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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2023

Please post Interview Transcripts of UPSC CSE or IFoS 2023 here, so that all can access and get benefitted from them.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand4 otherslike this


DATE - 27/02/2024

Time - Forenoon, 2nd one to go

Duration - 32 minutes

Board - Suman Sharma Maam

DAF Keywords - Haryana, Zoology (Nothing asked from Hobby and other key words in DAF)


Chairman -

Q1. What you were doing after your Post graduation ?

Q2. Since you are from Haryana tell me about positive role of Khap Panchayats ?

Q3. Then why Khap Panchayats are criticised ?

Q4. Tell me if you are posted under such area where Khap Panchayat is infringing on right of a couple to marry by their choice what you will do ?

Q5 Do you think it will be easy to persuade Khap members ?

Q6 Recently there was a tunnel mishap in Uttarakhand, how the workers were rescued ?

Q7 What was the name of machine used in the incidence ?

Q8 Is rat hole mining illegal or legal ?

Q9 What are some other revolutions than green or white revolution ?

Q10 What is purple revolution ?



Q1 What are the consequences of unplanned urbanisation ?

Q2 Tell about the presence of Politicians -Bureaucrats - Private contractors nexus which is leading  to sub-optimal infrastructure creation ?

Q3. Haryana has culture of Khaps and low child sex ration and low women LFPR , then why so many women in sports from Haryana, Tell us the reason of this dichotomy in Haryana society ?



Q1 Tell us about the methods by which elections could be rigged ?

Q2 There operates certain mechanisms during elections eg. distributing liquor bottles which could be availed even water casting vote ....and he was continuing ...

Chairman interruped...Please dont ask such questions

Q3 What is neoteny ?

Q4 What is blastula and gastrula ?

Q5 How many cells are there in blastula ?

Q6 Which one is diploblastic and triploblastic ?



Q1. Tell why Cricket is doing so well and not other sports ?

Q2 Which is our national sport ?

Q3 There was a time when Hockey used to do so well, but now our is not even getting bronze ?

Q4. Do you see Russia Ukraine war ending in next one year ?

Q5. What miscalculations Putin made regarding winning war over Ukraine ?

Q6. What support Ukraine got from NATO Countries ?

Q7. Do you see R-U war leading towards a Israel-Palestine kind of situation ?



Q1. What is the issue at present in India Maldives relation ?

Q2. Do you think it is a good move by Maldives for telling Indian troops to evacuate from Maldives ?

Q3. Recently some NATO countries are thinking of placing their troops in Ukraine, What impact it could have ?

Q4. There is some talks going in US regarding funding of NATO, what is it ?

Q5. What impact the present Red sea crisis is having on India ?

Q6. How India could handle it and secure its interests?


Thank you by Chairman


Overall the experience was enriching, board was cordial, no grilling, no tense situation created,Chairman was having a pleasant smile throughout the interview.

Mocks given at - vision ias(2 mocks), Vajirao and Reddy, Only IAS, Rau's IAS, UPSCprepp.

At all the mocks the panel members asked questions about my hobby (Related to lifestyle), and gave me a feedback that your interview will certainly involve good amount of questions from your hobby, But in real interview not even a single question from hobby.

All the best to all


Dinesh Dasa sir board

Date: 29 feb, noon, last one to go


Time: 20 to 25 min

Maths optional

3rd attempt 2nd interview

IIT patna, chemical engineering, etawah, up, budget travelling, cricket


1. Recently 6 members of HP assembly is disqualified. Tell me legal provisions of if speaker has that power

2. Indian contribution to mathematics

3. Why it is lacking now

4. Use of chemical engineering in day 2 day life



1. Ur hobby is budget travelling. aif u will become rich then will u continue with budget travel or lavish travelling

2. Govt efforts for tourism sector

3. India Iran issues

4. Latest movie u have watched

5. Movieon Ramanujan

6. Latest book u read(Laxmikant😅)





1. Nobel prize in maths. Manjul Bhargava.

2. NEP provisions(long monologue)

3. Capitation fee should be allowed or not

4.  Academic bank of credit

5. Maths and AI

6. Govt efforts for AI




1. Compare iit patna with old iit which u visited(iitk)

2. How iitp performing

3. Odop of etawah

4. How it is performing

5. Issues faced by textile sector.




1. BRICS expansion. its benefits

2. Dalai lama's coming to india  and its implications on india china issue

3.  How do u see india china relations

4. How u rate rahul dravid as a coach

5. Recent developments in chemical engineering



Chairman sir. Any more area which u want us to discuss

1. Recent icc changes rules in world cup

2. Rohit sharma is overrates. Your opinion

3. KL rahul ans gill is given too many chances


Less questions were asked but the asked ones were mostly from daf and surprise to this interview, 3 members asked from maths optional(in my previous 3 interviews (1cse+2ifos) maths was never asked)


Board- Sheel Vardhan sir

Date- 27-02-2024 forenoon(last to go)

Keywords- BCOM, Rajasthan, karauli, Madhya pradesh, Indore, Geography optinal, zentangle art, doodling, DAVV,


 ◦ What is zentangle art

 ◦ Is doodling is really an art? Convince me that it is an art

 ◦ Does doodling reflect nature of a person?

 ◦ What us blood diamond

 ◦ Tell me difference between lone diplomat warrior and lone wolf attack

 ◦ How NGOs important in governance

 ◦ Do they have any negative imapct ?

 ◦ What is toolkit



 ◦ Tell me about devi ahilya bai holker( after my university name)

 ◦ Since when you doing roller skating

 ◦ How it skating helps you?

 ◦ Ram mandir who built it

 ◦ Was government involved in it?

 ◦ Should government build temples or mosque



 ◦ How history is determined by geography

 ◦ Why geography plays important role in rajasthan

 ◦ What type of special geographical study is needed for Rajasthan

 ◦ What is the controversy around meena and mina

 ◦ Why jats in bharatpur doing protests?

 ◦ Should they get reservation ?

 ◦ Tell me about women reservation bill

 ◦ If it was going to implemented after deliminitation what was the need for bringing the bill now



 ◦ How geography and IR are related

 ◦ Tell about some geopolitical geographer

 ◦ I am not able to recall other questions

 ◦ What was privy purse

 ◦ When was it abolished



 ◦  What Is GIFT city

 ◦  Benefits of SEZ

 ◦  Which country has promoted its economy by establishing several SEZs

 ◦ Should we apply Custom duty in GIFT city, considering it is a foreign territory

 ◦  Does defence sector impact domestic industries


Actual interview is very different from mock

Board was very cordial

Mock utility- Gave 6 mocks- made me more nervous. But A big Thanks to Puneet sir of SOMP- helped throughout to keep my calm and confidence.


