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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


[Day 61] Hello there, friends. I am slacking while there isn't room for any. Would be posting my targets from today onwards.

1)Essay notes
2)Write essay
3)Finish society
4)WH remaining portion
5)Optional- revise LA notes & write test-1

Celeborn,Jammuand1 otherslike this

Taking a break from forum and YPT for a while.. In a complete mess at the moment... I don't know how many days will it take for me to get back to be how I was a week ago...  These few days will make or break me... 

I wish I was stronger enough to handle all this pressure and anxiety... 

Somehow, I am just not able to handle it at all right now. 

I just wish I had not qualified prelims in the first place.. I was clearly never prepared for mains. 

Celeborn,Archandand9 otherslike this

Taking a break from forum and YPT for a while.. In a complete mess at the moment... I don't know how many days will it take for me to get back to be how I was a week ago...  These few days will make or break me... 

I wish I was stronger enough to handle all this pressure and anxiety... 

Somehow, I am just not able to handle it at all right now. 

I just wish I had not qualified prelims in the first place.. I was clearly never prepared for mains. 

Exactly what I was telling to my friend 3 days ago. "I wish I had not cleared pre, tension hi khatam ho jati". I was stressed then. But then she made me realize how I was questioning my self-worth after I failed my earlier prelims. Failing this one could have made it worst.

I don't think this will reduce your anxiety, but it is just to make to realize that you are not alone in going through such emotions.
All the best, bounce back stronger.

Xera,Celebornand8 otherslike this
Can anyone please help me with a source for economic geography. I have done NCERT only and did not find it to be enough.

Taking a break from forum and YPT for a while.. In a complete mess at the moment... I don't know how many days will it take for me to get back to be how I was a week ago...  These few days will make or break me... 

I wish I was stronger enough to handle all this pressure and anxiety... 

Somehow, I am just not able to handle it at all right now. 

I just wish I had not qualified prelims in the first place.. I was clearly never prepared for mains. 

@sjerngalHey hi. That's how I am feeling now. A little bit lost. But I realized as we keep reading more and more, we get more clarity (not 100%) and with it comes confidence. Taking a break is always good for such forums for few days. I personally removed Telegram, Twitter etc before prelims. Despite some really good advantages of such platforms Anxiety is the downside. Get back soon stronger. Its alright. Keep faith in yourself. We are all together in this. We are all with you.

Pam123,Celebornand6 otherslike this


Can anyone please help me with a source for economic geography. I have done NCERT only and did not find it to be enough.

You can use PMF IAS notes on economic geography. Its a bit bulky but you can use it selectively. 

Guys that YPT group that I made is full to its capacity. A person was having 2 accounts that's why I removed one account to add other person who requested day before yesterday. I don't know if I can increase it's capacity. If anyone figures out how to do it please let me know. Also I saw on CSE 2022 thread that people have made another group on ypt. You guys can check out that.
Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
@sjerngal the reason why I am not using the app is this only. I am getting anxious of not starting the timer, looking at how many hours people are sitting etc 

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this

Taking a break from forum and YPT for a while.. In a complete mess at the moment... I don't know how many days will it take for me to get back to be how I was a week ago...  These few days will make or break me... 

I wish I was stronger enough to handle all this pressure and anxiety... 

Somehow, I am just not able to handle it at all right now. 

I just wish I had not qualified prelims in the first place.. I was clearly never prepared for mains. 

Maybe this will help you and other people as well. 

Last year, we 4 people gave our first attempt and two of them cleared prelims. They didn't have any "mains consolidated" notes prepared with them. Optional was decently done but not completely either. One with geography optional binged complete guidance500 video lectures post prelims. Eventually covered everything in those 80-90 days. Eventually, both went on to get ranks in the top 100 ranks. Effectively both out of exam cycle.

The point being, even they didn't know they'll even get an interview call before giving mains. It's only after do, you think you were capable. The major lesson that I learnt is that we end up wasting too much time in self-doubt and introspection. Which eventually leads to a vicious cycle of feeling low. Surely it's not the time to get into this. 

So giddy up bois and gals. We got this and we will get it. 

Also, forum is basically reddit for upsc and has all the social media essential features. Fomo will always be there.

Joeyisthebest,GaryVeeand23 otherslike this

To do 7-11

    - Atomic 1/2

    - epic backlog

@Celeborn @sjerngal  have you both started writing 2 tests in a day? In 9-12 and 2-5 slots, because both your targets includes two tests for today.

