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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


6 months vala A part sahi hai... Aur mera 2.66 gaya... I analysed and found that essence of statement was different, but I don't understand why other coaching institutes are going so complex over it

Even if we Consider last year's preparation level of students ----

1--The tough question paper will lead to atleast 1 mistake under pressure by a general student. This will result in reducing an avg of 2.67 marks. 

2--to save negatives many of us reduced their attempted questions. (At least 1 mark difference) 

3-- corona crises, less prep due to closure of coachings, library etc, last attempt candidates(within age limit ) preferred skipping this attempt etc etc factor(not seen before) .... 1 question reduced(-2.67)... 

So cut off will be around 98-2.67-2.67-1=91.66

Also, even if upsc provides the paper in Persian language some of the candidates will still score 110+:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so don't loose hope nearly 10,000 will write mains and cut off will be below 93/94.

Take a bow for last point .. Paper in persian ans still 110 . .. Some  guys have uncanny ability to fix things up. 

6 months vala A part sahi hai... Aur mera 2.66 gaya... I analysed and found that essence of statement was different, but I don't understand why other coaching institutes are going so complex over it

Constitution does nt tell any eligibility for apointnent of a minister . In that sense i can say a foreign national can be minister according to constitution or a toddler can be minster according to constitution ....     constitution is just silent in this regard and up to judicial interpretation..The idea was to provide a able person time to get elected in to assembly or council . It simply says person who is not member can become minister ... 

 Its 2.67 not 2.66


Final words to anyone getting freaked out:

1. There are sitters every year; they may usually be a little more and not just concentrated in one subject, but there are. 

2. There are always easy random-guessing questions. Their number varies up and down somewhat, but those "just tick D" type questions are there every year. 

3. Last year's paper everyone was convinced afterwards was easier than the 2018 paper, and that the cut-offs would remain the same or rise slightly. Cut-offs dropped (in effect, since 10% EWS was applied). 

4. There are 105, 110, 115, 120+ folk every year on all online and off-line platforms. Some are genuine, most are not: there will always be some online people (especially in telegram groups) who do something as simple as not count their negative mark questions and tell their scores. Some people will scrounge every possible piece of information to depict their scores. Some people will just outright lie, even IRL and friends; especially people who clear every year  and are expected to do so again, but are confronted with less scores ->saving face is a big thing. I know in the many times I've cleared prelims that I've not been honest with people I meet face-to-face, because they either quote a high score themselves (which they think is 5-10 marks over the cut-off) or because I need to save some face. I inevitably clear the cut-off anyway by a bare margin, they often don't. Then comes the blame game of CSAT, some wrong answer keys, etc.

Difficulty of the paper and ability to perform well on the day will always be the two biggest factors in this exam, with CSAT and number of seats being the 3rd and 4th factors and everything else having very little role (there are just too many people for things like attendance to really factor in). 

I think we can all accept that this paper was difficult: even if there were sitters, if you were unlucky enough to get sets C or D you wouldn't have been able to attempt those sitters with a clear head. If you decided not to mark answers in the first go-round, you might make small slip-ups in filling in in the second go around. 

We would have all come out of the paper and then in the evening sat and looked back and realised how silly we were and how simple the paper actually was, when in the comfort of our own home and with the luxury of reading araam se. Those aren't exam conditions.

And I find it very difficult to believe that any increase in difficulty could be compensated by being able to perform 100% well on the day. Pandemic, exam stress, fiddling with masks, transport issues are all things that would stress your brain and make it harder to think clearly enough to logically work out the right answers consistently over the entire 100 questions. keeping aside the absolute obvious answers, the remaining "sitters" all required at least 10 seconds to sit and process and make sure you're not thinking in the wrong direction. How easy is it to have consistenly done that when every so often a 4, 5, 6-part SnT question comes up in an area you're unfamiliar with. 

It's entirely possible that every credible coaching centre has overcorrected in lowering their cut-off expectations, but I find that highly unlikely. They're also very much susceptible to anchor bias, the same thing that made them so resistant to a cut-off dropping below 100. 

I've made my 40-day and 90-day plans, and I've begun my mains prep. I hope the rest of you have as well!

Oasis,Caesarand12 otherslike this
@kartikeybhatt171778 it is D. the question asked revolved around and not exactly the matter of case. There were many articles discussing about female education due to the case

This is what happens when you do blind guesswork and expect your fucked off answers to be right.

Antineutrino ,

Typical Forum Ias discussions. Those who somehow are on the borderline are intimidated by the high cutoff predictions by some wicked souls. In the process, many miss preparing nicely for Mains. 