Date of Interview - 29.02.2024

Board - BB Swain sir

DAF points - IIT Kanpur, Post Graduate Diploma in Liberal Studies, Electrical Engineering, Teaching (hobby), Indian Corporate Law Service



1. Where are you posted currently?

2. How many offices does your service have?

3. What work do you do in your office? ( I had mentioned among other things, I also handle complaints)

4. What kind of complaints do you receive? ( I had mentioned a range of issues and at the end I had mentioned a real state related case which I handled recently)

5. What did you do in the case?


Member 1

1. When was your service established?

2. Where do you train? What is the intake of your service?

3. You had mentioned real estate companies. What is the difference between what your office does and what RERA does?

4. There are lakhs of companies. What does MCA do so that there are no frauds?

5. Does MCA use AI also?

6. What is plant load factor?


Member 2

1. Can plant load factor be more than 100 percent?

2. What are current transformers ?

3. What are isolator, circuit breakers?

4. What are the types of circuit breakers and which type is used for high voltage application?

5. You have mentioned teaching as one of your hobbies. How do you pursue teaching now a days?

6. Why did you form Electrical Engineering Association? How come there was no association before?


Member 3

1. Why did you join this liberal arts program?

2. How did this program help you with everything you are doing in your current service?

3. How do you assess the performance of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code?

4. Why are there so many court cases in IBC?

5. How would you use everything you have learned in ICLS after you get into IAS or IPS?

6. Have you heard anything about climate change?


Member 4

1. What do you understand by liberal arts?

2. What all did you study in this liberal arts?

3. Among all these subjects you have mentioned, which one was your favourite?

( I had mentioned the course of Shakespeare)

4. There are a lot of controversies around the fact that Shakespeare has not written most of the novels which are ascribed to him. What do you have to say about that?

5. How did finding interest in literature help you?

6. Do you think pursuing renewable energy is worth it?

7. Don't you think they are too intermittent? What are we doing about it?

8. Switching on and off thermal power plants, don't you think that would entail a lot of cost, energy and inefficiency?

9. There is hardly any innovation happening in battery tech.

10. Basically, we have started pursuing renewable energy without first innovating in these fields

11. If you do so many things as IAS, then how would you make meaningful policy in any field. You will be doing too many fields without mastering anything.

12. Don't you think we are teaching too many things to your children in our schools but they are not able learn how to write and read.


SOMP and Puneet sir were really helpful during the course of mains preparation and even after that during the interview preparation. He kept up my tempo specially when I was finding it hard to prepare along with my office. Apart from SOMP, Samkalp, Next IAs were also helpful.


28th Feb 2024: Afternoon slot

BB Swain sir Board

Daf keywords- UP, Meerut, Sociology, Manufacturing technology, IFS, Mindfulness Meditation, Penpalling

30mins, Edsarrthi Student


Chairman sir- What is the significance of Meerut with respect to freedom struggle ?

Why was Meerut chosen as the starting point?




1. Why have you chosen IFS over IPS?

2.If you become the foreign secretary how will you try to manage the Israel and Hamas crisis?

3. What is the evacuation plan of Israel?

4. What is US's stand ?

5. What is penpalling and how do u do it?

6.What is the difference between European nations and Asian countries?

7.Why did you chose those particular countries?

8. What is Mindfulness Meditation? What is Mindfulness ? Elaborate


Member 2-


1. What is Manufacturing technology? How is it different from industrial engg?

2. What are the famous products of Meerut under ODOP ?

3. Important industries of Meerut, reason for success?

4. How will you use AI to improve the various sectors of Meerut?

5. What are your learnings from college?


Member 3-


1. So you mentioned about particular sectors , why did you chose them and what is their current status in UP.

2. What are the various issues that you feel with respect to education sector in rural areas of UP?

Follow up on the same

3.What will you do as a DM to make education inclusive ?

4. Why there is a low drop out of girls in secondary education?

5. What innovative steps would you like to take to make education better?


Member 4- Ma'am


1. So you talked about women led development what do you mean by that?

2. Where in India do you see women led development?

3. Women reservation bill criticisms.?

4. Concept of Sarpanch Pati? Why do they still exist ?

5. Number of seats reserved for women by political parties?

6. As a DM How would you work towards women empowerment at ground level?


Chairman- Do you want us to ask anything we missed?

I said No sir thankyou🙂


Chair-Thankyou, Your Interview is over.

All the best.


Overall experience-  cordial panel and in a conversation mode , so listening patiently without much cross questions,


Mock experience- Given 7 panel mocks, 3 one on one..

Utility- helped to structure answers

One on One with Utkarsh sir (Edsarrthi) , Puneet sir ( SOMP) and Khan sir was very helpful in confidence building and tackle situation based questions.

Vajiram, KSG, Samkalp, Chahal were on similar lines as the real interview..


Date of interview: 1/3/24

Interview board: Suman ma’am

Daf pointers: BDS, MDS, Assistant Professor; Mumbai; Sonipat

Interview transcript:


Suman ma’am - General discussion about about my graduation and city.

1) What was the issue in Aarey colony & what happened?

2) Was there any court judgement.

3) What are current issues in WTO. Tell me 4-5 imp points that India is contesting in WTO. Subsidy issue. Percentage of subsidy. Percentage of what?

4) Should we invest so much money in Bullet train project ?

5) Who is funding it ?

6) Why does Japan give us money at such a cheap rate?



1) Tell me about MCI ?

2) Why it failed in its mandate ?

3) Why dentistry is not considered at par with medical field as considered in western countries?

4) What are the 2 organisations currently fighting in middle east. (Hamas & Hezbollah) Which countries are supporting them.

5) Opinion about Gaza’s situation.



1) Why Haryana is giving crores as prize money after winning medals ?

2) Is it justified? When it can be spent on sports infrastructure.

3) Name of the sports institute in Sonipat.

4) Why women have achieved parity in sports and not in other fields. Wrt to males.

5) Is the demolition of house of the tunnel rescue hero justified?



1) BMC is so rich but Infrastructure in mumbai is always crumbling ; what’s the reason?

