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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand91 otherslike this


Hi all,

I am a working professional preparing for CSE 2021. I work as an Assistant Manager at IRDAI. Till 2020, I have given 3 attempts, missed prelims by a very less margin. My prep was very scattered, and I changed CA sources very often and overall, I wasn't satisfied with the way it was going.

One of my friend suggested me to enroll in a year long CA program, and see whether it works! So far so good, I am really liking the format of lectures and pdf handouts. As a working professional, I can manage around 3-4 hours everyday. Previously, in these 3-4 hours, most of the time would go to scouting material, checking material... that's how I ruined previous attempts.

Now, after enrolling in this course, I am finding it very helpful and more importantly, covering everything in a structured way . So on similar lines, I am looking for any courses on Mains Static Part as well, which covers GS 1- 4 Static Part. Any suggestions!!!


Please review. ^_^

Emotions play an important role in making an individual sympathetic to the problems faced by public. I think one should elaborate on this line with context to civil services. Rest great attempt!


Lost your TG contact. Can’t share on DM. Hence tagging here. Enjoy!


La Ex Ethics 100+ Examples.pdf

DM,No 1and1 otherslike this
Does anybody have a pdf of DK Balaji book ? Would be grateful if anybody shares the link or pdf.
Get timely evaluation under Experienced Team of UPSC Toppers

You are the dean of a very prestigious engineering college. The admission process to your college is very competitive and gruesome. A meritorious student has secured very high marks and is eligible to take admission in your college. But he commits a mistake while completing his formalities in securing the admission. He clicks on the wrong link and his application is withdrawn. Now all the seats are filled and the student is unable to retrieve his seat back. There is a lot of media coverage about this incident and the student demands his seat back as it was a mistake and it will cost him a year if he doesn’t get it. 

In such circumstances, point out the ethical dilemma faced by you and options available to you. Also, chalk out the course of action you would prefer to follow.

Ethical Issues in Clinical Trials

CISN - How Cancer is Studied - Ethical Issues


Ethical Issues in Clinical Trials

CISN - How Cancer is Studied - Ethical Issues

Should participants have access to beneficial treatment after a trial ends?

People often enroll in trials hoping to get early access to experimental treatments. Treatments can be expensive but in clinical trials they are usually provided free of charge. The informed consent form should state clearly whether or not the person will have access to the treatment after the trial concludes. Researchers don’t want to make promises that they can’t keep. Also, there is no guarantee that the treatment will be found to be effective.

Can a trial participant sue?

If people have been negligent in the way they conducted the trial, or if the research ethics board has been negligent in reviewing the trial proposal, then trial participants can exercise any and all of their legal rights. You don’t waive your legal rights by agreeing to participate in a trial.

please review!


please review!

Wow that's an awesome answer. 

Democratic Protests and Pandemic - Ethical Issues
Democratic Protests and Pandemic - Ethical Issues

Protest is one of the most important ways we can express disagreement with government action. However, the ability of people to protest in an emergency situation such as the current pandemic is very unclear.

The ability to voice dissent is vital for a functioning democracy. It is therefore arguable that people should be able to protest against what they see as government overreach. 

Online or virtual protests are a possibility. Climate change activist Greta Thunberg has recommended people avoid mass gatherings during the pandemic and instead engage in online campaigns and digital strikes.

However, one of the hallmarks of effective protest is its public, visual impact. And often media coverage of protests is a means of garnering greater public support.

Issue is Individual Liberty vs Responsibility towards society? 

What are your views? I think a case study on this may be asked.

@rashiv @TheNotorious @Patrick_jane @AlexanderSupertramp ?

Democratic Protests and Pandemic - Ethical Issues

Protest is one of the most important ways we can express disagreement with government action. However, the ability of people to protest in an emergency situation such as the current pandemic is very unclear.

The ability to voice dissent is vital for a functioning democracy. It is therefore arguable that people should be able to protest against what they see as government overreach. 

Online or virtual protests are a possibility. Climate change activist Greta Thunberg has recommended people avoid mass gatherings during the pandemic and instead engage in online campaigns and digital strikes.

However, one of the hallmarks of effective protest is its public, visual impact. And often media coverage of protests is a means of garnering greater public support.

Issue is Individual Liberty vs Responsibility towards society? 

What are your views? I think a case study on this may be asked.

@rashiv @TheNotorious @Patrick_jane @AlexanderSupertramp ?

Not sure if this will be a GS-4 Answer but I am sharing whatever things that came in my mind.

