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[Community Initiative] Thread for Posting Performance Sheet. (Reviving For SFG 2022)

Post your performance sheet of SFG  in this thread,It is to  track our own mistakes and also to compare our mistakes with others.

Rationale behind continuing with same thread

  • it becomes a good repository for longtime.
  • Creating new threads making confusion in forum.
  • Back then during discuss platform oldies used single thread so we will do it in old way.
  • The previous work motivates some to participate.


  • Pls don't use this thread for discussing anything.
  • Only use it,for uploading ur performance sheet(dont just upload score,pls do upload ur mistakes n if possible add a "y")(u can take reference from others previous work).

Google sheet to compare scores & gauge ones performance:

Please don't alter the google sheet, just enter your score. 


1)Sfg Related Discussion Thread:

2)Any UPSC Related Doubts:

3) Previous Year UPSC Prelims Questions Thread:

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand41 otherslike this


Test #15

39C 11W

1. Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam AP's only

2. Myanmar border

3.chair: Min.- NationalStart-UpAdvisory Council   

4. LTRO to Lowershort-term interest

5. Ballistic Missile Défense Prog: two-tiered shield 

6. 1st Van Dhan Vikas Kendra in Bijapur Chattisgarh.

7.NCrisis MgmtCom: Cabinet Secretary 

8. DPP '16: increasedoffset threshold to Rs. 2,000 crores.Buy Indian, domestically designed min 40% indigenous
9.NMIZ declaredbySG as anindustrial township u Constitution.

10. ParamShivay 1st(Shakti is also part of NSM)

11. India has5th-largest coal reserves


Test #16 - Geography

42C 8W

1. Nile: 11 nations; White: prime tributary;largest source: blue 

2. Higgs Boson: energy field ->mass. :/

3. Podzols: cool and humid

4. MTCR by G-7

5.  SC can punish for HC's contempt
 Continental drift theory explained evolution of man.

7. Victoria Falls on Zambezi; Combo crosses Equator twice

8.  primordial atmosphere lost - Degassing- Oceansphotosynthesis


Test #17 - Geography

70M - 38C 9W 3U

1. Albania opens into mediterranean sea

2. bosporous strait. Didn't see all options. Just put dardanelles. I should really stop using exam time for my preparation

3. Local Winds.

4. Whips - prez, vice-prez elections ->Since secret ballot so no whip can be issued. I guess for R.S elections it can be issued

5. mesosphere ->meteors burn off here.

6. samarth ->there is samarth in textile ministry also. I read about walmart samarth in twitter :P. anyway forgot about both

7. Forgot what pressure belts are.

8. Toxic Truth: Got correct by fluke

9. Thought more and neglected wavelength as an important factor for ghg. Okay here was my though process: GHG by definition itself absorb long wave radiation and transparent to short wave radiation. Thus I thought there is no need for wavelength conditions again on top of GHGs for warming.:flushed:

10. Yellow Fever - 17D

11. Central Asian Steppe - should have guessed from nomadic herders. 

12. Pratihara style - rajasthan =>guessed.

See you tomorrow!


Test 17


Attempted -38

Correct - 31

Incorrect- 7

Unattempted -12

Marks =71.31

Plz tell me from where to check my rank in list , m new to this  and m not able to search plz tell.

Test 18


Attempted -42

Correct - 38

Incorrect- 4

Unattempted -8

Marks =73.32


70.67M - 38C 8W 4U

1. National Transit Pass System

2. Barakah nuclear plant

3. Caspian sea - got confused about uzbekistan totally covered by Turkmenistan

4. Photochemical Smog/summer smog.

5. semi-diurnal has 2 hides & two low tides. diurnal tide has only one high tide and one low tide =>don't be fooled by the word semi to have less number. Infact semi here signifies less duration between these tides. :grin:

6. Dhole not in schedule I. Need to figure this difference between schedule I and II. Not sure if I can.

7. Absolute humidity is per unit volume of air. not mass. gm/cc^3

8. Nehrungs, Tombolo

9. Jammu PSA. Maaaan! Changed the option and got it wrong.:triumph:

10. Drumlins ->fluke. I guess it kind of evens out the some silly mistakes I committed. I think this kind of same for everyone most of the time. The silly mistakes they committed usually get compensated with some lucky guesses. 

11. Balgangadhar Tilak. 

12. Radiation fog.

13. Mediterranean ->mild, wet winters. Taiga/siberian climate ->little rainfall most of which in summers.

14. ventifacts and dreikanters

15. rouche,crag and tail, perched block

Test 17
C46 W4
Samarth Programme: Walmart; (Textile Min's Samarth Scheme: MSDE hires training institutes)
insolation @ Equator< tropics
"no" clouds or water vapor in lower stratosphere
“Climate extreme, rainfall scanty; nomadic herders.”: Steppe; (Siberian Tundra?) 

