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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@NOLEis@imagining rahul gandhi handling this crisis! 

Bhai how can we imagine? He hasn't came to power yet. 

And leadership isn't just about having a powerful aura or charismatic personality. 

Its also about being open to the followers. Being empathetic to the people.Being open to criticism. 

I don't think we can't imagine someone else who has these qualities. 

Even i am a very staunch critic of both Inc and the BJP. But the way BJP has been running this country since last 7 years, I would choose the lesser evil. 

Caesar,phoebeand10 otherslike this

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Get your sentiments brother. But please avoid bracketing or labelling ppl as blind worshipers if they follow a certain political leader. every politician aka demigod has such followers. such name calling only makes ppl more cocooned and unresponsive to rational discussion.

but on the more pertinent point, modi has failed miserably in this covid era. no doubt. you had 1 effing year to prepare for the 2nd wave and you went around business as usual. far from becoming world leaders in vaccine mfg that modi so crooned on, we have failed to provide necessary response domestically either. It is the rural masses, the poor the women the elderly that bear the bigget brunt. so much for sabka vishwas.

what makes it worse is not just the political rallies and the religious bigotry that blamed a certain section for the spread. no. thats something we are used to with the deadweight media and it cell. but it is the usurping of powers from the states which is shocking. epidemics act, ndma, pm cares- the centre has taken powers for itself. and yet doesnt want to be held accountable. and then their trolls blame states to evade questioning. the audacity. how dare you.

ps- am a modi voter. but also his biggest critic. called him out for the lower vacancies in upsc and unemployment as well. we are left with modi as there are no alternatives. imagine rahul gandhi handling this pandemic. thats right. one cant. 

soln- self reliance. local governance. participatory democracy. 

It just depend upon ones perception and prejudice . What matters in todays world is scientific reasoning, practical approach and genuine need to people's well being. I guess this is way far away from this present government. 

PS : I am just expressing what is the reality . Rest assured I am not into these political debates but I have witnessed how things are working in such crisis situation. 

@mahi2501 I would anytime go for Shashi Tharoor or Manmohan Singh kind person.. Rahul won't be given position I bet.. And History is proof that so called charismatic leaders strengthened their own power at the cost of democracy economy and development. Be it Indira , Nehru or Modi. India was fastest growing economy under leadership of newbies like PV Rao, Vajpayee running coalition. Sick of Religious nationalist rightist policies promoting babas coronil and separatist policy. Someone even said its best time to read The Myths of the Strong leader book.
@Iknownothing is it logistically possible to complete interviews say in 1 month? 

How about following this? Can we trust?


I need a help. 

Long story short, I am bothered and saddened by the open defecation I see being done on the main road, especially by women, and others too, when I go for early morning run. 

I decided it long back that I will try to do something about this but kept on procrastinating it for like a year now. The episode 3 of the Unacademy-TVF Aspirant series was a mind and  eye opener for me, wherein that dude writes a mail to PWD and gets the pothole fixed. I was motivated and decided that i won’t procrastinate it any further and will do something about the issue which I am not liking at all.

The most ideal way for me seems to be to write an email to the higher authorities. For this purpose, I have collected emails of officers via govt website. I am planning to write an email addressing to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Faridabad and adding to CC, other high level officers such as commissioner of Faridabad district, deputy commissioner, SDM  of Faridabad etc etc.  

Now this is where I require suggestion/help. Will this be a sound option to proceed with or is there any other way possible which would result in higher chances of success?

Secondly, I am sharing below the email I have drafted which I will be sending to the officials. I tried to be as crisp, formal and to the point, as possible. Any input/ suggestion on this would be really helpful. 

Thirdly, keeping in mind the havoc that second wave of infection is causing, will it be wise to write an email regarding this issue at prevailing times in the first place? :/

Thank you.

Please help me if possible.

The email I have drafted:-


I’m a resident of old Faridabad and I have a request as well as some suggestions to make which requires your attention and intervention, both.


The issue for which I’m writing this mail is theopen defecationI see, especially done by women, every early morning, when i go for a run.  It really pains my heart to see women defecating in the open, getting interrupted and standing as a result of shame, every time a vehicle or a person passes by. This seems to me, a direct attack on both, women empowerment as well as Swachh Bharat campaign.


