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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2023

Please post Interview Transcripts of UPSC CSE or IFoS 2023 here, so that all can access and get benefitted from them.

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Date: 2nd January, afternoon

Board: Dinesh Dasa Sir

State: Punjab

Optional: Economics



 • Introduce yourself

 • GST, Demonetisation, 1991 reforms, Bank Nationalisation in 1969- Arrange them in order of their importance for Indian economy.

 • What reforms could be brought in Civil services Exam?

 • In acient time about 2000 years back, India's contribution to economy was as much as 33%, whereas it is only 3% now. What led to such a scenario and How can India regain its strength in economy?



 • What is Yellow Journalism?

 • What is Capital Adequacy ratio?

 • What is Bank recapitalisation and How government recapitalises banks?

 • Is it justified to put taxpayers money in Banks that are not performing well?

 • What is equal opportunity? (Related to Daf)

 • What are programmes to provide equal oppurtunity?

 • Doesn't Reservation deny equal opportunity?

 • What reforms could be done in Reservation system?



 • Discussion about Ecological value of mountains and impact of development on it.(Related to Daf)

 • Long monologues about situation in mountains and asked about steps also that could be taken.

 • If you were incharge, would you have allowed construction of Hydroproject related tunnel in Joshimath or not?



 • What is Pehel scheme?

 • What is Ujjawala scheme?

 • Who all are beneficiaries in Ujjawala scheme?

 • Why Fuels have been kept out of GST? and discussion on that as to why they can't be put in GST itself?

 • What is the impact on Oil companies of keeping it out of GST?



 • State of Indian economy before Independence and just after Independence.

 • What changed in Indian economy just after Indian economy? Kept insisting on the point that what impact was there immediately after Independence.

 • What was the objective of Indian freedom struggle?

 • Was the objective just Independence or it was Republic as well?

 • What is Republic? Is UK a Republic?

 • Which was the first war of Independence?

 • If we have gained Freedom in 1857 itself, would India had become Republic then?


Overall Experience: Board was vey cordial, Didn't interrupt even once and encouraged to speak. Interview was more in discussion format rather than mere question answers.


Board : RN choubey Sir

Keywords : Oracle (sde) , forest service , artificial intelligence , diary writing

Chairman : Famous monologue

This is not interview we want to discuss …..

1- what was your role at oracle? (Machine learning)

2 - what is the difference between decision making of machine and human

So ethics can not be not coded ?

3 - can machine replace human

4 - Is climate change hoax

5 - what is the age of earth ? Isnt climate change part of normal earths ice age cycle?

Member 1

1 - (Enough about machine lets come to human ) Are you a thinker or overthinker ?

2 - Explain a quote ( not able to recall exact quote but meaning was overthinking leads to government paralysis )

3 - so is overthinking is bad for governace ?

4 - what is deepfake ? What are its socio economic impact

5 - how it can be regulated ?

Member 3

1- Recently there was report that india has maximum tiger death , whats your opinion ?

2- ok , ecological corridoor is one thing to reduce human wildlife conflict , whats other ?

3 - what your opinion related to cheetah project

4 - dont you think we should have taken Asian cheetah (iran) rather than taking cheetah from Africa

1-2 more questions

Member 4

1 how reflective diary writing helped you and your family

2 what human resource challenges you faced at oracle

3 At one side humans are involved in wars and other side we are propagating peace , what according to you is the reason for this conflict , consider human emotions

