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All India Simulator Test Series for Prelims 2022

All India Simulator Test Series for Prelims 2022

24th May Update

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test X | Offline Only Ranklist | ClickHere to check your score

Corrigendum PTS 2022 GS Simulator Test X | 

The simulator Test X has Cut-off Marks 106.67.

23rd May Update

All India GS Simulator-X Solution:

All India CSAT Simulator-X Solution:

All India GS Simulator-X Live Discussion:

16th May Update

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test 6 | Offline Only Ranklist | ClickHere to check your score

The simulator Test 6 has Cut-off Marks 100.

11th May Update

Dear Students,

There is an update in the Corrigendum of Simulator 2022 Test 5. There is 1 more change in the answer. In Q.42 correct answer is Option b. Also, some extra explanation has been provided.Click Here  to update Corrigendum

10th May Update

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test 5 | Offline Only Ranklist | ClickHere to check your score

Corrigendum PTS 2022 GS Simulator Test 5 |

The simulator Test 5 has Cut-off Marks 94.


3rd May Update

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test 4 | Offline Only Ranklist | Click Here to check your score

The simulator Test 4 has Cut-off Marks 94.

26th April Update

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test 3 | Offline Only Ranklist |Click Hereto check your score

19th April Update:

PTS-2022 | All India GS Simulator | Test 2 | Offline Ranklist |Click Hereto check your score

Corrigendum GS Simulator Test-2 |Click Hereto check

If you have attempted the Test in Online Mode, you can check your detailed analytics on your portal by visiting

10th April Update:

Towatch PTS 2022 | All India Simulator | Test - 1 | Live Discussion, please visit the below link:

9th April Update:

Students can download their hall ticket by visiting:

If you need further assistance please write to us atfarej@flaviant.comor call us at9311740914and9311740948.

4th April Update:

Question Paper of GS Simulator – 0:Click Here

Solution of GS Simulator – 0:Click Here

Discussion video of GS Simulator – 0:Click Here

Revised Results of GS Simulator – 0  (Offline) -Click Here

Revised Consolidated results of GS Simulator -0 (Online + Offline) -Click Here

The GS Simulator test 0 has the cut-off marks 95-97.

If you are not able to find your result in above attached documents or found discrepancies in your result please reach out to Mr. Farej at  or call at 9311740914 

Dear Students, 

With Prelims examination hardly 68 days away, it is very important to analyse your preparation today and make corrections for final examination on 5th June.

ForumIAS is conducting All India Free Open Test (GS Simulator 0) on 3rd April 2022. This year simulators are being conducted offline in over 20 citiesClick Here to register.

With ForumIAS Simulator 0 (All India Free Open Test), gauge your preparation, analyse mistakes, develop analytical and reasoning ability, and most importantly gauge your competition. The tests will be supplemented with a) All India Ranking, b) Solutions and c) Live discussion.

Every year since 2016, 8000 - 12000 students have appeared in GS Simulator 0.

Click here to register for Simulator 0

To know more about ForumIAS All India Simulator Test Series Click Here

curious_kid,BattingBabaand26 otherslike this


@Street_lamp how much could you manage in Abhyas 3?



What should be a good score for yesterday's Simulator X? 


» show previous quotes

@AzadHindFauz  can you look into this question and see if there is something wrongly interpreted? Will be very helpful.

Should be no confusion in the interpretation-

1. Large hydro, by its very nature, is a type of renewable energy

2. Even policywise, RE status has been given to large hydro projects

Haribabu Committee (2019) stated in its report that there was no reason to segregate hydropower into renewable and conventional based on capacity. So, Cabinet revised this policy subsequently. 

DM,sjerngaland1 otherslike this

It is not.

1. Uranium is not unlimited in nature.

2. Even policywise, it's difficult to categorise it in RE because Nuclear Energy does not enjoy the investment community's support. Also, international collaboration is limited. So, fund mobilisation, which is why RE status is accorded, would still be difficult.

Nucleus,BurtMacklin_FBIand4 otherslike this
@AzadHindFauz Thanks, makes sense. 

@prashantrocks04403 buddy gave vaji's 2nd open mock?

When will simulator X ranking and cutoff will released?

@farejul sir please reopen the test. Simulator X   

@farejul sir please can you provide link for yesterday's test paper 

what is your take on Simulator X ?

@Torque Difficult than other simulator tests, but on same line that is of UPSC prelims


Got 92 in simulator X. I found the paper bit tough

Can anyone tell his / her experience

@vivek.ks901619 i am sorry to say that if u are calling simulator X as being on UPSC lines, then u dont have idea about upsc papers..Marely asking difficult questions is not what makes a good paper. This simulator X contained many unnecessary questions 

@prashantrocks04403 I don't think the idea of a mock is to only mimic the UPSC paper. Something being on UPSC lines has got to be about a lot more than just this. Mocks like SimX have got multiple other significantly more important utilities such as
1. helping serious candidates cover more concepts/topics,
2. exposing candidates to various dimensions,
3. helping candidates develop the composure required to handle papers of varying difficulty levels,
4. being the playground to test strategies & arrive at the optimum number of Qs attempted/guesses made/etc.
All these apart from the more simpler objectives of helping folks develop time management, etc/ and most importantly as Simulator X achieved is to keep candidates grounded before their final assault.

After all, one must not overlook the fact that UPSC has all the past papers on its site. It is for a reason, I guess. 
amit433332668,Sheraaaaand4 otherslike this

Some Qns I wanted to challenge from Simulator X.

Q 67: option 4. bacteria is used in production of bread. In solution, its given as wrong and the explanation offered is that yeast is used.

Just because yeast is used doesn't mean bacteria is not used. I'm giving proof by way of an article that bacteria is also used for making sour dough breads,sugars%20they%20need%20to%20survive.

Q 61. option 4. Impact of Less inflow of non-debt foreign capital on price levels. 
It indeed can impact price levels contrary to what the solution says. This can be explained as follows:
Less inflow of capital ->Currency depreciation(which is option 2, hence no contradiction here) ->Fuel and other imports become expensive ->inflation.
This is exactly what has happened in Sri Lanka. Their inflow of non-debt capital has shrunk and that is a major contributor in the inflation crisis


how to give this test online

To see the instructions, How to attempt the test in Online Mode, Please visit:


@farejul sir please reopen the test. Simulator X   

Done. Kindly check again

@farejul sir please can you provide link for yesterday's test paper 

To see the instructions, How to attempt the test in Online Mode, Please visit:

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