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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this


Don't know why I am writing this. Probably for people 1st time giving mains and I am not writing mains this year. So have lot of time to give inputa to others. 

So I got 122 marks in 2019 (GS4), probably average or bit above avg marks.

Some suggestions: 

Limit your examples and quotes. More they are more hard to remember and even hard to use them.

You can't remember 100 examples and quotes, remember 20-30 and try some basic and some unique. Then see where can you use all these. So 20-30 can be utilised at 100 of places. See toppers copies and pick up from there. 

More emphasis on Indian and regional leaders/ examples: some can be KabirDas, Premchand, Bassavana, Periyar, from NE (currently don't remember), Sufis, Sikh Gurus, Dohas, Shlokas etc.

Case studies are more rewarding. But sometimes they can be unexpected like 1/2 in last year's. So instead of overthinking in them, you can turn back to 1st segment and complete them. 

Speed is most important thing, I messed 2-3 questions due to lack of time, where I could have written better. 

Last thing GS1 and GS3 being in Morning of this winter will affect efficiency,

 GS2 and GS4 being in afternoon can compensate for them 

DM,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this


Case study

Ganeshchand, a typical IAS aspirant, although in good faith and with his noble intention of helping a fellow aspirant in need, is trying to reach out to maximum aspirants by disseminating his willingness of donating his books to every possible thread on ForumIAS. Even the threads earmarked for aspirants going to write this year's mains are not spared. Do you think ganeshchand is morally right in his action? Substantiate. (200 words)

Although the intention of Ganeshchand is worth admiring, his actions put a question mark on his morality. Spamming a large number of public threads of a IAS forum just for the sake of achieving one's personal objective, howsoever noble it might be, shows one's irresponsible behaviour and careless & callous attitude. Moreover, it might be annoying and psychologically disturbing to a large number of aspirants who must be preparing hard for coming mains and who might be using the threads specifically meant for them for extracting vital information and inputs- Ganeshchand's action might pose distraction to them. 

Instead, Ganesh should have made a separate thread for making his fellow aspirants aware of his benevolent intention. Yet an another alternative was to put the matter in the cognizance of Neyawn who might write it somewhere for bringing it to everyone's knowledge given he commands a wide appeal and is followed by a large number of IAS aspirants. 

Resorting to inappropriate means to meet one's end even if the end is meant to help someone is morally not a right course of action, and therefore, is condemnable.

DM,thejokerand6 otherslike this
does challenging wrong pressure exerted by authority come under integrity?
does challenging wrong pressure exerted by authority come under integrity?

No, integrity is about following moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and ethical values.

Challenging pressure exerted wrongly by authorities is courage. 

@upsc2020 Can b xample of integrity if far fetched arguments,like 1 s doing wht 1 s thinking but courage s more apt!!

does challenging wrong pressure exerted by authority come under integrity?

That may be courage of conviction. 

Courage of convictions-To have the confidence toact or behave in accordance with one's beliefs or ideologies,especially in theface of resistance, criticism, or persecution.

Pls suggest some topics for essay to make fodder points . 
A teacher is needed to understand every topics spl for Geography optional subject, i suggest AJAY RAJ SIR's pendrive course for better understanding, you can take it from the market, he is very good and knowledgeable in their respective field. or else for a good price you can contact at khannavikram62 at gmail dot com

Hello everyone! Need some help. There is a common suggestion by some toppers to use examples from Leaders life or one's personal life by toppers. I have been trying to understand how to use them and specifically which questions are they to be used in more importantly? Is this specific to case studies or can be used in other questions too?like in questions what would you do if x thing happens? So is the suggestion to use example in a way like I have encountered a similar situation in life or Gandhi/xyz had such experience. Felt little odd to me, because question is what to do, what are your options etc. and I start telling my story. Is this where it is supposed to be used or not and how could it be framed in a better way. 

Sorry for so many questions, just could not get the right point/flow to use these examples. 

And also checked some topper copies did not find any examples there. 

Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks. 

Please message me if anyone is  interested in buying Insights ias mains test series 2020. FULL 46 tests available. 10 Essay tests and 36 GS Mains.

Hello everyone! Need some help. There is a common suggestion by some toppers to use examples from Leaders life or one's personal life by toppers. I have been trying to understand how to use them and specifically which questions are they to be used in more importantly? Is this specific to case studies or can be used in other questions too?like in questions what would you do if x thing happens? So is the suggestion to use example in a way like I have encountered a similar situation in life or Gandhi/xyz had such experience. Felt little odd to me, because question is what to do, what are your options etc. and I start telling my story. Is this where it is supposed to be used or not and how could it be framed in a better way. 