4 If you have to choose one district for dm posting , which you will choose and why ?



Member 5

1 )What were the developments in 2023 which attracted your interest

2 - One development in forest

Few development of global significance

3 -What are the few upcoming developments in 2024 for india

4-Five places in the world where election is going to happen in 2024

5-How deepfake can impact election by giving one example

6-Apart from deepfake what are two other challenges for indian election


Date - 3 Jan, morning session

Board - Lt Gen Raj Shukla sir

Optional - maths- nothing asked

College - IITR - mechanical

State - haryana

Keywords - reading non fiction, ISRO

Time - around 30 minutes



1. Last book you have read?(mg bio)

2. Is gandhi relevant today?

3. Is gandhi's non violence relevant?

4. Gandhi vs kissinger- who is better

5. Isro speciality?

6. Why we are lagging behind others?

7. Why such agencies are skeptical in opening upto private sector?




1. Should isro focus on scientific missions only?

2. How isro helps in industrial development?

3. Takeaways from ch3

4. Why stubble burning in haryana?

5. Solutions to control



1. What is green technology?

2. What is sustainable fashion?

3. What is the judicial activism and its examples?

4. What is judicial adventurism?

5. How judiciary should restraint from crossing the line?

6. Can judiciary order parliament?



1. Significance of xposat mission

2. Is unemployment a problem in India?

3. Is pm skill india successful? Are we doing enough?



1. Indians who went to space

2. What rakesh sharma told to indira gandhi?

3. Assessment of renewable energy in india

4. How to expand renewable in india?

5. When will we achieve net zero?


experience - Board was cordial.


Date - 2 Jan 2024, Afternoon

Board - Dinesh Dasa

Optional - Geography


- What are cratonic rocks? Assumed geology and geography to be same

- Which mountain ranges separates Peninsular plateau and Northern plains?

- Why Narmada flows westwards while other flow eastwards?

- Who gives nod to Death penalty? President discretion or Council of ministers?


- What about environmental governance?

- Energy conservation amendment Act? What provisions?

- What are carbon credits?

- What is building code for energy conservation?

- What about PLI scheme?


- Why developed countries are not environment conscious?

- Should India follow it's own path in energy transition?

- Why developing countries should be concerned since it's not existential threat like LDC?


- How EV are not polluting?

- Energy mix of India

- Green nudge

- What about lithium ion batteries?


- How green hydrogen is green ? Tell me the exact provisions.

- What are you looking for in life.. Success, fame. What is life for you?


Date-3rd Jan,Afternoon

Board- Shri RN Chaubey sir


District - lucknow


Background - Btech Electrical Engineering

Daf keywords -UN, elderly, Pranayama etc


Chairperson -

Q. Tell us about your educational background and work experience?

Q.What is charge and why electric current is the flow of electrons ?

Q. Why protons cannot flow ?

Q. Can the nucleus flow in the opposite direction of that of electrons?



Q.What is a primary issue of the elderly health or security?

Q. How to tackle these issues at policy level?

Q. Is the world economy facing recession?

Q. Why the interest rate in the world are rising?

Q.Why is the Indian economy resilient?



Q.Issues between Iran and US apart from nuclear deal?

Q.Relations between Taliban and Pakistan and impact on India?

Q. Tell about the issues related to North Western province of Afghanistan

Q As a DM which are of will you choose to work in an area where there is spread of naxalism or an area having issue of organised crime.?



Q. What is nationalism?

Q Should it include peaceful relationship with neighbours?

Q.Should nationalism have certain limits?

Q. Should there be a restriction on the celebration of fairs and festivals?

Q.How these contribute to growth of economy sight example?

Q.What is MUI?



Q. Acts related to senior citizens?

Q.Issue related to recent raymond controversy?( Vijaypat singhania case)

Q. Debt trap diplomacy by China?

How India provides foreign aid?

Q.Is there any ethical angle in providing foreign aid?

Q. Why India should have better relations with Sri Lanka ?


Date of interview: 3rd January 2024, Forenoon

Interview board: R N Choubey

Daf pointers: Mechanical Engineering, Tata Motors, Anthropology, Yoga, Cooking, Jhajjar, Haryana


Interview transcript:

Chaiperson :

Good Morning, This is a normal conversation. Please be comfortable. Did you have breakfast?

1. Tell us about your academic background and work experience?

2. What role did you play at Tata Motors?

3. How many vehicle do they produce in that plant per year?



1. Do neanderthal genes exist in homo sapiens?

(I do not remember other questions asked by him)



1. What are your views on Hamas?

2. The Hezbollah (supporting the Hamas) and the government in Lebanon have differing views. Why?

3. If you get posted in your district, would you support your known ones when they want a favor? Why not?



1. How Bharat Matters?

2. Do you think diaspora should be given internet voting right? (follow up question)

3. Why did you leave Tata Motors (one of the best employers) and preparing for Civil Services?

4. Government services have a bad name of being sluggish and not very rewarding. Compare it with private sector and why do you still want to join it?



1. Recent strike by the truck unions? Under which law? Why? What are your views?

2. Increasing use of digital devices by the children? Is it good? What need to be done? Your views on this.



If you feel any part of DAF has not been covered or you want to share anything.

