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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2023

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Date   : 19 Jan Afternoon

Board : Suman Sharma

DAF Pointers : Integrated MA Economics, University of Hyderabad, Kerala, Student politics, Global politics, English literature by Indian authors, Cricket

Optional : PSIR

Service preference : IFS




Query regarding my degree in Economics. (Clarified that it was trans disciplinary and contained different topics including political science)


1) Does student politics not distract students from studies? Is it necessary in a campus ?


2) follow up question on whether I agree with her that student clubs or associations are enough. I agreed.


3) What would be your 3 major priorities for Budget 2023-24?


4)Follow up on whether allocated capital expenditure is being utilised by all ministries. 


5) what do you mean by ‘time lease’…something related to lease which i did not understand and skipped


6) If you had the authority, how would you deal with cryptocurrency? Ban it or allow it?


M1 :


1) Tell me about Raja Ravi Varma.


2) What do you think about trade unionism in Kerala? Has it been helpful or not?


3) Would you prefer a government that is sensitive and people friendly or a business like approach?


4) Why despite so much progress Kerala has been lagging in per capita income?


M2 :


1) Has police action against terrorism been successful over the last 30 years or so ?


2) If you were the DM of a district what would you do to improve farmers’ situation?


3) Follow up on which larger scheme is Agriculture Infrastructure Fund part of?


4) The wife of PM Rishi Sunak was in news last year. Could you tell us the reason?


M3 (lady member):


1) You are from economics and you chose PSIR optional?

(Politely reminded her of my previous answer that it was a trans disciplinary course. She smiled and said “oh, I forgot “ )


2) What is the Parliamentary mechanism to manage/oversee finance? Name the three committees.

Followed up with question on how exactly does the Budget process take place ?


3) What are the differences that you have observed between Hyderabad and Kerala?


4) Kerala is a well educated society and yet it has a high share of mental health burden as well as suicide. Why?


5) Do you know about Palghat (Palakkad ) district?

There is a special cultural festival there.




1) Arrange USA, UK and India in terms of their Gini coefficients 🫠


2) What is the warranted rate of economic growth ?


3) How is Dearness Allowance (DA) calculated for Central Gov employees?


Chairperson: Thank you. Your interview is over.


My take : While I managed to answer most questions satisfactorily, and tried to smile, chairperson had a poker face (no expression), except for smiling nods by M1 and M3 (lady member)


Also, despite my DAF announcing IR in service preference, optional and hobby, they deliberately avoided IR questions.


Yet, all were DAF questions based on graduation and my State.


Mixed experience.


Date-18/04/2024. Morning shift. 3rd to go

Board- Suman Sharma Ma'am (Probably)

Duration: pta nhi

DAF keywords - Rajasthan, Geography, Badminton, NGO, Cultural Exchange Programme with Germany,  (others not asked)




*No time given to settle down. No basic chit-chat*

Started with a serious question right away, which i can't recall.

- Gig economy?

- Steps taken by Rajasthan for gig workers

- How much workforce is in gig economy?

- Is it good or bad


- Rajasthan doing well in renewable energy. There was a time in last years, when all the operations were halted, what was the reason?

- as i mentioned about some other reason, she said there was a bird. (Then I talked about Great Indian Bustard and mentioned the reasons)

- what was the verdict (i had mentioned SC verdict in the above answer)


- So you play badminton  (hobby)

- India's achievements in last year

(Thomas cup in my answer)

- Who won it? (Team members)

- Fastest smash in that? By whom? What was last record

- shuttlecock's feather, where does it come from?

- Which one is Faster- feather or plastic?




Member 1 (male)


- Now a days large hydropower projects being discouraged etc etc. why?

- so what should we do then?


- We have some ministries at central level, even if those subjects fall in state list. Why, what's the need, should we do away with them?


- Geography determines history. Comment on it.



Member 2 (male)


- Rajasthan shares border with Pakistan. Then something about - Survey of India not sharing maps of border areas for security reasons. What is the status now?

- A vaguely structured question on governance

- One more vaguely structured question. Government keeps changing priorities, what to do etc.



Member 3 (male) (perhaps had squint or something, i struggled to maintain eye contact with him)


- Which is calmest ocean

- Something regarding, countries opposite in globe and 12 hrs time difference (i answered interpreting it like this, not sure whether he meant this or something else)



Member 4 (female) - gave the most comforting vibe


- So you learnt German language (I said No, i was part of Cultural Exchange Programme with Germany during school)

- do you know of xyz in Delhi (perhaps a place/institution/something related to german language)


- what is social audit

- As you had mentioned NGO, what role can they play in social audit.  (I had mentioned about my experience in NGO in governance answer)

- Then, said something about issues with social audit-not done timely etc and expected my comment on that


- Black sea- why the name is black?

- Countries bordering black sea?

- where is white sea?



Chairwoman- Your interview is over.


*Chairwoman was listening and observing keenly throughout the interview*


Can't recall some questions.


My experience:

Not much "cordial" vibes. Not as "enriching" as i expected. Not much "conversational", not much experience/opinion based, rather more like prelims/mains questions.

