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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

I will be posting my queries and answers in this thread. others are also welcome to participate.
please help others by clearing their doubts and reviewing their answers.

also,do install camscanner app in case you are uploading any answer...

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@Bhagat-singh![0_1560263070753_15602630604567082396313934538523.jpg](Uploading 0%)


There’s no upload option on mobile? I’m using safari browser


@Bhagat-singhI wrote the first few while I was at work. I’ve written the others on paper but I don’t know how to upload it?


New Doc 2019-06-11 22.37.49_2.jpgNew Doc 2019-06-11 22.37.49_1.jpg

Please review. I have tried to integrate elements of Paper 2 in this as well.


@Bhagat-singhliked your diagram...answer it to the point...could have mentioned that in prismatic society the politics -adminsitrative linkages are further strong


@LalSalaamGood introduction.

Orientation of answer needs improvement.

Certain points are good like that DA diagram and Political values linkages.

Give more dimensions:

An administrator does not work in a vacuum. He has to work in a political environment and hence understanding of political Environment needs a study of politics also.

Policy implications: Wildavsky covered role of politics in budgeting process which affects the overall administration in the end. So study of politics is important.

The CPA Brach of Public administration studies not only the administration but also politics of various states as politics affect administration. Example: Britain and Saudi Arabia political setting are different and hence administration typology is different.

Success of any administration depends on various factors. The system approach would highlight the need of studying politics as it will form part of environment.

Similar linkages can be thought of, with aim to explain why study of politics is essential part of PA discipline.


Yo!!@Bhagat-singhno questions? Was travelling, couldn't get back. Sorry.. Also do post questions from some test series if u have access. Thanks bro!


Long back someone posted the explanation of words such as Post Modernism, Phenomenology etc from Synergy I think. If someone has that doc please share. TIA


@Thoroughly_Screwedi dnt have test papers of other institutes. If u have then u can add questions here.
@iwra@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singhif u could plz explain phenomenological approach and deductive-nomological, inductive- probabilistic concepts.
1 " The Phenomenological approach advocated by the New Public Administration has obstructed the path of theory building in Public Administration." Comment. (2018)
2 "NPA is........ a revolution or radicalism in words , and (at best) status quoist in skills or technologies." (2009)
3 ' Deductive - nomological and inductive - probabilistic approaches dominate NPA' (Marini). Discuss (1987)
4 In what respects is Taylors Scientific Management or Classical motivational theory different from the Classical organizational theory expounded by Gullick, Urwick etc ? (2012)
5 Taylors Scientific Management already offered a humanistic theory of motivation, wih its democratic and participatory emphasis, that was hardly improved on by Elton Mayo and others. Comment (1994)


@Bhagat-singhwill read up and reply bro! Need to brush up a bit! Held up! Will do by saturday


Hello guys.
Hope your prep is going good. Many have been asking about linkages and how to use thinkers in answer. I am attempting to address your query here.

The most important part of pub ad syllabus is Administrative thinkers & Administrative behaviour in my opinion. So, ensure that all key ideas of every single thinker is on your finger tips. whatever sources you are referring to cover thinkers: be it Aribam, P&P or your classroom coaching notes, ensure that you summarise all thinkers in 4-5 key ideas and be ready to use in your answers.

Again, first have a broad understanding of thinkers classification: from classical to human relations, behavioural and modern thinkers, what do they focus upon etc.

Just to elaborate, classical thinkers focus on 2M (Machine and Method) but it is human relations and behavioural thinkers who brought focus on 3rd M--that is Man aspect in organisation. This can be represented through a triangle in answers: Machine and method at base, Man at top. In sides, mention important thinkers. For example: Taylor, Fayol, Urwick, Gullic, Weber will come at base while Mayo, Follet, Likert, Chris Argyris, Barnard, Simon, Maslow, McGregor will come at top (they focus not only on machine and methodology but also quite a lot on man in the organisation).

Now with respect to individual thinkers prepare central ideas and keep thinking examples from Indian administration and other contemporary areas (modern corporate practices, factory working etc).

For example:

F.W.Taylor: His scientific management theory talks about differential piece rate system. You can link it with overnight duties done in few factories where employees are paid more than the normal day rate for night duty which extends beyond their day duty. Time and motion study can be linked to red Tapism and Indian government's recent focus on curbing same. By target based monitoring with timelines we are tackling the problems of red Taoism. Thus digitalisation of process is field level of implementation of time and motion study. The legal enforcement of same comes from citizen charters and right to service legislation. This is the applied part of Taylor's work.

Let's take another thinker: Chris Argyris. When it comes to Chris Argyris, his central work should come to your mind. His concept of incongruency between employees need and organisation demand, maturity-immaturity theory, fusion process, T-group etc should be on your fingertips. Let's see some descriptives, linkages and applied part.

In the descriptives, simply write the incongruence, maturity-immaturity theory and fusion process theory in your own words. You don't have to use the language of P&P or MB or Aribam (though Aribam has most simple expression). Use your own words and substantiate with examples. This is what I call "descriptives" of a thinker ideas ..extending it in your own word. For example, I would write that: Argryris has highlighted that there is basic incongruency b/w employees and organisation. Both want different things. Organisation demands that employees should work hard to achieve its goals, however employees feel that their needs are not being felt. For example: An employee would like to work on new skill but organisation would not allow that and rather want the employee to focus on an old project. This incogruency leads to dissatisfaction, low morale and ultimately poor productivity. As a solution, Argyris has suggested Fusion process where the needs of employee is fitted with organisation demands. This is where the role of manager becomes crucial also. Based on the new projects that company is taking few employees who have interest in these areas can be given responsibility to look into it. In many companies the HR follows talent rotation across various verticals to ensure emolyees skills are developed and they don't feel stagnated. This is one example how fusion can work. The supervisor/manager has a big role in ensuring that fusion process is implemented effectively.

What I have written above is not to be found in any book. It is my own language.

So, try to write central ideas of thinkers in your own languages and link it with various examples.


Some linkages:

Smart city mission: Municipality and Special purpose vehicle(SPV)should have "Power with" rather "power over" attitude in implementing smart city mission.( Follet: Power with rather than Power over)

SHG based on "creative experience" and "group dynamics" of rural women. SHG and going forward FPO( Farmer Producers Organisation) are institutions based on depersonalising authority and everyone takes order/instruction based on situation.( MP Follet: Depersonalization of order)

Constructive conflict and conflict resolution by integration in basin based river water management. Cauveri river dispute needs to have a solution by integration and not by domination, therefore move towards a basin based approach is needed( Integrationist view of a river vs state view of a river)[MPF: Conflict resolution by integration]


Looks like we struck a stumbling block already. All of you all writing somewhere else or not been able to spend time on studying and writing? I think this platform is going to be tough. Shall we move to Telegram.. That is much more convenient since e don't have to log in somewhere separately. Can someone make a group?


@Thoroughly_Screwed@LalSalaam@LalSalaam@GeorgeReddy@iceblock93@Hakunah_Matataevery other person who is active here and wants to write. Rankers with due permission can also be added if they can find some time to look up answers. Please see if this is possible. Think you.


hello everyone. i am a beginner starting for pub ad from now. i want to ask how to identify current which will be good example in answers. as i know nothing , it is very difficult for me to identify the good governance, psu etc examples.


Guys, I am sharing my pub ad notes or any other tip/guidelines which can act as a nudge fo you and force you to read something ...I try to upload something daily to keep you all engaged..

Here is the link of my channel ..Share with pub ad students.

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