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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Neyawn,peacefulwarriorand93 otherslike this


Day no. -- 221

1) Economy ( notes - 1/4) - 2.5 hrs. Done ✔

2) Economy (do 2 lec.) - only 1 lecture Done ✔

3) Hindi - (revise) - 2 hrs. Done ✔

4) Newspaper - 1 hr. Done ✔

5) PSIR (democracy topic from notes) Done ✔

6)Ethics (1 lecture) Done ✔ 

7) 11:30 to 12:30 - Geography (revise lec 1 notes) Done ✔

Where is geography? here it is, back in my schedule now (in the last slot of the daily routine) after a long gap since I wrote my last test of geography....It will be an interesting addition after doing some tiring topics in the day.....

HotBloodPrince,Archandand1 otherslike this

8:00-10:00 post lib Done

10:30-12:00 post lib Done because we decided to celebrate bhai dhuj today  

2:00-5:00 optional 1

5:30-7:30 Optional 1

8:00-10:00 Mains 365

AJ_,HotBloodPrinceand2 otherslike this

Day 52

  1. 8.00- 10.00- stats
  2. 10.00- 1.00- polity test
  3. 1.30- 4.00- stats
  4. 4.00- 7.00- economy test
  5. 8.00- 9.00- newspaper
HotBloodPrince,whatonlyand1 otherslike this


1. Economy

  • Survey 2018-19 (9-12)✔️(actuals: 10-12)
  • Survey 2018-19(12-2.30)✔️✔️ finally over
  • Compass eco (3.50-5)✖️✖️ *slept

2. Envt mains 365(5-7) ✖️✖️ *me being aalsi balak

  • Disaster mains 365(7-9)✔️✔️

3. Ethics 

  • Red book (10-12)
  • Case study(12- Lambe hone tak)

P.s. will try with more intention. 1st slot is the key.

Pss: cancelling ethics for this week. GS3 khatam karo pehle sala!

3.(updated) survey 19-20 rev.(10-12)

  • Compass eco remaining/rev(12-2)
Archand,Sadhikaand2 otherslike this

Targets for tomorrow: 

Slot 1: Optional 

Slot 2: Current Affairs 

Slot 3: Optional 

Slot 4: Revise GS2

Martin Luther King: "If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward"

And so it begins...again!

Things done: 

  • Optional 
  • Vision Sept CA (1/3) 

Things to do today:

  • Finish Optional Chapter 
  • Vision Sept CA (2/3) 
  • Revise GS2
AJ_,HotBloodPrinceand3 otherslike this

Day 52 (heart skips a beat)


1) Vision economics (1 year)

2) gs mock


3) Agriculture + economic geography (Notes) 

4) Diagrams- Climatology

5) Geography answers

"Courage, dear heart."

BD,HotBloodPrinceand5 otherslike this

Welcome back on DR thread@whatonly and@Sadhika . Let's do this. 🙌🤘

BD,AJ_and3 otherslike this

17th November

8:00 to 10:30 Laxmikanth - legislatures ✔️

10:30 to 11:30 Laxmikanth - judiciary ✔️

11:30 to 01:30 Social Issues Mains 365 1/2 ✔️

01:30 to 02:00 Newspaper ✔️

03:00 to 04:00 Ethics - analyse feedback + model answers ✔️

04:00 to 06:00 Ethics - 1 to 4 revise 

06:00 to 09:00 Optional - Indian foreign policy 

10:00 to 11:00 GS2 - answers 

11:00 to 12:00 Optional - answers 

12:00 to 01:30 Optional - revise 1A 

Took a kind of break from forum thinking it would help focus. But finding it extremely overwhelming - so coming back just to feel like I’m not alone if nothing else. Everyone says it’s emotionally taxing and strenuous, and I used to think I was strong for never feeling it that much. *universe chuckles* I was so so wrong. This is the worst, worst phase of prep in the last year and half. But I guess these are the times that test us most. Even when it seems like mains is an insurmountable mountain I’m not ever going to be able to cross, even when everything seems to be slipping away, gotta believe in yourself and keep plowing on. 

Hope you guys are doing good :) keep up the work. Keep up the faith.