Perhaps, transcripts had raised my expectations too high.



- Transcripts seem more "clean and polished" than actual interview.

- In mocks, we know that the panel will give us a feedback later. So, the whole focus is on answering the questions. In real interview, a part of mind is occupied in understanding the expressions of panel. That's needed to understand the vibe of room, but also takes away a little focus.

- Like prelims & mains, prepare syllabus (DAF, current) and PYQ (transcripts) well, but at the same time, be prepared for random questions.


Hoga vahi jo Manzoor-e-khuda hoga.


Date: 19/01/24 Afternoon Last to go

Interview Board: Hon. Suman Sharma Mam



Optional: Medical Science





1) IF YOU WERE MADE HEAD OF MAHARASHTRA INVESTMENT SUMMIT, how will you convince investors to invest in Maharashtra?

2) Tell me the economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on India.

3) What is the Wagner group, and what is the current status?



1) Three causes of neonatal mortality.

2) Why is so much importance given to institutional delivery?

3) Doctor sahab, why are rates of caesarean section increasing? Is it needed most of the time? Is commercial a factor?

4) Recent attacks by Iran on terror bases in Pakistan, what was India's response?

5) India's role in IOR.

6) Can a land pipeline be made possible through India to West Asia via Pakistan? How can we make it possible?



1) Do you know about cybersecurity? (I answered not much but a bit; I can try.) What are the facets of cybersecurity? How should we make cyber attack-resilient infrastructure?

2) What is climate adaptation? How should we address this in India?


Some one or two questions which I said sorry.




1) The brain is the greatest healer; medicine is just cut and paste. What is the placebo effect? Do you know the opposite of it? Why do doctors prescribe sugar tablets?

2) What is epigenetics? (I wrongly discussed eugenics.) No, that's different, and she explained epigenetics.

3) Do you know about Lamarckism? I said a bit and read in 12th standard, so moved on.

4) What is quantum healing?

5) How do you see AI in healthcare?


M5 Was looking towards the ceiling and never looked towards me even if I tried the hardest to make eye contact.


1) How can we cut the cost in the health sector?

2) Your views about insurance in healthcare; how can the current model be improved?

3) Tell me recent technological innovations in the medical field.

4) What were the ethical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic and current ethical issues in the medical field?


Hon. Suman Sharma Mam: Your interview is over!


Two members seemed interested in my talk, nodded, and encouraged me. One member had no interest in what I was saying.


Overall experience: Felt comfortable

Mostly graduation-based; nothing from DAF as such.



Vajirao and Reddy



Date of interview: 19th January 2024,Forenoon(last to go)

Interview board: B.B.Swain Sir

Education: Chartered Accountant, B.Com

WorkEx: Consultant Audit and Assurance Grant Thornton Bharat

Daf pointers: Temple visiting, community outreach and Welfare leaderships,Ajmer, Rajasthan


Interview transcript:

Entered chamber which had a round table with 6 members  sitting around

 I entered and greeted gud Afternoon to all


Chairman sir

Good Afternoon ,Please be seated

So miss KR ,You are having hobby of visiting temples,can you please tell what type of temple architectures are there in India?

Then he asked to explain vesara style more and asked for examples

 And few cross questions with discussion

He then said thanku for giving me this extra information


Member 1


So I can see u have work ex and education around banking and Finance


Tell me

Q1)What do u think about status of Banks in India?

Q2)Why NPAs are Increasing in India?

Q3) How we can improve status of Banking failures ?

 Q4) What are the issues with the MSMEs w.r.t Financing them from side of Banks and Govt?

Q5)Which Relaxations w.r.t loans were provided by Banks in COVID period?

Q6)Whats your opinion on the Frauds and Failures on part of Businesses of India?

Q7) As a Chartered Accountant, tell me where do u see our economy at 2047

Q8) What our country can do more for making it Developed Economy in Manufacturing?

Q9) What is ur understanding about Make in India

Q10) what major things u can think about when it comes to increase our Exports and Manufacturing sector contribution in GDP


There were few cross questions too over this theme only

And smiled saying well done


Member 2


Q1) What was time u came to UPSC Bhawan

I said 8:00 AM

He said and u must have got entry after 9 AM

And it was 12:50PM entered in for ur Interview

U must have been exhausted and had been waiting for so long

So what suggestions u would recommend to our management regarding this?

Q2) what is the pass percentage of CA exams ?

Becoming CA is very tough I know and when u have cleared it in first attempt and that too doing top at ur Branch level...whatwas pass percentage when u cleared ?


What are the main reason behind such 90-95% failures despite huge coachings and study material availability?

Q4) what are the problems of students and what ICAI is doing for this

Q5) how did u managed to get through so quickly what u wud suggest others

Q6) why CAs are always named to engage in Frauds and Collusions with business class

Q7) where do u see CAs at ethics

Q8) what main things u would suggest to make CAs working ethically

Q9) what ICAI and Govt is doing in this regard

Q10)u have work ex as auditor ..what auditors need to learn in the current scenarios of frauds etc

Q11) How as CA u will help in Administration




Q1) so You are From Ajmer..tell me best things about Ajmer,? What it is known for

Q2) what's importance of Khwaja ji dargah

Q3) is dargah also visited by Hindus

Q4) why so many celebrities go to dargah ?