2) Why some or the other building keeps collapsing in Mumbai; why BMC is not doing anything.

3) Tell me about Invisalign.

4) Use of AI in Dentistry.

5) How will you decide that an oral cancer patient should be treated by an oral surgeon or a general surgeon ?

6) How will you diagnose Oral cancer.

7) Why do you want to leave such a comfortable life and profession in Mumbai?

8) In which district was the house of DC & SP burnt recently.

9) Then why do you want to join civil services.



1) You live in a planned city (Navi Mumbai); but still there are similar issues; what are the reasons.

2) What will you do to solve them?

3) Issues of skill development and education.

4) how does it affect our economic development.

5) what are the specific provisions in NEP 2020 wrt skill development.

6) how will it address those issues.

7) Give me specific data points.


Ma’am said thank you; your interview is over.


I have oversimplified the questions.

They were much more elaborate with a lot of counter questions.

And it was a continuous discussion and not a question answer session as it may appear to be. And I’ve forgotten few questions.

And Suman ma’am was dead serious through out the interview.


Your assessment of the board/your performance:


Date : 01/03/2024

Session: Forenoon

Board: Hon. B.B.Swain Sir


Keywords in DAF: Consulting (pvt. sector), IRMS, Civil Engineering from IIT Bombay, Entrepreneurship Cell Manager in College, Bareilly Hometown, Hobby of playing Sudoku




Chairman Sir:


Have you joined the training or are you on leave?

How long is the leave for?

What is your district famous for? Also tell from economic perspective and we already know about Jhumka city - so tell us something else.

Discussion around the new 18 Corps in Bareilly among the members and how it is now a combat unit of central command of Army (it was not a question as such - I was just nodding along as Chairman Sir was discussing it with another member)



Member 1:


What is IVRI?

What is it famous for?

What type of wildlife are in IVRI?

You have studied in IIT and then worked as a consultant and now as a civil servant. I simply want to ask why? Why in the first place did you want to join the bureaucracy and now you have applied again? Why?

Your previous job was not related to civil engineering? Was it?

Do you think IIT is a waste of resources?

Do you think we should stop their funding? IITians either work as consultants or finance analysts or simply decide to go abroad, and their contribution to engineering is negligible - why is that? Should the government stop funding IITs?

What difference do you think would have been there in your education if say you studied at NIT or other college than an IIT?

So do we need more IITs? Or should we upgrade the existing colleges to IIT status?

If you have to choose one out of them, which one would you choose - new or upgradation?

Okay, tell me what was today's news about the solar rooftop program?

Why is it a free electricity scheme?

Analyse the scheme - tell me its positives and negatives?

Ok, can you identify any other challenges?

Are you aware about the additional weight the solar rooftop would put on the building and do old houses, especially dilapidated buildings have capacity to bear that weight?



Member 2:


What was your role at the consulting company?

What is this Entrepreneurship cell?

How many students pursue startups in IITs?

What are your service preferences?

Do you think due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Europe is becoming dependent on USA more and more? And What are its impacts?

You must have a good understanding of railways, tell me about the Vande Bharat trains and what is the engine type?

Where exactly is the engine placed?

Why are Delhi metro and Indian Railways gauges different?

What has the government done to improve signaling in the railway?

A lot of accidents happen particularly due to signaling issues in eastern railways in the coal belt, what is the govt. doing in that sector for better coal transport and reduce accidents due to signaling?



Member 3:


What is MiVAN Technology in civil engineering?

What are its advantages?

Tell me more advantages.

What types of dams can be found in India?

And what about gravity dams?

Recently the PM visited Dwarka and inaugurated Sudershan Setu. What type of bridge is it? Where is it located ?

What is a cable-stayed bridge?

What are the advantages of cable-stayed bridges?

Recently, HCES survey was released after 10 years. What are the key findings?

By how much has the consumption expenses increased?



Member 4:


What is the difference between a simply supported and cantilever beam?

Tell one more difference.

What is pre-stressed concrete?

Did you use civil engineering knowledge in your previous job?

Why did a consulting company hire you who is an engineer by graduation?

Why do consulting companies hire engineers? What do they look for during the recruitment?

Consultants make a lot of reports, have you ever made any report?

What is river interlinking program?

What fundamental objective are we trying to achieve with it?

How much time do you take to solve sudoku?

What about hard level?



Chairman Sir: Thank you. Your interview is over now.


Date - 29/02/2024

Session - afternoon, 2nd last to go (interview began at 4:45 pm)

Board - Hon’ble Dinesh Dasa Sir

Places mentioned - Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand, Bengaluru

Optional - Sociology

Work profile - Tech Consulting (Big 4) ; Dept Collector/SDM (Bihar)

Hobbies - Audiobooks of Autobiographies (others were not asked)


Chairman  : Greetings exchanged, asked about how I was

1. How would you like to introduce yourself ?

2. In which Five Year Plans were steel plants given an impetus ?

3. What were the steel plants set up along with Bokaro steel Plant ? (I mentioned Durgapur, Salem, Rourkela)

4. What about Vishakahapatnam Plant ( I said yes sir that one as well)

5. Does Vizag steel plant come under SAIL ? ( I was not sure, later found it comes under RINL)

6. What is the importance of steel for a nation ?

7. Tell me the difference between Civil services neutrality, policy neutrality and program neutrality

8. What is difference between climate positive and climate positive areas (I said I can answer in layman’s terms, he permitted that)

9. Can you explain functionalism and neo-functionalism ?



1. You’ve already got SDM in Bihar, if you get IPS (Manipur) which one will you choose ? Tell me honestly

2. Compare DPS Bokaro with public schools of Bokaro

3. Which audiobooks have you recently listened to ?

4. Do you think increased interest in Audiobooks has led to a decline in reading, or are they continuing parallely ?



1. What was your role at your company ?

2. Tell me about problems of labour in mining areas and what are the provisions in labour law to address them (I had no clue about the exact provisions, however I mentioned the one of the 4 labour codes that mention about Hazardous activities)

3. Do know about the Factories Act ? (I said had a faint idea, so he did not ask further)




1. You’ve studied Data Management, did also learn about managing Big Data ?

2. Do you know about the isthumus of Kra ?

3. What is its importance for India ?

4. Since you have sociology as your optional, do you know about Totalitarianism ?

5. How does a totalitarian state impact the agriculture of a nation, can you recall any examples (No clue)

6. Do you know about the “Great Leap Forward” (No clue) 



1. Tell me about BIMSTEC.

2. How does G20 as an organisation influence global governance ? (I mentioned about declarations that allow for national rules on common foundation)

3. Does the G20 bring out rules or declarations (I said declarations, which facilitate rules)

4. Tell me 4 outcomes of the G20 summit (I could remember only 3, said sorry after that)

5. Was IMEC a  main outcome or was it finalised on the sidelines ( I said I was not sure )



Dasa maam - you interview is over. You can go

I thanked the panel and left.


