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Mains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread

Now that 1 week is over, it is time to shift focus to Mains. With barely 103 days left there is no time to waste.

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@madeyewoh toh hai ..haha..


@Yes_I_am_inanyways doesnt state and union legislate upon dpsp? i wrote thinking this angle...nevertheless lets see ..i am not counting this in attempted question


@ranyo_asokaHarmonious construction.


@STdistribution between state and cebtre l8kha hota toh sahi deemed vague fr me atleast. yep


@Phagocytesaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

Q4. From the resolution of contentious issues regarding distribution of legislative powers by the courts, ‘Principle of Federal Supremacy’ and ‘Harmonious Construction’ have emerged. Explain

How difficult was this question for you guys? Harmonious construction I have heard of the idea but didn't exactly know what it meant. Rest was ok. What did you guys feel?

There was a doc on shodhganga, i read after gs2, the ques is from that, and the court cases given in that are such that hardly anyone would know, search on google you would find out..


@Caesarharmonious construction is interpreting the subjects in all three lists in a manner such that they don't contradict with each other. There is a famous case by the name of Gujarat University case which also talked about this doctrine.

Federal supremacy, as far as I know, would be something akin to doctrine of repugnancy in Indian context. It means that if state and union laws are in conflict with each other wrt matters enumerated in concurrent list, union law will be given primacy.


Koi up pcs de rha hai ?


@paranthapijjabhai doctrine of pith and substance ; doctrine of colorable legislation aur doctrine of repugnancy likha hai isme ; kitna sahi kitna galat ye upsc jaane


@nikhilit20112751 law background h kya???


@nikhilit20112751 mai


@paranthapijjasahi bhai.. I left after vaguely defining the two terms, could not get the ques there


It so generally happens in GS-2 that people who over analyze end up scoring miserable marks(including yours truly in 2014) and noobs who write simple, extremely straight forward answers, win the game. Because when you overanalyze, you more often than not, steer your answer in the wrong direction which costs heavily.

Even someone who has written obvious lines without case laws and relevant articles will score well : ".......Federal supremacy means Central law will prevail, however while reviewing legislation, courts try to harmoniously reconcile state and central legislations without giving anyone supremacy over other."

That's it. Nothing else needed for above average marks. The trouble begins when you feel the need to decorate your answer with case laws, irrelavant examples, quote or flowery language.

On a personal note, after the 2014 debacle in GS-2 (which cost me 5 years of my life), I stopped studying for GS-2 polity section alltogether and have scored consistently well ever since.

This is my theory though. Let me know what you think.


@Champakproper answers with case laws and examples (which goes with the demand of question) will always fetch more marks;
2015 scored 55 (so called noob answers)
2016 scored 98 (with mentioning cases and especially remembering some cases like IR Coehlo)
2017 scored 108 (wrote more articles, committees and case laws)

P.S-1 any fresher following forum there is just one advice if you write quality answers you’ll get quality marks so never leave anything on chance and mug up these things as much you can and dont listen to advices like writing this wont fetch marks and not studying for this is ok; you’ll get marks for every relevant quality thing you can write ( you can score as high as 120-130 in GS-2 ; yes nothing is impossible and same with other subjects as well)
I may get out of race this time for final time but this is the thing that I have learned (may well have not been able to emulate) !!

P.S-2 dont believe any veteran at face value ; veterans are veterans because of a reason; listen to advices and then apply your mind before believing anyone.

P.S-3 ... P.S-2 applies to P.S-1 as well !!


@Champaksaid inMains 2019 Preparation and Discussion Thread:

That's it. Nothing else needed for above average marks. The trouble begins when you feel the need to decorate your answer with case laws, irrelavant examples, quote or flowery language.

SC cases are important to score high marks, that's what I've learnt from many GS2 high scorers. You never know, you might be scoring well in the governance and/or IR section as compared to polity.

But mentioning cases in every question is impossible(for example, the harmonious construction question)


@CaesarHi there! Yaar I wish I would have written these things there. However, despite knowing the two concepts, I could only write harmonious construction properly. I was unable to correctly define federal supremacy. I wrote what others have written ie how federal distribution of legislative powers should be respected etc. This was despite my initial gut feeling that it is something to do with union powers trumping state list. So, I guess I missed out there despite being a law student. But, the exam is about making lesser mistakes than others, I suppose.


@Champakwhile I agree with you to an extent, I don't think examiner will penalise you if you quote a section/case that directly hits the question. For instance, basic structure question necessarily warranted keshavanand bharti case. But putting shankari Prasad, golaknath and Minerva Mills case is upto your subjective satisfaction. If you are able to address the question then citing these cases would definitely add some value to your answer rather than irking the examiner. But I do get your that sometimes people (would count myself there too) miss the woods for the trees when it comes to gs2.


Content is more important than structure. Without content structure will not yield much marks

100% I agree


bhaiyon, ye cs mains mein upsc ne representation lena kabse start kiya ??


@Sultaaniska matlab kya hota hai

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