In intro:-

  • can talk about how democratic protest flows from the concept of Dissent which is an essential component of true democracy.(Article 19- Freedom of expression)

In body:-

  • Can give recent example of COVID pandemic where lackadaisical behaviour by few asymtomatic carriers can lead to events of super spreading. (talking about this because recently saw Schoopwhoop’s  video on “a day at farmer’s protest” on YouTube wherein barring the anchor, hardly any person was seen wearing a mask.)
  • Now this can lead to anti-moral consequences because people are infecting each other(unintentionally though) because no one knows who is infected and they aren’t wearing masks or practicing social distancing.(disobeying govt’s protocols which are at place for people’s benefit is also not moral and anti-ethical going against the norm of civic responsibility)
  • There can also be chances when infections can reach rural parts of India which has its own sets of problems in terms of insufficient infra like disinfecting services, ambulance facilities, ventilators and likewise.

Way forward:-

  • can talk about one  innovative idea during anti-Caa protest at Jamia where protesters kept their footwear in order to abide by social distancing as well as mark their presence that yes they are still protesting.
  • Can also talk about avoiding close contacts by shifting the protest site to some larger area eg- Govt requesting anti-Caa protesters to shift their protest from Jamia road to Ramleela Ground.
  • Then there is scope for virtual protests too example:- etc etc


  • Running out of ideas so will be dropping govt taglines such as “Doe Ghaz ki Doori, Mask hai Zaroori”, “Safety is in our own hands” and blah blah blah!
GaryVee,upsc2020and1 otherslike this

Apart from the points added by@upsc2020 and@TheNotorious , these dimensions could be explored-

  • Pandemic has already shown its devastating effects on economy, stifling dissent/protests/citizen's concerns would have devastating effect on democracy and democratic values.

Options available-

1. Postponing the protests till the pandemic is handled.  

 Pros- health emergency would be handled

 The increased pressure on resources due to increased infections on account of spread due to protest would be managed.

 Better position of protesters to negotiate due to the ultimatum for protest.

Cons- the ultimatums or threats of protest rarely help in furthering the cause.

 Postponing the reaction in case of problem with statutory/constitutional provisions would not help. Much of the harm would already be done till the public comes into action.

2. Holding the protest without any concern for the pandemic.

Pros-  The protests are organised when people's rights are violated or they stand to lose out on their prospects in a given situation. They stand to lose either ways-by the health/economic effects of pandemic or the social/economic effect of the cause of protest (legislation or whatever be the cause). So it's better if they put their concerns and views forward before it's too late.

Cons- it won't only endanger the lives of those protestors but also of their family members and other people who come in contact with them. The ultimate cost of which would be borne by the govt. This this could be easily suppressed by the authorities.

This would put pressure on the already stressed health resources.

The protests on roads or other public places would hamper the movement of emergency use equipment which are of the utmost importance during pandemic.

3. Holding protests while adhering to social distancing norm, masks and other preventive steps. It would also help if people/protestors coordinate to sit on protest in shifts. 

Pros- it would help in cutting down the transmission of infection and save the health of protestors too. 

The movement could be sustained for longer since the people would not be exhausted by the indefinite sit-ins. Like Gandhiji's struggle-truce-struggle strategy.

Increase the public support for the movement- because the cause of their protest would be better voiced if the peripheral noise around their ways of protest is stopped. People would even support them in their own unique ways- like on social media or crowd funding for providing them portable hygiene solutions like masks and sanitisers. 

The govt won't be able to push them out due to concerns for public health and safety.

Cons- managing and coordinating the protests are easier said than done.

The right to protest peacefully is a democratic value as well as a fundamental right. However there are reasonable restrictions attached to it viz public health, law and order etc. These become all the more relevant during the times of pandemic. So I would choose the option 3 since it adheres to the the constitutional values as well as the reasonable restrictions imposed on them..


I would like to tell @TheNotorious that your viewpoint I guess isnt one that is balanced as it is highly in favour of the protocols related to covid 19 measures ie. responisbility towards society, however, agree with the three points provided by the person below.

I guess there is one more view point to add and that is govt crackdown on the protests citing the violations of the Covid 19 measures:

pros : 1. it would protect the community at large from getting infected and reducing the health burden on the hospitals at present which has increased during these times a lot 

cons: impact the right to freedom of speech under article 19 and right to dissent, which are utmost important for the proper functioning of democracy. 

I think if at all a question pops wrt. protests and pandemic, we must quote Black Lives Matter Movement. 
Kautilya's relevance for today: 

Kautilya had said that 'Quality of administration depends on quality of people in administration'. Therefore, there was emphasis on quality of civil servants and in turn on morality & ethics in administration.

chamomile,HotBloodPrinceand1 otherslike this
COMPASSIONATE CAPITALISM and Trusteeship Concept of Gandhiji

As we all know that Covid crisis has impacted both industries and mostly employees. So there is a need of COMPASSIONATE CAPITALISM.

The company should try to minimize the pay gap between top and lower level employees.
The employees at top level should sacrifice more than middle and lower level employees in lean period or loss-making period of company.
Most importantly it is in accordance with the ‘Trusteeship concept’ of Gandhiji.
Eg : Tata, Infosys

chamomile,BurtMacklin_FBIand2 otherslike this
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