Consider yourself coming from Shooting Range road, you reach Surajkund roundabout, you take straight road which goes to Ballabgarh via Manav Rachna International university. On your left, there comes NHPC Faridabad office. In front of the first gate which comes to your left while on the road going towards Manav Rachna university, there is a small locality on the opposite side of the road where people residing there have created hamlets\ small-small houses for dwelling purpose. It is the residents of this locality, who defecate in the open as they don’t have any toilets available.

Steps which  should be taken:

  1. Construction of individual toilets at each home of that locality. Or,
  2. If not private, then construction of  common toilets, free of any usage charge as I think those residents would not be willing to pay any such amount. And,
  3. Creating awareness among the people of that locality, sensitising them about the hygiene issues, and nudging them to not defecate openly but inside these newly built toilets.

I hope and pray that my request would be given due heed and attention and the steps that I have suggested will be worked upon. I did my work as a citizen by informing that there is  a certain gap which is existing in the society. Now as administrators, it is your duty to bridge this gap. Please work upon it as soon as possible.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.


@titanium17 I believe someone experienced might resolve your query. Personally, I think it'll be tough to complete the interview process in a month. 

@TheNotorious depending on the officer, your mail could be taken seriously or simply ignored. However I’d urge you to mail every possible authority, including the local councillor, MLA, opposition leaders etc. 

You could add the location from Google maps in the mail or take a screenshot, mark the location and send it as an attachment. Also, you could remove the ‘duty as citizen’ part (imo nobody cares about such ‘ideal’ statements, feels dramatic)

In my experience, if it’s an issue which can be resolved directly, nowadays officers are proactive. However this isn’t as simple an issue so it will definitely require a prolonged pestering of the officials. 

Another suggestion would be to collect signatures around your locality and send it as a ‘signature campaign’. 

TristanHarris,BDand1 otherslike this


I need a help. 

Long story short, I am bothered and saddened by the open defecation I see being done on the main road, especially by women, and others too, when I go for early morning run. 

I decided it long back that I will try to do something about this but kept on procrastinating it for like a year now. The episode 3 of the Unacademy-TVF Aspirant series was a mind and  eye opener for me, wherein that dude writes a mail to PWD and gets the pothole fixed. I was motivated and decided that i won’t procrastinate it any further and will do something about the issue which I am not liking at all.

The most ideal way for me seems to be to write an email to the higher authorities. For this purpose, I have collected emails of officers via govt website. I am planning to write an email addressing to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation of Faridabad and adding to CC, other high level officers such as commissioner of Faridabad district, deputy commissioner, SDM  of Faridabad etc etc.  

Now this is where I require suggestion/help. Will this be a sound option to proceed with or is there any other way possible which would result in higher chances of success?

Secondly, I am sharing below the email I have drafted which I will be sending to the officials. I tried to be as crisp, formal and to the point, as possible. Any input/ suggestion on this would be really helpful. 

Thirdly, keeping in mind the havoc that second wave of infection is causing, will it be wise to write an email regarding this issue at prevailing times in the first place? :/

Thank you.

Please help me if possible.

The email I have drafted:-


I’m a resident of old Faridabad and I have a request as well as some suggestions to make which requires your attention and intervention, both.


The issue for which I’m writing this mail is theopen defecationI see, especially done by women, every early morning, when i go for a run.  It really pains my heart to see women defecating in the open, getting interrupted and standing as a result of shame, every time a vehicle or a person passes by. This seems to me, a direct attack on both, women empowerment as well as Swachh Bharat campaign.


Consider yourself coming from Shooting Range road, you reach Surajkund roundabout, you take straight road which goes to Ballabgarh via Manav Rachna International university. On your left, there comes NHPC Faridabad office. In front of the first gate which comes to your left while on the road going towards Manav Rachna university, there is a small locality on the opposite side of the road where people residing there have created hamlets\ small-small houses for dwelling purpose. It is the residents of this locality, who defecate in the open as they don’t have any toilets available.

