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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@SergioRamos Just a note that India has given 18 crore doses, it has fully vaccinated only 4 crore. USA has fully vaccinated 26 crore people (both doses). 

@SergioRamos Just a note that India has given 18 crore doses, it has fully vaccinated only 4 crore. USA has fully vaccinated 26 crore people (both doses). 

Sorry sorry, I read it wrong. Your figures are right :P Can't delete the comment now, apparently.

I guess if you consider absolute numbers, things do look not so shabby - but relatively speaking 26 crores for US means atleast 80 percent of the population has received atleast one dose. For India, its 13 percent.

Apart from that, there are some obvious faults in the vaccine policy, with regards to pricing, timely procurement, opening up vaccination to everyone despite shortage, not enough outreach in rural areas.

But, I don’t think govt alone can be held responsible, though they are majorly responsible :P People were also very vaccine hesitant in the beginning, and it took near ones around them to succumb to Covid for them to realise that okay vaccines aren’t dumb. 






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While I could easily wrote the blue sketch here, it was difficult to think on January 10 this year.

GS IV is the 5th consecutive exam. Then, case studies this year were themselves not ethical, not kind enough, they drained most of our positive calories. Then after case studies, we generally start from question 1 to give good impression in the beginning. 

And then these quotation based questions were at last Q 5 or Q 6. So many people either couldn’t attempt this question or while they were attempting, their answer sheets slipped into examiner’s bundle : )

Yeah.. Exactly.. This is what happened.

Anybody who has covered basics , should he just practise more questions or go for some more resources? Like I did Forum's Red book and took some reference from D Suba Rao. Anything else that I should cover to improve my answers? 

I also did forum red book and believe it is sufficient. Dont go for more resources, but go for deeper understanding. This can be done by THINKING over questions that have come. After this, writing in format : )

I wouldn't suggest RED book rather since you have time go for atul garg sir's notes and lecture ( available in telegram) . What i feel the Red book could help get notes rather as we encountered in this mains , questions required deeper interlinking with limited notes. I feel the lectures prepare you for such interlinking. 

I believe that yes individual need to think and put their effort , but Atul sir's video would surely be beneficial . You may view first three lectures to gain the insight. 

Last year, I came across those lectures, but couldnt cover them due to paucity of time. Will give them a try!

Are you talking about those 29 lectures Orient wala?? They appear to be very old of 2017-18. Do they contain case studies?


Hey fellas,

What is your honest assessment of India's vaccination drive?

Are we doing good, bad, or average?

What are the lacunae?

Some data- Till yesterday  India has given 18 cr doses. The USA has 26 crores. China has 34 crores. The UK has around 5 crores.

Inda was also the fastest to give 100m doses.

Data does not look too shabby for India considering its relative economic weakness and huge population. Thoughts?

Here we Indians and government get wrong. Let me explain by an example : can you compare class 10th student mathematical ability with that of BSC maths student giving the logic that both are studying mathematics.

Giving fastest x doses ; faster y production etc. We need to look into the broader picture about the spread rate / containment rate / novel policy parameter followed rather than Knee jerk decision.( eg: it took 3 months for BIOTECH to agree on formula sharing. However the catch is if they would share the formulation exact process or not ). Here I would agree with the EU leader regarding focus should be on scaling up production facilities rather vice-versa. 

I feel with cabinet even there is ignorance about it and people lack ownership.( I however do not support any of the present leader). One gets up in morning and finds that new statement is given by government. Its hard truth that government has failed . Its the bureaucracy that has served India . Eg: BMC model / Bilwara Model earlier etc. But yeah no all of them. ( its true ) . Even god helps those who help themselves. Focus shifted from domestic vaccination to attract global brand building and image building.

Sorry : I am shocked by the plethora of bodies burried beside ganga and floating bodies. I definitely do not want such leader/ leaders. M not left/right/center . Rather a rationalist . I support good policies and accountability. As I owe my failure of not clearing the exam yet ( still pursuing).

for mains notes what are the sources, we needed to refer to for static as well as dynamic part??? for dynamic - i have heard mains365, forum CA handouts, MK Yadav qep,etc what to do can anyone explain ?? 

