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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


Took a break yesterday to celebrate brother's birthday. Back to studies now

Targets for today(23-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily -- done
  2. Art & Culture Class 11 NCERT (2/3)
  3. TN Class 11 History (3/6)
  4. Revision of CA Class + Economy PYQs
  5. 1 hour for Optional

" If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice."

Best of luck everyone!

Economy PYQs and CA Class revision not done. Rest of the targets completed. 

Targets for today(24-Feb)

  1. Newspaper + Civilsdaily --done
  2. TN Class 11 History (4/6)
  3. Art and Culture Class 11 (3/3)
  4. Revision of CA Class + Economy PYQs
  5. 1 hour for Optional

Good luck everyone!

Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this

To Do (Till 24th Feb 2022)

  • Gs2 revision complete
  • Gs2 PYQs till 2013
  • 35 pages of Novel reading everyday
  • CA class backlog International Relations
  • State related Polity stuff

For Mind, Body and Soul:

  • Go for Run daily
  • 12 rounds of surya namaskar daily
  • No screen after 10 pm.

Note to Self:

Yesterday was  MEhhhhh ... despite having a beautiful start to the morning..
Today was another perfect morning.. Let's just hope the rest of the day goes not as how it went yesterday... ..
As for the targets it would be an uphill task to finish these off by 24th i.e today... I might need one more day.. .. 
Hoping to cover as much as I can today... 

Good luck to me :)

P.S: Sharing a completely unrelated comic strip for dog lovers here... 

Webcomic Capture the Special Relationship Between Dogs and Humans

SA,No 1and16 otherslike this


  1. newspaper + ca
  2. medieval backlog (XII : 7,9; VII : 6,8,9)  [imp]
  3. sfg targets [pyqs, ncert, notes]
  4. sfg analysis[imp]
  5. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: 1: done; 2,3,4,5: partially done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. finish medieval backlog
  3. sfg targets (pyqs, miscl.)[imp]
  4. sfg analysis
  5. miscl.

Good luck :)

update: 1,3,4,5: done; 2: not done

17/2 [already starting super late]

  1.  newspaper +ca
  2. sfg analysis
  3. sfg topics (pyqs, miscl.)
  4. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: 1: done 2,3,4 not done [bad day :/ ]


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. sfg (ncerts, pyq)
  3. weak pts/ backlog (ancient, medieval, AnC)
  4. ca backlog[imp]

"Yeah Mr. White !! Yeah Science !!"   -Jesse Pinkman

update: 1,3 done; 2,4 partially


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. flt + analysis
  3. ca backlog
  4. sfg analysis

Good luck :)

update: 1,2,4 done; 3:not done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. pyqs , bio ncert [14 ch], miscl.[imp]
  3. test + analysis
  4. miscl. [plan; arrange room, table etc.][imp]

Good Luck :)

update: 1,4 done; 2,3 partially 


  1. newspaper + ca 
  2. sfg (notes, pyqs, miscl.)
  3. pending analysis (sfg+half flt)
  4. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: poor streak continues, 1,2 done 3,4 partially


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. envir (pyq, notes, miscl.)
  3. finish analysis
  4. SnT backlog
  5. miscl.

Good Luck

update: 1,2,3,5 done 4, not done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. envir (pyq, notes, miscl.)
  3. analysis
  4. ca backlog
  5. miscl.

Good Luck :)

update: 1,2,3,5 done 4 not done


  1. newspaper +ca
  2. envir topics [notes, pyqs, miscl.][imp]
  3. analysis
  4. miscl.

Good Luck :)

Celeborn,Archandand5 otherslike this

Yesterday I didn't complete any of my targets. All were half done. This was due to a poor second half of the day.

Before things slide down further, I need to pull myself up. 


1) Spectrum (Chap 3 & 4)

2) Real Analysis and Calculus 

3) CA class revision 

4) Economic Survey (2/7)

5) Newspaper 

6) Interview Prep 

1, 2, 5, 6 done. 3, 4 - 50% done 

Aaj ke targets:

1) Spectrum chap 5

2) Maths questions practice 

3) CA class revision pending 

4) Economic Survey 2/7 pending 

5) Newspaper 

6) Interview Prep 

IamThat,sjerngaland3 otherslike this
Can anyone explain why RBI lending to govt to finance budgetary deficits doesn't come under "lender of last resort" function? 
@Indian_Human As the name suggests, "lender of last resort" implies a crisis situation. It is sort of emergency credit which RBI extends to a Bank suffering from financial difficulties which may otherwise even collapse.