Do they want to show something about their personality on media I mean just for show off or something else is reason

Q5) how Sufism is different from Islam

What was relevance of sufi movement

Q6)So I can see u have so many leadership positions and recited them from my DAF

And asked what is motivating u to do so much things .?

Q7) whats driving force behind the idea that u want to remain on leading positions and inspire PPL

And few cross questions




Q1) So U said that u want to inspire by ur actions..tell me from whom u take inspiration ?

I mean is there anybody whom u follow for inspiration?

Q2) why do u think that u r ur own role model

Q3) which attributes of urs u will take into Civil services and why

Q4) what's minimum marriage age in india

Q5)what do u think ABT this..I mean should age for marriage in case of females should be increased or decreased or to be kept 18

Q6)What do u think about sex education..should it be given or not?

 Q7)And what about same sex marriages? Should they be allowed or not ?


Ok thank you


10/01/2024:Afternoon Session

Board: Suman Sharma

DAF key words: Kerala, Physics, Economics, Literature optional, Stephen's, JNU

Hobbies: Writing, Chess, analysing bowling techniques.


Why shifted from physics to economics?

What is MPI? What all in it?

Kerala's rank? Best performed city?

What are green bonds? Green premium? Not able to recall other technical terms.

Who won a recent award for Chess in India?

Dronacharya award given to ?

Who are the siblings performing well ?

Member 1:

If you are launching a start up which area would you prefer?

Where do you want to apply artificial intelligence ?( said AI to previous answer)

How it can be used in agriculture? ( As I said agriculture to previous answer)

What is your stance on MSP as an economist?

However, we are announcing it every season. What can be done?

Few years back there were farmers protest in Punjab. What was it for?

Which all were the farm laws?

What is contract farming?

How spice trading in Kerala is done?

That's traditional. Can we use technology and e - market?

Which all regions of India have you visited?

Who invented Chess?

Member 2:

Questions related to written work. Explain the title for me. Theme? How you structure it?

What is look east policy? Are we just looking?

Which all countries are we collaborating?

Port that we are developing in Indonesia?

Event that happened in Kerala that had huge impact on India?  ( Said 2-3 things. He had something else in Mind. Probably colonization via coastal route)

Are you a coach? What is the benefit of doing bowling analysis?

Who is the chucker?

Member 3:

India is performing well in macro indicators, however micro indicator wise not so well. What could be the reasons?

Asked for clarification. Then he asked about PMI and reframed the question. Why low performance in PMI in last month?

If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that one grain were placed on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, and so on, how many kg or tonnes of wheat would be on the chessboard at the end?

What's this process is called?

What is string theory?

What will happen if we go into the black hole?

Member 4:

What will be the issues Indian cities are going to face in 20-30 years?

What are the infrastructure aspects you look into?

There is an increasing drug usage in certain states like Punjab. How will you deal with it?


Overall exp: In short, felt purposive directed conversation. Chair was more or less expression less. However, keenly observed the entire process. Other members were active and acknowledging. Felt bit factual, especially Chair's questions. So not aware to most of ma'am's questions.


Mocks utility: 3 in Delhi - Vajirao, Rau's and Chahal. Helped in gaining confidence. Mocks were conversational like the orginal one.None of the questions were repeated in actual interview.


O2O: Selective few in Kerala and Khan Sir. Mainly confidence boosters and helped in framing answers.


Peer mocks: Found most useful. Covered the DAF quite well and helped a lot in framing responses. Some of the questions were repeated in actual interview also.


Board: R N Chaubey

Date: 17th Jan, 2024

Forenoon session, 4th to go

Key terms in my DAF: Kerala, Sociology, Music, Piano, Football, Badminton, anti drug campaign.


Chairman: Chaubey sir mentioned it was just a conversation and tried to make me comfortable.


Asked me to speak about my educational background and work experience if any.


- What is the glass ceiling effect?

- Why can't it be called an iron ceiling?

- Tell me about the metoo movement?

- Can it be misused?

- What is the solution?


Member 1:

- You know Russia's map?

- Why is the far east of russia important for india?


Long monologue on separatist tendencies in north east (manipur and other issues) and how western media saw it


Member 2:

- Disinvestment - opinion

- The government is disinvesting profit making sectors also?

- Specified on certain cases of privatisation and asked me why one was successful and the other failed?

- Tourism potential of kerala - new avenues?

Other than varkala are there any other good beaches?

- Will the promotion of tourism in centres like varanasi negatively affect tourism in kerala?

- Follow up question on which all are the pilgrimage tourist centres in Kerala?


Member 3 (lady member)


- Have you heard of chitta (speed)?

- Opinion on giving stringent punishments for both drug dealers and drug victims as per NDPS?

