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1)Sfg Related Discussion Thread:
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3) Previous Year UPSC Prelims Questions Thread:
Test #22 - Geo
66.67M - 37C 11W 2U
Test #21 was a disaster. Not able to complete two months current affairs in one day because I haven't read monthly current affairs magazine before, also skipped newspapers for several months. I'm so screwed, have a lot of work to do
1. Hamleted settlements - fragmented. Skimmed NCERT textbook for this exam and didn't emphasize on this part. Btw whenever I don't read physical geography part (north america in previous tests) they give a lot of questions. So today I read south america they totally forgot about it.
2. Mumbai textiles ->cotton growth near. I knew that MH, Guj are cotton growing areas. But thought a little too much in analyzing the question.
3. Innovation Hub - RBI
4. Highway lengths - didn't know where Hajira was. Rememeber this is port city for surat on the banks of river tapti. It is not related to diamond harbour which is a district in WB.
5. NHAI is statutory. I think I read this before. But in exam it was very hazy.
6. Nagaland - pop decrease. I guess they knew that I would commit this mistake. I put kerala
7. Milne Ice shelf - canada - last ice shelf broke off
8. Thermal power plants consume a large portion of water in industrial sector. Overall usage maximum consumption is by agriculture
.9. Sugarcane - UP highest in india. India largest producer - toppled brazil. But brazil still is the top exporter.
10. Drought prone area programme. Didn't have much idea. I thought in exam that one would be wrong and one would be right but seems like both are right from the explanation
11. 2011 census - UP has largest outflow of migrants not Bihar.
12. Indian leopard -everwhere except mangroves, deserts. VU. seems like its condition is better than bengal tiger which is endangered, never expected that.
Okay see you tomorrow!
Test #24 - Environment
68.67M - 38C 11W 1U
1. Biomedical waste management rules - 4 categories not 6. I observed a trend in forum papers where they just modify data values for framing wrong statement. Another example is National Hybrid solar-wind policy - here 25% not 40%. I just want to know if this the case with actual UPSC papers as well.Did someone find this pattern in upsc prelims paper as well?
2. UN Kyoto protocol agreed to plant GE trees under CDM
3. Pangolins Indian are EN. I thought their situation is worse in India compared to China. Seems like that's not the case
4. CRZ III A - densly populatedruralareas NDL Zone upto 50mts.
5. EP Act debars civil courts not WPA
6. Sand mining guidelines ->Though minor mineral centre gave out rules ->This is valid under const as states are given powers for reg & dev of minerals in state list but the entry mentions it is subjected to union list provisions
7. If only my vocabulary was good. I didn't know that moored to ocean floor means tied with a cable ->can harvest wave energy
8. CPCB is a stutory body constituted under Water Act, 1974 (first of the pollution acts) It is followed by Air act, ep act.
9. rotterdam convention, basel convention - read long back - not revised yet.
10. Bioremediation cannot happen quickly and it also possible only for bio-degradable materials.
@Patrick_jane bro, all good?
#24 39C 11W
1. biomass releases same amt of CO2 as burning fossil fuels
2. GE trees u.CDM
3. densely populatedruralareas; CRZ III.
4.Montreal: Developed/Developing to phase out HCFCs by2020and 2030
5. Non-ionising radiations: reflections from sand, snow (->snow blindness), looking at eclipse
6. S.Sand Mining Guidelines 2020: bans during Monsoon; 2016: District Survey Reports before grant
7. Green HWs: 1% project cost
8. geothermal springs ->CO2
9. ESP ->pay $ ->invest in env friendly
10. Wind- Solar Hybrid Policy: both AC/DC; capacity of one resource min 25% of other resource
11.IRENA 2009, not at COP
@Patrick_jane bro, all good?
@ssver2 ha ha yes everything going good.
Inactivity on thread is mainly due to mobile prblm.
Will be active from tomorrow.
Thank you for asking🙂
62.67M - 35C 11W 4U
1. NTCA - WPA. =>Was attempting when last 15sec was remaining. Didn't read properly. Again made the same mistake of starting exam late and had only 41min for the test.
2. CITES MIKE monitoring sites.
3. Pygmy Hog - didn't know about its backstory
4. Saltwater - LC, LARGE. Mugger is VU, Gharial is CR
5. Fish are cold blooded :P
6. BIOFIN ->UNDP + EC =>under CBD ->COP
8. IPBES - >INter govt but not UN BODY.
9. Project Elephant - a central sponsored scheme
10. seaweed are macroalgae ->always read this micro from the textbook :P
11. NITI + Dell. Guessed it would be MSFT.
12. One species of Pitcher plants is in Schedule VI. Remaining the 6 plants, their distribution & uses in this schedule. I haven't done yet. But I guess its important
13. TRAFFIC - known as global wildlife trade specialist - WWF + IUCN.
14. IUCN - composed of both govt & civil society orgs.
15. Toddy Palm is an invasive alien species all over INdia which was native to Tropical AFrica.
16. Ecosystem services. Provisioning ->all resources that it gives. Supporting ->help plants i.e soil form, nutrient cycl, prim prod.. REgul - water, disease, climate regul & water regulation, pollination
17. According to IUCN amphibians in animal kingdoms face the highest threat to extinction.
18. IFC mains helps increase private investments and support private sector dev.
C42 W7
1. Prop roots = extra support b/c they eventually enter ground
2.1storchid (CITES: app II) survey BSI
endemism : Ghats/peninsula>E. Himalaya/NE >NW Himalaya >A&N
species no: Himalayan>NE>WG>deccan >A&N
states: AP >Sikkim>WB
3. Phytoplanktons' biomass >plants; marine/freshwater
4. Arthropods= crustaceans/insects/arachnids, hard exoskeleton; Annelids =worms
5. Agar-agar= Sea Weed
6. Pygmy Hog, endg., constructs nests, NE grasslands
7. Cr endg.: Jerdon's Courser, Spoon Billed Sandpiper