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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

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jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@gauravbrly409 Me too :( not solving more in the first round is my biggest regret! 
Thanks for the analysis :) Thats beautiful.
just an example, elephant gestation period- I think the issue is from Kerala incident (pineapple bomb). But its still difficult to analyse upsc mindset :) Boss is boss!

Baap baap hota hai. 

Cant put it more simply than that. 

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

@Resav_Singh Regarding part of the constitution, I think DPSP is counted as Part IV of the constitution which basically are the guidelines to the state to frame rules accordingly, so I think if it has mentioned part of the constitution then DPSP should be the answer.

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

I believe and found it logical to be true. 

An 18 year old can be minister for 6 months only. To sum up. 

However, If you like to dig up ... If you somewhere find any specific criteria/qualification for being a minister .. then it will become untrue. I do not know any such. 

Acha .. Also .. as far as 6 months wala article is concerned... It has not specified any criteria for being a  minister at first hand ... It just provides .. He cant continue to be minister after 6 months without being member of house. 

Critical tiger habitat by definition means core area of tiger reserves then why answer is not sundarban 

Critical tiger habitat and core area need not be same. When a tiger reserve is notified(on the basis of state govt recommendations), it has a core area and a buffer area. That is how tiger reserves were notified before the implementation of forest rights act 2006. Then came the forest rights act 2006 which recognized the rights of communities living in national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves (which is generally a sub part of a national park or sanctuary) notified under the WPA 1972. So once their rights were recognized, the environmental activists felt a threat to the tiger population because of human intervention. To avoid this threat, the authorities came up with the 'critical tiger habitat' . Critical tiger habitat is an area in which human habitation is not allowed. Whether forest rights act give rights in the critical tiger habitat or not, there has been some cases filed on this in courts. But rights are recognized in the core area as well as buffer area under FRA 2006 unless these areas are notified as Critical. So basically, to avoid human animal conflict, any area can be notified as Critical whether it falls in the core or buffer or even outside. But the notification has to based on scientific calculations and after giving due regards to the rights of forest habitants(whether it is justifiable to rehabilitate them), etc.

@a_rakesh10399 yes bro, your understanding is absolutely correct.

@Aurang_mirasudar AI is D no.matter what, you can even google Songs made by AI

@Aurang_mirasudar AI is D no.matter what, you can even google Songs made by AI

Q.18) With the present state of development, Artificial Intelligence can effectively do which of the following?

  1. Bring down electricity consumption in industrial units
  2. Create meaningful short stories and songs
  3. Disease diagnosis
  4. Text-to-speech conversion
  5. Wireless transmission of electrical energy

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1,2,3 and 5 only

(b) 1,3, and 4 only

(c) 2,4,and 5 only

(d) 1,2,3,4 and 5

Justlook at the question. 5 is absolutely wrong. Even If i consider .. 2 as right. It is not part of options. So .. You remove 5 .. B is the only option left. 

So, B is answer. 5 is absolutely wrong and 2nd is just a contingency of 5 as there is no other option to pick. 

Simple hai .  The moment you remove.. You have correct option to choose. 

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

Constitution does nt say anything ...  anyone can become minister why only people eligible for voting ...    

@gauravbrly409 actually its answer is

 D no.matter what because there is even one SC ruling that person must be eligible to be minister. Secondly, you cant compare this to LA following lok sabha rule, because it actually occurs in practice and the line was verbatim lifted from indian express. But here there is no such verbatim line and in practice also 18-25 dont become minister . 

The author is emphasizing before monsoon at nearly 3-4 places

Space in reservoirs

In view of all these problems and to ensure that the flood control purpose of dams is met, it is important that at least 30% of the storage capacity of dams be kept free before the monsoon. 

The meteorological department can predict rains or cyclones only a few days in advance. Therefore, keeping space in reservoirs before the monsoon begins must be done whether or not there are heavy rains, as no State can afford to take risks in the manner that Kerala did.

There should be space for greater storage of water in reservoirs before the onset of monsoon

During monsoon he is asking to store excess water due to rain

so 3 only


Paper1 :107-112

Paper 2 :100+

Should I consider myself in the safe zone?

Don't wanna invest loads of money in test series and regret later

@gauravbrly409 no its not absolutely wrong, and considering the trend, upsc will take it D. look all other sciebce questions, people argued a lot for biomass in 2019, but upsc took D as correct

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

I believe and found it logical to be true. 

An 18 year old can be minister for 6 months only. To sum up. 

However, If you like to dig up ... If you somewhere find any specific criteria/qualification for being a minister .. then it will become untrue. I do not know any such. 

Acha .. Also .. as far as 6 months wala article is concerned... It has not specified any criteria for being a  minister at first hand ... It just provides .. He cant continue to be minister after 6 months without being member of house. 

If anyone can be minister.. That still makes A true. 


Paper1 :107-112

Paper 2 :100+

Should I consider myself in the safe zone?

Don't wanna invest loads of money in test series and regret later

Kyu maje le raho ho yaar. 

Do you not aware about it after having such a decent score ?

@gauravbrly409 so bhai 18 + person can become a minister and stay as one for 6 months and later will get disqualified as he isn't statement 1 is true then

I believe and found it logical to be true. 

An 18 year old can be minister for 6 months only. To sum up. 

However, If you like to dig up ... If you somewhere find any specific criteria/qualification for being a minister .. then it will become untrue. I do not know any such. 

Acha .. Also .. as far as 6 months wala article is concerned... It has not specified any criteria for being a  minister at first hand ... It just provides .. He cant continue to be minister after 6 months without being member of house. 

If anyone can be minister.. That still makes A true. 

If u read it as eligible voter being a elegibility for minister provided in constitution its wrong...  but if u read it as a general statement its right..   


Ok bhai .. Tumhi hi sahi ho.

By the way , I am interested to know who is providing tech for wireless transmission of electricity. Tell me few  companies who have launched it in to market successfully???? 
Evidence naam ki bhi koi cheej hoti hai sir. 
UPSC took gases right because .. Secondary pollutants me vo nikalti hai. 
But, Here in this .. No distant relationship of Wireless transmission and AI thing. UPSC dont stretch too far to make D correct. Ok.
And .. Dont rub  science ka D hi hota hai logic on my nose. If you have..... Please provide some crude or even partial evidence to say statement 5 right. 

For 2019 gas wala , There was partial evidence to prove that could be released. Ok. 
Hope .. Logic still not have died  against tukka baaji !! 

Oasis,Caesarand2 otherslike this

Paper1 :107-112

Paper 2 :100+

Should I consider myself in the safe zone?

Don't wanna invest loads of money in test series and regret later

No cutoff will be 153. Please prepare for 2021. 

jack_Sparrow,Oasisand17 otherslike this

Anyways non financial debt is gonna be a game changer along with rakhmabhai, minister and deuskar. 

It will bring many 102 to 90, will take many 90s to 98 and 100. 


Paper1 :107-112

Paper 2 :100+

Should I consider myself in the safe zone?

Don't wanna invest loads of money in test series and regret later

No cutoff will be 153. Please prepare for 2021. 

Lagta hai aap bhi frustration me aa gaye ye post dekh kar. 

I mean .. Poore market me pata hai .. Log ki band baj gayi .. 100+ waalo p to wild card hai . And in sajjan p to dono wildcard hai. Anyways... Salt on sore wounds..  People enjoy it . 

Botanopu,SergioRamosand2 otherslike this
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