- Opinion on child care leave (2 years)?

- Follow up questions on whether it should be extended to paternal leave also?

- What is the  Model code of conduct?

- Is it statutorily backed?

- Is it justiciable?


Member 4


- Role of psychologists in cricket?

- Is it needed in Football, in tennis, in some other sports (i dont remember exactly)

- Why is the Indian cricket team losing crucial matches? (wrt to recent WC FINAL)

- What is your solution?

- Do you know the importance of the 1986 football worldcup?

- follow up - Opponent argentina faced in that final?


Chairman - We have covered everything we wanted. Now you can mention any topic which you think we should discuss.

 Thank you and all the best.


Overall -  The chairman was very sharp and listened to all the answers keenly. The overall experience at Dholpur house was surreal. Grateful to Almighty God and all others who helped me to get me to this stage. All the best to all others appearing!


Date: 18th of Jan 2024

Board: BB Swain Sir.

Time: forenoon (4th one to go)

DAF keywords: History optional and B.A (hons.) history; Kushinagar (my parents place); Multilingual music appreciation; Visiting historical places;


Chairperson: Make yourself comfortable.

You have a very interesting hobby, I have not seen this in any of the DAFs. (Multilingual music appreciation) What does in mean?

Which all languages have you heard? K-pop? You know these people charge a lot for a video call!


What was the common factor in all the songs that you have heard?



- Which period of history do you like the most? Why?

- Which event in Indian independence between 1857 and 1957, according to you was the most significant?

- Asked about Kushinagar.( Parents place) Its Significance.

- What did you learn from Buddha? And how did you apply it in your life?

- What did you learn from music? How did you apply it in your life?

- What infrastructural changes would you like to suggest for improvement of Kushinagar as tourist destination?



- What is multilingual music?

- History is becoming obsolete? Why should we study it?

- Utility of History in administrative services.

- One site other than the most common ones in Delhi to visit like Red fort, Qutub Minar.  ( I mentioned Tughlaqabad fort)

- Then he asked why is Mohd Bin Tughlaq not mentioned in good light?

- Do you hear Hindustani classical music?



- Are you comfortable? What can we do to make you comfortable? (I said you people already are very supportive) then he said, this is not going to give you extra marks remember that.😂

- Patliputra was the centre of many kingdoms, What did it came to become Bimaru later?

- As you belong to the juncture of UP and Bihar, what common factors is inhibiting its growth?


M4 :

- Name of famous cuisines? All of them come from places of civilizations. What was the common factor in all these ancient civilizations?

- 3 events that shaped world history.

- 2 events that you would like to change if you were given a time machine?


Chairperson: Thankyou, your interview is over.


Interview date : 18 Jan

Shift: afternoon

Turn: 4th to enter

Board: Swain sir

Optional: Geography

Keywords : Faizabad , Lucknow, University of Lucknow, Mobile photography, short stories and poems, mentoring , volleyball, GEOGRAPHY.

Ch.person.: confirmed my name since in photograph I wasn't clean shaved

1. Asked about mobile photography

2. Why professional don't use the mobile phone

3. His monologue on how the cameras of mobile change the feature

4. Do you publish it?

He said he'll visit my insta page

Shifted to other members

M 1 (lady):

1. Short stories and have you read O. Henry (said no)

Asked about premchand

2. What makes premchand's writing special ?

3. Lucknow speciality

4. Any other country with population comparable to up where you want to go

5. Why Norway?

6. How has geographical attractions of Norway

7.Cuisine of Lucknow and its special features

8. Do you know dam pukht?(knew it but refrained from guessing, she herself explained

9.Wajid Ali Shah who was he?

10. Why was awadh annexed ?

Passed on to m2

M 2 :

1. You missed one thing about Lucknow speciality what was it?

(It was dialect and tone)

2. Why were imambaras built?

3. How is geography awadhi cuisine and imabara related.(Answer specific to these three aspect)

4. How is lucknow metro doing? 

1 to 2 more question don't remember them

Passed on to M 3

M 3 :

1. Why geography optional? Gives an edge in exam.

2. Climate issues what are they?

3. Global warming and what is it actually?

4. Is india doing enough ? Development and ecological conservation where should india lean?

5. What are problems faced during combating climate change

6. Defend india at global stage wrt to its emissions

Passed on to M 4.

M 4 :

1. Tell me any short story you wrote?

2. Do you generally write comedy stories or any social message is there?

3. University of Lucknow has beautiful campus so no space issue why is it lagging in ranking?

4.What is underprivileged for you? What problems they face like any example?

5. Isn't it more like helping? many have you mentored till now?

7. How has volleyball contributed to your life? What positions did you play?

8. Cpec what is it?

9. How is india countering it? Any recent effort

10. Imec full form and its stretch?

Time: 30 min (no clock in there so it's a rough estimate )

Ch.person. : your interview is over.

Board was as said by many quite cordial.

Prepare daf you can use it multiple times.

Optional's practical should be done properly as application based question were asked.