Going through similar situation rather worse, hence was away from forum. Very overwhelming! The biggest issue being when I feel am not able to do it, feeling that I am not remembering anything, bad tests of optional etc. all push into a place where I try to move anyhow away from the thought of that which is not healthy at all I know. But that's what my anxious mind does. That anyhow way currently was Chess. I started playing chess whenever I felt this way and this became a problem in last week. Now trying to cope it by not leaving any option other than to face those things. Phone was been locked in an almirah, Laptop Focusme all websites blocked except few study websites. But facing that is tough, really. Optional giving me anxiety constantly with the amount of things it wants me to remember, second thoughts about the different sources I have used etc. Nothing is productive in this I know, and I am not taking any radical step like changing my sources etc. but these thoughts and my habit of trying to anyhow move away affects productivity significantly. Gotta be an adult and handle emotions properly. 

@whatonly The whole story just to say "Yes happening with some others too." Worse for some, better for some. Let's hope we prove to be strong enough to fight this out. 

Aurora,HotBloodPrinceand3 otherslike this

Day 52

  1. 8.00- 10.00- stats
  2. 10.00- 1.00- polity test
  3. 1.30- 4.00- stats
  4. 4.00- 7.00- economy test
  5. 8.00- 9.00- newspaper

economy test- 18 questions

polity test - 19 and half 

2 meditation sessions, rest - done


A note to self

It's all coming back to me. This constant gnawing feeling that time is running out. Fact is that it is. I've been so anxious the past few weeks that I've been unable to get the best out of my day. Every time, I tell myself that maybe a break would sort it out. I take the break; still, it comes back to me. The only way seems to me to actually chew it up and spit it out.

I have so much left to do. I wish there were a way that one could just make a plan, stick to it, and see the whole thing through. There may be some who do it, and to them, I take my hat off. It's simply not my cup of tea. I've tried and I've failed a great number of times, just over the past month alone. The enormity of it all is mind-boggling and quite simply, overwhelming. I don't think I have been more stressed in my entire life.

If the past few years have taught me anything at all, it is that stress brings out the worst in me. I get nothing done, and I'm so fucking snappy. I've been easy going and a chiller my entire life. This part of my life calls for discipline that I can't seem to find. Even on the days that I find that discipline, I mostly end up finishing too little, comparing with what is left for me to do. Every day, there is renewed energy, but most nights, there's terrible anxiety.

I need to find a way to be calm. The only way that I can seem to do that right now is to allow for the possibility that it might not happen for me. I need to let go of the feeling that I am much closer to my goal. The closer I think I am, the more anxious I get about the result. I need to let it be. I need to remember that this is all not purely within my control. I need to be authentic. The only thing that I can do is to maximise my chances. The first thing I need to do towards that end is to find my lost confidence. I need to stomach the fact that my preparation will be far from perfect. Yet, I must prime myself for giving my best shot on the day. It's a funny little game, this. 

Maximising my chances right now can only be done through shortcuts. It is clear as day to me. Be it in my optional or in GS, that is the only option that is open to me to even make a fight of it. Hence, I must take them. Shortcuts have served me well in my life. I think they are underrated. 250 or 150 words is all I need. Nothing less, nothing more. This is when the tables will turn. Whether I am able to see these 51 days through and keep my head about me will determine whether I am successful. 

I need to keep faith, not in my reading or my preparation, but in myself. This is what gives me my best chance. There is simply no magic pill that works for me. Not hard work. Not smart work. Definitely not the beautiful strategy I penned down on a thread here when I was still naive.

The only time I was successful was when I was calm. So, maybe that is what I must bank on. Whatever it may be, I will face it. The only thing I can do now is to cover the gaping holes that I have in my preparation. My efforts will be towards that end because that is simply the only thing in my control. This is an exam that a person who does not have the same resources and privileges as me should be, and have cleared in the past. I've been making a mountain out of a reasonably large hill. I need to direct my efforts towards climbing that hill, not the mountain I've built up inside my head. 

It's definitely daunting, but my head has been making it a hundred thousand times more daunting than it is. The time is ripe for simplification level Patootie. Break that shit down to manageable pieces. Do no more than that. If they are unmanageable pieces, do the manageable bits. If there are no manageable bits, it is by definition unmanageable.