@whatonly @SergioRamos @AzadHindFauz any other

I adopted the strategy of reverse engineering for making final notes between Pre and Mains. I had prepared the gist of trend and type of questions from previous years' papers. I picked the topic and brainstormed all possible areas of framing questions from the said topic. For 4-5 such questions on each topic, I prepared 'pointers' for them considering them a 15 marker questions. My pointers would not include generic arguments we write to reflect our opinion. For that purpose, Mains365 + newspaper reading is enough. I would collect data, committee recommendations, schemes, indices, map work etc.

The aforementioned strategy is for the period between Prelims and Mains.

Prior to this, I had prepared static and some CA notes too. I think I referred to a variety of different sources for different subjects. However, I did not read them end to end and nitpicked the content. Here, the habit of using digital medium helped- Ctrl C and Ctrl V.

EiChan,GaryVeeand7 otherslike this



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While I could easily wrote the blue sketch here, it was difficult to think on January 10 this year.

GS IV is the 5th consecutive exam. Then, case studies this year were themselves not ethical, not kind enough, they drained most of our positive calories. Then after case studies, we generally start from question 1 to give good impression in the beginning. 

And then these quotation based questions were at last Q 5 or Q 6. So many people either couldn’t attempt this question or while they were attempting, their answer sheets slipped into examiner’s bundle : )

Yeah.. Exactly.. This is what happened.

Anybody who has covered basics , should he just practise more questions or go for some more resources? Like I did Forum's Red book and took some reference from D Suba Rao. Anything else that I should cover to improve my answers? 

I also did forum red book and believe it is sufficient. Dont go for more resources, but go for deeper understanding. This can be done by THINKING over questions that have come. After this, writing in format : )

I wouldn't suggest RED book rather since you have time go for atul garg sir's notes and lecture ( available in telegram) . What i feel the Red book could help get notes rather as we encountered in this mains , questions required deeper interlinking with limited notes. I feel the lectures prepare you for such interlinking. 

I believe that yes individual need to think and put their effort , but Atul sir's video would surely be beneficial . You may view first three lectures to gain the insight. 

Thanks, I’ll definitely check out : )




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While I could easily wrote the blue sketch here, it was difficult to think on January 10 this year.

GS IV is the 5th consecutive exam. Then, case studies this year were themselves not ethical, not kind enough, they drained most of our positive calories. Then after case studies, we generally start from question 1 to give good impression in the beginning. 

And then these quotation based questions were at last Q 5 or Q 6. So many people either couldn’t attempt this question or while they were attempting, their answer sheets slipped into examiner’s bundle : )

Yeah.. Exactly.. This is what happened.

Anybody who has covered basics , should he just practise more questions or go for some more resources? Like I did Forum's Red book and took some reference from D Suba Rao. Anything else that I should cover to improve my answers? 

I also did forum red book and believe it is sufficient. Dont go for more resources, but go for deeper understanding. This can be done by THINKING over questions that have come. After this, writing in format : )

I wouldn't suggest RED book rather since you have time go for atul garg sir's notes and lecture ( available in telegram) . What i feel the Red book could help get notes rather as we encountered in this mains , questions required deeper interlinking with limited notes. I feel the lectures prepare you for such interlinking. 

I believe that yes individual need to think and put their effort , but Atul sir's video would surely be beneficial . You may view first three lectures to gain the insight. 

Last year, I came across those lectures, but couldnt cover them due to paucity of time. Will give them a try!

Are you talking about those 29 lectures Orient wala?? They appear to be very old of 2017-18. Do they contain case studies?

Yes.. i am talking abt them. I Dont know whether they contain case studies.


I think we are not doing that bad in vaccine coverage.Covering 18 crore doses in 4 months should be celebrated. However, the govt is using absurd metrics - fastest to cover 100 Million doses,110 Million doses etc.

Before comparing with UK, US - one must also take into account that they booked doses beforehand and they have efficient infra and very less population to cover. Also, the desire for getting vaccinated in India gained after onset of 2nd wave.

