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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

I will be posting my queries and answers in this thread. others are also welcome to participate.
please help others by clearing their doubts and reviewing their answers.

also,do install camscanner app in case you are uploading any answer...

jack_Sparrow,Allen_Barryand16 otherslike this


@Zohanmukharjeeyes... start answer writing


@Hermioneit's not over till it's over

That's the spirit.

From Invictus:

And yet the menace of the years.

Finds and shall find me unafraid.


@IWRAsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

@Hermioneit's not over till it's over

That's the spirit.

From Invictus:

And yet the menace of the years.

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

Thank you,Inspiring lines !
Plz Spare 2 min to share your strategy how u've managed time while working ? as I'm getting back to my work again now and little bit scared about how I can read the things ,how can I manage time efficiently, as I've failed to clear the first step itself as full time student!


@HermioneI had written this earlier

It may help you

How did you manage your UPSC preparation with a job?

  1. First of all, you need to have a mindset about your current job. It should be treated as a temporary phenomenon in your life. Assume that it is just a job, it is not something where you want to spend your entire life. Your passion and that burning desire for civil services should be your guiding criteria at your work place. So, treat your job as it is: It is secondary to your preparation. By this I don’t mean that you become too negligent at work. That should not be the case and an aspiring civil servant should never do that. You should have that adequate level of efficiency and professionalism and you should be able to complete all your deliverables within time. Don’t run after appraisals. Even if you get a bad one, it is not the end of your life. A little sacrifice is needed for a noble cause.

  2. I suggest that you keep your UPSC preparation a secret affair. I understand that this is applicable mostly to private sector as in public sector one might have to submit NOC and hence revelation.

  3. Plan your time up to minutes and in some cases up to seconds also (I actually calculated how much time it takes to remove a laced shoes and a slip on shoes once I come back from office. I know it does not make much sense, but those who fight for seconds will look for all possible savings they can and that’s what I did. By changing from laced shoes to slip-on shoes I saved 30-40 seconds)

  4. In initial years of preparation when the focus is on building foundation one will have to work extra hard. I remember waking up at 4 AM and reading for 2-3 hrs before leaving for office by 8 AM. So you have to show extra discipline and hardwork in initial years.

  5. It gets difficult to read in evening sometimes due to office fatigue and stress. So set a manageable target in evening, don’t be too greedy.

  6. Mornings are best for working professionals as chances of getting disturbed in morning is almost zero. So plan your sleep cycle accordingly. It is better to read with a fresh mind in the morning

  7. Don’t wait for hardcopy of newspaper. Start reading pdf copies of newspaper (The Hindu/India express). These are easily available in various telegram groups.

  8. Avoid reading on office computers, avoid discussing UPSC topics with colleagues. Stay committed to your work. You can read some news or some articles on your mobile though but do that during tea breaks or during lunch hours. I used to skip lunches and used to read something in that break. You see, you got to be hungry to qualify UPSC?

  9. You have to avoid social gatherings and office parties on purpose. It is just one of the sacrifices you have to make for UPSC.

  10. Avoid confrontation at work place as much as you can. A disturbed mind is not good for preparation. You need to be calm as rock to keep your preparation on track.

  11. Be respectful and kind: everyone you meet is fighting a different battle. Help someone at workplace if you can. I don’t know how it works but positive energy and blessings find a way to help you.

  12. Use telegram extensively as it is faster, saves time and helps in network learning.

  13. Use evernote or other online note making platform for making notes. As a working aspirant it is crucial to have an accessible note making platform in any situation.

  14. Don’t take decisions in haste if you face any setbacks at any stage of exam: pre, mains or interview. Give a week time and get back to preparation again.

  15. Quitting job is not really a solution. Take it as a challenge and assume that you might have to work in even harsher situations and deliver more difficult targets once you become a civil servant. Such a thinking will bring that positive boost to complete you assignments in your current job. It is important to balance UPSC preparation and your professional responsibility.


@Bhagat-singhsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

Lets strt . Shld we strt doing chapter wise or solve ques papers.@doodlebean@IWRA@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh

QPs/Test series QPs... anything.

Key is start the discussion.


Which is better test series , Lukmaan or Pavan Kumar ?


I’m in! Let’s start asap


Hello was an old member, was out of prep back now.. Let's hit it! PYQs and test series.

Also is there any telegram channel where ppl are active?


Webers model can at best be used for analysing the government of the day. Comment


@Thoroughly_Screwedsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

Webers model can at best be used for analysing the government of the day. Comment

Okay I will only post questions and answers, but am here to make this thread active. This is the only place I can find some knowledgeable lot. So will try for a while, if it still doesn't work, will let go of it. First bunch of questions and answers by tonight.


Random picking of questions will not be fruitful. I feel so. We need a planned strategy to complete the syllabus within 45-50 days.


@Hakunah_Matatai think we shld take chapter wise questions from previous years and of classes on daily basis. Finish paper 1 in 25 to 30 days and paper 2 in 15 to 20 days. Also we can do thinkers simultaneously one thinker in 2 to 3 days. What are ur views on it.


Yes, We Should do chapetrwise starting from Paper 1. From when to start ?


Classical Thinkers by tomo? Or day after? Will work?


@Thoroughly_ScrewedI’m ready for tomorrow but I think day after would be better because it’ll give people a day to prepare


@Thoroughly_ScrewedAlso, if you can draw up a plan for the entire week that would be great because it’ll help people plan their prep


@Thoroughly_ScrewedI’m definitely in dude! Let’s gey it started once the plan is in place


I can post the concrete plan by tomorrow evening then, it Think 4 chapters is doable in about a week .

Classical thinkers
Behavioral ( Excluding Simon)
Adm Behaviour

Not to include Dror, Waldo, Drucker and Marx for now.

Please do let me know how many days it will take to do this and if its fine.

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