Total duration - 22-24 mins


Experience- It was great experience, all the anxiety got subdued once  I was in front of the board


Board - The board maintained a pleasant demeanour, were observing keenly. Dasa sir had a neutral expressions, other members were smiling, nodding and were quite expressive.


Mocks utility - Vision IAS - good

  - Samkalp ( sitting arrangement)

  - OnlyIAS and NextIAS were very good


Date - 29th Feb Forenoon

Time: 15-20 minutes(last to go)

Board - BB Swain Sir

Graduation - Bsc Microbiology,Msc  Environmental Science

Optional - Anthropology

Keywords - Warli Painting, Flower Growing and Kitchen Gardening, Sustainable urban development of Pune City, Maharashtra, Shotokan Karate



1) Apart from Maharashtra where this tribe (warli) found?

2) What are othwr features of this tribe?

3) how did you developed interest in sustainable urban development of Pune?



Member 1:

1) Which are other tribes in Maharashtra

2) What are other issues of tribes in Maharashtra

3) What will you do for tribal development?



Member 2

1) Do you know about the recent deal between two companies regarding ott?

2) What are OTT?

3) Does OTT have impact on Bollywood

4) What will you do for women in your district ?

I said education, emotional support and exploring more and third health of women

5) Will this be your order of priority?



1) let us come to your optional what does culture mean to you ?

I answered it's about our daily habits as  what we eat and how we dress and speak

2) What will you tell the person who comes to Mumbai and Pune to eat ?

3) What are the cultural differences between Mumbai and Pune?


Member 3

1) Which flowers should I plant  in February

2) Which vegetables should I grow in February

3) What are zoonotic diseases ?

4) which are zoonotic diseases any recent one

5) What are schemes for women's education?

6) What are schemes for women's health

7) Do you know about Poshan Abhiyan ?

8)Is it only for meals and nutritional support?

9) What is the contribution of Savitribai Phule

10) What more than education?


Member 4

1) How many belts does shotokan Karate have and which are they?

2) What is a golden quadrilateral?

3) Other infra projects? I said I don't know then  He told me that it's East West and North South .

4) Do you know where the new semiconductor plant is proposed now?

5) What will you do for adult education?

6) As an environment secretory what areas will you focus on?


In the end the chairman asked me whether I'm comfortable again and if you want to ask us anything?


One of the members joked, "We are glad you only have an orange belt in Karate."

(second rank belt out of 10 levels )


Overall nice experience. Different from mocks in terms of pressure and overall experience. Somehow your real Personality comes out and realised it's really about personality..


Mocks Given: Vision, Hamdard, Next IAS, Samkalp, Only IAS, Unacademy, Vajirao and Reddy,Chahal.


At Chahal every member gave a separate detailed  review and told the areas to be improved upon.

Some Questions related to DAF were repeated in the interview.


Irrespective of what the trend is prepare your DAF well. If you are at the last read newspaper carefully and don't miss anything. I was the last person to go and they asked me about current affairs from that day's newspaper only.


Date:March 4

Board: Raj shukla sir

DAF Pointers: Kerala, Kota, Manipur, IFS

Hobbies:Tekking, Following food and travel vlogs.


Chairman :


1.Viksit bharat concept how are we planning to acheive it?

2.AI where is India standing? What should we do?

3.Innovation in India. What are the challenges?

4.Present Per capita income and How much should we target?

5.HDI present value and the target India should keep?


Member 1:

1.To achieve Atmanirbhar what are the major sectors that we must focus upon?

2.Trekking and hiking difference?

Which state cuisine has fascinated you?

3.How does the touchscreen work?

4.Mughalai cuisine?

5.India -france relationship?

5.2024 is celebrated as (UN)?


Member 2:

1.Kota factory web series and JEE coaching, and Is this kind of blind following to coaching institutions the reason for lack of innovation in India?

2.Causes of manipur crisis?

3.As in charge Law and order issues how would you tackle  manipur issue?

4.Difference between innovation, discovery and invention?

5.Should we have CM from a different community(3 rd community)in charge of the peace process in Manipur to solve the issue?

6.'Shri anna', it's benefits for consumer, producer and climate?



Member 3:

1.Consider yourself becoming in charge of coal mines how would you make minig sustainable?

2.Reason for poor industrial development kerala?


Member 4 :

1.Have you watched ' Poacher' web series? 2.How would you control ivory smuggling?

3.Paytm crisis reason?

4.Tourism in kerala, share in GDP and what is the potential for development?



**Framing of the questions are largely different from what I have written.


Thank you for this initiative


Date : 01/03/2024 (Forenoon last to go)

Board : Dr.  Dinesh Dasa ( all male members)

Approx 30min

Graduation: Computer Science

Optional: Sociology

DAF : DBMS , SGTB Khalsa College, DU, Edsarrthi Student


Good Afternoon ( ye nhi bola ki discussion hai bss, direct question start)

• Climate Justice and climate finance

• How Article 21 evolved through Supreme court judgements

• Movies related to constitutional Articles ( No mention of movie or web series in DAF)

• Budget state's are presenting surplus budget by counting public account , ethical or not ( aayein)

• Freelancing (DAF), Preperation kab start kri?

(1-2) question aur the

Sir ne kuch note kiya fir laptop mai busy ho gye


• About project related to DBMS and Ecommerce

• Electoral Bond ( right decision?)

• Doctrine of proportionality (answer se pick kiya )

• Last book ( No book reading in DAF) (answer- India Way) Explain 1st chapter (then geopolitical complacency)

• Difference in objectives of IORA and IONS (IORA btaya, sir don't know about IONS)

Full form btayi unhone fir maine guess kiya

• 1-2 questions ( smiled , when i told him ki 2022 prep start kri hai toh bss syllabus related books pdhi hai)



• What is Sanskritization ( definition bta kr chup , i thought ki follow up question aaega, he was expecting ki mai aur bolu)

•Role of media ( sociological analysis)

•Major problems - population, disaster, demographic dividend, unplanned urbanization (slumization) etc.

