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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


can anyone confirm the ans to this question. it was asked in 2017 . according to UPSC keys ans is option B. 

I've to disagree with others here. This question is actually wrong with no options right, and ideally should be free marks to everyone.

So strikes should be calculated in terms of intervals here.

So 5 strikes = 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5; so 4 intervals

And with given data of 12 seconds for 5 strikes - we can find that each interval is 3 seconds long

So when clock strikes 10, it will be 10 strikes, 9 intervals - 9 x 3 = 27 seconds which isn't part of any of the options.

This was an issue in 2017, but they didn't seem to change the ans key.

Much hailed indifferent attitude of UPSC was at show here.

Anyway these are exceptions, not the rule.

So if we find such inconsistencies in the exam hall, don't dwell too much, and try to focus the energies to the rest of the questions

Good luck buddy!

Why would you not consider 0-1?

Assuming there is no time lag for the first strike and that the strike comes immediately at 5 p.m, there are only 4 intervals, 3 seconds between each of them.

Say its an electronic clock for example, as opposed to a pendulum clock. The first strike would come immediately at 5 and there would be no time lag.

If that is the case, answer would be 27 seconds. Here, that is not an option. As per the options, the best answer would be 24 seconds. 

@Patootie staap please o.o

@Patootie staap please o.o

Haha, I was trying to explain it the best I could, since you were so mean :P

But this Math professor does it better:

27 would be the right answer is the accepted view! :) Thanks for pointing it out!

GaryVee,Wats_there_in_a_nameand3 otherslike this
@Patootie shiit, sorry didn't mean to be rude, I was in the middle of 2019 csat corrections, annoying vague comprehension and a million correct options to eliminate!
Kinda wrote that explanation in a draft and deleted it. Didn't seem right for me to say it is how it has always been taken cos of the sound and such.
But I suppose hearing from an actual teacher gives a more legitimate voice to a standard practice :p

Anyone gave baba open mock?? 
@Patootie shiit, sorry didn't mean to be rude, I was in the middle of 2019 csat corrections, annoying vague comprehension and a million correct options to eliminate!
Kinda wrote that explanation in a draft and deleted it. Didn't seem right for me to say it is how it has always been taken cos of the sound and such.
But I suppose hearing from an actual teacher gives a more legitimate voice to a standard practice :p

Haha no problem brother! I just felt "Textbooks and teachers" sounded like a rude response to a doubt, so I tried to answer it the best I could! But yes, googling made my concepts clear as well. So if it comes again, I know how to tackle it!

Next week by this time we would be coming out of the exam hall and anxious to check answers !!!
@Koro-Sensei What's your hit ratio in comprehension??
I am not able to go beyond 80-85%!

@SergioRamos it's turned a little complicated in recent years. Nobody(read coaching centres) can really agree on the correct assumptions of a passage and option elimination is virtually non existent in many cases..

But 85% is amazing if you ask me, I'd take that offer before entering the hall

The strat is to attempt all the 28-30 odd comprehensions within a time frame( I take about 30-35 mins) and then focus on cherrypicking the doable reasoning and arithmetic questions where correct answers can be found out with certainty.(more time spent doesn't necessarily commensurate with more right answers in comprehension as compared to reasoning and quant part, so be done with it as soon as possible)

So do hedge the risks, depending on comprehensions isn't a good idea anymore looking at the trend. 

Aim for 60 questions

Cost benefit analysis all the way

GaryVee,Sankozaand1 otherslike this
@SergioRamos hey! Where are you practising comprehensions from?

@ankith88 What if Supreme Court orders to postpone the exam. 😛

@Patootie aah gotcha thanks :)

@Koro-Sensei You know, last year, under the illusion that I am some alpha, I did not practise a single question for the CSAT paper and failed to qualify even though I got through in GS. 
Quants and Reasoning total I can do 15-20. My best bet would be Comprehension. if I can get 22 passages correct, I will sail through as quants and reasoning won't go wrong that much. So was just thinking of ways getting my passages correct a bit more. 

@ankith88 What if Supreme Court orders to postpone the exam. 😛

To remind u, Alakh Alok Srivastava is also involved in this case.. Good luck with that :P 

@ankith88 Haha..😆

@Oatmeal Previous year papers only. Solving and checking what my answers are. And since passages are tricky, I cross-check them using another key too. Every year has at least 3-4 variations across keys. 
@Koro-Sensei  said, the difficulty level is going up year by year.

@SergioRamos I feel you, been there, done that, just about scraped through
This year will be different, since we are wiser to the cause.
Also, upsc answer keys on comprehensions don't really seem to be logical many a time, so let's not forego the other parts of the paper this time!
@Koro-Sensei Exactly! Learning from our own follies, at the price of a year! :P

@Koro-Sensei You know, last year, under the illusion that I am some alpha, I did not practise a single question for the CSAT paper and failed to qualify even though I got through in GS. 
Quants and Reasoning total I can do 15-20. My best bet would be Comprehension. if I can get 22 passages correct, I will sail through as quants and reasoning won't go wrong that much. So was just thinking of ways getting my passages correct a bit more. 

Similar thing happened with me. I had cleared the 2018 CSAT by completely relying on passages (with ~85-90%) accuracy. Before 2019 exam, I had solved the 2015 paper in which too I had 100% accuracy in passages.

But, in the 2019 CSAT, I was already anxious (residual anxiety from P1; couldn't mark a few questions in which I had eliminated two options) and ended up solving only 45 questions (incl. all passages) and missed the CSAT cutoff (even though getting 98 in P1 from official key).

Lessons Learned:

  • Keep track of time in CSAT no matter how your P1 was!
  • I'd solve the reasoning/maths questions first (at least the ones that are easy) before jumping onto passages
  • Don't dwell too much on any one question; if more than one options seem equally placed in a passage, leave that question :P 

P - 6 | M - 4 | I - 0 | Psychology |
Neyawn,ssver2and6 otherslike this
@GaryVee Chalo I am not alone in my chutzpah! :P
We both will do great this time around!

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