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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Being a MGP student how can I get 40% concession on essay 2020 test series? Inside the plan document it is not written clearly.

By 4th October, for the exam to happen:

१. Daily death toll should be near zero.

२. There has to be no containment zone anywhere in India.

३. Herd immunity to levels of more than sixty percent should be reached.

४. Or a vaccine should have been developed.

Otherwise, they will have to shift the date once again to some further date.

Here's a fact: Corona reached US in early Feb, after four months today, their daily death toll is still १०००+. And statistically, it will need more than two months AT MINIMUM to reach about zero daily toll. That's a period of six months very conservatively disregarding any other negative factor. And India is four times USA in population. And we have slowed down the spread meaning it will take yet longer to reach peaks/plateau top and then taper off.

Logically bole to Meri baat maano, chill karo is saal. No exam is possible this year, especially in favourite months of flu.If not that itna to hai October mein bhi hone ke chances bahut kam hain.


PS: Two minutes silence for those KUTAs (Keen & unimaginative type aspirants) who were illogically spreading the news (and fear) that exam will be taken on time (३१ May) earlier and then July/August. Hari Om🙏

Disagree. Many competitive exams will happen before prelims.. ie JEE, NEET etc. These exams can still be pushed back from current dates but they will happen considering the impact they have on academic cycles.

The impact of these exams will be crucial in deciding whether covid can stop upsc prelims in my opinion. 

I feel there will be two scenarios

1. Where the doubling time of cases is at around 18-20 days (across country) despite opening up of activity/conducting exams. Exam can happen

2. Doubling time of cases gets worse.. like it is getting worse in delhi right now (at around 11 days, also test positivity around 25%). This will make state/district governements go from unlock->lockdown all over again. This scenario is bad and exams will not happen. 

If you say that exam will happen only when death toll is near zero, i feel this day is way too far away(unless vaccine comes up). Better metrics to see whether covid is in control is doubling time, test positivity rate.

I believe large countries like India, USA can't win over corona, we can only slow it down to keep the in flow of cases within the health infra capacity. Smaller countries like NZ, Aus, many in Europe have the luxury to bring daily death toll to neigligible. 

May Kasahara,MaeveWiley
Buddies,  Ye notes ke liye pankaj copiers wale sahi hai? Fake toh nahi hai... through Online order 
Buddies,  Ye notes ke liye pankaj copiers wale sahi hai? Fake toh nahi hai... through Online order 

See if imagerunners is delivering. Good quality and professional people in my personal experience.

@Phagocyte thank you freind.


Current affairs ke revision ke liye kaun-sa monthly compilation sahi rahega abhi?

ya seedhe PT365 hi ratt loon ?

ye bhi bata do koi

@Phagocyte bro they deliver to gurgaon also ?

Why forumias CA program costs so much high?For 2021 its 26k.Is it that good? Even their CA for prelims costs more than PPC.Is it worth it?

Current affairs ke revision ke liye kaun-sa monthly compilation sahi rahega abhi?

ya seedhe PT365 hi ratt loon ?

ye bhi bata do koi

Bhaiya mere : Time bahut hai, January 2019 se lekar August 2020 taak ke, Vision aur Insights ke monthly CA padhunga.

~Pt 365 dokha dega, pura Content padho,monthwise.


» show previous quotes

Bhaiya mere : Time bahut hai, January 2019 se lekar August 2020 taak ke, Vision aur Insights ke monthly CA padhunga.

~Pt 365 dokha dega, pura Content padho,monthwise.

+ Mains ke liye monthly hi best hai gurudev. Double exercise kaiko karna


Despite not clearing mains thrice.. i will take the liberty to give some gyaan. 

If you like vision content, read monthlies and avoid pt,mains 365 as someone else also suggested above. I see many people reading monthly all the year, abandoning them to pick up pt and mains 365 just before the respective exams. I'm guilty of doing the same in my first attempt. 

If you are a first timer or second timer, develop the awareness to figure which topic of your monthly book is relevant for pre only, mains only, pre + mains. Stick to the same books for the 1.5 year. 

Pt365,mains365 make you feel like you are reading new content though you've already read it all. Once you perfect your monthly book(3-4 readings each for 12 months at least ), if time permits look at the index of pt365 and see if you can find sth that might have slipped. 

Kira0705,Raillifeand4 otherslike this
Why is vision magazine more popular than others. For example I like insights because it has greater horizontal coverage from prelims perspective and also provides useful data. Vision magazines I found that are quite detailed in coverage but only limited number of topics are covered .  Share your reasons why you guys prefer vision

Why is vision magazine more popular than others. For example I like insights because it has greater horizontal coverage from prelims perspective and also provides useful data. Vision magazines I found that are quite detailed in coverage but only limited number of topics are covered .  Share your reasons why you guys prefer vision

For me, 1. Lucidity : Vision is lucid. Language is easy. It is easier to understand overall. Insights looks like copy pasted from Wikipedia. 

2. Vision covers background and related news in the boxes and they also use pictures (infographics). These aid in better retention and helps in interlinking of concepts. Insights looks little dry. I believe in understanding things and not mugging up.

3. Vision provides a better outline of information i.e. starting with why in news? Issues, background info, pros ,cons, way forward. This again really helps.

4. Coverage might be limited but whatever is covered in vision is covered holistically. You dont need to refer any other source for that topic.


Basically, looking at the number of days left, I can pick up only 1 monthly compilation. 

