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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Patootie That's reallyy cool, Will surely give a try:)
Your encouragement and positivity brightened my days...Can't thank you enough!
I am pretty sure you will do great, many blessings to you:)


@Patootie : "Oh dear God, I've been motivating people everyday on ForumIAS. However, I'm being remembered by the one who exclaimed 'Kaccha Mango bite!'. This is not fair God. I'm sad."

God: "Its okay my child,Potato. Keep going. Always preserve the empathy that you have in your heart. Dont worry.Smile."

Patootie: Thanks God! But my name is Patootie!  :) 

God (angrily): "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"  *The Rock's theme song plays in the background*

GaryVee,Homo Neanderthalensisand4 otherslike this

@Patootie you are a sweetheart. Thanks for all those morning doses of motivation. :) 

@all_is_well I largely practice Vipassana/mindfulness. I read a book 'Mindfullness in Plain English' which is by a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk to get started. Further, I used an app 'Ten Percent Happier' for a month. I learnt some other techniques as well using that app, somewhat similar to what Patootie had talked about which include gratitude and loving kindness. As of now, I am somewhat flexible regarding my approaches, depending on the situation.

@kochikaame That's very kind of you, Thankyou so much:)

@Patootie : "Oh dear God, I've been motivating people everyday on ForumIAS. However, I'm being remembered by the one who exclaimed 'Kaccha Mango bite!'. This is not fair God. I'm sad."

God: "Its okay my child,Potato. Keep going. Always preserve the empathy that you have in your heart. Dont worry.Smile."

Patootie: Thanks God! But my name is Patootie!  :) 

God (angrily): "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"  *The Rock's theme song plays in the background*

Hahaha, well at least some of my social media handles have "potato" as part of the username!

@Patootie hello theslypotato 
Dp is cute! You guys make a great couple :)

@kochikaame That's very kind of you, Thankyou so much:)

See your name is all is well. The best and quickest way to keep calm (meditate is). Put your hand on your heart and say All is well. (3 idiots wala)

And that is true the heart is very afraid and it fools us. Just calm your heart and everything will be fine. Trust me on this.

Ayushi7,kochikaameand4 otherslike this

@Thanos_  so true!

I read somewhere in Hindi "मनस्थिति बदलें तो परिस्थिति बदले"

Whatever may be the external conditions, if we are pumped up from inside, we will be good.

On the contrary, even a small speck of self-doubt can push us into a downward spiral in moments. So, very important to watch what we allow the mind to think, especially in these crucial moments. 

kochikaame,mishra6866and3 otherslike this
@Rookie Absolutely. Also, there are always good things happening around us. The issue is that our mind clings on to negativity while ignoring all the good things in our life as well as surroundings.

All of us should start enjoying and absorbing small moments of joy. For instance, observing trees and the whole ecosystem it sustains including birds, butterflies etc is something I enjoy watching and I am sure most people would.

AJ_,TheDarkKnightand4 otherslike this
Anyone needs lessons on meditations, let me know.
Oasis,Caesarand7 otherslike this

Hi everyone...

Left to my exam centre in Patna from Khagaria. Oh boy! Trying not to sound obnoxious, but why are the roads like this? 

Bihar has shown me more rainfall than I have ever witnessed in my entire life. 

Now, all my worst travel nightmares come true in a single journey.

Please don't mind me. I am just ranting with the nausea, neck pain and back pain associated with this horrible travel. 

GaryVee,AJ_and5 otherslike this

Yeah, absolutely!!

But, my heart is so stubborn that I have to always remind it that all is well, so the name!!!

Thanks for your input:)

Yes, please, will be happy to know!

Was just talking to my friend regarding prelims day after tomorrow. She made a striking remark, so much work for becoming a part of the inhumane system like in Hathras.  Was reminded of Mr Khemka's words on how bureaucracy is not capable of bringing any change unless there is no political will. Idk why I felt uneasy. Every time I watch the news about Hathras, it makes me even more uneasy. 
Sorry guys, I know we have prelims around the corner and I should not bring up these things, but just had the urge to write. 
Things are not good.
Oasis,GaryVeeand17 otherslike this

@SergioRamos  that is partially true. 

All EC / CECs before T.N.Seshan would have also thought the same. But then, he came and proved that bureaucracy is not that powerless. :-) 

Ayushi7,kohliwagand5 otherslike this
@SergioRamos If everything was so good my friend. Administration would have been just another job. 

ArchAngel96,SergioRamosand3 otherslike this
Was just talking to my friend regarding prelims day after tomorrow. She made a striking remark, so much work for becoming a part of the inhumane system like in Hathras.  Was reminded of Mr Khemka's words on how bureaucracy is not capable of bringing any change unless there is no political will. Idk why I felt uneasy. Every time I watch the news about Hathras, it makes me even more uneasy. 
Sorry guys, I know we have prelims around the corner and I should not bring up these things, but just had the urge to write. 
Things are not good.

"Your right is to the duty alone, not to the fruits thereof."

You might be able to do good work once you are in service. Or you might not. That is a problem for another day. Your duty is to do your best towards doing good to the people the system fails; that can only be attempted from within the system or by sparking a revolution. You've chosen your path. Once you are successful, if you feel that nothing can come of it, if you feel you are betraying your principles to be part of a system that fails the people you desperately want to protect, it would be your duty to leave and try another way.

It is your duty to strive towards your vision of a democratic, inclusive, safe India for everyone in your chosen path. To that, you have a right. The results are not in your control. 

I know it's not perfect or even ideal, but it is the best one can do. 

GaryVee,chamomileand9 otherslike this

Indian Bureaucrats are robots. They are meant to obey their masters. And looking at our current regime, if u don't obey, u will be made to fall in line.

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