Test 18
C39 8W 3U
1. National Transit Pass System: by MoEFCC  for Timber, bamboo etc
2. Youth: shallowV-shaped valleys
3. warm and coldatmosphericcurrents (negligence)
4.  absolute humidity: wt of water vapour/volof air
5. ‘basket of egg topography’: Drumlins
6. Strong updraft of air helps in formation of hail.
7. Gandhi: Tilak = maker of modern India' 
8. Radiation fog: cooling of land (->air) after sunset by infrared thermal radiation -> fog

1. Ventifacts(flat)-Dreikanters(pyramidal): stones polished by windblown sand. 
2. Nehrungs: spit in Baltic; tombolo: Italian, island attached to mainland by spit/bar.  
3. roche moutonnée (sheepback): rock - asymmetric erosion; glacier on striking side plucks/on downside abrasion occurs
crags = cliffs in near-cylindrical strong rocks; tail in softer rocks; tadpole-shaped by glacial erosion of rocks of unequal resistance
Erratics: rocks' composition totally different from surrounding landforms. eg. Perched Block: a depositional glacial landform.

SFG Test #19 - Geography

59.33M - 33C 10W 7U

Didn't complete syllabus. Need to move on with other work. Can't post errors here today.

The results do give some pressure. Gone are the times when results were the times of excitement which now became kind of depressing. 

Patrick_jane,Hersheyand1 otherslike this
SFG 2.0 TEST 19

Total no. of correct answers : 33

Total no. of wrong answers : 5

Total no. of Unanswered Questions  : 12

Score:   62.67


Test 19


Attempted -44

Correct - 38

Incorrect- 6

Unattempted -6

Marks =72


Starting today 

Sfg 2.0 

Test 1 polity 

W= 9 , R = 37 U = 4 

Score = 68 

Weak - colonial constitutional development



C44 W6

1. Vamsadhara (b/w rushikulya & godavari)

2. National Board of Wildlife chair: PM

3.  "Few" rivers originating from Amarkantak: radial (overthinking)

4.  "entire" Luni river system ephemeral. (overthinking)

5.  Delhi and Jaipur not on same longitude

6.Mahi > Sabarmati



SFG Test #19 - Geography

59.33M - 33C 10W 7U

Didn't complete syllabus. Need to move on with other work. Can't post errors here today.

The results do give some pressure. Gone are the times when results were the times of excitement which now became kind of depressing. 


I felt the same initially. Getting low scores consistently demoralised me and I almost felt like giving up. About a week ago I started reading the comments on this thread and it gave me a little hope. I am still too hesitant to post my score but reading your error assessments has given me a new perspective to approach this exam.

Most of the times when I look at your corrections, I go like, "man I knew this was confusing. I am not alone!!" You have inspired me to work on my mistakes and today when I read this post I felt obliged to thank you for your efforts. Keep working hard and keep inspiring!!

ssver2,Oasisand3 otherslike this


SFG Test #19 - Geography

59.33M - 33C 10W 7U

Didn't complete syllabus. Need to move on with other work. Can't post errors here today.

The results do give some pressure. Gone are the times when results were the times of excitement which now became kind of depressing. 


I felt the same initially. Getting low scores consistently demoralised me and I almost felt like giving up. About a week ago I started reading the comments on this thread and it gave me a little hope. I am still too hesitant to post my score but reading your error assessments has given me a new perspective to approach this exam.

Most of the times when I look at your corrections, I go like, "man I knew this was confusing. I am not alone!!" You have inspired me to work on my mistakes and today when I read this post I felt obliged to thank you for your efforts. Keep working hard and keep inspiring!!

Thank you :) All the best


Test 20


Attempted -40

Correct - 32

Incorrect- 8

Unattempted -10

Marks =58.64


Test #20 - Geography

73.33M - 39C 7W 4U

1. Pokkali paddy

2. Social forestry - afforestation on barren lands. Actually it do include Agro-forestry where trees are grown on cultivable fields along with crops.

3. Bru/Reang Tribes - Now that I see answer seems like I've read all this before but forgot now.

4. NGT Act - got this correct but NGT appeal lies directly with Supreme Court.

5. Over-irrigation salinity increase. Chemical fertilization without organic manures/sufficient humus - hardens soils

6. Retreating monsoon - low pressure in andaman sea ->cyclones. I don't know what I was thinking putting frontal rainfall option as correct. :grin:. But I still am not clear how low preassure is created in andaman sea when ITCZ has already gone well below equator.

7. BIS - earthquakes. Didn't have time to read the question. Seems like this classification is different from the one I read in NCERT. Also Love & Rayleigh waves imp. Also with increasing earthquakes in delhi - see that it is in Zone IV as per BIS classification & high damage risk zone as per GSI classification.

Funny story Didn't wake up to 3 of my alarms at 6:45, 7, 7:15am. Woke up to my brother's at 8:30. Jumped out of bed and somehow finished this test.

Moral of the story - don't study late for the test and end up not waking up for the test at all ->back in college days this is the story of a lot of people :sweat_smile:



Total no. of correct answers : 35

Total no. of wrong answers : 14

Total no. of Unanswered Questions : 1

SCORE 60.67


@Hamarabajaj i like your username 😃


@Impavid_Girl  kindaaa#nostalgic #childhood memories :)

@Hamarabajaj  90's kids :)

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