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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


Hi friends, it’s good to be back on forum after long. Seeing familiar names from YPT gives me positive vibes. My huge respect to all pursuing their dreams passionately and sorry for all the unsolicited wake ups.

Our celebrations at home for holy festival of Maha Shivaratri have started. Lord Shiva has huge symbolic significance in my life. My father sahab has named me after him. We consider this festival as new year. So taking resolution in this holy week, I am promising myself to post daily targets here and review them every night for 21 days.

Past few days had been productive, however my preparation is never plan based. I pick up topics based on mood. Over time, it leads to nowhere. So this time, lets do it in planned manner.

Targets for Feb 28 (day 1)

- Meditation 1/2

- Prelims (last year’s geography and polity mocks - let’s see how many can be revised and if doing it is fruitful) (6)

- PT (newspaper, transcripts, one current theme topic) (4)

- Meditation 2/2

Looking forward to a good start !

Just_relentless,chamomileand22 otherslike this

Targets for 27/2/22:

  1. Economy - budget (try to finish) 
  2. Daily CA

Partially completed. 

Targets for 28/2/22: 

  1. Finish budget 
  2. Daily CA 
  3. Plan update 
Celeborn,Archandand6 otherslike this

I didn’t think I would struggle so much trying to get back into the groove of studies. I could just blame it all on college classes but the manner that I’ve wasted my weekend is nothing short of spectacular, and I didn’t need help from my classes to get to that point. So being vigilant of my bad habits, targets for 28.2.22 are:


Jan 2022 C/A backlog- 1/3

Editorial- IE+ Hindu

Skim TOI 

C/A class


College assignment 

Thats all folks. I’m seriously hoping that we get the bread. I shall let you know how much I achieved/ didn’t achieve by the end of the day.

Just_relentless,Celebornand7 otherslike this

Rustle of crisp leaves blown along the street by a gusty wind...!

Targets for 28.2.22..

Meditation (Done) 

1: Newspaper

2: Geography Lectures(Have to complete at any cost) 

3: MIH(Test solutions)

4: PMF notes (geo)

5: Mapping 

Have a good day everyone..:) 

Part of meditation ( A morning walk)

Just_relentless,chamomileand10 otherslike this
Targets for the day:

  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • S&T Backlog
  • SFG Prep - Environment
  • Newspaper
Keeping things light for a few days. Will pick up pace soon.

Except S&T Backlog, did all. Pushing this to the post SFG week now along with all other backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, Modern History Revision 

Realised that there was a lot of content to be covered for the SFG test today and so I could only do 25% of the test analysis. Could not finish the course for today's test either :/


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • SFG Prep - Environment 
  • Newspaper 
  • If time, finish today's leftovers

Spent a lot of time on following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Couldn't do mock test analysis or go back to backlogs. Would really appreciate book recommendations on Soviet dissolution!


  • SFG: Test + Analysis (done) 
  • Newspaper (done) 
  • Finish Mock Test Analysis 
  • Environment 

All done. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis
  • Newspaper 
  • Environment Backlogs 
  • If time, Mock Test Analysis

Environment will take time. Can't slack off from revising well. Rest of targets completed. 


  • Newspaper (Done) 
  • SFG Prep - Agri 
  • Environment Revision 
  • If time, Mock Test

Could not revise environment sincerely, gave the test instead. This week will be all about getting rid of backlogs. 


  • SFG: Test + Analysis 
  • Newspaper 
  • Finish Agriculture 
  • Environment Revision 
  • Miscellaneous tidbits 

@Jammu good to see you here. Really appreciate the wake ups. All the best :)

Just_relentless,Celebornand6 otherslike this

@Jammu Thanks a lot for all those wake ups on YPT. Made me get back to studies, especially in the last few days when I didn't feel like, more times than I can remember. Best wishes.

Today marks the end of Level 1 SFG.

Preparation for offline test series starts. May not be as regular with the updates as before but I will try.