Board: Choubey sir

date: 17/1/24 (afternoon session, 5th to go)

daf: economics, chhattisgarh (no ques from other key words)


Chairman - be comfortable, this is just a friendly conversation (typical choubey sir pleasantries)

1. What is electoral bond? what is the controversy around it? What are your views?

2. Wont making doner's list public reduce their incentive to donate?

3. Wont it lead to witch hunting by parties against donors of rival parties?


Member 1

1. Tell about india-nepal relations.

2. Why did relations nose dive in 2015?

3. What are challenges in india nepal relations today?

4. What is china's interests in nepal?

5. Tell about tourism potential of lakshdeep


Member 2

1. Asked two vague random questions on the plight of indians stuck in israel due to the recent conflict - chairman asked him to re articulate his questions - when he rearticulated chairman seemed irritated at his vague questions and requested him to move to other questions

2. Impact of houthis attacks in red sea on india

3. What is marble trail in your neighbouring state Madhya Pradesh?


Member 3

1. Why were you given this award? (referring to an award mentioned in my daf 7th entry)

2. What is adult literacy? Steps taken for it? What is its importance?

3. Do you know about recent changes to definition of adult literacy?

4. What is regional disparity? Will you allocate more resources to backward states or well performing states? I said backward states - so then she asked - Wont it be like punishing them for good performance?

5. What do you think of gay marriage?


Member 4

1. What are the limits for election spending by candidates of lok sabha and rajya sabha?

2. What changes do you suggest? What steps must be taken to ensure this?

3. Do you know about bemetara in chhattisgarh? Why was it in news?

4. What is the status of malnutrition in cg? What steps have been taken?


Chairman - (again typical choubey sir question) - Our questions are over. Do you want to tell us about something we've missed?


Overall experience - choubey sir was very motivating, encouraged me to speak, cancelled vague questions by member 2, and was nodding and taking interest in what i was saying. Overall it was a very pleasant experience. From the security guards at the entrance to the chairman of your board, everyone will treat you with full ijjat😂


mock experience - no mock was even an iota of what my actual interview was like. But taking mocks did help me to break my inertia to speak, improve fluency and get used to to handling unknown questions


Date – 19-01-2023 (afternoon second last to go)

Board – Suman Sharma Ma’am

DAF pointers – Sociology, Kerala, Naval Architecture, L&T



1. Do you know what kids of a ship is INS Imphal? What is it parent class? How many ships in that class? Other Classes of the same type?

2. 6 bills were passed recently in the parliament. What can you tell me about the bill related to spectrum allocation? What about the Posts and Periodicals Act? (I didn’t know either of them)

3. Diaspora is considered a soft power. How is Indian diaspora across the world helpful for India? Give me a few pros and cons.

4. Can you list a few Indian origin technocrats and entrepreneurs outside India?

5. Can you name an Indian origin woman who is in the fashion sector?


Member 1

1. Does social mobility give way to economic mobility or is it the other way around?

2. What is the speciality of Guruvayoor temple?

3. Do we need a governor? Because there seems to be a lot of friction between state govts and Govts (and examples of those)? What can be done?

4. Don’t you think that the Indian judiciary is getting involved unnecessarily in matters by taking up PILs, so should judicial activism be encouraged?

5. Judiciary again is not held properly accountable, wrt to its appointments. Whats your thoughts on that? (cross questions)


Member 2

1. Name a few Marine national parks in India? What do they do?

2. How to improve the operation of such parks, and how to augment tourism in such niche sectors?

3. Iran bombed Pakistan. Why?

4. We know China is playing host to militant organisations that are acting against Indian security. Shall we bomb them? (cross questions)

5. If you are posted in Rajasthan where the patriarchal situation is worse than from where you are from, what will you do to empower women?


Member 3

1. It must be difficult to weld ships together, especially the hulls. How is it done?

2. Isn’t underwater welding polluting?

3. What is blue economy?

4. It hence is essentially a part of capitalistic structure. How will the debate between environmental conservation and development play out when we are exploiting marine resources?


Member 4

1. What is the share price of L&T? Its market capitalisation, volume etc? (and some question about why L&T has been seeing rapid growth across years)

2. Should India have per hour wage?

3. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to have such a system because it is flexible and will help women homemakers?

4. What is your opinion about variable pay coming into the public sector?


Date of interview: 29 January afternoon


Interview board: Swain sir


Daf pointers: Lucknow, Gwalior, BTech (IT), MBA, Formula-one, financial markets, police, philately


Interview transcript:


Chairman: straightaway

1- tell me the history of philately

2- where is the philately museum in Delhi (exact location)

Thn turned his chair away and started typing on the keyboard.


M2 (lady)

1- I learnt to use computers after my graduation and now new technologies are coming up. How will you encourage the Indian people to become tech savy ?

2- how to promote tourism in UP ?

3- why do you want to join the services after such a great academic background?

4- what are the pros and cons of having only government run schools in the country ?


M3 (seated closest to me on the right)

1- how will you use technology in policing?

2- what are the pros and cons of social media ?