Steps which  should be taken:

  1. Construction of individual toilets at each home of that locality. Or,
  2. If not private, then construction of  common toilets, free of any usage charge as I think those residents would not be willing to pay any such amount. And,
  3. Creating awareness among the people of that locality, sensitising them about the hygiene issues, and nudging them to not defecate openly but inside these newly built toilets.

I hope and pray that my request would be given due heed and attention and the steps that I have suggested will be worked upon. I did my work as a citizen by informing that there is  a certain gap which is existing in the society. Now as administrators, it is your duty to bridge this gap. Please work upon it as soon as possible.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

While waiting for your letter to get a reply, you can ask the people defecating whether there is a community toilet in the nearby range. If yes, ask the reason they are not using it. If the reason is financial, why don't you offer to cover 2-3 month worth of charges? Generally, it is 2-5 rupees per turn. This will give an instant solution to the problem while the long term permanent solution will be looked into by the government.

Due to aggressive SBM, community toilets have come up literally at every 1-2 km. You may look at your map and guide them to a nearby facility. 

The challenge- Approaching them and making them feel comfortable. It is tricky, but it can work with the right approach. You may observe their coming and going times and other behavioural patterns to plan your approach.

Do not sound condescending at any level, instead display empathy and make them feel safe and understood. Words can change hearts and touch souls.

TambourineMan,AJ_and6 otherslike this
Hello everyone. I don't post normally, just a silent spectator here but what transpired today early morning is important esp during these trying times. 

I was asleep in my room and around 3 am I felt a man standing near my bed. When I gathered my senses, I took my brother's name because he sleeps in the adjacent room. But then I could sense a weird body language and no response from the figure in the dark. When I got up from my bed towards him, he ran and jumped from the nearest window through which he had entered the house. I tried to wake up everyone in the House and quickly realised my Phone was gone. I looked for a torch light because it was pitch dark outside (thanks to no streetlights or no power) and heard the noise of the man falling on the ground. 

I quickly gathered some sense and delinked my phone sim from bank details, google login and WhatsApp . I couldn't help but feel helpless over all the crucial information we tend to store in our phone these days. And today being a Sunday, I couldn't even go to a physical store to deactivate my sim. I have tried it over the customer care and Twitter but I'm not sure unless a get a duplicate tomorrow. Today morning I filed an FIR in the nearest Police Station.

I know the damages could've been much more considering laptops were also in my room. But at the same time, My phone is gone. More than that, the pain of having to see it go right in front of your eyes is another level. Overall, I write this to give out an extra warning to be precautious esp in Covid times. Just a week back, a rickshaw driver had narrated his plight during the Lockdowns and I couldn't do much but empathise. Now I understand maybe increase in crime is bound in such times. My landlord also couldn't do much. 
Anyway, I felt like it would be responsible of me to put it out there in front of aspirants - who like me are struggling with minimal resources in an alien city, all trying to fulfil this IAS dream. Take care and Mask up all. AND be extra vigilant.
ssver2,sonderand23 otherslike this
@mehuifs yes. Thankfully. Still scared to be honest. Thank you so much for asking.


@kalzy my friend had something similar happen to her a while ago. It can be traumatizing, especially sleeping, for a few days. Try sleeping in another room where you're not alone if possible, and make sure all your windows are bolted shut. Hope you feel better soon. Please take care friend.

ssver2,sonderand2 otherslike this
@whatonly Thank you so much. Yes, sleeping will be a problem now. I still can vividly remember the encounter. Till one becomes a victim of crime, everyone thinks "This won't happen to me" but it very much can. 

ssver2,sonderand2 otherslike this

Hey friends, these are unprecedented times for everyone. Levels of stress and fear are high for everyone, and exam worries are bound to only make it worse. 

If anyone needs someone to talk to, or someone to just listen, about anything, please leave me a message.I think in these scary and weird times, human connection is important for us to feel like ourselves, and too many people are going without. So if you want to talk to a sympathetic stranger, hit me up. :) we'll get through this together.

ssver2,Auroraand24 otherslike this
@kalzy let’s celebrate that you are safe, everything else is almost safe :)

ssver2,kalzyand1 otherslike this

ssver2,chamomileand2 otherslike this
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