 Today's targets 28/02/2022 ---

  1. Monthly - Jan, Feb 21 skim quickly
  2. Newspaper
  3. Ancient NCERTs, TN book revision

Just_relentless,chamomileand9 otherslike this

Let's sync our daily targets and make a peer group.. where we will be accountable to each other for our target achievement.. 

Also, at the end of the day we can discuss any of the prepared topics.

This group may consists of 7 to 8 people. Topics can be decided mutually, where candidate may prepare that particular topic from his/her favourable source of study material ( maintaining some flexibility).

This peer group will act as a team or a family of upsc aspirants where each candidate will have responsibility to motivate the other candidates to make best out of the day..  

Whoever intrested dm me. (Only serious candidate.. who wants to study like do or die situation)




Newspaper done

25 pages of Modern India (has aimed for 50)

Not a very good day yesterday. Been feeling ill some since days due to lack of adequate sleep. That led to a lot of procrastination yesterday, which I regret :(

Now planning to get enough sleep for the next few days, irrespective of how much progress is made on the targets.



1. Newspaper + Notes

2. 50 pages of Modern India

Have a great day everyone : )


Newspaper done

42 pages of Spectrum Modern India

However, I had to keep awake till 4am in the morning to complete this :(

Had some good 3-4 hour nap in the day xD



Newspaper done

27 pages of Spectrum Modern India

2014-2016 PYQs (Environment), with solutions

Setting no targets for a few days. Will just post what I studied each day.

Best of luck everyone! Have a great day : )

Celeborn,Archandand4 otherslike this

(59/306)  28/2/22

  1. Indian Express : Done
  2. MiH : 20 pages : Done
  3. A&C Test : Done
  4. Csat : 20 Q : Done

9:28 Monday

Celeborn,IamThatand3 otherslike this


Hi friends, it’s good to be back on forum after long. Seeing familiar names from YPT gives me positive vibes. My huge respect to all pursuing their dreams passionately and sorry for all the unsolicited wake ups.

Our celebrations at home for holy festival of Maha Shivaratri have started. Lord Shiva has huge symbolic significance in my life. My father sahab has named me after him. We consider this festival as new year. So taking resolution in this holy week, I am promising myself to post daily targets here and review them every night for 21 days.

Past few days had been productive, however my preparation is never plan based. I pick up topics based on mood. Over time, it leads to nowhere. So this time, lets do it in planned manner.

Targets for Feb 28 (day 1)

- Meditation 1/2

- Prelims (last year’s geography and polity mocks - let’s see how many can be revised and if doing it is fruitful) (6)

- PT (newspaper, transcripts, one current theme topic) (4)

- Meditation 2/2

Looking forward to a good start !

Not as much a good day as much I planned it inside out. Entire February, I worked on GS Mains. Now switching to Pre and PT will take some resistance.

- Morning meditation done, evening one missed.

- Prelims (I started with Polity previous year mocks, found them intimidating for the reason that its been long I have looked at Laxmikant. So switched to the text book, did two chapters) (1)

- PT (newspaper done, travelling transcripts done, CA theme - caste census done) (6)

Targets for March 1 (day 2)

- Prelims (Spectrum 1/4) (4)

- CSAT (PYQ) (3)

- PT (newspaper, CA theme - Strategic autonomy) (3)

- Meditation 2x

Lets start this March very well ✌️

Dionysus,crikeymateand7 otherslike this


1) Pol 1/4

2) CA- 1/3

3) 2 tests revise


1-60% done

2- done


Celeborn,IamThatand3 otherslike this
Constitutionalism basic structure and FRs, LPG and Land reforms, budget.
Celeborn,IamThatand3 otherslike this

1/3/2022 ; 

Targets :

1. July - 1/4

2. Agriculture 

3. Env legislations 


5. Newspapers 

6. Stick to your changed schedule

Have a good day people :)

Dionysus,Celebornand6 otherslike this

Targets for 27/2/22:

  1. Economy - budget (try to finish) 
  2. Daily CA

Partially completed. 

Targets for 28/2/22: 

  1. Finish budget 
  2. Daily CA 
  3. Plan update 

Targets half done. 

