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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Hey.. Any idea when will DAF I for UPSC CSE manis 2021start?

I'm new here.


6th November.

Optional (3 sessions×1.5hrs+ 45min) :

  • Topic 4
  • Excel sheet analysis of Topic 4,5. 

 Essay- planning on how to approach it.

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Good morning guys... Woke up so so late.. Almost missed a brainstorming zoom session with my senior.. 
Kal se I will have to ask my parents to snatch away my cozy blankets after 6 am, If i havent woken up by that time..

It will be a slow first half of the day, because expecting a lot of relatives on the occassion of bhai dujh..

Anyway, Targets for 6/11/21

  • Finish revision of Archaeology (optional)
  • Finish ethics topic 6 and 7

That's all folks !

Calling it a day already..
Clearly not in a good state of mind to study or do anything !!

Anduin,Celebornand4 otherslike this
I ended up doing just one thing - writing a FLT. and i am so worried as i took more than 4 hours to complete it

Celeborn,nerdslayerand2 otherslike this

The Sense of An Ending:

So, hello!

Writing this post on this thread because probably/maybe/perhaps you guys would know about us.

Who's us?

Me and @AJ_ 

What are we upto?

Tying up ends, so to speak. FC is coming up for both of us (three of us actually, @whatonly )and then IAS/IPS/IRS trainings start. So, basically THE career begins. And shoppings for the career begin much early.

So, we wouldn't be here. Not in the absolutely-sitting-at-this-site-constantly-refreshing way anyway.

Bhai kehna kya chahte ho?

That we would want to help as many people as possible before we leave this place. Try and help people sharpen their tools for Pre-Mains-Interview and lessen their anxieties.

Because once that training starts, we wouldn't be of much use on one-to-one interactions. And we, simply put, would hopefully be occupied by learnings about services, than to visit this place regularly.

We'd be leaving this space by 6th November '21.Till then, here to help. All the time.

Ask us things, worries, doubts and talk to us. We'd be happy to indulge.

So, finally, looking forward to talking to you guys if you would want.

@Arrokoth - Rank 124, CSE 2020

Pre Scores:

2019 - GS: 129.34  CSAT - 100.34

2020 - GS: 117.69  CSAT - 106.68

@AJ_  - Rank 16, CSE 2020

Pre Score:

2020 - GS: ~121  CSAT: ~140

So, as promised, we tried to answer all queries that came our way.

Hopefully that added some value to your strategy and mental peace.

It is time for @AJ_  and I to log-out. 

Push yourself, motivate each other and never forget that hardwork beats intelligence and luck 10 times over in this exam.

All the best and Godspeed!

Something to end my time here by:

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Joeyisthebest,GaryVeeand40 otherslike this

It was an amazing experience here. Forum has truly been a very helpful community.

Best of Luck to everyone :)

Joeyisthebest,MikeWozniakand34 otherslike this

TL;DR: Bread realises there’s a mountain of work

Day 2 of forgetting to post targets in the morning. Tomorrow will be day 1 of remembering to post targets in the morning itself. So I managed to finish the test, finalise most of the notes for polity section (I’m sure I’ll remember some left over bits and bobs eventually), and also do most of agriculture section ka reading. Will probs finish off notes within 1-2 days as well for agriculture. Also did daily C/A. My PSIR is not going well. I think I’ll be able to think about it only once my GS notes are set and arranged. The last day for notes is 13th, going to stop making notes after that. So will have no other choice but to complete by then. Good night folks! Bread wasn’t bad today, neither was dinner of porotta and mutton curry (a sincere apology to all my vegan/ vegetarian friends here)

TambourineMan,plmokn25688524and7 otherslike this

Hey.. Any idea when will DAF I for UPSC CSE manis 2021start?

I'm new here.

Last year the result came on 23rd October and the DAF was released on 28th October. By that measure, DAF should have been released by now. But no worries. Next week surely it should come. 


I've reached a point where I'm sitting for many hours. Now I need to improve my effectiveness in making full use of those hours. So from now on aiming to work harder. 

Targets for tomorrow:

1) Governance (3/3) 

2) Polity - some pending portion 

3) Numerical Analysis theory + PYQs 

4) CA class 

5) Newspaper 

1 - done 

2 - done 

3 - 60% done. Computer programming part is left 

4 - didn't have time. Instead finished off governance class 

5 - not done 

Archand,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

Targets for tomorrow:

GS test 

Maths test 

Archand,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

@whatonly @AJ_@Arrokoth thank you so much for sharing your experience and helping us. Thanks for all the guidance. All the best! :)

Celeborn,sjerngaland1 otherslike this

Hello friends,

Wrote Vision test. Overall a good start but need to work a lot on content enrichment. 

In addition, had a revision and discussion of Ethics and GS geography. 

Will come back tomorrow with a bang.

Celeborn,Biryaniand3 otherslike this


Good morning dostoen !

Target for Nov 6, 2021
  • Meditation - 2x
  • PSIR 1A (2/2) + PYQ + 2 hours AWP + Value Addition
  • Good 1A copies
  • No new backlog

Looking forward to super saturday !

Saturday was amazing too, let’s plan to unplan tomorrow and see how it goes. Good night dostoen !

Celeborn,sjerngaland1 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

A bad day

*Just managed Models and theories

Targets for 5/11/21 will be

*Revise Human geography of paper 1

Happy day

*Revised pretty much topics of Human geography 

*Done CA class

To be done on 06/11/21 will be

*Essay test.

*Human geography left over topics revision.

Able to do only essay test.

Targets for 08/11/21 will be

*Revision optional test syllabus

Celeborn,Jammuand1 otherslike this

Targets for 7/11/21

  • Gs-1 FLT
  • Archaeology test
  • NGOs and SHGs
Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this

Good morning guys! I almost forgot to post again. Targets for 7.11.21 are:

Copy writing

Editorial- IE


Agriculture- notes for existing




Read PSIR answers

That’s all folks!

Celeborn,Archandand3 otherslike this

To do 7-11

    - Atomic 1/2

    - epic backlog

@Celeborn @sjerngal  have you both started writing 2 tests in a day? In 9-12 and 2-5 slots, because both your targets includes two tests for today.

Celeborn,Biryaniand1 otherslike this

7th Nov 

1) Polity next 15 page 

2) PSIR pending part of yesterday 

3) Geo-Env : Revision

4) Art n culture if time permit

Celeborn,Biryaniand1 otherslike this

To do 7-11

    - Atomic 1/2

    - epic backlog

@Celeborn @sjerngal  have you both started writing 2 tests in a day? In 9-12 and 2-5 slots, because both your targets includes two tests for today.

No, the archaeology test is a sectional test of one hour

Celeborn,Biryaniand1 otherslike this

Good morning Friends,

Target for 7.11.21

Optional -  Medieval and MAP completion and AwP

Rest if time permits-

GS answer writing practice, chapter 2 ethics, 

Self introspection 

Celeborn,Biryaniand4 otherslike this
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