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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Lbsnaa2021 see..I am also from up... according to me don't shift ur focus of u r giving upsc prelims because dat will be very detrimental...Also this time seats in up are very less -around 200...& they take 13 times I.e. 2600 will be selected from uppcs prelims.
All I am saying is if u asking about preference...I would say put all ur efforts for upsc...



Little off topic, any idea when classes might start?

pajhiram knows...... visit their site. see how it feels when you lose a session of offline admission. that filthy classic expression on the face. it gives me pleasure. Dont know why!! It felt so good. They have made all arrangements for the social distancing and moving logistics so that can start a fresh batch. I was like Social distancing in the classroom. :D :D :D 

Still i am confident that janta will fill the batch.

Even I chuckled imagining social distancing in those classrooms specially when we've experienced them :D



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"secularism was a concept alien to the constitution and brought in by the 42nd amendment."

I will give that a LOL :P

Quick questions, What is one justification for separation or religion and state?

Multiple lessons from history, aren't there!

Religion sanctions rule by a divine order, which no sovereign can circumscribe. His power was unlimited, subject to no restraints whatsoever. Who can proclaim to be more powerful than the Lord himself after all, so as to put fetters on His authority! If the Lord wouldn't rule Himself, he would give his sanction to a tyrannical ruler. A King. The one who can do no wrong.

But in modern society, whose God gave this sanction? We have so many Gods, each supreme in his own right and to the exclusion of all others.  Besides, even assuming the Gods are the same, what if the God's sovereign representative is wrong by my own account of what my God would want? Further, what if my God's sovereign representative starts acting in a manner that is completely random, in accordance with "his plan", with absolutely no system of transparency, accountability or predictability?

Hence, we decided that the God may or may not have created the Earth alright, but here, the State was a creation of the People. Here, the sovereignty is limited, not by rule of God or rule of God's representative, but by rule of law. The sovereign was the people. A limited Government free from the clutches of a religious order meant greater stability, greater predictability and of course, greater accountability. Something off about making God any of accountable to the puny human, but people could be made accountable. And we made peace with the fact that our Gods would be okay with that. 

Moral of the story: @Devanapiyam was a scoundrel. :P

Lol but I have to admit that there should really be strict separation of state and religion. Religion should always be a private affair. Mixing it with politics is a receipe of disaster. But in Indian scenario it is really not possible to have strict separation because people are not yet ready to move past religion. it inevitably becomes part of public discourse and so politicians simply take advantage of it. 



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"secularism was a concept alien to the constitution and brought in by the 42nd amendment."

I will give that a LOL :P

Quick questions, What is one justification for separation or religion and state?

Multiple lessons from history, aren't there!

Religion sanctions rule by a divine order, which no sovereign can circumscribe. His power was unlimited, subject to no restraints whatsoever. Who can proclaim to be more powerful than the Lord himself after all, so as to put fetters on His authority! If the Lord wouldn't rule Himself, he would give his sanction to a tyrannical ruler. A King. The one who can do no wrong.

But in modern society, whose God gave this sanction? We have so many Gods, each supreme in his own right and to the exclusion of all others.  Besides, even assuming the Gods are the same, what if the God's sovereign representative is wrong by my own account of what my God would want? Further, what if my God's sovereign representative starts acting in a manner that is completely random, in accordance with "his plan", with absolutely no system of transparency, accountability or predictability?

Hence, we decided that the God may or may not have created the Earth alright, but here, the State was a creation of the People. Here, the sovereignty is limited, not by rule of God or rule of God's representative, but by rule of law. The sovereign was the people. A limited Government free from the clutches of a religious order meant greater stability, greater predictability and of course, greater accountability. Something off about making God any of accountable to the puny human, but people could be made accountable. And we made peace with the fact that our Gods would be okay with that. 

Moral of the story: @Devanapiyam was a scoundrel. :P

Good line of thought. You trust the state too much.

More like State is a powerful institution. So is religion. And when they combine in a single body, who will save the Individual / Citizen. A separation thus protects the individual.

To put it simply,
Theological State is a government ruled by men.
A secular state is a government ruled by laws.
As we know, without laws, there is no liberty, and without liberty, there is no complete development of human capabilities. 
Therefore, to live a fuller life, a secular state becomes a must. :)
Dora-the_Explorer,Interloperrand2 otherslike this
@Esha2020 Thanks for you advice !!
All the best for your exam ...
My best wishes to you ...