Targets for 1/3/22:

  1. Polity (1/5)
  2. Infinite series 
  3. Daily CA 
  4. CSAT 
Celeborn,IamThatand4 otherslike this

Woaahhh people are still awake:) Joining the midnight study club..( may be for a day) 

So.usually i wake up around 5 to study but.. don't know is it the fear of this exam or the onset of March..  that i am not able to sleep properly...! Now time has arrived..every single minute counts ab...Also..wanted to share..that from last few days i am highly irritated (even if i am doing meditation..)

And some annoying judges( judgement giving people) will always be around tell ki you haven't studied much with their value addition tips on how to become a good person and what flaws do you have..:) 

But..What is more important right now?..( For me it is the number of days left for prelims.) So here comes the MARCH list...! 

Newspaper (backlogs)+ Economics (lectures+ notes) ... Geography( notes Revision) + Current magazines.+ test series..+ CSAT +Meditation and exercise..! And Environment ( late March) 

Today's Target:

1: Newspaper+ 

2: Economics( Notes+ Lectures)

3: MIH(test solutions) 

4: Videos (issues explained) + CSAT(paper solving) 

5: Geography ( 1 lecture+ 30 ques)

Hoping to have a productive March..! Let's do it..:) All the best Peepul..:) 👍

Emieeee,Celebornand7 otherslike this

update: kept things lite for the past couple of days


  1. newspaper + ca
  2. agriculture
  3. econ survey
  4. ca backlog
  5. Plan
  6. miscl. 

 Good luck :)

Celeborn,Jammuand2 otherslike this

Can anyone share how are they planning to manage SFG 2 Tests with test series, their analysis, current affairs revision and static portion? It all seems too much to fit in 1 day's schedule over a perio. Please share tips??@Neyawn @Steph_Curry @sjerngal @LetsGetThisBread and others with prior experience!

sjerngal,Jammuand1 otherslike this

February was good for the first 20 days and then it all went haywire. Need to ensure consistency. Had massive inertia to do anything yesterday so I did the SFG test, newspaper and substitute agriculture with studying the budget. No progress on environment. 


  • Finish Agriculture 
  • SFG Test Analysis 
  • Environment (if tired, substitute with ES)
  • Newspaper 

Hoping for a much better march. All the best everyone!

Jammu,Caffeinityand1 otherslike this


Can anyone share how are they planning to manage SFG 2 Tests with test series, their analysis, current affairs revision and static portion? It all seems too much to fit in 1 day's schedule over a perio. Please share tips??@Neyawn @Steph_Curry @sjerngal @LetsGetThisBread and others with prior experience!

+1 🙏🙏 Would really appreciate some tips.


Woaahhh people are still awake:) Joining the midnight study club..( may be for a day) 

So.usually i wake up around 5 to study but.. don't know is it the fear of this exam or the onset of March..  that i am not able to sleep properly...! Now time has arrived..every single minute counts ab...Also..wanted to share..that from last few days i am highly irritated (even if i am doing meditation..)

And some annoying judges( judgement giving people) will always be around tell ki you haven't studied much with their value addition tips on how to become a good person and what flaws do you have..:) 

But..What is more important right now?..( For me it is the number of days left for prelims.) So here comes the MARCH list...! 

Newspaper (backlogs)+ Economics (lectures+ notes) ... Geography( notes Revision) + Current magazines.+ test series..+ CSAT +Meditation and exercise..! And Environment ( late March) 

Today's Target:

1: Newspaper+ 

2: Economics( Notes+ Lectures)

3: MIH(test solutions) 

4: Videos (issues explained) + CSAT(paper solving) 

5: Geography ( 1 lecture+ 30 ques)

Hoping to have a productive March..! Let's do it..:) All the best Peepul..:) 👍

Bhai,next time if judges bother u ,preach them about emotional intelligence rhetorically,trust me they will recuse themselves.

Ps-no reaction is the best reaction (always)

More power to u for next 94 days and beyond.


Micro,Celebornand8 otherslike this
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