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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

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jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Biradar what can it be 123 or 3 only 

@Biradar I doubt majority of the people would have attempted rakhmabhai and deuskar. I never heard let alone read these names.

@prachimalik1121311 Haan jang inhi me hi hai

@Challenger_Deep Any source telling that its 3 only or only speculation 



it is either 3 or 123 for dams monsoon RC

but since author emphasizes only on creating space prior to monsoon.. will second option be wrong..hence 3 only

For statement 3

The world over, dams are constructed mainly for the purposes of irrigation, power generation, and flood control. While the first two roles are acknowledged, the role of dams in flood control has always been underestimated. It is unfortunate that in both irrigation and hydel projects, flood control is completely ignored. 

For statement 2

However, it is unfortunate that the maximum amount of water is stored in reservoirs even before the close of the monsoon, only to ensure greater electricity generation and irrigation.

(Note risk is due to electricity generation and irrigation both...not hydropower alone)

hence most likely answer is 3 only here

Also the overall crux of article is “

There should be space for greater storage of water in reservoirs before the onset of monsoon

But the line 'before the close of the monsoon' also imply 'during monsoon' it must not be fully filled and the article also says about over dependence on hydel power means (Option a) is correct. So left with (option d)i.e.1,2 and 3

Yes 123 answer hoga 

@prachimalik1121311 Shankar telling 3 only

@may12333 % of 200
any figure above 66 will be deemed as qualified

@rafael you are right....but some how I feel it was a general statement only

@Rookie only one telling this then chances are bleak 

It can go either ways.. keep as doubtful


I know you will still.not be satisfied..uts okk i get it. You consider your answer correct. Next time get right environment ,culture and other straight forward questions correct so that one or two questions dont affect you . All the best

@Biradar I doubt majority of the people would have attempted rakhmabhai and deuskar. I never heard let alone read these names.

I have watched a clip from some news channel during triple talak bill on Rakhmabai. The Rakhmabai case has ancedote almost same. But, During exam, I was not able to recall exact implication of that and left the question.
Also, - For vidhwanshak book, i figured out by reverse psychology it is not gandhi and ambedkar and phule and zeroed on option 1 .. but left it as well... I got huge temptations to mark A but being safe avoided the question.

Also for desher katha , I was aware about .. what is desher katha and also that it is related to old bengal movements .. but .. not sure about options. The name "kar" is marathi name .. so confused more .. and safely left it.

ultimately.. what else i could have done .. because I do not have any sound reasoning to do these other than wild guesses.


I know you will still.not be satisfied..uts okk i get it. You consider your answer correct. Next time get right environment ,culture and other straight forward questions correct so that one or two questions dont affect you . All the best

I have already deducted 0.67 .. and It don't bother me.  You quoted a research paper here but not a a marketable free flowing tech "At present level". If we start searching for research papers ... then... all the questions will get different answers than our conventional understanding.
The present level  -- phrase changes the connotation. Happy for you if you will get it right.
Thanks albeit.

Oasis,vivekdeshmukh1504and1 otherslike this
@may12333 % of 200
any figure above 66 will be deemed as qualified

i think 66.66 ?
isnt it so?

@Biradar I doubt majority of the people would have attempted rakhmabhai and deuskar. I never heard let alone read these names.

What?? You are telling me that the 85 90 plus wale attempt junta which includes almost 85 90 percent of the whole attempt ing junta left fucking history questions? I doubt it, log to bc ancient pe bhi risk leke laga liye, agri pe bhi. Obviously a percentage would have left it, but i doubt it includes most people

@kartikeybhatt171778  yes there are AI songs, but the issue isAI doesn't generate the whole meaningful song by itself. Artist has to actively intervene, rearrange, and give shape to the incoherently and disjointedly uttered words given by AI. It is given innews article interviewing artist "Taryn Southern"who madefamous songs like "Break free" in the album "I am AI".
Note:Music(just sound) is different from songs(with lyrics)
Also, I think UPSC intentionally made the Q with certain terms("present state", "effectively", "meaningful"), which leads to the elimination of 2,5 statements.

@Biradar I doubt majority of the people would have attempted rakhmabhai and deuskar. I never heard let alone read these names.

What?? You are telling me that the 85 90 plus wale attempt junta which includes almost 85 90 percent of the whole attempt ing junta left fucking history questions? I doubt it, log to bc ancient pe bhi risk leke laga liye, agri pe bhi. Obviously a percentage would have left it, but i doubt it includes most people

I think only people who have left it...those who measures the risk with every next guesses.  The one who dont measure risk and become brave ...... perhaps  attempted all irrespective of topic or anything. 
I am the first one type.

@jagteshwar_sohal25614 your score is very low, you are not able to clear prelims this year prepare for next of luck



@kartikeybhatt171778  yes there are AI songs, but the issue isAI doesn't generate the whole meaningful song by itself. Artist has to actively intervene, rearrange, and give shape to the incoherently and disjointedly uttered words given by AI. It is given innews article interviewing artist "Taryn Southern"who madefamous songs like "Break free" in the album "I am AI".
Note:Music(just sound) is different from songs(with lyrics)
Also, I think UPSC intentionally made the Q with certain terms("present state", "effectively", "meaningful"), which leads to the elimination of 2,5 statements.

This is what I am saying.
For 5th let me inform you -  The thoery for wireless transmission of electricity proposed and demonstrated by tesla first time in one of his experiment. since that time to now subject is under reasearch phase only. The first DEMO now for this is happening in newzealand by startup EMROD  in august 2020. Note, Only demonstration .. they are far away from making it vaiable to market.

I believe august is the time when Paper was under development and .. someone picked up this gaga event and put it in one of option.  and "At present level"   --- It may be possible ... but question is not using word possible but .. what can be done or in practice if you say.

and option 2 and 5 if removed completes the  scenario.

Botanopu,MrJand1 otherslike this
@gauravbrly409    Not only question mentions at present level but it also mentions effectively, I dont thing based on research paper answer will be D, most likely UPSC will go with option B.

Botanopu,MrJand2 otherslike this
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