Thank you.


Your assessment of the board/your performance: Cordial board, listened to everything carefully. Questions were more opinion and DAF based.


Interview transcript

Name : fauji doctor

Date 2nd jan afternoon

Board Chaubey sir

4th to enter 30 35 mins

5 members( 4 male , 1 female)

DAF: Haryana , Delhi, Doctor, quizzing, formula1




1. Asked my name , what do your friends call you?

2. What is the outlay for Ayushmann Bharat?

3. Situation based- you are home minister, you are given 7000cr , where will you spend- on an insurance scheme like Ayushmann Bharat or Primary health sector. Justify

4. Do you really think you can improve the primary health care system with 5000 cr and in 5 years

5. Do you think investing on primary health sector will get you votes in election.


Member 1 ( Ma’am)

1. Asked about hospitals run by persons impersonating doctors. ( recent case of Agarwal medical centre in Delhi) few counter questions

2. What learning’s did you take from Uttarakhand tunnel collapse.

One or two questions that I don’t remember


Member 2

1. There are talks of health regulator. Your views.

2. Why has formula1 not prominent in india.

3. What can be done to improve the above situation.


Member 3


1. Describe formula 1 to me.

2. Tell me 5 good things and 5 issues in Haryana.( chairman said 3 3 kaafi hain)

3. Isn’t a disintegrated Pakistan good for us. Baluchistan will come to india . Cut off china .He got stuck to this and multiple counter questions.


Member 4


1. G20 , what did india achieve

2 why was it call peoples presidency.

3. Chief secretaries annual meeting. Who presided, where it take place.

4. Freebies. What are they, should they be allowed, which major institutions and ministries will be keeping close eyes on freebies. Is par kaafi counter questions thay.


Chairman said if you think we missed something important do tell us.

Than said thank you may go now.


Date: 2nd Jan, afternoon

Board : RN choubey Sir

Keywords : Public Policy , Governance, Online Chess , NCC, Podcasts, Basketball

Optional- Mathematics

State - Haryana

Work Ex - Government of Andhra Pradesh as Associate Consultant in planning department

Chairman : Famous monologue

This is not interview we want to discuss …..

1- Pick one event that you think is significant in the history of East India Company (EIC) and explain why?

2 - I answered - Battle of Plassey and then he asked about the parties involved in the battle

3 - Why do you think the British emerged victorious among all European powers?

4 - What lessons and strategic insights we can draw from the EIC colonization of India?

5 - Any Contemporary relevance of them?

Member 1

1 - Explain your experience of working with the government (I worked with the Govt of AP)

2 - One broad question on how does the government function?

3 - Moved to the Manipur crisis, do you think the Government was proactive in resolving the situation?

4 - what would you have done?

5 - If there is a call from higher authorities to slow down your approach, what would you do?

Member 3

1- Why is there no Noble prize in Mathematics?

2- 2024 is the year of elections in the world. Tell me 4 countries where elections will happen.

3 - what is their significance for India?

1-2 more questions I don't remember

Member 4

1 Started with a monologue about Russia-Ukraine War then asked don't you think it is a paradox that Western Nations are supporting Ukraine and putting economic sanctions on Russia but also indirectly buying Russian oil and hence financing the war?

2 Shifted to Israel-Palestine War. Do you thing Israel should stop the war? Yes/No. Giver reasons.

3. I said Israel should stop, and as I begin to give reasons..

the member became a bit aggressive and hostile, and started interjecting and cross questioning without allowing me to speak, Chaubey sir had to intervene and he sort of summarized my arguments and we moved on..

Member 5

1 (Public policy background) what is public interest and what is public good.

2 - (Haryana is my home state, and I have worked in Andhra Pradesh) Asked me to compare the administration and governance between the two.

3 -Is there anything that Haryana can learn from AP?

4- while smiling brought back the discussion to the Israel-Palestine conflict and asked me to bring out 2 differences between Ukraine-Russia and the Israel-Palestine war.

1-2 questions he asked, not able to recall.


In the end, Chaubey sir gave me the opportunity to ask/tell them anything I want.


Overall - The interview was a little bit random as the opening Q was from Modern history and many keywords from the DAF were not covered, that is Mr Chaubey for you. Except for one member, the board was very cordial and allowed me time and space to complete my answers peacefully.


