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