• why buddhism declined in India and flourished in SE asia?

( Writing pad mai question likh rkhe the puchne ke liye, dekh dekh kr puch rhe the)


• Cuisine and local sweets of Uttarakhand ( no mention of cooking in DAF)

• Home state? UP or UK

• About Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur ( college name)

• gurudwaras related to him in delhi ( sis ganj and Rakab ganj)

• about khalsa and who is Banda Singh bahadur

• aur question puchne the member ko but chairman ne bola sir sir bss ( time 1:15 ho gya tha , afternoon session bhi start krna tha 2 baje se)y


• Experience in delhi university

• India Canada relation - what's going on and kya kya hua

• Khalistan issue

• why they support khalistanis ( + freedom of speech in canada)

• khalsa College mai discussion hota tha khalistan issue par ( maine bola sir mujhe meaning bhi nhi pta tha Preperation start krne se phle)

• why people like vijay malya take refuge in western countries and why they allow them

• why they go to caribbean islands?

1-2 more questions, again chairman stopped him


Mocks - only 2 (Vajirao & PW)

O2O - only 1(Utkarsh Sir)

Newspaper Sessions by Satyam Jain


4th March 2024 (First to Go)

Board: Dinesh Dasa Sir

Optional: Pubad

DAF Pointers: School Vice Captain, Travel Vlogs, Content Reviewer, Graduation and Masters in Pubad (Rest not asked).



First of all, congratulations you have got this opportunity to be here, only very few people get this.

This is just a conversation, just feel free and answer.

(Said in a monotonous tone)


Introduce Yourself

What is your role (Content Reviewer)

Lets start it from here.

What is the last subject you reviewed?

Difference between M Laxmikant and DD Basu?

Tell us 3 mistakes in DD Basu, 3 Technical ones for which students have been to commission and also went to Supreme Court.

Is Laxmikant enough? Relevant for exam?

1st Constitutional Amendment

Basic Structure Doctrine, Should it be defined? As there is conflict and confusion from the legislature side.

Asked about number of judges in Keshavananda Bharatiya Case? 

Asked a question on New Public Administration, why not relevant in present times, what is lacking.

Have you read todays news paper?

Tell us about one news, frame a question on it and answer the same.

(I mentioned the news of Pakistan Dual Use Container news)



Asked about Wassenar Arrangement? (Follow up question)

Other Groups? Is India part of NSG?

Way-Forward in Container Case? (I said independent investigation)

You told about joint investigation, Should Pakistan be included in Investigation?


Is Pakistan trustworthy?

This case is a national issue or international issue?

What is dual use technology?


What is lacking in Public Administration, what needs to be done?

(I said issues faced by administrators should be included in discipline)


What about issues of citizens?

Use of tech for citizen with interaction

Is there any technology through which citizens issues can be heard?

(I spoke about Mygov and e-governance solutions, digital app, chatbots- But he was looking for something else )



Asked about Corporate Governance 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Something about term related Business sustainability and its relevance

Have you ever seen a balance sheet of a company?



What are the functions of police force?

(I mentioned law and order, criminal investigation, protocol functions)

He said there are others as well, try to recall.

He said Police creates a secure atmosphere for citizens, 

Said a statement on Security a shared public good- Asked about it.


M4: (Lady member)

You were a School Vice Captain, you headed a leadership position, tell us about difficulties you faced and what you learned?

You watch travel vlogs, then a long question on -  Consider a scenario where there is total absence of smart phones and social media, then will it be easier for administrators?


She again said, consider a situation where there are computer systems, and all machineries, just not social media and smartphones.


Tell us about a law passed in 2023-24 (I initially started with Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner Act)

She again insisted on major law recently passed (I talked about 3 criminal law amendment)


She said yes, then who protested and why? Asked about Hit and Run Case- What was the main issue?


In the end chairman asked “Do you feel any area is not covered you have been preparing for since days, Do you want us to ask you from any part”.


Overall a good experience.

The voice of chairman was too low, it was very difficult to hear what he was saying.

After completion of my answer in one of the question, M3 remained silent for some time and kept on looking on the paper, Chairman reminded him to ask more questions.


M1- Poker Face, M3- Kept on starring at me continuously, M2- Smiling Person, M4- Most Cordial

Mocks Utility- Confidence and practice purposes, only question on School Vice Captain was repeated.

Gave around 8 Mocks: Vajiram Panel, Sankalp, Chrome IAS one-to-one, Next IAS Panel, Vision IAS Faculty, Testbook (Ravi Sir), Vajirao and Reddy, PW.



While leaving I was waiting for chairman to say " Arrogant and Waste of time" par kch nahi bola😂😂😂


Date of Interview: 01/03/2024

Session: Forenoon, 4th to go, 25-30 minutes

Board: Dinesh Dasa Sir.

Optional- Hindi Sahitya.

Medium- English

DAF Pointers- Architecture, Carbon Footprint, Content writer


Chairman sir:

1. What is the architectural style of the Building, that we are sitting in?

2. What is the height of this ceiling?

3. In older buildings we used to have higher ceilings but now the ceilings are comparatively lower..why this change?

4. Why are architects nowadays too reliant on measuring tapes, while older ones used to measure without it?

5. Tell me about architectural features of Ram temple ayodhya.

6. Tell me about architecture of BAPS temple Abudhabi.

7. What are the growth prospects in architecture for a young individual?

8. You are a student of PSIR, so you must be aware about collective responsibility?(Another member corrected him saying his optional is Hindi Literature, not PSIR.)But you can still answer it.

9. When your optional is Hindi Sahitya, then why is your medium of interview English?(a few cross questions around it and my medium of mains which was also english, except my optional)

10. There have been demands of providing extra time for students of hindi medium as hindi takes more time and effort in writing as compared to English, what is your take on it?


Member 1:


Can I talk to you in Hindi?(said: Ji Bilkul sir.)

1. Hindi bhasha ko sanskrit-nishth ya hindustani kis k anuroop hona vishay me kafi vivad raha bare me apka kya vichar hai?

2. Tell me about few of the writings of Dinkar and Rahul Sankrityayan.

3. Were Dinkar and rahul both in favour of Sanskrit-nistha Hindi?

4. Can you recite a few lines from Rashmirathi?


Member 2:


1. In colonial times migrants- labourers were taken from India to african islands and caribbean islands....what is the specific term for these migrants?