3- how is technology mis-used in Taiwan elections ?

4- what is the smallest pair of whole numbers used to form a right angle triangle? (Weird question in between opinion based questions)

5- what leadership style will you prefer in the services ?


Chairman turned back towards me.



1- how is cutting edge technology in formula-one used in day to day life ?

2- comment on the financial markets in India

3- asked me some random term



1- if there is formula one then there must be formula two formula three formula four, what are these?

2- compare the economic condition of UP and MP ?

3- why Indian PSUs are not performing as great as those of Singapore and Dubai?

4- which PSUs of India are you bullish on and why?


Time - 30-32 mins


Assessment of the board: The lady was smiling whereas the other members were poker-faced so I don't know how it went. The chairman turned away in the middle of the interview and started typing on the keyboard. The only mock I found closer to the actual exam in terms of seating was Samkalp. The mocks relevant to the board's questions were - Testbook, Unacademy, Studyiq and Chahal. One to one with Khan sir and Ravindran sir was helpful.



Date: 18th Jan, morning (2nd to go)

Board: Suman Ma'am

Board had 6 members but only 5 of them asked questions

Optional: economics

Daf keywords: bijnor, UP, reading about the economy from a gender perspective. (Other things were not discussed, so no point of mentioning)



Chairperson Ma'am:- She read out my DAF (college, district, state etc)

1. So you are from UP, there is a scheme of UP govt to promote exports, are you aware of that scheme?

2. What is the product from your district bijnor?

3. Tell us about the product

4. As an administrator how will you improve the exports of that product?

5. (I told her a 3 step process) She discussed with my suggested solutions step by step, asking specific examples and process.

6. Tell me what is better, capital subsidy or PLI ? (because of the distance I misunderstood it as capital expenditure so I said the former is better but then she said that in the former there is no sales goal attached but in the latter there is. At this I understood I made a mistake. She said that if you still believe the former is better stick to that we can move to the next question but then I thought that I need to make up for the mistake so I agreed with her and said that ma'am if we look from the outcome based approach then definitely pli is better, I am sorry)

7. There is something going on in Davos (WEF meet), are you aware of that?

8. What is WEF?

9. Do you think it is successful or is it just for show?

10. (I said that this year's action agenda has good themes, she interrupted me in between and said:) I am not asking about this year, tell me in general whether is it successful or not?

11. WEF was founded by a German but the meet is held in Switzerland, why?


Member 1:

1. Do a macroeconomic analysis of India.

2. A long monologue on why UP should be divided, then asked what's my take on that.

3. The conversation with him continued on UP. do you think the delimitation will lead to federal issues.

4. Should we provide more seats to states like UP or freeze them once and for all.

5. Will there arise any federal issues.


Member 2:

1. Read out about my interest to read about the economy from a gender perspective and then said why gender and why not human. (I tried explaining it but then he interrupted and said:)

2. Do a debate on this topic : reading about economy from a gender perspective (I really don't know how to debate on this topic but I gave some points for the motion about why we should do this. Though before doing that I asked him again that if he wants me to debate at which he said that if I wasn't comfortable we can move ahead, I said no sir I will do that)

3. A situational question, there is so much inefficiency in govt sector and promotion also happens slowly, while in private the employees remain motivated because of faster promotions. How will you motivate your subordinates to remain motivated.

4. Since you are very energetic, answer this question: the question was an explanation of nirbhaya rape case and he said there is lot of political and media pressure. As a police officer there has been no arrests but you get to know that your team has made an arrest on some suspicion but no murder weapon

found. Will you resort to 3rd degree torcher and make the accused confess for the rape or what will you do.


Member 3(female):

1. Do you know about kargil girl ? ( The question came off the discussion so I couldn't recollect the name and said sorry but as she moved to the next question I suddenly said that sorry ma'am but is it gunjan saxena) and then the discussion continued. She asked me whether I was aware about her life struggle. I started telling her about how she would miss her sorties but then she said about her struggle before going for the training. I told her about how her brother was initially against that. At which she said was there something related to her weight and height. I said yes ma'am her weight was more and her height was less. Then she asked me what happened then. I said her father motivated her. She then asked what did I learnt from that movie. >Interview Transcripts 2023: As I was telling, she interrupted and moved on to the next question.

2. ( Another off topic question) do you know about natural offsprings. Where are the found. She insisted me on making a guess.

3. Since you are from bijnor, the area is very backward and conservative when it comes to educating a girl, but you have been privileged enough to have studied in LSR. How many girls you think you can motivate.

4. How will you do that.


Member 4:

1. Post 1991, what has been the impact on business around the globe.

2. What happens if investment targets are under realised.

3. What happens if they are over realised.

4. (I said more employment can lead to increased demand and inflation. ) He asked how to tackle it. (I said contractionary policies) he said that will again bring the economy back. (I said gradually and slowly as we are doing now. )


Chairperson Ma'am: okay, your interview is over, you may go now.



Mocks at vajirao and Reddy, Rau's IAS, next ias (panel and faculty mock), KSG

The one at vajirao and next (panel one) were closer to the real interview.


