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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

I will be posting my queries and answers in this thread. others are also welcome to participate.
please help others by clearing their doubts and reviewing their answers.

also,do install camscanner app in case you are uploading any answer...

jack_Sparrow,Allen_Barryand16 otherslike this


@Bhagat-singhbhai qn kaha hai?meri mains nahi, phir bhi main utsuk, bahar nikalo sab and likhna shuru karo...


@IWRAand@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singhwe will need ur guidance here.
@mahi2501@Hakunah_Matata@LalSalaam@Thoroughly_Screwed@iceblock93and all others.

1 A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics also. Comment (1994)
2 Do you think that contemporary Administrative Theory supports the 'art' of public administration and generally tends to place less emphasis on the 'science' of public administration? (1988)
3 "Public administration is the translation of politics into reality that citizens see everyday"(Donald F. Kettl and James W. Fesler) Explain.(2016)
4 "Even after 130 years of its publication, Woodrow Wilsons essay The Study of Administration continues to have great relevance even today." Comment. (2017).
5 " With every major transformation in the applied world of Public Administration, the study of Public Administration has grown in scope and intensity." Discuss the relationship between the evolution of the discipline and profession of Public Administration. (2017)


This doesn't take from can scanner or what?


At work and wrote as much.. Been out of touch for 2 years or more... Wrote bec it had to start somewhere. Will contribute regularly, whenever and as much as I can.


Wilson's statemets pub ad as specific execution of general law and distribution of authority.

Dichotomy led to separation of politics and ADM.

This was invalid due to emergence of various aspects such as NPA Policy Studies, Delegated Legislation and Adm Law. NPS, BB Manifesto etc.

Hence it can be said that theory of pub ad is theory of politics also.

Indian administration - Evident in Minister and Secretary relationship, secretary involved in as much political aspect as a minister involved in ADM.


Will write the rest as and when I can


@Thoroughly_Screwedsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

At work and wrote as much.. Been out of touch for 2 years or more... Wrote bec it had to start somewhere. Will contribute regularly, whenever and as much as I can.


Wilson's statemets pub ad as specific execution of general law and distribution of authority.

Dichotomy led to separation of politics and ADM.

This was invalid due to emergence of various aspects such as NPA Policy Studies, Delegated Legislation and Adm Law. NPS, BB Manifesto etc.

Hence it can be said that theory of pub ad is theory of politics also.

Indian administration - Evident in Minister and Secretary relationship, secretary involved in as much political aspect as a minister involved in ADM.

Does this make any sense? Or no and pls do let me know how to add can scanner scans here. Can put up the whole answer


use the last button for upload



1 A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics also. Comment (1994)

-statement made by Dwight Waldo, one of the foremost thinkers in Public Administration

Classical era
-Wilson: Politics Administration dichotomy (the sphere of PA is removed from the hurry and strife of politics) and focus on making PA less “unbusiness like”
-Fayol’s functionalism and Gulick and Urwick structural approach continued viewing PA as merely “instrumental” with more focus on 3 Es
-Even Behavioralists like Simon focused on creating a science of PA with logical positivism approach and maximising efficiency

But, theory in PA should be grounded in politics:

-As NPA approach showed an instrumental approach will merely enhance the sufferings of the people thereby increasing inequalities. Therefore, a more citizen centric, public oriented and normative approach is the need of the hour (highlighted by Marini, Freidrickson etc)
-even the NPM approach which focused on management and business principles is presently being challenged by NPS approach (Denhardt and Denhardt) which reinstates the democratic accountability and pubic participation
-Similarly the Neo Weberian State and New Public Governance models seeks to bring back centrality is the State and political control in the wake of the experience of Eastern European countries ‘ and the 2008 crisis

Thus, politics and administration are inextricably linked and PA cannot be studied in isolation
Eg: the changing nature and role of district admin after the 73rd and 74th CAA


The study of public administration began its search towards a science of administration. This was evident with the studies of Wilson and other classical theorists. The emphasis was on Structures, Functions, Processes which could be universal in nature.

Later developments such as Decision Making Science of Simon, Policy Sciences and early Development Theorists have also emphasised on the science of administration and adopted similar models across the globe.

This however has been considered ineffective and thrust was on administration as an art as proposed by Critical Theory, Phenomenology, Developmental theory critics who emphasised on management as an art with emphasis the ecology and environment of the administration.

A common ground has to attained based on universal principles being applied to specific situations through CPA, Policy sciences.

Art and science should not be delineated, science should be developed from the art and vice versa.



@GeorgeReddyadi can scanner theesukovatledu.. Only camera and docs nundi theesukuntundi


@iceblock93nice I should have mentioned NWS and NPG somewhere


@Thoroughly_Screwedsaid inOfficial Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers:

The study of public administration began its search towards a science of administration. This was evident with the studies of Wilson and other classical theorists. The emphasis was on Structures, Functions, Processes which could be universal in nature.

Later developments such as Decision Making Science of Simon, Policy Sciences and early Development Theorists have also emphasised on the science of administration and adopted similar models across the globe.