So, here's the last plan that Imma make. It's the plan that I've always followed. The one where there is no plan. No schedule. No daily targets. Just execution. My exam is on January 8. Not the mock on Sunday. I know the parts where I'm weak, and I know the parts where I'm strong. It's only about putting my best foot forward on the day.

Cut the noise out. The noise inside my head, the noise from the mentor, the noise from the mock test feedback. Sometimes it gets too much that I feel like I can't hear the calming inner voice that is Patootie. I need to cut all of that out. That bubble is what I'm looking for again. It's a fookin utopia where everything is good. No matter what happens on the outside, everything is good inside Patootie's bubble. 

I may not be able to make the exam work, but I'll find my peace again. That, to me, is the most important thing. If I can find that peace again, I feel life will be good. Life has to be good. 

What if I fall? I'll get up, dust myself off and find myself another way.

But what if I fly? That's gonna be a whole new story altogether.

ssver2,Auroraand26 otherslike this
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economy test- 18 questions

polity test - 19 and half 

2 meditation sessions, rest - done

👆👌👌👌 Awesome man. Hume b 2-3 meditation session start kar dene chahiye I guess. 😁

ssver2,Kapiushonand1 otherslike this


Does anyone have iasbaba optional test series?

Please message


A note to self

It's all coming back to me. This constant gnawing feeling that time is running out. Fact is that it is. I've been so anxious the past few weeks that I've been unable to get the best out of my day. Every time, I tell myself that maybe a break would sort it out. I take the break; still, it comes back to me. The only way seems to me to actually chew it up and spit it out.

I have so much left to do. I wish there were a way that one could just make a plan, stick to it, and see the whole thing through. There may be some who do it, and to them, I take my hat off. It's simply not my cup of tea. I've tried and I've failed a great number of times, just over the past month alone. The enormity of it all is mind-boggling and quite simply, overwhelming. I don't think I have been more stressed in my entire life.

If the past few years have taught me anything at all, it is that stress brings out the worst in me. I get nothing done, and I'm so fucking snappy. I've been easy going and a chiller my entire life. This part of my life calls for discipline that I can't seem to find. Even on the days that I find that discipline, I mostly end up finishing too little, comparing with what is left for me to do. Every day, there is renewed energy, but most nights, there's terrible anxiety.

I need to find a way to be calm. The only way that I can seem to do that right now is to allow for the possibility that it might not happen for me. I need to let go of the feeling that I am much closer to my goal. The closer I think I am, the more anxious I get about the result. I need to let it be. I need to remember that this is all not purely within my control. I need to be authentic. The only thing that I can do is to maximise my chances. The first thing I need to do towards that end is to find my lost confidence. I need to stomach the fact that my preparation will be far from perfect. Yet, I must prime myself for giving my best shot on the day. It's a funny little game, this. 

Maximising my chances right now can only be done through shortcuts. It is clear as day to me. Be it in my optional or in GS, that is the only option that is open to me to even make a fight of it. Hence, I must take them. Shortcuts have served me well in my life. I think they are underrated. 250 or 150 words is all I need. Nothing less, nothing more. This is when the tables will turn. Whether I am able to see these 51 days through and keep my head about me will determine whether I am successful. 

I need to keep faith, not in my reading or my preparation, but in myself. This is what gives me my best chance. There is simply no magic pill that works for me. Not hard work. Not smart work. Definitely not the beautiful strategy I penned down on a thread here when I was still naive.

The only time I was successful was when I was calm. So, maybe that is what I must bank on. Whatever it may be, I will face it. The only thing I can do now is to cover the gaping holes that I have in my preparation. My efforts will be towards that end because that is simply the only thing in my control. This is an exam that a person who does not have the same resources and privileges as me should be, and have cleared in the past. I've been making a mountain out of a reasonably large hill. I need to direct my efforts towards climbing that hill, not the mountain I've built up inside my head. 

It's definitely daunting, but my head has been making it a hundred thousand times more daunting than it is. The time is ripe for simplification level Patootie. Break that shit down to manageable pieces. Do no more than that. If they are unmanageable pieces, do the manageable bits. If there are no manageable bits, it is by definition unmanageable.