So, can anyone give analysis ofVisionvs.Insightvs.IASBaba (monthly + babapedia)vs.Drishti

If you can share your experience, it will be easier for me and other fresh aspirants to make an informed decision and stick to 1 source till the exam.


Basically, looking at the number of days left, I can pick up only 1 monthly compilation. 

So, can anyone give analysis ofVisionvs.Insightvs.IASBaba (monthly + babapedia)vs.Drishti

If you can share your experience, it will be easier for me and other fresh aspirants to make an informed decision and stick to 1 source till the exam.

My 2 cents. Go with Drishti. Daily News and Analysis if possible. Why-

1. Unlike Insights, it does not merely copy pastes stuff and makes the analysis readable and understandable. I followed Insights from July- November. Since December, I have been exclusively following Drishti.

2. Vision too is good. I followed Monthlies during 2018-19 attempt. But I always have a feeling that in their pursuit to put more content in less number of pages, they sometime bombard too much of content.

3. Drishti has decent horizontal as well as vertical coverage. Give it a try. You probably will like it.

4. And for Mains GS,there is nothing as good as Insights Secure Initiative,though it takes a good amount of time.

How's NextIAS monthly?
Why forumias CA program costs so much high?For 2021 its 26k.Is it that good? Even their CA for prelims costs more than PPC.Is it worth it?

@LeoMessi  I think its because of the quality. The CA taken by Dipin sir is unmatched. 

However, i have no idea about PPC. But for CA its i think because of the coverage and the relevant stuff you are taught. 

PS : Views may vary :) 


Basically, looking at the number of days left, I can pick up only 1 monthly compilation. 

So, can anyone give analysis ofVisionvs.Insightvs.IASBaba (monthly + babapedia)vs.Drishti

If you can share your experience, it will be easier for me and other fresh aspirants to make an informed decision and stick to 1 source till the exam.

My 2 cents. Go with Drishti. Daily News and Analysis if possible. Why-

1. Unlike Insights, it does not merely copy pastes stuff and makes the analysis readable and understandable. I followed Insights from July- November. Since December, I have been exclusively following Drishti.

2. Vision too is good. I followed Monthlies during 2018-19 attempt. But I always have a feeling that in their pursuit to put more content in less number of pages, they sometime bombard too much of content.

3. Drishti has decent horizontal as well as vertical coverage. Give it a try. You probably will like it.

4. And for Mains GS,there is nothing as good as Insights Secure Initiative,though it takes a good amount of time.

Do you think insights secure is worth doing? i mean the compilation they provide of questions and answers is really huge. I have just seen that compilation. Never read that. Don't know if the cost-benefit is good? I think they provide 10 questions daily. So all in all 3600 questions in a year. (300*12). That's like too much! Even upsc in gs 2 and gs 3 doesn't ask all 20 questions of current affairs only. They also don't follow any pattern like they won't restrict to last one year. Some questions are generic. Mostly will be be contemporary i.e. based on the theme of last 4-5 years be it economy or polity. And some static too. 


Basically, looking at the number of days left, I can pick up only 1 monthly compilation. 

So, can anyone give analysis ofVisionvs.Insightvs.IASBaba (monthly + babapedia)vs.Drishti

If you can share your experience, it will be easier for me and other fresh aspirants to make an informed decision and stick to 1 source till the exam.

My 2 cents. Go with Drishti. Daily News and Analysis if possible. Why-

1. Unlike Insights, it does not merely copy pastes stuff and makes the analysis readable and understandable. I followed Insights from July- November. Since December, I have been exclusively following Drishti.

2. Vision too is good. I followed Monthlies during 2018-19 attempt. But I always have a feeling that in their pursuit to put more content in less number of pages, they sometime bombard too much of content.

3. Drishti has decent horizontal as well as vertical coverage. Give it a try. You probably will like it.

4. And for Mains GS,there is nothing as good as Insights Secure Initiative,though it takes a good amount of time.

Do you think insights secure is worth doing? i mean the compilation they provide of questions and answers is really huge. I have just seen that compilation. Never read that. Don't know if the cost-benefit is good? I think they provide 10 questions daily. So all in all 3600 questions in a year. (300*12). That's like too much! Even upsc in gs 2 and gs 3 doesn't ask all 20 questions of current affairs only. They also don't follow any pattern like they won't restrict to last one year. Some questions are generic. Mostly will be be contemporary i.e. based on the theme of last 4-5 years be it economy or polity. And some static too. 

Please do not do insights secure at all. I have suffered from it for 2 years as I actually thought that doing it will help. It is trues that you come up with many types of questions. But if I have cleared Mains in my fourth attempt only because for 2 years i was busy doing secure bogged down the huge bulk and volume of it. 

You will feel all good while seeing the compilation, but in the end there will be so much duplication of content that you will end up with khichdi. You will not be able to write consistent matter on any question, becuas every time a new type of answer will be given. It is true that we need perspectives, but it was only this year for my Mains I realised that you dont need to write 100 answers on same topic. I did forum current affairs and faculty did one single document of 2-3 pages on each issue. That is what you need in the end before Mains. If you have 100 pages on Covid 19 before Mains, you are screwed. You will get max of 1 question each in all four papers.

At the end of the year you will have thousands of questions and no coherence, and you will be forced to join some classes at the last moment - after doing secure for 2 years. And I am not saying from my own experience, but from experience of entire group of people who followed secure religiously.

Main thing is nobody is there to tell and we dont know until we pay for by wasting 1-2 years. So save yourself a year or two, dont waste time over secure. 

mightyraju,Deepak802and17 otherslike this
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