Sorry for so many questions, just could not get the right point/flow to use these examples. 

And also checked some topper copies did not find any examples there. 

Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks. 

Real life examples of leaders as evidence that support the demand of the question are always helpful. 

For example, if you want to quote an example on Conviction: Quote any instance of Gandhi. 

TN seshan: civil services neutrality, reforms etc.


What do you understand by Tragedy of Commons? What are its natural outcomes in a society? If you are posted as a Municipal Commissioner, what would you do to address the problem of littering in your town?



What do you understand by Tragedy of Commons? What are its natural outcomes in a society? If you are posted as a Municipal Commissioner, what would you do to address the problem of littering in your town?


The tragedy of commons takes place when people don't use community goods as responsibly as their private goods. The common goods are splurged and wasted while private goods are used judiciously.It takes place due to poor cooperation among the people.
Example- spitting and ruining the train seats by passengers while cleaning their personal vehicles with detergent and water.
Natural outcomes in a society-
  • depletion and degradation of common goods.
  • increased cost on society for maintaining commons.
  • decreased social cost in society since people tend to behave selfishly. Increased disputes and decreased harmony.
  • increased cumulative cost of maintaining private goods since public goods are no more usable.
  • resource crunch

case study part-

  1. the littering points should be thoroughly cleaned first.
  2. Attitudinal changes can be bought by - a) cognitive- making people aware about the diseases spread by litter. b) affective- showing the importance of beautified public space in the social media savvy population by dedicating new selfie points. involving local artists and citizens for mural painting and other creative designs to enhance the aesthetic value of public spaces. c) Behavioural- by imposing fines on people littering. Installing CCTV cameras in most littered places.

The tragedy of commons can only be averted when all the people are made stakeholder in the management of commons. Continuous involvement of the general public can create a sustained people's movement which will prevent the cleaned areas to stay clean and get further rejuvenated.

upsc2020,Divyanshuand1 otherslike this

What do you understand by Tragedy of Commons? What are its natural outcomes in a society? If you are posted as a Municipal Commissioner, what would you do to address the problem of littering in your town?


The expression “The tragedy of the commons” refers to a situation where the resources meant for all in the society are mercilessly and selfishly exploited by the individual users. In such a situation, individuals act independently and irrationally, contrary to the belief on which the society functions.

This particular problem militates against sustainable development as it comes at the expense of others- jeopardizing their interests and thus putting them under disadvantage. Also, as the society runs on the values of cohesiveness and collectiveness, the tragedy of commons mars the shared resources system and leads to distortion in the society. As against it, the fair and equitable consumption of resources will promote utilitarianism and help subserve the common good of all.

Being Municipal Commissioner of my city, I will bring about both infrastructural reforms and penal provisions to contain the prevalent problem of littering- the former as proactive approach and the latter as deterrence. Waste disposal process will be made easier by installing sufficient number of twin bins along the roadside. In the housing colonies andmohallas, large litter bins will be pressed into service for smooth and seamless garbage disposal. It shall also be ensured that sufficient number of garbage collecting vehicles get deployed in the city which can pick the garbage from the bins on a daily basis. Roadside installation of CCTV cameras will be recommended to district administration so that defaulters could be easily and timely identified and brought to book. Additionally, I will also invest in making wide public awareness by means of advertisements through newspapers, pamphlets, roadside hoarding and flex boards which will help natives understand the role of cleanliness in promoting health, ecological preservation and ultimately in making a beautiful and livable society.  

GaryVee,chamomileand2 otherslike this

Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand2 otherslike this

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Please review...^_^

Examples are good. 

However, structure and intro is not right in my opinion. The first part of answer does not adequately explain how non performance is a form of corruption. 

You do not have to start with corruption and deriliction of duty. 

Corruption does not refer financial impropriety alone. Non-performance and failing to meet expectations in an organisation is also a form of corruption.

Dedication towards the job is one of the core expectations from a public servant and not performing that act is unethical, unprofessional, tantamounts to wastage of resources, erodes faith in public machinery. Here you can mention various examples to support this. 

Prevention to the Corruption Act also considers non-performance of public duty as an offence. 

The flipside has been addressed well by you, wherein you mention that non performance can be a result of several other causes. 

But not doing one's duty is very rarely a solution. A public servant must be solution oriented and should make the beneficiaries aware that if something is not being done there's a larger good involved.

Conclude on these lines - one has to see the situation and intent before considering the cause of non performance. However, not performing them deliberately without a valid reason is a grave offence.

Allen_Barry,GaryVeeand2 otherslike this

@upsc2020 thanks for your nice suggestions. these points will definitely make the answer better and richer. ^_^



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