So, here's the last plan that Imma make. It's the plan that I've always followed. The one where there is no plan. No schedule. No daily targets. Just execution. My exam is on January 8. Not the mock on Sunday. I know the parts where I'm weak, and I know the parts where I'm strong. It's only about putting my best foot forward on the day.

Cut the noise out. The noise inside my head, the noise from the mentor, the noise from the mock test feedback. Sometimes it gets too much that I feel like I can't hear the calming inner voice that is Patootie. I need to cut all of that out. That bubble is what I'm looking for again. It's a fookin utopia where everything is good. No matter what happens on the outside, everything is good inside Patootie's bubble. 

I may not be able to make the exam work, but I'll find my peace again. That, to me, is the most important thing. If I can find that peace again, I feel life will be good. Life has to be good. 

What if I fall? I'll get up, dust myself off and find myself another way.

But what if I fly? That's gonna be a whole new story altogether.

This is gold my friend. Best wishes. 

P.s : I always save some part of your post in my google keep notebook. Ok. Shhh.🤐😛

ssver2,Patootieand1 otherslike this

A note to self

It's all coming back to me. This constant gnawing feeling that time is running out. Fact is that it is. I've been so anxious the past few weeks that I've been unable to get the best out of my day. Every time, I tell myself that maybe a break would sort it out. I take the break; still, it comes back to me. The only way seems to me to actually chew it up and spit it out.

I have so much left to do. I wish there were a way that one could just make a plan, stick to it, and see the whole thing through. There may be some who do it, and to them, I take my hat off. It's simply not my cup of tea. I've tried and I've failed a great number of times, just over the past month alone. The enormity of it all is mind-boggling and quite simply, overwhelming. I don't think I have been more stressed in my entire life.

If the past few years have taught me anything at all, it is that stress brings out the worst in me. I get nothing done, and I'm so fucking snappy. I've been easy going and a chiller my entire life. This part of my life calls for discipline that I can't seem to find. Even on the days that I find that discipline, I mostly end up finishing too little, comparing with what is left for me to do. Every day, there is renewed energy, but most nights, there's terrible anxiety.

I need to find a way to be calm. The only way that I can seem to do that right now is to allow for the possibility that it might not happen for me. I need to let go of the feeling that I am much closer to my goal. The closer I think I am, the more anxious I get about the result. I need to let it be. I need to remember that this is all not purely within my control. I need to be authentic. The only thing that I can do is to maximise my chances. The first thing I need to do towards that end is to find my lost confidence. I need to stomach the fact that my preparation will be far from perfect. Yet, I must prime myself for giving my best shot on the day. It's a funny little game, this. 

Maximising my chances right now can only be done through shortcuts. It is clear as day to me. Be it in my optional or in GS, that is the only option that is open to me to even make a fight of it. Hence, I must take them. Shortcuts have served me well in my life. I think they are underrated. 250 or 150 words is all I need. Nothing less, nothing more. This is when the tables will turn. Whether I am able to see these 51 days through and keep my head about me will determine whether I am successful. 

I need to keep faith, not in my reading or my preparation, but in myself. This is what gives me my best chance. There is simply no magic pill that works for me. Not hard work. Not smart work. Definitely not the beautiful strategy I penned down on a thread here when I was still naive.

The only time I was successful was when I was calm. So, maybe that is what I must bank on. Whatever it may be, I will face it. The only thing I can do now is to cover the gaping holes that I have in my preparation. My efforts will be towards that end because that is simply the only thing in my control. This is an exam that a person who does not have the same resources and privileges as me should be, and have cleared in the past. I've been making a mountain out of a reasonably large hill. I need to direct my efforts towards climbing that hill, not the mountain I've built up inside my head. 

It's definitely daunting, but my head has been making it a hundred thousand times more daunting than it is. The time is ripe for simplification level Patootie. Break that shit down to manageable pieces. Do no more than that. If they are unmanageable pieces, do the manageable bits. If there are no manageable bits, it is by definition unmanageable.