Forenoon. 4th Jan 2024

Lt Gen Raj Shukla Sir Board

DAF key words: LLB, BCom, Philosophy Optional, Biographies, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Chairman Sir

1.  Favourite Biography and follow up questions

2.  Mention any other biographies- I said Shoe Dog

3.  Elon Musk biography and follow up questions on Business Environment in India

4.  Byju’s fall and reasons for it.


1.  NGT and its functions. Its Contribution and any issue in its functioning

2.  Forgetting his other questions

M2(Lady Member)

1.  Doctrine of Absolute Liability and Strict Liability and discussion on it

2.  Utilitarian Principle and its application in Public Services


1.  Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Achievements and Current Status

2.  Truckers Union Protests and legal aspects around it. What could be the way forward


1.  Cross Questions on Utilitarian Principle and Case Study on it.

2.  Social Aspect of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Women Dignity

Chairman said Thank You and All the best.

Overall Very Good Experience. Better than most of the mocks. Throughout the process members were smiling and gave me time to think about the answer. One2One with Ravindran Sir and Khan Sir were quite helpful for me


Date- 02 jan , forenoon session (2nd one to go)

Board - Lt. Gen. Raj Shukla sir

Keywords - Haryana , Physics, Urdu poetry, Football, Badminton.

Optional - Sociology

State - Haryana

Interview duration - 25-30mins


Chairman -

1. Monologue on AI and asked what are the potential of AI in your opinion?

2. Quoted Elon musk statement the idea was whether AI will surpass human capabilities and can it overpower human intellect?

3. Then how should we use AI

4. Do you know how much is Global GDP?( I replied sorry sir I'm not aware, I'll go and read)


Good 8-10min discussion on AI.


Member 1 -

1. Why civil services?

2. Xposat

3. Why haryana is developed?


Member 2 -

1. Wrestling is famous in haryana then how come you took interest in football and badminton.

2. Telecom bill.

3. What kind of ghazals you write?

4. Favourite poets

5. Why Ghalib?

6. Famous music in haryana

7. Why Ragini was famous and the purpose of it?

8. Any famous Ragini singer?


Member 3 (A lady)

1. Can poets rule the world? Why?

2. How poets can be helpful in administration?

3. What power means to you?

4. Discretionary power and arbitrary power

5. What things one should keep in mind when exercising discretionary power? Give example

6. Do you know the Hindi names of 3 new criminal bills?

7.  Some Provisions of these bills.


Member 4-

1. In your opinion what should we do to make India  $5 trillion economy?

2. NIP and NMP


Chairman again -

1. India is one of the largest importer of defence equipments and arms. How can we reduce it ?


Overall experience -

Very cordial board, didn't have a single tense moment. Not many DAF keywords not covered. But they were in discussion mode on current issues and were keen to listen . The lady member was super sweet (said god bless you 3-4 times).

A nice experience overall.


Board : RN Chaubey Sir

Time : 25 to 30 Min last one in the afternoon 4Jan

Background: Chemistry optional UP Home State

Current job: college lecturer

Keywords of DAF : BHU, IIT Bombay, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Renewable energy, Scientific Documentaries, Jogging, Education



Be relaxed.. it's just interaction

1. What is Glass Ceiling Effect?

2. Do you think it's there in society?

3. Would you suggest 33% reservation to women even in Job?

4. What is Mee too movement?

5. Is it fair to raise voice on social media than ?



1. what is Entanglement?

2. What is LAC LOC IB ( further cross questions)

3. Strategic location why Siachen is important

4. How geography is important for a country ( positive and negative examples)

5. what kind of documentaries you watch

6. name some channels

7. Is BBC into science publication?

8. Why Men dress like suit pant and women in Saree



1. Which two women PM resigned for family and one raised protest again gender  inequality

2. one company name of Renewal energy

3. One special moment in 70 years of Indian History

4. Why Maldives is important for India and current issues

5. Any other nation like Maldives


M3 lady member

1. you use social media

2. positives and negatives of social media

3. Excessive exercise harm

4. how to remain fit

5. Role of ASI (sites in banaras)

6. Sarnath importance embelem



1. Compare your colleges IIT Bombay vs BHU

2. How IIT Bombay alumni network is so strong

3. Areas to improve in BHU

4. your current research work

5. Gorakhpur Nepal Border issues and security


Few more questions that I am not recalling.

