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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020. Primarily, the agenda of this thread would be 

1. Answer Writing Practice

2. Sharing examples - anecdotes from Current affairs relevant for GS4 Answer writing

3. Any doubts wrt. Paper 4!

Feel free to pool in your suggestions!

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This is good. Will definitely enhance answers by adding such Examples. Could you kindly share some more. Thanks and keep up the great work. 

I have some more content but that is scattered here and there.  It is difficult for me to compile that.

Please ,if someone can advice me a decent test series for ETHICS(Except Vision).I score pretty less in Ethics every year (124 this year) ,hence please suggest any test series which can help me to improve score .
Please ,if someone can advice me a decent test series for ETHICS(Except Vision).I score pretty less in Ethics every year (124 this year) ,hence please suggest any test series which can help me to improve score .

Unsolicited advice from an aspirant who scored similar marks in ethics this year. 

I honestly feel 124 is above average score this year. You can find multiple marksheet of selected candidates with ethics score in your range. 

The point I am trying to make is you might be faultering in some other paper hence unable to make throught. It makes more sense to at least ensure average score in all papers rather than trying to score 160 in one. 

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Please ,if someone can advice me a decent test series for ETHICS(Except Vision).I score pretty less in Ethics every year (124 this year) ,hence please suggest any test series which can help me to improve score .

Unsolicited advice from an aspirant who scored similar marks in ethics this year. 

I honestly feel 124 is above average score this year. You can find multiple marksheet of selected candidates with ethics score in your range. 

The point I am trying to make is you might be faultering in some other paper hence unable to make throught. It makes more sense to at least ensure average score in all papers rather than trying to score 160 in one. 

Thanks a lot for your advice mate .Putting a query on public forum itself means that any reasonable advice from co-aspirants is welcomed .I will definitely consider your advice


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I have this academy gs test batch -19k course. I would like like to sell for even 10k. Ping me if needed.
Hello.I have put this academy gs test batch(2020). But didn't write any test. Want to sell it to anybody(since I didn't clear prelims). 19k test batch for 10k Anybody interested ping me.
Case Study:

A convicted mobster decides to make a charitable contribution. He offers more than $1 million to a hospital to build a children’s wing. He will make the contribution if the new pavilion is named after him. The hospital board accepts the gift, with that stipulation. Do you think the hospital was right in accepting the gift?
Case Study:

A convicted mobster decides to make a charitable contribution. He offers more than $1 million to a hospital to build a children’s wing. He will make the contribution if the new pavilion is named after him. The hospital board accepts the gift, with that stipulation. Do you think the hospital was right in accepting the gift?

Though making donations for charitable purposes is a noble deed and heartening act, the party in question is a mobster and that too convicted. Accepting the contributions from such a person, doesn't matter howsoever big the contribution is, will be tantamount to ignoring his background, past deeds and conviction- an act which is unwarranted. Moreover, the contribution is not unconditional, rather naming the new pavilion after him is a a condition precedent to his contribution. Also, if the gift is accepted after agreeing to the stipulation, besides breaching ethical and moral norms, it will also send wrong message to the society, and people will begin seeing the project from an altogether different angle. Thus, keeping the above assertions in mind I don't think it is morally right on part of the hospital authorities to accept the gift. (137 words) 

Case Study:

A convicted mobster decides to make a charitable contribution. He offers more than $1 million to a hospital to build a children’s wing. He will make the contribution if the new pavilion is named after him. The hospital board accepts the gift, with that stipulation. Do you think the hospital was right in accepting the gift?


why not accept the money?its for a good deed from a man who went in wrong one is going to copy his way of living just because pavilion is named after him.other than thinking that there is a "great person" who donated 10 lakh dollars, does public(including ourselves) enquire the background of donater and how he got the money?no ones past should dictate their future good deeds,its only the attitude  which we should  disagree.Any way it will be mostly public money he looted and atleast its being put to use for good deeds now
any fresh/old serious aspirants willing to work on ethics paper for 7 days contact on premchand253@gmail.i want 2/3 peer group
why not accept the money?its for a good deed from a man who went in wrong one is going to copy his way of living just because pavilion is named after him.other than thinking that there is a "great person" who donated 10 lakh dollars, does public(including ourselves) enquire the background of donater and how he got the money?no ones past should dictate their future good deeds,its only the attitude  which we should  disagree.Any way it will be mostly public money he looted and atleast its being put to use for good deeds now

Such questions are mostly asked to see whether you go by the ethical standards or by your emotions! Let me explain you point wise. 

