@Neyawn I was reading the notice for PSIR optional AWFG to join the same.
Do we get any model answers or any contemporary affairs-related value addition material after the tests? If not, is it possible as an add-on from now? Like, a half-page of collated pointers for each test?!
Targets for 22 Nov' 24
1. Notes for MGP HLT #11
FP basics, US, Bdesh, Africa, Neighbourhood, NAM, UNSC, Russia, SCO, Indo Pacific
2. Optional: mindmap for WPT
3. Daily CA at night
4. Watch 1 hr of Sept Recitals video
Did 2, 3. Didnt even start 1,4. Need to be more realistic through micro plans.
23rd Nov'24
1. Complete Mindmaps 3/9
2. OAWFG test
3. Daily CA
4. 2 hrs recitals video
5. Planning to make tortellini al ragu this weekend. May I post a picture? 👽
Targets for 22 Nov' 24
1. Notes for MGP HLT #11
FP basics, US, Bdesh, Africa, Neighbourhood, NAM, UNSC, Russia, SCO, Indo Pacific
2. Optional: mindmap for WPT
3. Daily CA at night
4. Watch 1 hr of Sept Recitals video
Did 2, 3. Didnt even start 1,4. Need to be more realistic through micro plans.
23rd Nov'24
1. Complete Mindmaps 3/9
2. OAWFG test
3. Daily CA
4. 2 hrs recitals video
5. Planning to make tortellini al ragu this weekend. May I post a picture? 👽
Did 1,2,3. Found a more effecient way for 4. 5 for today.
24th Nov' 24
1. Weekly CA magazine
2. MGP Test prep: IR