2. What were the different waves of migration from India?( as we talked about Girmitiyas)

3. What are the government programs for Indian Diaspora?

4. When is Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas celebrated?


Member 3:


1. What was the topic of your Thesis?

2. You also have a dissertation related to carbon footprint reduction...tell me.. are the Electric vehicles really clean or they have some issue ?

3. You also worked as a content writer, what type of content did you create?

4. Have you heard about this book?(I had not)

5. It was given Booker Prize. Do you know about Booker prize?



Member 4:


1. Tell me about India's maritime situation?

2. What are these security challenges?

3. Initiatives by India to have good ralations with maritime neighbours of India?

4. Can you name a few head of states abroad who are of Indian origin?

5. What is FMR(Free Movement Regime)?

6. Have you heard about PM Vishwakarma yojana?Tell me about it.

7. Tell me the 3 problems that Indian Economy is facing right now.


Chairman sir:


1. Have you watched 12th Fail movie yet?(said: not yet.)

He smiled and said: watch it and then compare if the depiction in movie about interview scene is similar to the real one?

2. Would you like to add something about your interaction?(I said it was an enriching experience sir. I enjoyed interacting with the board.)

He smiled and said- Bahar apne doston ko bhi yhi bologe ki board cordial hai ya nhi?

I smiled and said- Certainly sir.

He replied: Okay Mr.....Have a good day.

I thanked the board and left.


Overall experience: board members were listening patiently , also smiling and nodding at places. Dasa sir was mostly serious faced but smiled occasionally.

Mocks with Vajirao, Samkalp, Vajiram , Rau and OTO with Utkarsh Sir and Samkalp were helpful.


Date of interview: 5th March 2024

Session: Afternoon, first to go, ~30 minutes

Board: Suman Sharma Ma'am

Medium: English

Optional: Chemistry (nothing asked)

DAF pointers: Civil Engineering, Mythology, Prayagraj



1. Recently, three criminal laws amendments were passed, what are their names?

2. One section was very jubilant, other went on strike. Which and why?

3. PSUs venturing into different arenas, justified or not? Give reasons.



1. You've lived in Delhi, causes of air pollution in Delhi?

2. Why does the Delhi climate become as such during winters? (I had mentioned Delhi's climate as one factor)

3. Why stubble burning issue was not prevalent a few years ago?

4. What does it mean by MSP legalisation?

5. Should the government not intervene and leave agriculture to the market completely?

6. Why there are calls for steel intensive buildings nowadays? What are benefits and disadvantages?

7. What are startups? What criteria? How is chaayos different from normal chaiwala?



1. What is difference between alliance and collective security treaty?

2. What are other components of collective security treaty?

3. Are they relevant in today's time?

4. Brexit reasons?

5. EU relevant post brexit?

6. Many right wing governments in EU, are their policies on immigration justified?

7. Despite moving out of Afghanistan, middle East, etc. USA still maintains presence in the east European and west asian nations, why? Do you think it would move out of these regions too?

There was one technical term asked which I didn't know.


M3 (lady member)


1. Allahabad University produced so many bureaucrats, what went wrong?

2. You're interested in mythology, do you agree with Amish Tripathi views of humanising Gods?

3. I answered wrt his right of his own interpretation, asked again about my views on the same of whether it is right to paint a different picture of the actual mythology?

4. What are smart cities? Criterias of smart cities?

5. Define AI? What are its challenges?



1. Any recent civil engineering marvels of India?

2. New technologies in civil engineering like road construction, etc.?

3. As a DM and civil engineer in Uttarakhand, how will you ensure development along with environmental concerns?

4. Should dams be constructed in vulnerable areas?


Chairperson: thank you, your interview is over.


Overall experience: board was cordial, M1 was smiling continuously, M2 and M3 were supportive of my answers. The chairperson was smiling in between.


Mocks and O2Os: Vajirao, chahal (good feedback), Studyiq, samkalp (offline+online), Nextias (online), Vajiram and o2o with Ravindran sir helped.

Poor experience at Rau's and Unacademy (online).

 Only 1-2 questions were repeated. Good to gauge the preparation level, improve articulation, and gain confidence.


Date:March 4

Board: Raj shukla sir

DAF Pointers: Kerala, Kota, Manipur, IFS

Hobbies:Tekking, Following food and travel vlogs.


Chairman :


1.Viksit bharat concept how are we planning to acheive it?

2.AI where is India standing? What should we do?

3.Innovation in India. What are the challenges?

4.Present Per capita income and How much should we target?

5.HDI present value and the target India should keep?


Member 1:

1.To achieve Atmanirbhar what are the major sectors that we must focus upon?

2.Trekking and hiking difference?

Which state cuisine has fascinated you?

3.How does the touchscreen work?

4.Mughalai cuisine?

5.India -france relationship?

5.2024 is celebrated as (UN)?


Member 2:

1.Kota factory web series and JEE coaching, and Is this kind of blind following to coaching institutions the reason for lack of innovation in India?

2.Causes of manipur crisis?

3.As in charge Law and order issues how would you tackle  manipur issue?

4.Difference between innovation, discovery and invention?

5.Should we have CM from a different community(3 rd community)in charge of the peace process in Manipur to solve the issue?

6.'Shri anna', it's benefits for consumer, producer and climate?



Member 3:

1.Consider yourself becoming in charge of coal mines how would you make minig sustainable?

2.Reason for poor industrial development kerala?


Member 4 :

1.Have you watched ' Poacher' web series? 2.How would you control ivory smuggling?

3.Paytm crisis reason?

4.Tourism in kerala, share in GDP and what is the potential for development?



**Framing of the questions are largely different from what I have written.


Thank you for this initiative


Thank you for the help and guidance


Date : 01/03/2024

Afternoon Session, 3rd to go

Board : Dinesh Dasa Sir

Medium of Interview: English

DAF Pointers : B. Tech,  IIT Delhi (2020), Katihar, Bihar, Physics Optional, Research Internships, University of Sydney, University of Groningen, HPAIR Conference Harvard University

Nothing else was asked from DAF (5-6 more pointers like contemporary dance, cricket, NSS, etc.)

Attempts: 3rd, 2nd Mains, 2nd Interview (Not recommended earlier)

Service Preference : IAS-IPS-IFS-IRS



 You are from Katihar, done your B. Tech. from IIT Delhi have done internships in Sydney, Groningen and attended Harvard conference , now tell me : while arguing in a Supreme Court case examining state’s right to identify backward classes, one of the lawyers argued that it will lead to the balkanisation of the caste list. What do you mean by balkanisation and what is your opinion on that?