Dropping a spoiler(may be absolutely wrong)-Those predicting higher cutoffs are either,

1. Those who haven't even appeared ,or

2.Those who are far from cutoff and are trying to make sure that they spoil the game of others ,or

3. Those who are infact scoring very high but are poorly prepared for Mains.

Beware of these 3 types of aspirants.

*I missed last year's cutoff by a whisker(was getting around 100 in various keys). This year around,  I am in the range of 95-99, so again in that zone. I may be biased towards low cutoff due to my situational crisis but that doesn't take away the fact that I stand by the observations made above.

Rather than preaching, go and study yourself.

Everyone here is mature enough to know what to do and what not to do. And I don't think anyone bar uppcs and extravagantly studious people are back to studies 2 days from the exam. Now go, study, sleep, play or do whatever but don't preach.

Are bhai bas karo ab pakaan ho rahi. Ek hi baat ko kitne din ghaseetoge? 200 ques pe 200 hr waste karoge kya uspe ab? 
I think this pre paper was also created by AI.
Osho,Ayushi7and6 otherslike this

Even if we Consider last year's preparation level of students ----

1--The tough question paper will lead to atleast 1 mistake under pressure by a general student. This will result in reducing an avg of 2.67 marks. 

2--to save negatives many of us reduced their attempted questions. (At least 1 mark difference) 

3-- corona crises, less prep due to closure of coachings, library etc, last attempt candidates(within age limit ) preferred skipping this attempt etc etc factor(not seen before) .... 1 question reduced(-2.67)... 

So cut off will be around 98-2.67-2.67-1=91.66

Also, even if upsc provides the paper in Persian language some of the candidates will still score 110+:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so don't loose hope nearly 10,000 will write mains and cut off will be below 93/94.

Take a bow for last point .. Paper in persian ans still 110 . .. Some  guys have uncanny ability to fix things up. 

Nowadays the avg upsc aspirant.

Step 1 : opens qp

Step 2 : sees hebrew

Step 3 : understands nothing

Step 4 : marks all of the above.

Step 5 : Peace/piss (depending on the answer key)

GravityShades,Phagocyteand1 otherslike this

Even if we Consider last year's preparation level of students ----

1--The tough question paper will lead to atleast 1 mistake under pressure by a general student. This will result in reducing an avg of 2.67 marks. 

2--to save negatives many of us reduced their attempted questions. (At least 1 mark difference) 

3-- corona crises, less prep due to closure of coachings, library etc, last attempt candidates(within age limit ) preferred skipping this attempt etc etc factor(not seen before) .... 1 question reduced(-2.67)... 

So cut off will be around 98-2.67-2.67-1=91.66

Also, even if upsc provides the paper in Persian language some of the candidates will still score 110+:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so don't loose hope nearly 10,000 will write mains and cut off will be below 93/94.

Take a bow for last point .. Paper in persian ans still 110 . .. Some  guys have uncanny ability to fix things up. 

Nowadays the avg upsc aspirant.

Step 1 : opens qp

Step 2 : sees hebrew

Step 3 : understands nothing

Step 4 : marks all of the above.

Step 5 : Peace/piss (depending on the answer key)

I've literally seen many aspirants who talks shit all day on telegram, flirts with other people on groups getting 120+ marks. And people who study sincerely for 8-9 hrs without using telegram and forum getting marks in 80's. I wonder what is happening here!

Oasis,ArchAngel96and3 otherslike this

Even if we Consider last year's preparation level of students ----

1--The tough question paper will lead to atleast 1 mistake under pressure by a general student. This will result in reducing an avg of 2.67 marks. 

2--to save negatives many of us reduced their attempted questions. (At least 1 mark difference) 

3-- corona crises, less prep due to closure of coachings, library etc, last attempt candidates(within age limit ) preferred skipping this attempt etc etc factor(not seen before) .... 1 question reduced(-2.67)... 

So cut off will be around 98-2.67-2.67-1=91.66

Also, even if upsc provides the paper in Persian language some of the candidates will still score 110+:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so don't loose hope nearly 10,000 will write mains and cut off will be below 93/94.

Take a bow for last point .. Paper in persian ans still 110 . .. Some  guys have uncanny ability to fix things up. 

Nowadays the avg upsc aspirant.

Step 1 : opens qp

Step 2 : sees hebrew

Step 3 : understands nothing

Step 4 : marks all of the above.

Step 5 : Peace/piss (depending on the answer key)

I've literally seen many aspirants who talks shit all day on telegram, flirts with other people on groups getting 120+ marks. And people who study sincerely for 8-9 hrs without using telegram and forum getting marks in 80's. I wonder what is happening here!

