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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Would we be allowed to go out during the break? My home is 5km from the Centre, so was thinking of getting back in the meantime.
Would we be allowed to go out during the break? My home is 5km from the Centre, so was thinking of getting back in the meantime.


Finally, Friday has come and gone, and no results. I was still hoping that UPSC will live up to the level of professionalism that its lawyers expects from the aspirants and release results by today
Chanakya,Phagocyteand2 otherslike this
@vikhcu2073 If you have to, why not search for a good place near your centre in the 3hr break? If your centre is not adequately equipped.
 Like a mall or a restaurant? Safer strategy IMO!

Yeah! Have to in the break. If there is none close by...will be a problem.

From what I’m reading, the main issue is that when you flush aerosolised particles spread in the room. In India no one flushes would that make it slightly safe? 

@vikhcu2073 If you have to, why not search for a good place near your centre in the 3hr break? If your centre is not adequately equipped.
 Like a mall or a restaurant? Safer strategy IMO!

Yeah! Have to in the break. If there is none close by...will be a problem.

From what I’m reading, the main issue is that when you flush aerosolised particles spread in the room. In India no one flushes would that make it slightly safe? 

Not sure if it makes it safe, but it definitely makes things gross

So I have got all Vision TS to revise and after that PT365 again but here I am. Procrastination at it's peak.
Oasis,vserdameand2 otherslike this
@mo_cuishle You are not alone!

Oasis,Oatmealand1 otherslike this
@vikhcu2073 Mask pehne rehna bhai!

@kochikaame I think making aspirants stay there for 3 hrs would be a logistic hassle as students would have to anyway go out to either bring their tiffins or have something. They can't expect students to be hungry from 8:30 to 4:30. Definitely, we will be allowed to go out!


For Hathras case i can say,i expected better from fellow is a clear case of political propaganda,as one politically close to congress journalist said that it is god given opportunity for congress.let them do it.

AS upsc aspirant our focus should be 'crime against women'    

in this regard you can check that rajsthan is on top in rape,with so less population than up.And rape cum murder cases topper is maharastra.

Recently we saw rajsthan police shooting tribal students demanding jobs.Rajshtan cm himself shamelessly defending rapists.BUT focus is on hathras only.Bcz it suits agenda.

lastly plz read what politics and rape mean

brothers don't do this,'ik ghatna ko hawa do,dusre ko daba do'.nahi chalega.

@king_Attila the only person drawing political conclusions to a rape case is you my friend. We never mentioned any parties or political vendettas. And this topic is about India in general, and not limited to a particular state. Even if this wasn't a confirmed case, there are hundred genuine others to take it's place.
The society raped them. And we are talking about this malaise.
So please don't bring divisive and petty politics of whataboutery into this discussion.
Let's sit down and look for the root causes.
Treat the illness, not the symptoms.

Oasis,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this
All aspirants are revising current affairs for 4th October...Last attempt candidates like me are refreshing UPSC website for notification regarding age relaxation for next year🤔🤔🤔
GaryVee,NKS_PSIRand5 otherslike this
@Koro-Sensei brother i am only mentioning that politics had taken it to another level and the case have become politically loaded totally.
anyhow nowhere this debate had caught real theme,it was only shit talk and whataboutery,i am just making it straight and bringing facts.

@nagendra but you will be attempting the exam, isn't it then why bother for now


From being an absolute noob who didn't know where the different states were on a map to becoming someone who knows the history, geography, Economy and polity of India!

Everyone of us must congratulate ourselves for the efforts we've put in our preparation. It's been a long journey for each one of us. And soon our journeys will meet their respective destinations. Some might have rested in between like that rabbit from that ancient story. Some have been consistent but slow like me(a kachua from the same old story). I also want to rest now it's been a tiring month for meu But the race is yet to finish. And i am unable to see it's end from this point in time.

My mind wants me to leave all this and enjoy life but my heart is in the preparation. Even after how much i cry and rant about this process, say that i don't care or i can't do this. Somewhere deep down my soul knows that "agar mujhse nahi hoga toh kisi se bhi nahi hoga". 

During this process I've realised that i might be that kachua from that tale but the rabbits are not my competitors (other aspirants), it's my self doubt, my negative thinking, my habit of self criticism. I need to make them rest along the way till i reach my destination.

It would be the same case with most of us. We judge and criticize ourselves before we can be officially judged in the exam. Let's stop doing this now. Let's keep moving forward with whatever pace we're comfortable in. It's not a race of turtles and rabbits but it's a race of ourselves with our own deep rooted insecurities, our fear of unknown, lack of self discipline, patiance and our habit to find happiness in "things" rather than in ourselves!

With the experience of many failures in life I've come to a conclusion, i would like to put it in one line. That is "Conquer yourself, the world is within you!"

All the best for the exam!

Oasis,Rise from Ashesand29 otherslike this
@mo_cuishle won't be appearing this year if option is given to appear next year

All aspirants are revising current affairs for 4th October...Last attempt candidates like me are refreshing UPSC website for notification regarding age relaxation for next year🤔🤔🤔

In the same boat brother

Kindly do let me know if you get any inputs...

@Bengal_Tiger two options before UPSC.
1) Tomorrow they will notify regarding relaxation.
2) After examination they will notify that those who could not appear for examination and crossed age limit.. They may appear next year...


if cut off can be less this year,as so many aspirants are dropping

If this year cutoff can be low as so many aspirants are not going.
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