At last

Sir asked if any area they missed to ask...


Assessment: I went with a neutral mindset even after knowing that my board was Chaubey Sir ka h.. I don't know how it went just after finishing it... but now i think my performance was decent.


p.s. I am a male candidate (fir bhi wemen centric questions jyada the..just telling)


General Shukla board


Name : courageous_2000

Bcom(h) - DU

Sociology optional

MA- socio ( IGNOU )

Keyword in DAF - Yamuna , SLUM , Punjabi tappe , journaling, Hindi movie on social issues.



- what work you have done in slum area

- Hindi cinema evolution

-which actor depict the social reality

Long monologue on actor went abroad and amazed the world

-which movies on social issues?

- have you watched 12th fail?

- what to say about that ?

- don't you think it also shows the lack of resources

- why so much about obsession about CSE in India

- monologue on Japan CS

- a line told by JRD TATA on Air India to Nehru about profiting it and Nehru bashed that don't say anything about Profit? Your take on it?

- Should India  which is 5th largest adopt socialism or capitalism?




Members :

- Domestic violance act 2005 pros and cons

Should it be gender neutral?

- Internal rate of return ?

- Yamuna not  cleaning up

-should India go for 'health for all' or insurance for all'

- but covid pandemic depicted the shattering of health sector .

- Tell in which company should investors be more profitable: one with no debt or one with little debt ; though both doing well

-principles of balance sheet

-G20 takeaways

- name of sociologist died yesterday

- what should we prefer zero deficit or some deficit by government?

- should revenue deficit be also there ?

- but revenue deficit also contains expenditure on health and education, how it is wrong ?

- what is internal trading?



Overall :

I felt  discussion was only on serious side.

Except for the chairperson it was Q/A

Almost no questions on current affairs

No question from home state , district , city , optional .

Dominated by graduation subject .


60% of interview was more of random .


Board -Chaubey sir -4th January,forenoon session


Keywords-Chemical engineering,Athletics,qawwali and ghazal ,Anthropology

Chairman Sir -

Famous monologue by sir and then asked to introduce in brief

1.What if earth axis is perpendicular to plain of revolution ?

2.Agriculture insurance scheme related to it and is it a good step ?


1.Power sector issues and solutions

2.Be like water -should we be like water and follow up questions


1.How anthropology will help in civil services?

2.If you are made DM -how you will use your knowledge of anthropology in administration-be specific

3.Haryana is winning a lot of medals while Gujarat is lacking if you are made sports secretary what steps will you take to improve its medal counts

4.Recently there was a drone attack have you heard of it ?


1.Are you aware of issues of wrestlers and WFI -why there is logjam and issue

2.Govt forms a lot of committees for every issue-why so ?

3.Are you aware about elections in Bangladesh-implications for India

4.Why Bangladesh is important for India ?


1.Are you about advancement in material science-name one advancement which you think will very popular in coming 5years

2.Name 3 things that if i go for shopping on 4January 2029 i will find in market having used nanotechnology

4.You listen to qawwali and ghazals so can you tell me the name of last mughal emperor and his famous court poet

5.Have you heard about ghalib ,what was the relationship between him and the court poet of last mughal emperor

Chairman sir ,thank you your interview is over is there anything you want to ask or say

Best of luck

Time -25 -30 min

Board was very cordial and there was no grilling


Board- Lt. Gen. Raj Shukla

Date- 03.01.2024

Home State- Rajasthan

DAF keywords- NCC, Swimming, Dancing Kathak, Cooking.


  1. You seem to be a student of political science, should I consider this as your passion?
  2. Why a bias in favour of sciences as compared to humanities?
  3. Don’t we need arts and sciences both for holistic development?
  4. Comment on the notion of decline of American hegemony and subsequent rise of China.
  5. Tell us how America manages to outshine even in those areas where it is not the pioneer?
  6. Explain how technological might of China is giving it an advantage.
  7. We are living in a unipolar or bipolar world?
  8. Don’t you feel global south leaning towards China gives it an advantage in being the rising power? 9. Can we have two Asian tigers cohabitating or one will rise over the other?
  9. What makes you think India will be the resistant and sturdy tiger? Tell us what India has to offer?