Aurora,Dora-the_Explorerand2 otherslike this
@Lbsnaa2021 Thanks...all the best to u too :)


any tips on how to revise spectrum,800 pages ki book :sob:

Try to read a summary of it....many are present in the market 


Marx was wrong about religion just like many other things. 

Also, the Indian state is not secular. It is in a confused state. There is no coherence in state's policy across various religions. 

Lastly, the notion that indian masses cannot move past religion so they are being at disadvantageous position is not the correct analysis of the situation imo. And it tends to put a question mark on the collective wisdom of a billion people.

Rest, will write a coherent passage post prelims. 

P.S. this is a personal opinion bereft from jargons. Should not be tested on the "theories" of dead white Caucasian men. 


Did anyone else get the 7am-9am time slot for tomorrow's Simulator? Can't understand the need to start the slots so early.
Rise from Ashes,BDand2 otherslike this
@DramaticAdmiral yeah I got this time slot too. It's kind of good for me because I've been waking up at 6 lately


Suddenly feeling the prelims heat... Don't know how to manage the pressure! 


Suddenly feeling the prelims heat... Don't know how to manage the pressure! 

@Freakhoto 3 long deep breaths. Dont think of D-Day. Just put all your energy in completing daily tasks. If you keep on achieving 90% of what u have planned for the day, you will ultimately feel calmer on the last day. Slog and complete that damn revision. 

GaryVee,Raillifeand7 otherslike this
You will do well, just don't panic at the moment. Everyone is going through the same phase at the moment, be it the future topper or any IITian or any one in service. So just enjoy this phase. 
Always smile and keep a warriors attitude. Always remind it's a test of nerves.

GaryVee,Steveand5 otherslike this


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"secularism was a concept alien to the constitution and brought in by the 42nd amendment."

I will give that a LOL :P

Quick questions, What is one justification for separation or religion and state?

Multiple lessons from history, aren't there!

Religion sanctions rule by a divine order, which no sovereign can circumscribe. His power was unlimited, subject to no restraints whatsoever. Who can proclaim to be more powerful than the Lord himself after all, so as to put fetters on His authority! If the Lord wouldn't rule Himself, he would give his sanction to a tyrannical ruler. A King. The one who can do no wrong.

But in modern society, whose God gave this sanction? We have so many Gods, each supreme in his own right and to the exclusion of all others.  Besides, even assuming the Gods are the same, what if the God's sovereign representative is wrong by my own account of what my God would want? Further, what if my God's sovereign representative starts acting in a manner that is completely random, in accordance with "his plan", with absolutely no system of transparency, accountability or predictability?

Hence, we decided that the God may or may not have created the Earth alright, but here, the State was a creation of the People. Here, the sovereignty is limited, not by rule of God or rule of God's representative, but by rule of law. The sovereign was the people. A limited Government free from the clutches of a religious order meant greater stability, greater predictability and of course, greater accountability. Something off about making God any of accountable to the puny human, but people could be made accountable. And we made peace with the fact that our Gods would be okay with that. 

Moral of the story: @Devanapiyam was a scoundrel. :P

Various answers to the question: WHY SECULARISM? (Summarised by Rajeev Bhargava in the book - Secularism and Its Critics):

1) In a Multi-Faith Society - the State cannot be an impartial arbiter if it has a faith of its own. Society-wide legitimacy of State requires its separation from religion.

2) Democracy requires that State and its actions are amenable to criticism and change. Religious truth is absolute - leads to absolutism in State actions. Theological states cannot support democracy.

3) Modern State derives it’s legitimacy from a normative guarantee - that is, State is supposed to bring about a “Good Life”. In doing so, the State is supposed to act based on Rationality and Evidence. Secularism guarantees that policy actions are not based on theological superstition.

4) Modern republicanism is based on the idea of institutionalised equality between man and man. If State has a religion - it creates undue disadvantages for some and advantages for others.

5) Secularism is good for Religion itself. If religion is not assured a separate autonomous domain - State with its monopoly over legitimate violence can destroy religion.

P.S: Only trying to add content to your UPSC notes. Not looking for people to convince me about the merits and demerits of Secularism. 

GaryVee,Steveand1 otherslike this

Please can someone suggest a source to cover important topics of Medieval history in this last moment?? 

Preferably a short one:(

This would be of great help!🙂


Please can someone suggest a source to cover important topics of Medieval history in this last moment?? 

Preferably a short one:(

This would be of great help!🙂

mandar patki medieval.pdf

Deepak802,Dora-the_Explorerand6 otherslike this
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