My assessment:

1. The board was pleasant but like the other boards there was no such thing as encouraging to answer. It was a formal set up with a question answer kind of thing.

2. The utmost importance I gave to were confidence, smile, energy and interaction.

3. There were instances of smiles, but I really don't know if they were because of a good answer.

4. The interview was a mix of situational, optional and opinion based questions. Not much from DAF.

5. Neither they asked me to introduce myself.







































1-- how do you see domestic manufacturing of items rather than importing

3- stand on ministry of commerce and industry having department to handle trade

4- domestic manufacturing before atamnirbhar Bharat

5 than what is different in this







All questions opinion based nothing factual

Apart from 3-4 questions all DAF related

Cordial and members laughed a couple of times except 1 member


Mocks utility--



Chairman BB swain

Date 30th January

Optional psychology

Tell us 5 favourite crime thrillers


Tell us three constitutional amendment that we need?

On legal front

Should MSP be legalised?

What are the issues?

Why it should not be legalised?

Why farmers are protesting?



Barmer economy

Has oil discovery will lead to significant change ?

Do you think it’ll shift our focus from primary sector to tertiary?

Comment on foreign policy?

How to revive agricultural economy?

Focus areas of yours in social and economical segments

Why our foreign policy is changing?

What factors are responsible?

ODOP of Barmer?



What you gained from watching crime thrillers

What kind of personality you have observed in them?

What are the solution of same?

How to rehabilitate them?

How technology play role in crime free society

You are from Barmer do you know what is tanka?

What needs to do to enhance availability of potable water?

When you take a calculated risk what kind of factors needs to take in account?

Why agricultural income is less in Rajasthan?

Most fozi in raj keeps Mostache and what issue they face?


M4 ( psychologist )

Let’s have a rapid fire

Talk or texting?

Spending time with children or animal?

Sunday or Tuesday?

Okay how will you define your personality?

Positive and negative?

What is philosophy of Vipasana?

Will it lead to libration?

How to get libration?

Other ancient practices which lead to libration?

Should yoga be made compulsory in school?

What are benefits?

Give for and against of abolishing of censorboard ?

5 arguments in for?

Psychology has shifted from Soul to mind to behaviour? Do you agree?

What is Indian psychology?

Sankhya psychology do you know?



Okay your interview is over!


Chairman BB swain

Date 30th January

Optional psychology

Tell us 5 favourite crime thrillers


Tell us three constitutional amendment that we need?

On legal front

Should MSP be legalised?

What are the issues?

Why it should not be legalised?

Why farmers are protesting?



Barmer economy

Has oil discovery will lead to significant change ?

Do you think it’ll shift our focus from primary sector to tertiary?

Comment on foreign policy?

How to revive agricultural economy?

Focus areas of yours in social and economical segments

Why our foreign policy is changing?

What factors are responsible?

ODOP of Barmer?



What you gained from watching crime thrillers

What kind of personality you have observed in them?

What are the solution of same?

How to rehabilitate them?

How technology play role in crime free society

You are from Barmer do you know what is tanka?

What needs to do to enhance availability of potable water?

When you take a calculated risk what kind of factors needs to take in account?

Why agricultural income is less in Rajasthan?

Most fozi in raj keeps Mostache and what issue they face?


M4 ( psychologist )

Let’s have a rapid fire

Talk or texting?

Spending time with children or animal?

Sunday or Tuesday?

Okay how will you define your personality?

Positive and negative?

What is philosophy of Vipasana?

Will it lead to libration?

How to get libration?

Other ancient practices which lead to libration?

Should yoga be made compulsory in school?

What are benefits?

Give for and against of abolishing of censorboard ?

5 arguments in for?

Psychology has shifted from Soul to mind to behaviour? Do you agree?

What is Indian psychology?

Sankhya psychology do you know?



Okay your interview is over!


Date of Interview - 29th Jan afternoon

Raj Shukla Sir's board

Optional- PSIR

DAF keywords - Uttarakhand, Tehri, Air pistol Shooting, Trekking, Intrusion Detection System, Cognizant Technology Solution


Chairman- Read my DAF

Q1. Many countries are going for elections this year. Can you name some countries where election took place.

2. Linked elections in Bangladesh, Taiwan and Pakistan with democracy.

3. What about democratic status of US as Trump is most likely to return as President and that capitol hill incident.

Other follow up questions on Taiwan - China, etc.




Q1. impact of climate change in Uttarakhand.

Q2. What steps uttarakhand has taken to mitigate these impacts?

Q3. What pleasure you get when you for trekking?

Q4. Height of Nag Tibba.

Q5. What is the approx weight of Air-pistol?

Q6.Duration of any match in 10m Air Pistol shooting.




Q1. What is GLOF? (Picked from my answer to impact of Climate change in Uttarakhand)

Q2. Any recent disaster due to GLOF?

Q3. Asked unique features of Tehri Dam?

Q4. Have you ever visited Tehri Dam and what you observed there?