Member 1-

  1. Do you like Chinese food?
  2. Have you watched 12th fail?
  3. What do you think we need generalist or specialist for governance? Counter questions on my response.
  4. Comment on the need of delimitation of constituencies.


  1. Rajasthan increased the districts. Was there a delimitation exercise? If it would have happened, tell us the advantages of it.
  2. What do you think, delimitation is done for administrative convenience or there are any other reasons?
  3. Do you think role of governor is essential? What is the extent of his constitutional immunity?
  4. Have you heard of Henry Kissinger? What was his role in Indo- Pak war?


Member 3-

  1. Have you heard of the GNCTD Act? Tell us about the controversial provision? And, is it a good move of the central government? Share your opinion.
  2. Cooperative versus competitive federalism is the debate in Indian politics. Tell me a few instances of both. And, where is India leaning to?
  3. A brief discussion about G-20, member picked up this topic from my response.


Member 4-

  1. There are many rape cases happening in India, NCRB report also talks about it. What is your take? Is government not taking enough measures on this issue?
  2. NCW is also a toothless body, so what is the government doing?
  3. There is a fund called as Nirbhaya Fund, please tell us the schemes and projects under it.


Chairperson sir said-  Your interview is over, Thank You, we wish you all the best.


Date: 4th Jan, forenoon

Board : RN choubey Sir

Keywords : social Entrepreneurship, packaging industry

Optional- Sociology

State - U.P.

Work Ex - Production head at packaging industry

Chairman :

1- Did you made any friends today and how was the experience

2 - S.P. in Vikas Dubey case and how did you acted differently

3 - Asked about my educational details and how is it benefiting in packaging industry

4 - Future of packaging industries

Member 1

1 - the prevailing culture of godmen and the godman syndrome

2 - As DM how to manage the challenges arising due to it

3 - India turkey relations

4 - 5 key importance of Turkey

Member 2

1- sociological perspective on reducing family values

2- family system in india

3 - why political parties manifestos silent on climate change issues

4- should you consult your spouse in matter of certain critical procurements if you are responsible to look it and few funny talk on it

Member 3

1 Will you head a committee, which is inspecting the case against you?

2 Define principle of natural justice

  1. Concept of independent director, pros and cons, and why there is problem with it
  2. Would you prefer to be dm of mathura and how would you ensure impartiality

Member 4

1 -How is e commerce industry doing

2 - what challenges it poses on packaging industries

3 - how supply chain impacted due covid

4- what can be done to resolve the challenges in future

  1. How can administration help in the same

In the end, Chaubey sir asked about concept of sunken cost and then gave me the opportunity to ask/tell them anything I want.

Overall - The interview was more on situation based questions and encouraged to talk more. The board was really cordial and made it comfortable


Date: 4th Jan, Forenoon

Board : Dinesh Dasa Sir

Keywords : Swappable battery, Bhangra, Cricket, USA

Optional- Anthropology

State - Punjab

Work Ex - MHA, State Services

Chairman :

1- Introduce yourself

2- As I belonged to a district that was princely state, so asked why they have buildings named in this area e.g Dholpur house

3 - What was Chamber of Princes?

4 - Why IT Act, 2000 was brought

5- Difference between IT act and DPDP act.

6 - Who was chairman of committee set up for looking into Data Protection Bill.


Member 1

1 - Low sittings in Parliament. What is the consequence of this

2 - Solutions that you would advice to ensure more sittings

3 - What needs to be done for Mental Health and Disorders in the country


Member 2

1- You have been to US, what difference did you observe in the newspapers of US and India (Mentioned Advertisements)

2- Government advertisements leads to promotion on public finance. Your take on this


1-2 more questions regarding DAF entry


Member 3

1- India is Energy Dependent as much is spent on imports of energy. What is being done to tackle this

2 -  (As I mentioned Green Hydrogen)What are challenges with hydrogen as a fuel

  1. 1-2 follow up questions


Member 4

1 - How Bhangra is different from other classical and folk dances

2 - India-Canada and India-US issue with regards to allegations on India… Follow up questions

3 - Gave a long monologue of his experience in US where chairperson sir intervened.


Chairman - Thank you.. Your Interview is over.


Overall - The board was just engaging in conversation. No question asked about home state, optional, work experience


Background: Bcom, Panjab University.

State: Chandigarh and Punjab.