Nothing. You are weird if you think that preparation matters in this exam beyond a threshold. Even in mains you will study every nook and cranny and they will ask about spinnaker and neurocomputing and you will struggle to fill a page. 

For every 1000 serious aspirants at most 5 6 will make it. And then you have those lower services that are tbh worse than the better services of state psc. A massive 995 are doomed to retake the exam again and you are a fool if you think studying 24 hours will change a lot


Even if we Consider last year's preparation level of students ----

1--The tough question paper will lead to atleast 1 mistake under pressure by a general student. This will result in reducing an avg of 2.67 marks. 

2--to save negatives many of us reduced their attempted questions. (At least 1 mark difference) 

3-- corona crises, less prep due to closure of coachings, library etc, last attempt candidates(within age limit ) preferred skipping this attempt etc etc factor(not seen before) .... 1 question reduced(-2.67)... 

So cut off will be around 98-2.67-2.67-1=91.66

Also, even if upsc provides the paper in Persian language some of the candidates will still score 110+:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so don't loose hope nearly 10,000 will write mains and cut off will be below 93/94.

Take a bow for last point .. Paper in persian ans still 110 . .. Some  guys have uncanny ability to fix things up. 

Nowadays the avg upsc aspirant.

Step 1 : opens qp

Step 2 : sees hebrew

Step 3 : understands nothing

Step 4 : marks all of the above.

Step 5 : Peace/piss (depending on the answer key)

I've literally seen many aspirants who talks shit all day on telegram, flirts with other people on groups getting 120+ marks. And people who study sincerely for 8-9 hrs without using telegram and forum getting marks in 80's. I wonder what is happening here!

Nothing. You are weird if you think that preparation matters in this exam beyond a threshold. Even in mains you will study every nook and cranny and they will ask about spinnaker and neurocomputing and you will struggle to fill a page. 

For every 1000 serious aspirants at most 5 6 will make it. And then you have those lower services that are tbh worse than the better services of state psc. A massive 995 are doomed to retake the exam again and you are a fool if you think studying 24 hours will change a lot

Which state services are better than services under UPSC exam... 



@walterwhit3 Regarding PAPER 2 at least, noone knows what is correct key, Noone.
UPsc decides and it is the key, when right or wrong. No point in checking Paper 2 keys.

Actually only those check csat who are either not confidance, paper went bad, attempted few questions etc...many people I know who don't bother to check csat.


Cutoff 92 93 hi rahega. Usse kam maybe. Anything from 90 to 93. This is as per UPSC key. Which will have 4 5 different answers than coaching keys. A drop of atleast 5 6 marks will be there logically, just based on paper. There has been low turnout. And good luck if you think 10,000 people have gone and aced the paper with >100 scores. 

» show previous quotes

Which state services are better than services under UPSC exam... 

To me I would prefer sdm than afhq or danics (plagued by very poor promotion), and such services. Call it whatever but that's my preference criteria. Tbh neither I have much respect for services like IIS, it seems too boring and event managementesque for me. Obviously given I haven't qualified for the final list ever I shouldn't be making such "claims", but then that's my personal opinion.

6 months vala A part sahi hai... Aur mera 2.66 gaya... I analysed and found that essence of statement was different, but I don't understand why other coaching institutes are going so complex over it

Yes I also marked it D and taking it negative. Thought in the exam too much...iasbaba has said either can be correct. How can one send representation to upsc?


UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2020: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has activated the online question paper representation portal at its official website. All those candidates appeared in the UPSC CSE 2020 Prelims can raise representations if any against the question paper at

The link for applying representations will be activated till 11 October 2020 at Candidates can only make representations through online mode. No other mode of representations will be considered. All candidates are required to fill up the representations before the last date.


All those who are certain of clearing prelims, what would you suggest to a person who couldn't appear this year solely because of Covid, otherwise fully prepared to face prelims.

I don't know whether I'd be able to clear it or not because i got to know the answer of a few questions before i saw the paper by myself.

My preparation of prelims was complete but not for maine, so i am going to start mains oriented preparation but i need guidance on how to go about current affairs for prelims 2021.

Friends in case of fertigation , we can control the alkalinity of soil rather than alkalinity of irrigation water.... And phosphatic fertilizers are applicable apparently. So, shouldn't answer be 2,3,4 for fertigation question. 
OliveOil,Homo Neanderthalensisand2 otherslike this

Which coaching is good for essay and ethics case study?  

Ethics case study: Atul Garg vs luckman or any other 

Essay : Vikas Ranjan vs Ramawamy vs forumias or any other..

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