 3 global problems that the world is facing

 Non-state actors in India

 Are Khaps non state actors?

 1-2 more questions I am forgetting.



Members (in no particular order) - All male


 How are you?

 Explain Physics, Engineering and Engineering Physics.

 Tell me what all things you did in Sydney, Groningen and Harvard. More conversation on this

 What all did you learn from your research experience?

 We have been focussing on cutting edge research while we still face the issue of poverty, hunger, etc. Do we really need that? Good- said the member.

 Is Russia a European power or an Asian power.

 Sweden became the 32nd member to join NATO. What can be the implications

 Was it correct for EU and NATO countries to jump to support Ukraine in the war

 1-2 more questions on Russia (No no this wasn’t Russia PSC exam)

 In the starting, how many members were there in EU? I said I am not aware.

 A country has constantly been applying for EU membership but hasn’t been granted yet. Which country is that and what are the reasons behind the same?

 You talked about the role of non-state actors in the north east region of India, what problems did non-state actors posed to USA in the aftermath of 2003 Iraq invasion? I said I do not have sufficient knowledge about Iraq issue.

 What is I2U2? What are the focus areas? Do you think after the events of 7th October, the grouping has been jeopardised?

 Groningen or Netherlands in particular has this culture of bicycles, problems of it being implemented in Delhi? Can shifting to bicycles help the problem of poor AQI in Delhi? Have you gone through the AQI study conducted by IIT Delhi? Good- said the member.

 Asked about some traditional rainwater harvesting system which I was unaware of and said that I do not know, similarly one question on Green Term Deposit Scheme.

 Which book did you read last, apart from your preparation books?

 What is constitution? What is the role of constitution?

 What is Free Movement Regime? Is it still there?

 How can we improve the efficiency of public service delivery? Good- said the member.

 As a District Magistrate of Katihar, what will you do?

 What are the powers of Zila Panchayat?

 What was the 73rd CAA?

 How are PRIs working in Bihar/Katihar?

 How often do you visit Katihar? What changes have you observed?

 You did your schooling from Scottish Public School? Is it still affiliated to Scotland? I said there was never any connection. So they just named it like that, interesting. Smiled and the chairperson said thank you.

 Few supplementary questions in between which I can’t recall.


A significant difference with mocks was that they gave sufficient time to speak without interrupting at all, only to be seen in Vision Bureaucratic Mock.


Date :1st March 2024

optional : Psir

Key words: Udaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Pichwai and Tanjore painting, Script writing, Ravindra rang Manch, Bigdata and Cloud computing, Vipasana meditation, (CS), Mahaveer, St.Gregarious.

Chairman: Dinesh Dassa sir


1. Introduce yourself .

2. Since, you are from Udaipur, which are three forts in Udaipur?

3. What was key connections between Udaipur and battle of Panipat?

4. India and China both are civilization countries, India had witnessed cultural erosion through out the history, while China didn't? What were reasons?

5. Why many incursions happened   in India through the history?

6. Why didn't that many incursions happen in China?

7. What could have been path of history, if great wall like great wall of the china was built on north west frontier of India?

8. How was Mohammed gazani attacked 17 times and looted India? What were reasons behind it ?



Member 2:

1. China is trying to create hegemony in south China sea. How does India see China 's hegemonic behavior? What India is doing about?

3. What are India' geo-strateic infrastructure in Indian oceans to.

counter china's assertiveness.

4. Don't you think India effort are very less as compare to china ?

5. Why Africa  is considered as continent, African countries don't get it's due recognition as independent nation- state' independent identity.

6. How does India see them?

7. Tell me , what are problems of Africa?

8. Tell me, what are grouping in Southern Africa ?


Member 3:

1. Your hobbies are unique combination of Pichwai and Tanjore painting, how come ? Have you visited  south India?

2. what are three similarities and difference between Pichwai and Tanjore painting.

3. you are interested in arts like painting, what is utility and values of arts and architecture in life of common  people,  they depicted interest of royal regal rich people of their time. They had no value for masses.They refeclt inequalities and oppression of common people. Do you agree with it?

4. How do you see status women empowerment in India?

5. What role PRI 33% played in women empowerment.

6. how does new women reservation act will help in women empowerment?


Member 4:


1. You mentioned about Sanganeri cloth that is used for Pichwai  painting.  What is difference  between  Sanganeri print and Baghru print

2. you have studied in jaipur, tell me three famous print ( cloth print)other than sanganeri and baghru print ?

3. your high school is from Mahaveer Vidya mandir and higher secondary school is from St.Gregarious sen.sec. school. What was cultural difference between them?

4. You are Script writer, what is your method of writing the Script?

5. Is it consultative process?

6. how long it takes you to write one Script?


Member 5:

1.Tell me role of big data and cloud computing ?

2. Don't you think ,India is lagging behind it?

3.what is block chain technology? Describe in simple words for common men .

4 how can we use it ?


Opinion: it was very cordial and an engaging discussion.


Mocks :-

1.Guidance of Puneet sir ( SOMP) and Piyush chobey sir ( Psir, NEXT  IAS ). on one Mock with Puneet sir ( SOMP),Ravindra Sir( Vajiram).

3. Panel mocks : Vajiram,VisionIas, Sankalp.

Good for gaining confidence, multiple mock will helped me to improve verbal and non- verbal skills to present  myself better. Although, the interview was still quite different experience.


Board- BB Swain Sir

Date of interview- 05/03/2024

Optional- Geography

DAF- IPS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Hyderabad, Cricket, Calligraphy, Dog, Accidents, Waste in construction


Had a good 25 minutes on waiting chair outside



 Tell me everything about laws, judgement and rules around stray dogs.

 What can police do to tackle this problem of stray dogs?

 What else can be done? (Mentioned about Netherlands and Bhutan)

 Are we already not doing it?

 I visited Netherlands didn’t see a single stray there. Why is it successful there and not here?

 We have done everything, there’s no solution at all!



 You have mentioned about accidents on your DAF. Which cities did you do your study on?

 What were the 3 main factors responsible for accidents?

 You said human factor is dominant, is it drink and drive?

 You have also put something on using waste in construction, where did you get the idea from?

 But isn’t it already happening?

 What different did you do?

 What are the top three problems in Haryana with respect to policing?

