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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this



Hey peeps , hope you're all doing well 

Have joined awfg and planning on doing it sincerely, irrespective of the prelims result . Any of you interested in peer review , please batana , we can make a small group 



Great@Celeborn @Rashmirathi 

Let's do this !!

Celeborn,balwintejasand1 otherslike this


Found this initiative to be nice.

I'm also posting my targets from today.


2.anthropology optional paper 1 5th chapter reading 

3.revise post independence

4. Answer writing of tlp 

Kapiushon,IwWand8 otherslike this
@IwW Wrote optional section test. Couldn't complete the paper. But yes, a good start. Need to work on speed and content.

Rest target couldn't be completed. 

Will improve tomorrow. 

Kapiushon,Celebornand4 otherslike this
Finished targets nearly. Notes only till 1-C
Tomorrow’s targets 
1) The Hindu 2) 2-A onwards notes. Go really really hard on socio and do maximum damage possible.

”Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am less concerned about the latter than the former.Space we can recover, lost time never.
Good luck for tomorrow everyone 🦖
Kapiushon,IwWand6 otherslike this


Hello friends,

Inspired to see the accountability thread running in this forum. Also, hats off to the consistency shown by some of you guys. 

Starting today, I'll be posting my targets and accomplishments for the day. 

20.10.2021 (Wed)

  1. PSIR: Mill, Gramsci, Marx and HA
  2. Ethics: Theory + AWP-PYQ (5 min)

Today's update:

  • PSIR accomplished
  • Ethics- Partially done
  • Will go full throttle tomorrow

Target for 21/10/2021 (Thur)

  • PSIR: Democracy, Equality, Justice, Rights, Pol.Th, IPT
  • Ethics: Theories + PYQ analysis
  • Topper's copy analysis

"Success is a decision"

Kapiushon,IwWand6 otherslike this

Good morning guys.. Sweater weather is approaching.. 

Targets for 20/10/21

  • Anthro paper 2, topic 5.1
  • Anthro paper 2, topic 2, 3.4 answer writing
  • Post independence 3 hours. 
  • May CA
  • Newspaper

Let's do this!!! 

  • Done
  • Not done
  • Done
  • Not done
  • Done

Kapiushon,Celebornand3 otherslike this

Targets for 21/10/21  (such a palindrome) -- writing before sleeping so that I don't waste time yesterday. 

  • Anthro answer writing(Priority) 
  • Current affairs as much as possible
  • If time permits, finish post independence

Kapiushon,Celebornand4 otherslike this

Targets - 

Optional Answer writing

GS1 - World History

Newspaper backlogs

2 answer written plus 2-hour discussion of 8 optional answers

World history started

Newspaper backlog done for 2 weeks(mainly editorial)

Todays Target - 

Indian foreign policy - reading + 2 answers to be written

Peer discussion and pyq solving 

World history - A little bit

Newspaper backlogs to be completed today

Answer written

Peer discussion and answer reviews done

World history studied(Not completed)

Newspaper backlogs left for last 15 days - Sure to be completed tomorrow

Kapiushon,Celebornand5 otherslike this

Well, honestly, I have slacked since the last ten days without much ado. A week was probably a necessity but rest was simply indulgence.

Time to stop ignoring the prelims tamasha and set eyes on the mains gambit. So here are some pointers for self: 

1. Deadline for mains coursework completion - 31st December 

2. Handwriting issues - emphasise on neatness rather than beauty (probably a sound life advice across other spectrums as well) 

3. Answer writing - start writing short-hand notes first and after 25th begin with the paper writing, don’t be afraid to not know or know less. There is scope for “aggressive expansion”.

Target Today :

1. Ethics content building 

2. Optional paper 2 ( sectional revision) 

3. GS Paper 1 (commence geography)

4. निबंध लेखन (in 60 minutes with overarching emphasis on neatness and correct spellings)

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand5 otherslike this

Hello friends, with all possible social obligations out of the way, I’m back finally. Not the best considering there’s 79 days left.

Targets for 20.10.21:

Copy writing 

Editorial backlog

C/A backlog

Medieval history (as much as possible)

PSIR- Plato, Aristotle, theories of IR

Let’s get this bread folks!

Managed to do the first three targets but then I started watching a show which meant the post lunch session was effectively one long, giant break. Will be better today, coz I have far too many PSIR targets that I cannot miss 

Kapiushon,Celebornand3 otherslike this

Targets for 21/10/21  (such a palindrome) -- writing before sleeping so that I don't waste time yesterday. 

  • Anthro answer writing(Priority) 
  • Current affairs as much as possible
  • If time permits, finish post independence

Made a very very stupid move of just sleeping for 4 hours last night.. Eyes all puffed up.. 

Let's See how the day goes 🤟

DM,Celebornand2 otherslike this

How you guys are coping with post prelims fatigue? Is setting 5-6 hours target initially the way to go about it?

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.



Yesterday completed World History + topics upto Rings of Modern Algebra + CA class + Newspaper 

Today's targets:

Complete Ideals + miscellaneous in Optional 

Complete Modern India 

Do some portions of Society that's pending 

CA class 


Analyse last year's toppers copies 

1) 90% done 

2) 80% done 

3) Not done. Doing now in the morning 

4) done 

5) done 

6) done 


Today's targets:

1) Write GS test 

2) Revise Society 

3) Newspaper 

Kapiushon,Rashmirathiand1 otherslike this

How you guys are coping with post prelims fatigue? Is setting 5-6 hours target initially the way to go about it?

My Mains anxiety is overpowering my Prelims fatigue :P

It depends on how confident you are of clearing. If you're a borderline case, it would be hard to concentrate now. 

So do what you can. 5-6 hours initially is good enough. Keep increasing that though.

EiChan,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this


Found this initiative to be nice.

I'm also posting my targets from today.


2.anthropology optional paper 1 5th chapter reading 

3.revise post independence

4. Answer writing of tlp 

Missed out on completing post independence

Targets for today 

1. Finish post independence and start ethics 


3.daily tlp

4.short notes of chapter 5 anthropology

Kapiushon,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this

How you guys are coping with post prelims fatigue? Is setting 5-6 hours target initially the way to go about it?

My Mains anxiety is overpowering my Prelims fatigue :P

It depends on how confident you are of clearing. If you're a borderline case, it would be hard to concentrate now. 

So do what you can. 5-6 hours initially is good enough. Keep increasing that though.

Thanks for the reply :)

Civils Mains:2017,2018,2020,2021,Forest Mains:2021.


Good morning comrades 

Targets for the day are(21/10/21)-


GS-1-World history

Anthro- Ch-6 paper-1

One CA class

IwW,Silentknightand3 otherslike this
@Rashmirathi which ca class are u taking?

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