Why not accept the money? It's for a good deed from a man who went in wrong route. 

The man in question is no minor, not a person of unsound mind, but must be a person who had committed the crimes in his full senses. Accepting his money which in all probability has the likelihood of being earned from illegitimate sources will be like serving the self interest of the hospital while putting no question on the origin and legitimacy of money. This is morally not fair.

Does public (including ourselves) enquire the background of donator and how he got the money?

Not the donation per se but naming of the pavilion is also involved here. Suppose a pavilion is named after A.P.J Abdul Kalam and an other one named after Nirbhaya rapist or any notorious and infamous gangster, won't it be making difference in the minds of the general public? It will actually, and in a considerable way. Naming the pavilion after the mobster in this particular case will go against the goodwill of the hospital and will put a blot on its credibility. 

No one's past should dictate their future good deeds, it's only the attitude which we should disagree.

Past deeds are the acts which people must be accountable for. This is the reason persons convicted of criminal offences have been barred from contesting elections for a particular period, this is the reason Md. Azharuddin was served life ban from playing all forms of Cricket and so on. Even committing criminal offences on many occasions work against a person aspiring to get a government job too. So, it will not be fair to disregard the past deeds. Also, the Gangsters in most of the cases are habitual offenders and even after having successfully completed their sentences, they tend to repeat their heinous crimes when get out of Jail. 

Anyway it will be mostly public money he looted and at least it's being put to use for good deeds now.

Asserting it is not fair in my opinion because it will be a kind of endorsement of his past activities. It was the public money he looted which is totally wrong, so why to accept it in the first place! Moreover, these benevolent acts (like making contributions towards noble causes) are deliberately done by them to project themselves as humanitarians and working for larger public good, and therefore such intentions should never be let succeed. 


@upsc2020 RTE reserved guys r discriminated against by teachers and parents of well off,how il u ensure implementation in true spirit as principal??Btw whts ur optional?

@jarvis145 is price negotiable? if yes then ping me

I am thinking to take sudarshan lodha sir's(covers paper 1 to 4) online classes for 2020 mains .. Anyone willing to share with me please PM.
Looking for a good collection/compilation of examples & personalities that can be quoted in GS paper 4, can someone please share?

Hi I have a doubt related to case study questions

Suppose the question is related to extra judicial killings/custodial deaths, over which being the concerned SP you're carrying out an inquiry. Your superior officer insists you to be delicate and avoid harsh punishment as it may affect the morale of police force.whats going to b your response-

Mine- discuss about the values at stake with my superior and consequences of condoning/not punishing such acts

-might be seen as acceptance of such acts, lead to increase in such case

- may even be used by policemen to settle personal scores, assist corrupt practices

- breach of public trust etc

Now if the superior insists- should I mention that I'll ask for instructions in writing, since it's mentioned in conduct rules that a govt servant had to act according to his best judgement, unless acting under direction of superiors- which needs to be in writing usually, and if given orally in emergencies, needs to be confirmed in writing.

Does this show a confrontational attitude and perhaps too much idealism, or is it reasonable enough to fetch marks.

Please share your views


Hi I have a doubt related to case study questions

Suppose the question is related to extra judicial killings/custodial deaths, over which being the concerned SP you're carrying out an inquiry. Your superior officer insists you to be delicate and avoid harsh punishment as it may affect the morale of police force.whats going to b your response-

Mine- discuss about the values at stake with my superior and consequences of condoning/not punishing such acts

-might be seen as acceptance of such acts, lead to increase in such case

- may even be used by policemen to settle personal scores, assist corrupt practices

- breach of public trust etc

Now if the superior insists- should I mention that I'll ask for instructions in writing, since it's mentioned in conduct rules that a govt servant had to act according to his best judgement, unless acting under direction of superiors- which needs to be in writing usually, and if given orally in emergencies, needs to be confirmed in writing.

Does this show a confrontational attitude and perhaps too much idealism, or is it reasonable enough to fetch marks.

Please share your views

Expanding the situation- any case where your superior asks you to act in a manner in contradiction with your best judgement

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