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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@redemption I don't know about him. But even disregarding all his information, the fact is that the Chinese maintain what they call reeducation camps. Given China's political culture and its bloody history of purges, these reeducation camps do not seem to have an altruistic purpose behind them. 

As long as the CIA's wrong doings come out and no one is persecuted for blowing the whistle, I feel the system works. The crime itself cannot be stopped before its commission in any society. It is how that society deals with such crimes after their commission that defines it.

>As long as the CIA's wrong doings come out and no one is persecuted for blowing the whistle, I feel the system works. The crime itself cannot be stopped before its commission in any society. It is how that society deals with such crimes after their commission that defines it.

How many times will you repeat the same thing? Please read up unabomber. You will find out "whistleblower protection". Please read up coup on bolivia for lithium and read about how pinochet was imposed on chile. Please read up what happened to those who spoke up against the apparatus

@cat  yaar blood boiling taunts na karke kuch accha points/ graphs laya kar next time se. Hum bhi kuch seekh jayenge fir uske chalte. 

How can you learn from supposed neo liberals🤔Isme bhi koi conspiracy theory ghusa do good entertainment. 

@redemption I trust you didn't care for my point about identity of the person making an argument being irrelevant. Also, I didn't say concentration camps so that gratuitous questionnaire you penned is irrelevant. Since you asked, there are reports by Patrick Poon, Amnesty, yada yada. You'd be glad to know even comrade Chomsky has appended his name to one of the letters that he keeps appending his name to, which deal with the Uighur crisis. There are of course accounts by Uighurs who live outside China but who have family being tormented there, not one account but many, one only has to look. What has the trilateral commission got to do with this? Are we balancing my evils vs your evil, shall we reel off names irrelevant to the Uighur issue? Milosevic, Mugabe, both supported by the CCP while they were useful, etc. etc. but what's the point! Please remember that the anti terror bogey being used by CCP against the Uighurs is the same that is used by all tyrants elsewhere too, including in India now. That's not to say there isn't Islamic terror, there is, and certainly in Xinjiang, but it's being exploited for political ends too. 

Arrey yaar, you guys diverted. Please keep it to Sen v/s Bhagwati no?
We can have crimes/freedoms/ human rights as a branch of this discussion, not the core. 

@Lemillion 'Sen and Bhagwati' has been wrung dry by the UPSC aspirants over the years, time to give the old ghosts some rest I'd say. Tum ye batao exam hoga ki nahin?


what about him? He was in the wrong place in the wrong time and the experiments addled his brain. Is there a conspiracy theory involving him? But do you accept my other points - that China would censor content not in line with the official ideology and it hides the scale of atrocities it has committed on its own people? Even in the recent Galwan valley clash, China has not released the number of its casualties. 

During its heyday, the US has executed a number of infamous coups. But has not the tide turned? A strong anti-war and anti- coup sentiment is now surging across the US. People take the knee, burn flags and express their opinions freely. Is anyone made to disappear? Now compare these with China. From Mao's Great Leap Forward to Tiananmen square massacre to these fishy reeducation camps, what has changed? Do we know anything about China that does not come from its foreign ministry spokespersons? The Chinese people are not citizens but subjects with no agency who live at the mercy of the Chinese govt.

@Handshake  Ye Shekhar Gupta ji bahot acha video upload kiye hain corona pe. Isko dekhke I feel a lein 4 ko to hi better hai! Dekhna!

@vision2020 sentiments have turned? Bolivia? Bolivia? Literally happened last year

@Handshake see, my point is USA doesn't have the right to sermonize anyone over anything. Neither china nor india. Do I support chinese camps? No. Do I support the kashmir experiment? No. 

@necromancer  again I have never said that CCP is doing re education and the camps are good. Never have I said that the camps should exist. Never.

What I have said is most of the material available throughout and the "exaggeration" involved is to push more propaganda. Its mere propaganda . There's a lot of difference between not trusting murican mouthpieces and being a CCP lackey

@Lemillion Thanks for this man! Immunological dark matter is worthy of spending some time on now! 

@redemption umm okay, I won't wade into the Kashmir matter for the night is precious, so that keeps my boat afloat. Good day!

@vision2020 yeah, really so good. People come burn flags and disappear. Obviously. Had they been able to rise and organize, the native American population would not have been reduced to a bloody sanctuary in USA. When the state kills people with impunity, its tossed into the bin, coz maybe its legal. It's also because white lives and colonist lives matters more than the tribal life. Yes. That's not what I said. Godfather of liberalism hayek said. Hayek said we should not consider all lives as equal. Had there been no revolution cuba would have remained under batista and become a colony. What happened in Chile? Millions killed for raising voice against pinochet. Who cared? None. 
@redemption Interesting bit on Hayek... I quite admire his intellect. If possible, please share a link or reference for the assertion made, I'd like to read. Here or DM, thanks.

@Handshake  Obviously, every guy of science "supports hayek". Interestingly hayekian economics and austrian school is the only fraudulent school that isn't backed by any mathematics. (Yet they speak about empirical evidences etc etc)


Also@necromancer , next time se don't delete stuff after posting coz email mein dikh jaata hain. Anyways. Anything that puts you peoples view points to question, is "untruth". So, hey, whatever floats your boat.


Gentlemen, let me just put my 16 annas on the table. Wow, simply wow👏👏👏

@redemption What? You comprehended that as Hayek saying non white lives don't matter? Here Hayek is reflecting on the problem of choice and initital conditions by relating the offers he had from several nations for the upkeep of his children were he to perish in the Nazi bombings in London. He argues that the choice for a man his age with social connections is going to be different from the choice he'd make for his children. (Europe I guess vs USA), And then adds that in conducting this thought experiment he has assumed his children would be brought up by a white family than a black one. If anything that bracketed revelation of assumptions shows that he clearly understood that life chances are not the same for a white and a non white child in the US!!

Anyway, it is not a good strategy to pummel your head with ideological ideas so early on in life, for everything will then seem impure by your acid tests of morality. Hayek for instance was quite in favour of some govt intervention, including healthcare etc. but ideologues paint him otherwise.

I don't know what a 'guy of science' is. 

@Handshake please read again. Being intellectually dishonest is not a good way forward. Hayek clearly states that we shouldforget inequalities that are present already and consider them an accident and move forward, and inequalities lead to a better elite. 

I hope you write the same on EWS and reservation answers in UPSC, we should forget inequalities, caste system is an accident and it leads to a better elite

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