However, lending to Govt to finance fiscal deficit is a normal function of RBI. It does not imply a crisis situation for the Govt.

IamThat,nerdfighterand2 otherslike this
@Macro  although I do have a map put up in the room, I have only occasionally used it, when the atlas or phone is out of reach. In my opinion, a normal atlas or region wise maps in your digital notes are much better. Firstly because it’s not the whole world looking at you all at once and secondly, it has more scope of noting things down (a wall map can get chaotic & some regions are pretty small on it). And I think I’ve become pretty decent at maps using this strategy.

Then take up a region, for example, Central Asia, each day. And start with countries then, seas/ oceans, straits, any ports in news (Duqm port Oman) and then associations, if any. Relate it with history/current affairs/ international relations, to remember better. Because it’s hard to just memorise a random ‘list’ w/o any context. This has worked for almost all regions of the world for me, except may be Africa because we don’t really study much of current affairs from Africa in our prep. 

@mithrandir31 i have a doubt..! 
See if RBI will not lend to the govt to finance budgetary deficits then it might affect the economy..(which is one of the functions under "lender of last resort") 
Also..If RBI will not lend then financial difficulty face krni how it doesn't come under "lender of last resort"?? 

@Thunderstorm I don’t think ‘lender of the last resort’ is to be taken literally. It’s more a conceptual phrase used in the context of RBI. So, RBI only uses the phrase in content of lending to ‘banks’, specifically. We had this in our school economics books, that’s why i remembered. 
 You can check on their website as well.
For govt lending it uses the phrase ‘banker to the government’. 

This is very to similar to the committed judiciary question where many of us took it literall6 and thought that committed judiciary means committed to its role when actually the phrase is used in a context- committed to the government. 

Omen,Celebornand5 otherslike this
@aa12 and also because, govt keeps borrowing from RBI through securities etc., so not really a lender of last resort. 

@aa12  Got it .🥳👍


@mithrandir31 @aa12 Thanks. Confusion cleared.👍🏻

Learner1913,Praahjand1 otherslike this

Day before yesterday's updates: 

60 pages of Modern India and newspaper notes

Yesterday's updates:

30 pages of Modern India and newspaper notes

Today's targets:

70 pages of Modern India Spectrum and newspaper notes

Targets are falling day by day, instead of increasing :(

Yesterday's updates:

1. Newspaper notes

2. 50 pages of Spectrum History

3. Spent 1-1.5 hours on wikipedia reading about modern India historical personalities.

Today's targets:

Newspaper + 70 pages Spectrum Modern India

Celeborn,Caffeinityand3 otherslike this
Omen,Celebornand7 otherslike this

23/2 ;

After 3 days of break and settling things in life and around, I am back again and this time more happier. And so have to work little hard as well as jyda hi lamba break hogya and I have to force myself to sit on the desk and study. 

Targets :

1. SFG - Targets + PYQs

2. SFG-1 + analysis

3. June 3/3 - FINISH 

4. Newspaper 

5. Misc. 

1,2,4 done. CA Magazine not done. 

Today's targets :

1. June 3/3 - Priority

2. SFG targets - Complete from the source you wish to complete it from. 

3. SFG - 1 / Analysis 

4. Newspaper 

5. Misc.

Good day peepul :)

Celeborn,IamThatand5 otherslike this
@nerdfighter Thanks for clearing the doubt bro...👍 I just thought from the govt point of view that RBI act as a lender of last resort..! Because as an apex institution it gives money to the govt and banks both..! 

Since the calendar was messed up last year with prelims in October, what would be a reasonable time period for current affairs to prepare for coming prelims? I know they ask questions for a 2-3 year old news as well but I’m asking generally, as in MUST do time period ? June to May? 
Micro,Muffinand1 otherslike this



Since the calendar was messed up last year with prelims in October, what would be a reasonable time period for current affairs to prepare for coming prelims? I know they ask questions for a 2-3 year old news as well but I’m asking generally, as in MUST do time period ? June to May? 

January 2021 to April 2022( minimum) 

Maximum agar time mile to june 2020 to April 2022.

This is not a banking or ssc exam ( jaha 6 months or 1 year ka padh kai gaye to kaam ho jayga. 

@aa12 Thanks for insights. I will try to implement it. 

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