 Why has naxalism remained in Chhattisgarh?

 But no naxalism in Telangana and Andhra, then why in Chhattisgarh?



 Where was your school?

 You were in BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus, so you have lived in Raipur and Hyderabad both, can you compare the two for me?

 What about the Naya Raipur?

 Are people not living in Naya Raipur still?

 Why did you start calligraphy?

 Tell me about tourism in Raipur, you can include Bilaspur, Jagdalpur.

 How do you improve tourism in Chhattisgarh if you have so many spots and places?



 Which service have you opted for?

 Is IFS debarred for you being an IPS?(M2 interrupted there’s no such debarment)

 Would be a dissatisfied IPS officer throughout if you don’t get into IAS?

 Just answer it as a Yes/No question.

 Why IAS from IPS?

 What is SMART policing?

 What is the power of your specs?

 No, you are missing something.

 Tell me what does it mean.

 What is dot ball in cricket?



 In northern states, the public as well as old people like me are afraid of the police at lower level. We can’t meet the ones at higher level and whom we meet don’t treat us well. Do you agree with this? What would you do to handle this?

 Say you are posted in a district bordering Rajasthan. What would you do to prevent crime against women? What would you do to prevent criminals and know about their movement when they cross or visit your district?

 When does your training end? So during elections you’ll be in your academy?(M1 interrupted that they have an election attachment.) Alright so assume that you are again in that bordering district what would you do to enforce MCC during elections?



Your interview is over. Thank you.


Which cadre do you want to work in?

M4- Why not this?

Chairman- Might be some personal reason.


Your interview is now over. Thank you.



The phrasing of questions might be different than how I have phrased them.


Out and out DAF based interview. It went on for 30-35 minutes. It was a small dinner table. Everyone was very close to each other. Chairman was busy in his own work, looked here and there. M1 was continuously on phone, M2 kept looking at my hands. M3 kept looking at the watch on the wall behind me. M4 had kept eye contact and nodded, smiled, made me feel I was being heard.


Interview is always a wholesome experience, gives a sense of completion. Wish you all the best for your interview and future.


Date :6th March 2024

optional : Nothing Asked

Key words: Big4 , E-commerce Jaipur, Army background


Chairman: Dinesh Dassa sir

1. Who is the biggest among big 4?

2. Why you moved from consulting to ecommerce?

3. Is e-commerce good for the street vendor?

4. What was reason for the Paytm crisis?

5. Should RBI/Government let the Paytm die?

Member 1

1. What is the utilitarian philosophy?

2. Should we use utilitarian philosophy in Governance?

3. What is the proportionality principle? Which recent SC judgement used this principle?

Member 2

1. What can be done to improve the condition Gig worker?

2. Why we don’t have Indian big 4 company?

3. What other recent steps taken by the RBI apart from Paytm?

Member 3

1. Is the government policies for Ex-Army Servicemen are enough?

2. What are the issues of Jaipur?

3. How you can use your knowledge of e-commerce into the governance?

Member 4

1. Reason for the corporate governance failure?

2. Should India start diplomacy with Pakistan?

3. What is the Indian and Pakistani Stand for the bilateral talks?

4. Should India re-start diplomatic relation with Pakistan even after knowing that Pakistan Stand on the Kashmir issue?


Opinion: An engaging discussion and very cordial board


Mocks: Rau’s, Next IAS, Forum IAS, GS Score, Vision IAS


Date- 07/03/2024 Forenoon session,2nd to go

Board- Lt Gen Raj Shukla

Relevant Daf keywords - PSIR Paradeep(Odisha),Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, UP, Kitchen Gardening hobby



You have lived all over India, you are an Indian I think. So let's start

1.What Newspaper did you read today- I replied Indian Express. ( I had read Hindu too,but it didn't strike me at that time and I didn't anticipate)

Q2. Why did you read only one newspaper,don't you think people nowadays are reading less newspapers, why do you think so, what are the reasons for this.( A front and back discussion took place on this).


3. You just said you read blogs too. What all do you read.- I said I regularly read Anticipating the Unintended blog by Pranay Kotasthane. He said I know Pranay Kotasthane ,he writes in newspaper too,so why don't you read newspaper then. I had a reply that he writes with a pseudonymous author too, so I read it. And I try to read as many diverse viewpoints as possible.

Q4. Don't you think people reading less leads to less informed people and people are less informed today?

Q5. Do you read Foreign Affairs magazine, Whose article did you read last ? I replied I read John G Ikenberry article regarding US decline.He asked something more on this too,I don't remember.

Q6. What is the current Debt of US economy and don't you think it's an issue,what do you think about it.

Q7. I recently read a report that China has surpassed US in technology, what do you think and why is it happening - ?


Member-1 A lady

1. You are from Paradeep,Odisha?- I replied Maim, I was born there, My hometown is in Sultanpur,Uttar Pradesh.

2. Are you not proud of Odisha?? - I was like Aayein ?

3. Tell me about economic significance of Paradeep- I answered

4.Tell me what happened on Aug 5,2019-I replied, Art 370 abrogation,she said ,don't give me such short answers,I then gave a detailed answer.

5. What has the procedure adopted to abrogate Article 370

6 What kind of work are you doing in Kashmir,explain that.-I explained that and then she was fine.


Member-2 A male.

1. You have lived in Many states ,compare the biodiversity of the states you have lived in

2. You forgot Chilika Lake, compare Chilika and Dal Lake.

3.Some other question too which I can't recall right now.


Member 3

1.You are a student of PSIR, tell me about the deteriorating Indo- Canada relationship

2. There was an assassination too, what about that?

3. Even US claimed that Pannu was threatened with assassination.

4. What is your long term view on Indo Canada relationship

5. You have been in Tamil Nadu, there is a civil servant who is making news in politics, who is it - I replied Mr K Annamalai.

6 . Should Civil servants join politics

7 . Recently a judge too joined politics,what do you think about that

8. Then what is your final view?


Member-4  A lady

1.You do kitchen gardening and she asked about question related to that which I don't remember right now.

2. Tell me about Papier Mache artform-Answered

3. Tell me about GI agriculture products from JK- Named two

4. Who gives GI tags- was confused and blank, so I think I didn't answer

Where is the office of GI tag - I said I don't know mam. She said it is in one of the city you lived. I said I don't know mam ,she said Chennai. I said Thank You mam.

The chairman said, Your interview is over and you may go.

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