Q5. When and why thought of shifting from IT sector to Civil Services?



Q1. What is intrusion Detection System?

Q2. Can it be used for VIP security?


Q3. What is cyber security?



Q1.What are your views on UK's Rwanda Bill?

Q2. Is it democratic to send stateless people to 3rd nation Rwanda?

Q3. Do you think environment consciousness is on decline in Uttarakhand?


Some questions I am not able to recollect.

Apart from M1, board was cordial.

Duration - 25-30 min

Utility of mocks- confidence building



Forenoon session


State: Tamil Nadu

Graduation & Optional: Agriculture

Hobbies: Reading Historical Novels, Bonsai Gardening, Jogging,

Sports: Football



1. Asked me how to pronounce your name? (Due to the unique spelling)

2.Tell me about Kalki novels, what have you learned?

3.Does the movie is on par with the book?


Member 1 :

1. There are lot of things have been done to develop agriculture, still we are importing pulses, oilseeds. What can be done?

2.After implementing many schemes why farmers are still poor? As a public Administrator what will u do to ensure delivery of schemes?

3.Why India lags in football? I see it as a problem of youth - lacking endurance and team spirit, what's your observation?


Member 2 :


1. Use of Internet on welfare of farmers? and follow up questions.

2.I couldn't understand what he is asking bcoz he is very low in voice.

3.Causes of energy crisis happening in India?

4.Do you know black swan?

5.Tell me about two historically important persons from Tamilnadu history and why you like them?


Member 3:

1. What type of bonsai are you growing?

2.Do you know Ikigai?

3. Why Raja raja Chola is so famous?

4.Is International institution like WTO, IMF are not fair towards developing nations?

5.Recently, our External affairs minister has spoken regarding this IMF. What had he thrusted?


Member 4 :

 1. How far do you jog and how frequent do you jog?

2. Do you do any other exercises?

3.TN is pioneer in providing 50% reservation for women, what changes do you observe?

4. What is so special about your district Thiruvannamalai?

5. Are you aware of the famous Music festival of Thanjavur?


Overall the board was cordial. Questions were mostly based on DAF, Graduation, Home state.


Date of interview: 29th January 2024 (Afternoon, last second to go)

Interview board: Lt Gen Raj Shukla Sir

Daf pointers: Haryana, Work experience, Tea, Duolingo


Interview transcript -


Chairperson -

1. What are you doing these days?

2. Which place do you come from?

3. DPI - we have achieved so much, some years back no one could have thought. Do you think we should be ambitious in our visions?

4. How have we achieved so much in DPI and what can we do better?

5. We are leaders in software. But not in AI. Why?

6. Don’t you think we are lagging in AI? The world is so much ahead. Do you know how many LLMs China has?

7. What is the use of common framework in digital progress?

8. Compute power.. How will the govt provide? The whole compute is cornered by a few countries.

9. Trillion dollars kaise leke jaenge digital economy ko?

10. What about Quantum?

11. Is quantum related to mathematics?



1. You had a good salary. Why you want to do Civil Services?

2. What alternatives did you consider?

3. What are some key components of good governance?

4. Tell me any three foundational values of civil services.

5. And efficiency? What makes democratic processes efficient? For example, ECI has always been so efficient, now we are so efficient in Disaster Management as well?

6. Anonymity - with all this social media craze among public officials, where do you stand on this? Maintaining anonymity, etc.

7. Why do you think anonymity is important?



1. Your city is very close to Delhi. Do you think it has led to some progressiveness in the society there?

2. You have played Chess and Basketball. These are not very popular in Haryana which is known for producing good wrestlers. Why did you choose these two?

3. Nuh/Mewat is very backward. What explains this contradiction/disparity in your state?

4. Should Haryana have its own capital?


M3 (Lady Member)

1. If you are a senior civil servant in Haryana and a foreign delegation is visiting looking for opportunities to invest. Which areas would you make them visit to attract investment?

2. Who is your role model?

3. Why your mother? What about her?

4. Do you think you have been able to emulate her?



1. Tea - what kinds of tea do you prepare?

2. How do you decide the menu?

3. How do you decide your audience/guests?

4. What do you talk about?

5. What is Duolingo?

6. How do you use the language you are learning on the app?

7. What else would you like us to know that you have not mentioned in DAF?

8. Tell us more about how you contributed at your firm?

9. What has your Work Experience taught you that can be useful for Civil Services? 


Chairperson again -

1. You said compassion towards the poor and weaker sections. We are giving food-grains to 80 crore people. Do you think it is sensitivity of govt or fiscal imprudence?

2. Do you think the scheme needs to be rationalised or we should not have the need to give free foodgrains at all?


Assessment of board - Shukla Sir would gauge the direction of my answer within the first few words/sentences of my response, and jump on to the next question - mostly a follow-up or counter argument. Lady member's expressions were a little confusing/disapproving (some other candidates also had similar experience, may be she was just too tired by the end of the day). M1 and M4 seemed positively invested and were constantly nodding.


Assessment of my performance - Average. Definitely not my best, not the worst either.

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