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Hello All,

The Group usage here is a little cumbersome, so I am creating this thread to make sure that all questions with doubts stay in one place. Can someone push all the doubts and queries here? I will make this an announcement?

-Faceless, Anonymous "root"

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@ranahere999 true. 
Otherwise it's like reading too much into the question.

@nautiyalneha2326865  act says minimum 60 days.
But the ques doesn't mention minimum word.
If you read the statement again.. you will find it correct as notice can be served even after 90 days..
Minimum is 60 ..but there is no limitation after that.

Wew! That was deep.


Test 38 Q 28

All the statements are correct.

Therefore Ans should be 'D' not 'C'

Central Zoo Authority was established under Wildlife Protection Act 1972.

Reference Link below

@AsMecCa option has "in" 1972.It's under wildlife protection act but not established in 1972.

Oh you are right.
I missed that.

@AsMecCa  actually it was a typo error, as was discussed in the class.
But it makes the statement wrong so the option is wrong.


Q -29

As discussed in the class as well as clearly mentioned in the EPA act 1986, Statement 3 is incorrect.The act says

 “ any person who has given notice of not less than sixty days, in the manner prescribed, of the alleged offence and of his intention to make a complaint, to the Central Government or the authority
 or officer authorised as aforesaid.“

The 3rd option says “A court” and 90 days, which makes it incorrect. The answer should be 1 only ( option A) and not 1&3 only ( option B) which has been given in answer key.


As conveyed  to us in discussion and mentioned in the body of CAMPA act, Minster MoEFCC is indeed the chairperson. Hence, 2&3 should correct ( option B) and not the 3 only ( option C).
Amonga,TheMiddlePathand2 otherslike this

Please check the question no 29. 

HFC though relatively small, but do contribute to ozone depletion as can be seen on various sources including NASA.

The answer should be then 1 and 2 .. which is a not an option in question.

Kindly look into it.

It is a study thatclaimsto be so. However, the NIOS books and government data referer to otherwise.  Further, the Kigali agreement had referred to it as a gas with green house warming potential without referring to ozone depletion. Hence I did not change the answer. 

Anyways this kind of questions are dynamic in nature which can be justified in either way but we are going with Kigali Amendment and other government sources.  



Statement 3 of Q47 test 37 (About IPCC) given wrong as per answer key.  Can anyone make me understand it please?

Through its assessments, the IPCC determines the state of knowledge on climate change. It identifies where there is an agreement in the scientific community on topics related to climate change, and where further research is needed. The reports are drafted and reviewed in several stages, thus guaranteeing objectivity and transparency.  The IPCC does not conduct its own research. It also doesn't monitor climate-related data. It is a scientific body. It reviews and assesses the most scientific and technical information which is important in understanding climate change. 


@Thinker sir stmt 2 in ques no 6 i think stmt should be "will start phasing down by 2028 or "will be phasing down HFCs from 2018". Stmt " will be phasing down by 2028"giving imression as if they would stopped using HFC in 2028 itself,making it wrong

India will freeze its manufacturing and consumption of HFCs in 2028 and start reducing it from 2032 to 2047 with reference to the baseline years 2024, 2025 and 2026. India has agreed to phase out 10 percent of HFCs in 2032, 20 percent in 2037, 30 percent in 2042 and 85 percent in 2047.

Please refer to the links given below.

@Thinker Kindly look into following doubts/queries regardingTEST 38

1. Question No. 23

The Chairperson for CAMPA is Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

The answer should perhaps be "B" both 2&3accordingly.

Click here for official CAMPA Act, 2016 -Kindly refer Page 7, Article 8(4)

2. Question No. 29

The time for notice is 60 days and not 90 days.

The answer should perhaps be"A"1 onlyaccordingly.

Click here for official EPA, 1986 -Kindly refer Page 278, Chapter IV-Para-19(b)

3. Question No. 46

Click here for official Biological Diversity Act,1986 -Kindly refer Page 3, Chapter II, Para-3(2)(b)

As per act"a citizen of India, who is a non-resident as defined in clause (30) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 196 1",or NRI in common terms is required to take approval from NBA.

NRI is a miniscule sub-set of "a citizen of india", as mentioned in Question 46(1)

If a subset satisfies a particular condition, its supersetcannot be deduced to necessarily satisfy the same. (although the vice-versa is true)

Hence, the"a citizen of india"if not defined further, probably refers to 99+percent citizens residing in India, who need not take approval of NBA.

The answer should perhaps be "B" both 2&3 accordingly.

Request you to kindly pay heed to the doubts/queries and make changes to key, if required.

SFG 38, QUES 29:

The Act mentions that No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act except on a complaint made by any person who has given notice of not less than sixty days, in the manner prescribed, of the alleged offence and of his intention to make a complaint, to the Central Government or the authority or officer authorized as aforesaid. 
The third statement in the question mentions that the court can take cognizance of an offence under this act on a complaint made by a person with prior notice of 90 days
90 days here is more than 60 days and hence the court can entertain the offence.

SFG 38, QUES 46

Had the statement mentioned ANY citizen of India, the statement would have been wrong. But an NRI is a citizen of India that makes the statement correct.
@Thinker Ok. Thank you sir. 

@Thinker What about question 3?Please correct it 


Sir, as per the answer key Question 17 (Test no.39) stands cancelled. Reason ? 


Sir, as per the answer key Question 17 (Test no.39) stands cancelled. Reason ? 

The reason has been stated at the bottom of the Key itself. Please check.



@Thinker What about question 3?Please correct it 

Which test?

@Thinker Okay Sir.
IUCN status of Pigmy Hog hasn't been assessed since 2016 it seems.
As per Down to Earth magazine's article (2018) and Shankar IAS'
(Chapter 12) they are Critically Engangered. What should be the final status then ?  

@Thinker Okay Sir.
IUCN status of Pigmy Hog hasn't been assessed since 2016 it seems.
As per Down to Earth magazine's article (2018) and Shankar IAS'
(Chapter 12) they are Critically Engangered. What should be the final status then ?  

The revised publication of IUCN in 2019 mentions it as Endangered. Thus we shall consider it as Endangered only.



Kindly tell the corresponding Ramesh Singh Chapters (10th edition) for the Economics SFG tests

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