There are issues though - vaccine hesitancy is real. There are so many conspiracy theories. The wildest being your kidney will be taken after taking the vaccine. :p Another issue is Cowin platform itself. Rural India due to 'digital divide' is unable to register. Government has facilitated CSCs to encourage rural people but the pace and acceptance is slow. Walk-in registration models of Mumbai, Bhopal has to be encouraged in other parts also.

There is also shortage of vaccine. But, it will be unfair to blame govt alone. Serum has production capacity of 60 Crore doses/yr, Bharat Biotech has 5 Crores doses/yr. If production started in Nov/Dec, this number (18cr) along with those exported (6Cr) will match the production numbers. It will be difficult to scale the production overnight. Govt did delay allocation of extra funding to them which Mr. Poonawalla was asking in early April. I hope this will be scaled by June-July. I also feel 18-30 age group coverage could have been delayed a bit.

Finally, I also felt very very disappointed with opposition's approach. First, they fueled hesitancy against CoVaxin when government gave emergency use permission. They are also criticizing export of vaccines (post 2nd wave) which I feel is unfair.Later on, they asked for liberalized approach. When govt. did that, they again questioned it. I also think demand of giving vaccine free to all quite absurd. Those who can afford it should pay for vaccine. There is no free lunch.

Overall, things could have been more coordinated but given our limited resource, we should be satisfied somewhat with current pace. Also, need to push for the patent waiver at WTO.

AbhiMUFC,SergioRamosand1 otherslike this
I believe there’s nothing wrong in vaccine production. 
There is nothing wrong in vaccine policy as well, because apparently there is none.

I believe being a developing country in uncertain times, we can not derail our economy. Lockdown is no solution, and people’s attitude wrt mask, social distancing would never change. This is not pessimism, this is realism. 
In this context, I feel our working age population should have been vaccinated first. Like rather than 60+, it should have been 45-60, then 35-45, then 30-35, 25-30, then we should have 60+. So that herd immunity could slow the pace of community transmission. 60+ generally stay at home, so it would not have bothered much. Also vaccine hesitancy is more among elder generation as they are generally having co-morbidity.

Additionally, free vaccines from Union would have been a noble idea as State Governments are worst hit in terms of revenue generation and resource mobilisation. If it costs Rs 200 per vaccine for centre for dozen crore doses, it would have been more cheap had they given the order for entire population. Like Rs 400 per person for 130 Cr population is Rs 52,000 Cr (way lesser than Urea subsidy). Plus lockdown nahi hota toh per month we would have got Rs 8000-10000 Cr as GST per month. Additionally, we know our State Government are not good enough in logistics supply chain and procurement from external actors. They would never buy it from Pfizer at extra cost and would wait to buy at lower price from local manufacturers. Global tenders from each State is just posing another bureaucratic nightmare and bas utilization of scarce resources. Plus economy fit hoti toh Rs 1000 as free income ki jagah Rs 2000 de diye jaate.

I believe Right to Vaccination is Right to life at the moment and should not be compromised.

Then, we should have vaccinated our public in metro and bigger cities first where probability of transmission is more, then other cities. Of course, unequality hai, but larger context mein beneficial hota.

Also, CSR targets for next couple of years from bigger companies should have been advanced and they should be envouraged to participate in vaccination drive. Ultimately, they are also loosing under lockdown.

At the end, I won’t consider it as Political party’s failure be at centre or state. It is considerably bureaucracy’s failure. It is not ours because we can not change overnight. It is not BJP’s or INC’s or TMC’s failure because their role is to win elections and facilitate government. Ultimately bureaucracy needs to work and picture doesn’t look glorious.

@farzicoder mentioned how rural people seem to be left behind in the vaccination drive. It sets the context for me to share something with you all. I would request all of you to watch the'Main Bhi Bharat' series on Tribes of India.I have spent the last few weeks reading about the tribes of India. I stumbled upon the series in the process. RSTV has done a great service to the nation by bringing these stories to us. There is a common theme to all the stories in the series- a stark contrast between India and Bharat! If not all the videos, watch the ones that talk about the tribes of your own state.