So, here's the last plan that Imma make. It's the plan that I've always followed. The one where there is no plan. No schedule. No daily targets. Just execution. My exam is on January 8. Not the mock on Sunday. I know the parts where I'm weak, and I know the parts where I'm strong. It's only about putting my best foot forward on the day.

Cut the noise out. The noise inside my head, the noise from the mentor, the noise from the mock test feedback. Sometimes it gets too much that I feel like I can't hear the calming inner voice that is Patootie. I need to cut all of that out. That bubble is what I'm looking for again. It's a fookin utopia where everything is good. No matter what happens on the outside, everything is good inside Patootie's bubble. 

I may not be able to make the exam work, but I'll find my peace again. That, to me, is the most important thing. If I can find that peace again, I feel life will be good. Life has to be good. 

What if I fall? I'll get up, dust myself off and find myself another way.

But what if I fly? That's gonna be a whole new story altogether.

This is gold my friend. Best wishes. 

P.s : I always save some part of your post in my google keep notebook. Ok. Shhh.🤐😛

Hahah, I'm so honoured, my friend!

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List of Articles - DNS, May 2019- Aug 2020.pdf

DNS LINK January 2018 to May 2019.pdf

Right, so this is the index of all the articles that have been discussed from Jan 2018 onwards till Prelims 2020. I think this is possibly one of the most comprehensive indices of all relevant current affairs issues, simply because it comes from the average newspaper. They've included links to all their videos as well, article-wise. PDF links to their daily notes are also available on Youtube. The notes are usually of a good quality, but I don't recommend reading all of it, simply because the point behind this is maximising efficiency, and making best use of time. However, where necessary, snippets from the PDFs can be added on to your notes.

You'll need to do a bit of digging from within the index (as in, if you want to holistically do issues about River Ganga, Ctrl+F "Ganga") and identify the topics you would choose to do. You would also need to be proactive in adding points not discussed to add value to your answer. But I think, if one can do that, and effectively prepare the important ones, preparation would be more holistic rather than doing them straight from a Mains 365.

Pro-tips:Watch the videos at 1.5-2.0 x speed depending on necessity. Go from October, 2020 backwards.

Thanks for sharing this pdf! Where is this on the internet? Asking for upcoming months. 

One thing I learn from my past 4. failures is mock creat unintended pressure in back of my mind. In the cycle of giving we loss the preparation essence....revision revision......and revision...pen khud chalega
ssver2,Auroraand4 otherslike this

@Neyawn sir, how do I learn this huge amount of stuff for mains ? 

I have notes but can't seem to learn them. 


9/10 done on 17th.

18th November

08:00 - 09:30 Soc Issues 365 - 6, 7

09:30 - 11:30 LXM 36 to 41

11:30 - 01:30 LXM 60 to 75

02:00 - 05:00 Ethics mock 3 

05:00 - 06:00 Recover from mock, wipe tears with question paper, scan, revise articles 

06:00 - 07:30 Soc Issues 365 - 8

07:30 - 09:00 LXM Leftovers except bodies 

10:00 - 11:00 GS2 and optional answers 

11:00 - 01:00 Optional odds and ends 

01:00 - 01:30 The Hindu 

This prep is a very humbling experience. Guess it all builds character. 

@thepolicydreamer thank you dost :) My chess is IFS people’s social media. Must desist. And also struggling to handle emotions. The irony of studying emotional intelligence while barely holding on to the railings on this emotional roller coaster that is mains... we shall look back and laugh some day :)

@Patootie thank you. Thank you. I hope no stray negativity ever so much as approaches your bubble. Your outer voice is so heartening and calming to others, can’t even imagine what the inner one is like. It will see you through :)

@rahuldb52526019 thank you... needed to hear that today.

Good luck today everyone. You’ve got this.

And guys. Let’s not let mocks bring us down too much and distract from the goal as he said above. There’s a reason they’re called “mocks” and not “kind encouragements” lol.

ssver2,rahuldb52526019and6 otherslike this

Back to forum after typhoid 😃

Tried to sleep but couldn't 

History + world geography


ssver2,HotBloodPrinceand2 otherslike this

51 days guys , just bring out the animal spirits of yours , limitations exists only in the mind . "Tat tyam asi".

ssver2,HotBloodPrinceand2 otherslike this
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