This however has been considered ineffective and thrust was on administration as an art as proposed by Critical Theory, Phenomenology, Developmental theory critics who emphasised on management as an art with emphasis the ecology and environment of the administration.

A common ground has to attained based on universal principles being applied to specific situations through CPA, Policy sciences.

Art and science should not be delineated, science should be developed from the art and vice versa.


Diff approach could have been briefly explain science of ADM principles and shortcomings all in points. And then those theories or paradigms which supported it. Same for art and then finally say both need to come together as in the case of CPA and DA which learner from each other etc. The content would more or less remain the same. Which one do u guys think would be better?


@Bhagat-singh5th was 2017? Don't remember at all.. Skipping 3 and 4th since I wrote those back then.



2 Do you think that contemporary Administrative Theory supports the 'art' of public administration and generally tends to place less emphasis on the 'science' of public administration? (1988)

Whether PA is an art or a science is a debate that vexed many thinkers over the course of the evolution of the discipline
-Wilson known as the father of the discipline wanted PA to be studied as a Science so that more govt could be more fun efficiently
-Taylor ‘s Scientific Management principles focused on creating the one best way for production
-Simon also wanted to create a value free science of PA using his principle of bounded rationality and Behavioralism

The ‘art’ aspect however was emphasised by
-Waldo, Appleby etc in their admin as politics approach where greater discretion and value orientation was called for in administration
-contemporary theories like good governance approach similarly focus on greater value orientation in admin with enhanced citizen participation and accountability
-contingency theorists suggest that there is no ‘one best way’ of structuring an organisation and it’s dependent on the environment
-Post modernist and Feminist approaches also call for a greater emphasis on the marginalised, vulnerable, esp the women. Thus, rationality and efficiency are de emphasised

However, to say there is less of science in PA now is not true
-Taylorian principles such as one best way are needed even more in era of Digital governance as BPR and other activities need to be carried out before their implementation (eg Digital India)
-Principles of NPM such as privatisation and outsourcing are also being to enhance efficiency (eg privatisation of air India is in the works)
-even as contingent theories have questioned the utility of bureaucratic structures and process the State has made a comeback as seen in the Neo Weberian State model which is vital in the era of network governance (eg to hold private players accountable)

Thus, while a more discretionary and normative role is being still called for in admin, scientific principles and practices have not completely lost their relevance


3 "Public administration is the translation of politics into reality that citizens see everyday"(Donald F. Kettl and James W. Fesler) Explain.(2016)

As Wilson rightly defined, PA is the detailed and systematic implementation of public law. It deals with translating political values and decisions into actionable policy outcomes in the lives of citizens

-Goodnow remarked that politics dealt with the “expression of the general will” of the people and PA converted them into reality
-Politics through consensus, negotiations and bargaining among various groups (Pluralist Theory) decided upon the values to be achieved. The PA in turn uses principles of Scientific Management (Taylorism) to implement them in the most efficient and effective manner eg: DBT VS PDS system to ensure food security
-As Gulick abd Urwick pointed out POSDCoRB techniques which encompass planning, personnel admin, financial administration and other gamut of activities are utilised to deliver policy goals eg: Outcome Bufgeting to improve deliverables

However, PA not only plays an instrumental role. It also participated in political process by
-providing inputs to Political class during policy formulation (Appleby)
-NPA approach called for PA to be more proactive and citizen centric and not merely instrumental
-Public choice theorists also point out how Budget maximising tendencies affect financial efficiency

Therefore, while the main job of PA is to implement the policies the lines btw politics and admin are increasingly becoming blurred du to new approaches such as good governance etc


Study of Administration as a separate discipline started with Wilson's The Study of Administration, it has been continuously evolving with changes in the profession or application.

This can be observed in the following developments

Industrial Revolution : Scientific Management

Hawthorne Experiments : Behavioralism and Human Relations Approach.

3rd World Reconstruction Programmes : CPA

LPG : Governance

(not sure of the 1st and 4th)

However profession \ application is equally dependent on the theory or study of administration. Theory has often led to development of practice.

Weber : Implementation of the bureaucratic structures

NPM : 4Ds of public administration

CPA : Led to Development Administration

Governance theory has led to the evolution of Networked administration

NPS, NPG have put the state at the centre yet again.

Theory and practice have a chicken and egg relation which are interdependent and learn from each other to ensure continuous development and evolution of the discipline


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I will post other ans by night.

@IWRA@Thoroughly_Screwed@iceblock93@mahi2501plz review. This and of others also.


@iceblock93use of NpM , NpS , Npa was nice . Learnt how to interlink from this ans . I would suggest if possible to write on paper.


@Thoroughly_Screwed. I think its just an outline of ur ans . U have covered it nicely. For uploading images@GeorgeReddyhas answered . If u still face the prblm uploading the ans plz do ask sir.
Also@iceblock93and@Thoroughly_Screwedwhen u upload ur ans tag@iwra@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singhand others to review ur ans. Bcoz most of them will not know and review the ans if its not tagged.@mahi2501@LalSalaam@Hakunah_Matata@prowessand others plz start writing. Write atleast one ans today.


@Bhagat-singh![0_1560263039190_1560262979771323231179426741662.jpg](Uploading 0%)

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