If you ask a personal recommendation, watch this one first- 

Aurora,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this
Anyone willing to discuss medical science optional ??

I will respectfully disagree with you on following aspects.

1. It is a good approach to vaccinate elderly first. Their death rate is highest. It might be that elderly won't go out but the virus can come inside home via working people in family. Elderly being most vulnerable had to be vaccinated first. There was no second choice.

2. Big cities are already getting lion's share of vaccines. The number of people vaccinated in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru is more that tier-2 cities. But, it just does not seem right to divert most of vaccines to them. The tier2 and tier3 cities need more vaccines as their health infra is nothing compared to tier1 cities.

3. We have to make our political leaders accountable. Can't go on blaming bureaucracy forever. It is the leadership which extracts work from bureaucrats. This was the same bureaucracy which built 10 Crore toilets during SBM in 5 years and opened crores of Jan Dhan Accounts in rural areas. If leadership at top has willpower , the bureaucracy will deliver. Same is the case with anticipating 2nd wave and vaccine policy. Both centre and state govt leaders and bureaucrats simply failed to anticipate the scale of devastation of 2nd wave which was compounded with careless attitude of common citizens.

I do agree with your points regarding CSR, Right to vaccination and centre funding the vaccine cost.

SergioRamos,necromancerand2 otherslike this

I will respectfully disagree with you on following aspects.

1. It is a good approach to vaccinate elderly first. Their death rate is highest. It might be that elderly won't go out but the virus can come inside home via working people in family. Elderly being most vulnerable had to be vaccinated first. There was no second choice.

2. Big cities are already getting lion share of vaccines. The number of people vaccinated in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru is more that tier-2 cities. But, it just does not seem right to divert most of vaccines to them. The tier2 and tier3 cities need more vaccines as their health infra is nothing compared to tier1 cities.

3. We have to make our political leaders accountable. Can't go on blaming bureaucracy forever. It is the leadership which extracts work from bureaucrats. This was the same bureaucracy which built 10 Crore toilets during SBM in 5 years and opened crores of Jan Dhan Accounts in rural areas. If leadership at top has willpower , the bureaucracy will deliver. Same is the case with anticipating 2nd wave and vaccine policy. Both centre and state govt leaders and bureaucrats simply failed to anticipate the scale of devastation of 2nd wave which was compounded with careless attitude of common citizens.

I do agree with your points regarding CSR, Right to vaccination and centre funding the vaccine cost.

Good reasoning : )

@Tempo_High_Hain go to upsc website you will find the answer


Hey fellas,

What is your honest assessment of India's vaccination drive?

Are we doing good, bad, or average?

What are the lacunae?

Some data- Till yesterday  India has given 18 cr doses. The USA has 26 crores. China has 34 crores. The UK has around 5 crores.

Inda was also the fastest to give 100m doses.

Data does not look too shabby for India considering its relative economic weakness and huge population. Thoughts?

Currently what should be done holds more importance.

If india has to protect itself from turning into a large crematorium which is inexorably becoming a reality than a dreaded possiblity, it should forthwith end the monopoly of Bharat Biotech on covaxin.

Tell as many domestic companies as possible to manufacture covaxin at minimal profit. No jhanjhat of tech transfer and all .

Procure from them at lesser price and then use the saved money to compensate Bharat Biotech- whatever be the negotiated amount.

Otherwise jhaal bajate rahiye aur fastest and slowest ka geet Gaate rahiye

Aurora,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this
any review from seniors on strategy talk of forumias? Should I complete prelims till 10 june and then mains for 2 months and back 2 prelims for 2 months before 10th october?

How to access the video of neyawn on post-postponement strategy on laptop? I can see it in mobile.  @Jack__Sparrow Also the frequency of asking us to login increased. 


Technical help needed.

I have been getting this message since 3 months now. I have bought iCloud space too and I just checked that a lot is free. Still it says that notes are not syncing. The app is GoodNotes 5.

How to ensure all my notes are synced to iCloud?

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