DAF keywords: International Affairs, Student Media, SDG's, Non Fiction Books.

No questions from DAF except IR.


Afternoon around 3PM

Chaubey Sir's board.

I enter.

The general niceties please feel comfortable, we just want a discussion etc.



begins by asking me to tell about my education and work experience.

Q: Chairperson then talks about Westminster style democracy and asks should we move towards a presidential system?

*Member 1*:

Q: after Bcom should have gone for CA, why UPSC ?

  1. Asks a Bcom question,and I reply idk.
  2. do Indians lack a sense of risk taking.
  3. Follow up- do Indians rely more on jugaad and is it good in governance too

Q Metaverse and its applications.


*Member 2*

Q: a question on India China - historical conflict, how we can manage it.

Q: Follows up with Japan what are it's problems externally and internally

Q: Same member asks about Congo- I reply its geopolitical significance because of cobalt reserves. The member adds that Indian Forces are also involved in peacekeeping there. I said ok sir I wasn't aware.

Q: What is level playing field in the context of elections. I explained. Follow up- who has to ensure that. I said ECI. Then asked whether you feel that that has been possible. I replied positively. Asked about the size of Indian electorate. Couldn't recall and that's where the question ended.


*Member 3*

Q: Next member says that Russia China partnership is worrying me what are you views about it.

Q:  BCCI is a private body and cricket is doing well, should we privatise other sports bodies as well.

Q: same member asks any government scheme that you think can be improved- I talk about MNREGA.

Q: follows up the answer with question on manufacturing and Make in India.


*Member 4*

Q: Asks about Chatbots and where it's being used. I tell about customer care so a follow up question on that, whether it is effective or not

  1. Why is there a rise in motivational speakers and videos ?

Q: About Incredible India campaign and its impact.

  1. Where do I see myself in the next 5 years, I reply if successful then as a civil servant and god forbid not then I'll look for some other opportunity

Q: Member asks what is that alternative- out of the blue question so I reply journalism. Then she asks what kind of journalism- i said day to day events, and that's the end.


Chairman concludes and asks whether you'd like any particular area to touch.

I reply no sir I am open to any question that you would like to ask.

Then he says ok then its the end from our side. Thankyou you may leave.


Date of interview: 05/01/2024 

 Interview board: Dinesh Dasa Sir  

 DAF pointers: Rajasthan, M.Sc Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, Table Tennis, Optional Mathematics 


 Interview Transcript:  



 My medium was English but Sir started talking to me in Hindi and asked if I was comfortable in Hindi? And then told me that you can even answer in Hindi wherever you wish. He asked all questions in Hindi. 


1. Meaning of your name? Some follow up questions on related concepts. 

 2.Asked that you post graduated in 2019, how have you been engaging yourself since then? 

 3.Have you given any other exams? Which exams? 

 4.When we talk about Election Commission, there is one person whose contribution is still talked about? (TN Seshan). Why? What did he do? 

 5.Honesty makes you a vulnerable person. Why then to be honest? Kya milega honest reh kar? 


He then asked other members to ask. Also he was working on his laptop during the whole interview and was not looking at me directly when other members were asking. But he was listening carefully as he asked for clarification once or twice when I was answering to other members. 


*Member 1 (Lady member)* 

 1.You must be following the Israel-Palestine issue. Do you think the conflict will escalate or peace will be restored?  

 2.Even if the conflict goes on, what should be the priorities in this conflict? 

 3.Asked about the Aadhar judgement, tell me 2 things for which Aadhar is mandatory and 2 things for which it is not as per the judgement. 

 4.In your view is Aadhar serving its purpose or are there any concerns regarding it? Cross questioning on it as per my answer.  


*Member 2* 

 1.You can see portrait of Gandhiji in front of you. When he was assassinated, there was one newspaper which did not cover it on its front page, which was that? Since I did not know it, he said I will tell you. Told it was The Hindu, and then asked why do you think it did not cover? And then asked okay what do you find on The Hindu on its front page everyday? I said advertisement, and then said 'Exactly! The Hindu had advertisements on the front page so it published that assassination news on the second page. And then laughed loudly. All other members including me were also laughing. 

 2.Some follow up questions on the same advertisement thing  regarding government welfare schemes which are published in newspapers and a SC judgement on the same. 

 3.Why Indian Table Tennis players not able to progress on the international level? Some follow up questions. 