          - Done, almost overachieved this as well. Just an hour of atomic left 

          - Didn't start epic 

Had to go for wedding shopping, half of the day wasted in that. Finally that's done and dusted. Else was on track to finish more than my daily target after so long. 

Need some strong self control for F1 race tonight, else sleep cycle and time both will be fked up. 

IwW,Celebornand5 otherslike this
Medieval not completed. It's taking too much time.
Ethics AwP done.
Map completed 70 percent. 

Overall target missed. 
Anyways will continue to work more hard and harder.

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

A bad day

*Just managed Models and theories

Targets for 5/11/21 will be

*Revise Human geography of paper 1

Happy day

*Revised pretty much topics of Human geography 

*Done CA class

To be done on 06/11/21 will be

*Essay test.

*Human geography left over topics revision.

Able to do only essay test.

Targets for 08/11/21 will be

*Revision optional test syllabus

*Revised some Portion of Human geography for test.

*Done case studies class.Now iam confident of solving case studies.Habituated with striking at the root cause of the problem.

Targets for 08/11/21 will be

*Optional test

*Ethics class

*Indian physical geography[Target=1.5 days]

Celeborn,Rashmirathiand2 otherslike this

Unplanned day turned out to be decent day. But the middle half of the day could have been better. Kal achche se padhenge, good night dostoen ✌️

Celeborn,Muffinand1 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

A bad day

*Just managed Models and theories

Targets for 5/11/21 will be

*Revise Human geography of paper 1

Happy day

*Revised pretty much topics of Human geography 

*Done CA class

To be done on 06/11/21 will be

*Essay test.

*Human geography left over topics revision.

Able to do only essay test.

Targets for 08/11/21 will be

*Revision optional test syllabus

*Revised some Portion of Human geography for test.

*Done case studies class.Now iam confident of solving case studies.Habituated with striking at the root cause of the problem.

Targets for 08/11/21 will be

*Optional test

*Ethics class

*Indian physical geography[Target=1.5 days]

Can you please share what classes you're taking for case studies.


3:18 am right now and this is the 5th time I’m hearing an animal(a dog) cry. Previous 4 times I  heard the cat(2 times) and the dog(2 times) cry late at night, in the next day or two, I have got to know bad news of someone dying/losing their life. So wishing and praying that this time it doesn’t follow what is usually followed. 😵‍💫 🤞🏼

I don’t know why I am sharing this here but my fast beating heart is forcing me to type. Uneasiness at its peak!


Good morning dostoen !

Targets for Nov 8

  • Meditation - 2x
  • PSIR 1A - complete revision + mock test + value addition
  • GS II Topics - to be decided later
  • No new backlog

Let’s start this week very well ✌️

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this

Taking a break from forum and YPT for a while.. In a complete mess at the moment... I don't know how many days will it take for me to get back to be how I was a week ago...  These few days will make or break me... 

I wish I was stronger enough to handle all this pressure and anxiety... 

Somehow, I am just not able to handle it at all right now. 

I just wish I had not qualified prelims in the first place.. I was clearly never prepared for mains. 

You're one of those people on Forum whose comments I follow regularly (silently obviously, however creepy that might sound). Clearing a prelims paper like THAT one, is a feat in itself and everyone who did that shouldn't doubt his/her capabilities. I believe this is just a phase and you'll definitely make it through. 

Xera,Pam123and6 otherslike this

To do 7-11

    - Atomic 1/2

    - epic backlog

@Celeborn @sjerngal  have you both started writing 2 tests in a day? In 9-12 and 2-5 slots, because both your targets includes two tests for today.

I'm trying to club together the tests I have to give, to save time. Not giving in specified slots as such. But yeah that means I'm trying to write 2 tests a day now whenever possible 

sator,THE_MECHANICand3 otherslike this

Yesterday was a tiring day. So today keeping things lighter


Social Justice 

3D - conicoids 



THE_MECHANIC,Jammuand1 otherslike this

3:18 am right now and this is the 5th time I’m hearing an animal(a dog) cry. Previous 4 times I  heard the cat(2 times) and the dog(2 times) cry late at night, in the next day or two, I have got to know bad news of someone dying/losing their life. So wishing and praying that this time it doesn’t follow what is usually followed. 😵‍💫 🤞🏼

I don’t know why I am sharing this here but my fast beating heart is forcing me to type. Uneasiness at its peak!

pigeon superstition

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