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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Gap between pre mains is really wayyy too weird. 

Or I've made it like this. No idea. :3 

chamomile,Villanelleand12 otherslike this


How are you people covering GS 2

My sources are:

Polity - Atish Mathur crash course + some parts of what I studied for Pre + Dipin sir's classes for current 

Governance - Vision VAM 

Social Justice - Dipin sir's classes + last year's notes I made from Rau's Compass 

IR - Dipin sir's classes + last year's notes of Mains 365. 

If I was beginning afresh, I would have gone for Sunya IAS booklet or Only IAS Prahaar ; since they are single source for all topics so would save time. As of now, I'm using Sunya as value addition (like data and examples for governance portion) 

Wow thank you for your detailed response. I am also checking prahaar and will do mains 365. Rest I hope knowledge of psir optional have some spillover effect cause I don’t have much time left. 

chamomile,plmokn25688524and7 otherslike this

GoOd MoRnInG FoLkS-

ToDaY GoNnA Do-

1.Paper and current class

2.Finish optional test discussion

3.If time lermits an essay

Let'S Do It🏌️‍♂️

plmokn25688524,Celebornand6 otherslike this
Any suggestion on keeping revision interesting? Reading the same notes, again and again, is making is lose interest and at times I'm missing some crucial points to remember. 
plmokn25688524,Celebornand2 otherslike this

Hey guys, posting here for some accountability

PSIR- Political Ideologies

GS1- Art&Culture ncert

CA- Mains365 economy

  • Ideologies done
  • Art&Culture ncert half done
  • CA not started

Better than other days

Today's target 17-11-2021

  1. PSIR Test
  2. CA Economy365
  3. GS2 Laxmikanth Part 1
Celeborn,sjerngaland4 otherslike this
For Ethics case studies, is Vision VAM module good?
Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this
Any suggestion on keeping revision interesting? Reading the same notes, again and again, is making is lose interest and at times I'm missing some crucial points to remember. 

Try Active Recalling. Look at topic, summarise in mind what all you would write. And then see notes if you have missed anything. This way, erase the points that have been internalised. It would lead to consolidation of notes as well, plus put us in competitive spirit against ourselves.

Pam123,Arseneand5 otherslike this
For Ethics case studies, is Vision VAM module good?

If you do latest test series questions from different institutes, it would be more good as they would involve contemporary case studies. 

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this
For Ethics case studies, is Vision VAM module good?

I found syllabus topicwise segregation of case studies too weird. That's why didn't even go beyond the index page. 

I looked at some 12-15 case studies solved by atish mathur, that helped me build the perspective and confidence. Complemented it with solving pyq case studies and cross-checking them with atul garg's solution. 

@jammu thanks

plmokn25688524,Celebornand4 otherslike this
Anyone with sociology optional? 

I am way too flummoxed to upload daily targets.

But yes, have to work harder. The final 50 days begin tomorrow! 

To everyone out there, the night is always the darkest before dawn. So, do not get bogged down. You are doing terrific. The sun will surely shine upon us, soon. :)

All the best!

AzadHindFauz,Xeraand19 otherslike this
It is a sin to conduct exams during winter. Like,how are we supposed to get our work done during this period. And mysteriously all kind of health issues crop up during this time(no, I am not from Delhi) :/
GaryVee,BurtMacklin_FBIand8 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

*Done oceanography

*Loss of focus on optional,so shifted to gs(Economy).

*Done pyq analysis,some basics of economics and Economic survey

*Done Ethics and CA classes.

targets for 12/11/21 will be

*Economy-Srirams revision

*Done-substantial parts of Sriram's 

*Done budget

Tomorrow's assignments will be:-

*Essay test

*Ethics 1 to 4 topics revision for test

*Remaining chapters of sriram's.

#Walk atleast to reduce stress

*Done sriram's except WTO part

*Done essay test

*Done ethics revision but Agent action theories need 1 more revision

Targets for 14/11/21 will be

*Ethics test

*Economy Agriculture part

*Done ethics test

*Done some parts of agriculture.

Tomorrow's targets will be:


*Done biogeography(except soil degradation)

Targets for 16/11/2021 will be

*Environmental geography[1.5 to 2 days max]

*Done envi geo[except Envi hazards part].

It got completed early thanks to some earlier consolidations.

Targets for tomorrow will be:-

*Envi hazards~disaster management(GS)

*Done Disaster management

Tomorrow's targets will be

*Geomorphology[Max 3 days]

Celeborn,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this
Am I the only one thinking about Winters and fingers freezing at the start of the exam. Jai Mata di. Ordering Leather gloves ASAP.
Celeborn,sjerngaland1 otherslike this


Targets for Nov 17

  • PSIR 1B (1/4)
  • Essay : 3-4 hours (I daily plan for it, keep it as last target, and always miss it, kal issi se start karenge)

Good luck everyone, take good care of health.

Hey Wednesday, you were great. Lots of love !

Targets for Nov 18

  • PSIR (2/4) + 2 hours AWP
  • PSIR Good Copies
  • Essay PYQ + Good Copies

Good night everyone, wish you all a pleasant sleep !

Celeborn,Biryaniand3 otherslike this

Good morning!

Targets for today 

1) PDE 

2) Agriculture (1/2)

3) CA class 

1) done 2) 50% done 3) done 

Targets for tomorrow:

1) Complex Analysis (1/2)

2) Agriculture (2/2) 

3) AWFG 

4) If time permits, S&T 

1) done 2) some portions left 3) not done 4) not done 

Today's targets:

1) Complex Analysis (2/2)

2) S&T (1/2)

3) CA class 

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this

Good morning guys! Can’t remember if I updated yesterday or not. Anywho targets for 18.11.21 are:




Daily C/A

Thats all folks!

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this


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