 *Member 3* 

 1.I can say you participated in the elections in Rajasthan held recently. How do I know? (I had the ink of voting still on my finger, so I told him.) 

 2.What issues are there in elections? Electoral process? Follow up questions on EVMs and criminalisation in politics? 

 3.Concentration of CO2 in atmosphere? Itna sa hi toh hai, kya faraq padta hai and then laughed.  


 *Member 4* 

 1.Meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam? In which literature is it mentioned? Where  was it  used recently?  (G20 Theme) 

 2.There is a general fear of Mathematics among girls. What according to you are the reasons?  


 Then chairperson told that your interview is over. Thank you. You may go. I thanked everyone and left the room. 


 Your assessment of the board/your performance: The board was extremely cordial. They were listening patiently with some follow up questions in between. Nervousness ka 'N' bhi nahi aane de rahe the. Beech beech me to interview vaali feel bhi nahi aane de rahe the vo log. It was a round table setup. It was more of a conversation and they kept adding few points by themselves. The members asked questions in Hindi mostly and used English in between. I answered accordingly.  

 I could not assess much how I performed.  But experience wise too good.  

 Good luck all! :)


Raj Shukla sir board

5 Jan, forenoon session,last to go



Legal literacy club


1-Do you think people from tier 2 and tier 3 cities doing better than tier 1 cities.

2-does big cities like Delhi attract all their talent and Devoid  the smaller cities of their good brains?

Very Long discussion on this and lot of cross questioning.

3-Should India move away from Russia and closer to USA .

4-what do you think about QUAD

5- how is India JAPAN relationship evolving. what significance does it hold for the Indo Pacific region.

6- the sikh revolted against the British in the Anglo Sikh war of 1848-49 but the sikh soldiers helped to suppress the 1857 revolt. what happened in these 8-9 years that the whole scenario changed .

7-you are a Leo .do you believe in astrology and a long discussion on it and cross questioning .

8-ignorance of law cannot be a you agree with this?

9- commercialisation of education. is it right or not?

10-should we increase our diplomatic capability?

if yes in which field

11-what do you understand by modern feminism ?

12-how can working women balance personal and professional life.

13-As DM of your city how would you skill the youth, empower the women, steps for women safety and to curb drug addiction.

14- where are the hunger hotspots in the world and what is fao doing for it?

15-what steps would you suggest to attract investment in the country?

16- what is protective discrimination?

*Rest questions I am unable to recall.


Utkarsh sir's guidance and support was very crucial throughout the journey


Date- 3 Jan forenoon

Board- RN Choubey


Duration - 25-30 mins approx


Keywords - kabaddi, tourism, anthropology




Usual monologue on how they are nice people, and be comfortable...


1. Introduce yourself with educational background and work experience.


2. Since you've worked in tourism sector, you must have visited a lot of places... Let's say if we want to take a 5 day vacation, where would you send us?


3. Okay, moving on... Tell me something about the electoral bonds.... what are the issues with it ..


4. Follow up questions on changes in electoral bonds.



M1 (immediately to my right).


1.So, you have Anthropology as your optional... So tell me, what do you know about Lucy?


2.Okay, and why is Lucy significant?


3.Any recent discoveries in this field that you are familiar with..?



4. A few more questions that I can not remember,but they were pretty simple and straightforward.



M2(lady member)


1. Why are we lagging in tourism sector, especially when compared to other countries?


2. What can be done to arrest the issues? At every stage.


3. So you write on Quora.. tell me what purpose the is fulfill... because most of the answers on quora are either factually incorrect,or it can be accessible elsewhere easily?


4. Isn't personal Vendetta an issue on quora?? how can it be resolved?




1. What have you learnt from playing kabaddi? And a few counter questions on this.


2. Where do we stand ,as a nation,in the sport?


3. What does good health mean to you(absolutely out of blue this question was asked).


4. Do you practice what you are suggesting?




1. Okay suppose you are given the task to make a vision document for india... What are your top 5 priorities that you will do...


2. And also mentioned how and why will you be doing that...


3. A few counter questions on this, that I can't remember.




We give this opportunity to everyone, so you can suggest if there's anything that we haven't asked from your daf, you can let us know...


Okay, you are free to go.. all the best..

Overall assessment - it was very good, bas Lumber aa jaye😁

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